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Trump's War

Page 17

by Michael Savage

  Of course, I am speaking hypothetically. Please do not test the theory based on what I said. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt. I think everyone reading this book knows they wouldn’t be met with an invitation to sit down and talk under the circumstances I described above.

  But that is what free speech really means, the freedom to express an unpopular opinion without fear of violent retribution, either from the government, from civilian gangs, or from individuals.

  Let’s not forget the opinion I described isn’t even unpopular. It might be at a Black Lives Matter rally, but Trump’s election was very much an affirmation that most people in America know the overwhelming majority of cops aren’t racists. That’s just another left-wing fiction the media shamelessly promotes, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

  Just before the new year, we heard directly from the chief financial architect of Black Lives Matter and a host of other anti-American organizations I named in my last book, Scorched Earth. I am talking, of course, about George Soros, whom I consider one of the most evil men on the planet.

  Soros penned an essay18 in which he briefly summarized what we can expect to be the left’s talking points and agenda for the foreseeable future during Trump’s administration. In it he trots out the usual progressive tropes about inequality and the greed of the wealthy undermining the liberal utopias America and Europe supposedly were before Brexit and Trump’s election.

  It’s always hard to tell if you’re dealing with evil or stupidity when listening to the lunatic ravings of liberals. But not with Soros. We know he’s not stupid. That only leaves one explanation for the lies he told in his essay, which of course had all of the liberal media tripping over each other to acknowledge its supposed brilliance and insight.

  Like the Devil himself in the movie The Exorcist, Soros mixes lies with the truth to deceive the envious, the lazy, and the incompetent into believing the only problem with Western civilization is a “lack of redistributive policies.” He correctly observes the crash of 2008 resulted in Europe being “transformed into a relationship between creditors and debtors, where the debtors had difficulties in meeting their obligations and the creditors set the conditions the debtors had to obey.” But like every socialist who ever lived, he places the blame on the creditors and portrays the debtors who borrowed money to live beyond their means as the victims!

  Ironically, Soros says his family didn’t flee Hungary until 1947, when the country was under communist control. His Jewish family had survived the Nazi occupation thanks to his father’s wits, but they didn’t leave until the communists took over. Why didn’t they stay? Certainly, there wasn’t a “lack of redistributive policies” under the communists. They redistribute at 100 percent. When you read the ravings of liberals carefully, their logic inevitably falls apart.

  This is the man who gave $33 million to Black Lives Matter19 and who funds and the rest of his so-called Open Society Foundations. They should be called the anti-American Foundations, because every one of them seeks to break up the foundation of American culture. More than fifty groups directly funded by Soros organized the “spontaneous” Women’s March the day after Trump’s inauguration.20 Another hundred are hard at work every day, agitating for left-wing causes.

  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called his fictional character Dr. Moriarty, of the Sherlock Holmes stories, “the Napoleon of Crime.” Well, George Soros is the Napoleon of American socialism. The sheer number of subversive organizations that have received funding from this man is staggering. I am listing them here so you understand just what we’re up against. They include:21

  Advancement Project

  Air America Radio

  All of Us or None

  Alliance for Justice

  America Coming Together

  America Votes

  America’s Voice

  American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy

  American Bridge 21st Century

  American Civil Liberties Union

  American Constitution Society for Law and Policy

  American Family Voices

  American Federation of Teachers

  American Friends Service Committee

  American Immigration Council

  American Immigration Law Foundation

  American Independent News Network

  American Institute for Social Justice

  American Library Association

  The American Prospect Inc.

  Amnesty International

  Applied Research Center

  Arab American Institute Foundation

  Aspen Institute

  Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

  Ballot Initiative Strategy Center

  Bill of Rights Defense Committee

  Black Alliance for Just Immigration

  Blueprint North Carolina

  Brennan Center for Justice

  Brookings Institution

  Campaign for America’s Future

  Campaign for Better Health Care

  Campaign for Youth Justice

  Campus Progress

  Casa de Maryland


  Catholics for Choice

  Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good

  Center for American Progress

  Center for Community Change

  Center for Constitutional Rights

  Center for Economic and Policy Research

  Center for Reproductive Rights

  Center for Responsible Lending

  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

  Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS)

  Change America Now

  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

  Coalition for an International Criminal Court

  Common Cause

  Constitution Project

  Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

  Democracy Alliance

  Democracy 21

  Democracy Now!

  Democratic Justice Fund

  Democratic Party


  Drum Major Institute


  Economic Policy Institute

  Electronic Privacy Information Center

  Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

  EMILY’s List

  Energy Action Coalition

  Equal Justice USA

  Fair Immigration Reform Movement

  Faithful America

  Feminist Majority

  Four Freedoms Fund

  Free Exchange on Campus

  Free Press

  Funding Exchange

  Gamaliel Foundation

  Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement

  Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

  Global Exchange

  Grantmakers Without Borders

  Green For All

  Health Care for America Now

  Human Rights Campaign

  Human Rights First

  Human Rights Watch


  Immigrant Defense Project

  Immigrant Legal Resource Center

  Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project

  Immigration Advocates Network

  Immigration Policy Center

  Independent Media Center

  Independent Media Institute

  Institute for America’s Future

  Institute for New Economic Thinking

  Institute for Policy Studies

  Institute for Public Accuracy

  Institute for Women’s Policy Research

  International Crisis Group

  J Street

  Jewish Funds for Justice

  Joint Victory Campaign 2004

  Justice at Stake

  LatinoJustice PRLDF

  Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

  League of United Latin American Citizens

  League of Women Voters Education Fund

League of Young Voters

  Lynne Stewart Defense Committee

  Machsom Watch


  Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

  Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

  Media Fund

  Media Matters for America

  Mercy Corps

  Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund

  Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, PC

  Midwest Academy

  Migration Policy Institute

  Military Families Speak Out

  Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment

  Ms. Foundation for Women

  NARAL Pro-Choice America

  NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund

  The Nation Institute

  National Abortion Federation

  National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

  National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

  National Committee for Voting Integrity

  National Council for Research on Women

  National Council of La Raza

  National Council of Women’s Organizations

  National Immigration Forum

  National Immigration Law Center

  National Lawyers Guild

  National Organization for Women

  National Partnership for Women and Families

  National Priorities Project

  National Public Radio

  National Security Archive Fund

  National Women’s Law Center

  Natural Resources Defense Council

  New America Foundation

  New Israel Fund


  Pacifica Foundation

  Peace and Security Funders Group

  Peace Development Fund

  People for the American Way

  People Improving Communities Through Organizing

  Physicians for Human Rights

  Physicians for Social Responsibility

  Planned Parenthood

  Ploughshares Fund

  Prepare New York

  Presidential Climate Action Project

  Prison Moratorium Project

  Progressive Change Campaign Committee

  Progressive States Network

  Project Vote

  Pro Publica

  Proteus Fund

  Public Citizen Foundation

  Public Justice Center

  Rebuild and Renew America Now (a.k.a. Unity ’09)

  Res Publica

  Secretary of State Project

  Sentencing Project

  Social Justice Leadership

  Shadow Democratic Party


  Southern Poverty Law Center

  State Voices

  Talking Transition

  Think Progress

  Thunder Road Group

  Tides Foundation and Tides Center

  U.S. Public Interest Research Group

  Universal Healthcare Action Network

  Urban Institute

  USAction Education Fund

  Voto Latino

  We Are America Alliance

  Working Families Party

  World Organization Against Torture

  YWCA World Office

  As I said, I’ve never called for government action against anyone spending their own money as they wish, even to promote socialist nonsense, as long as reason is left free to combat it.

  But when violent revolutionaries seek to tear down the pillars of civil society and assault anyone who dissents from their nihilistic view, then there is a role for the government to step in and defend life, liberty, and property against those who wish to destroy them.

  Law and order are the first foundations of civilization. Without them, it doesn’t matter how technologically advanced or wealthy a society is. Trump promised on the campaign trail and during his acceptance speech at the RNC that he would restore law and order in America society. That doesn’t just mean supporting the police instead of tacitly condoning violence against them, as the Community Organizer in Chief did for eight years in Washington. It also means making our streets and highways safe from the domestic terrorism masquerading as “peaceful protest” we’ve endured during most of those years. Which means Trump must investigate and prosecute groups and individuals who violate federal law by crossing state lines to incite unrest.


  There were many who were surprised that Donald Trump enjoyed such overwhelming support from white evangelicals.22 After all, Trump isn’t exactly the poster child for a devout Christian lifestyle. But I wasn’t surprised. Trump pledged23 to protect religious freedom, which had been under unprecedented assault during the previous eight years. Evangelicals may not have believed Trump was a model Christian, but they believed he’d keep that promise.

  The very first freedom protected in the First Amendment is not free speech. It is religious freedom. For the founding fathers, this was the most important freedom. They believed the fate of one’s soul was so important that only the individual could decide matters of conscience.

  Have you ever noticed that the Constitution requires all representatives, executive and judicial officers, and even representatives in state legislatures to be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution? The reason there is an alternative to taking an oath is that some religions forbid taking oaths and the founders would not require anyone—not even the president—to violate the dictates of his conscience on religious matters.

  The founders believed in the right of conscience so strongly that they excused those whose religious beliefs forbade it even from fighting in defensive wars. But for the past century, this first of all rights has been under constant attack by the progressive movement, never more so than under the man we had in the White House for the past eight years.

  Before Obama, most of the attacks on religious freedom were based on completely misreading the first ten words of the First Amendment and completely ignoring the next six. The first ten words, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” simply meant Congress couldn’t create a national religion, like the Church of England. It had nothing to do with a “separation of church and state.”

  We know this for two reasons. First, the words “separation of church and state” appear nowhere in any of our founding documents. Second, some states had their own state religions at the time the Constitution was ratified. That was the whole reason they wanted Congress prohibited from creating a state religion—because it would invalidate their own!

  So, the entire progressive movement to ban any reference to religion in public places is based on a misunderstanding at best, a bald-faced lie at worst. The words “or prohibit the free exercise thereof” means people are not supposed to be prohibited from freely expressing their religion. It doesn’t say, “except in public places.” People prayed in public schools for hundreds of years in America until the progressives laid siege to the First Amendment.

  They all but erased God from any publicly owned property during the twentieth century. But the freedom to follow one’s conscience according to one’s religious beliefs remained sacrosanct on private property. That all changed when O took the oath of office.

  Over the past several years, we’ve seen the right of conscience under constant assault by progressives, using the gay rights agenda as their bludgeon. The first nationally recognized case was the Christian bakers who politely refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding, based on their deeply held religious beliefs that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. The gay couple reported the bakery to the State of Oregon Labor Board, whose commissioner awarded the gay couple $135,000 and slapped a gag order on the defendants, in addition to the monetary judgment.24

  You have to hand it to the liberals. When they violate the Constitution, they really go all the way. Not only were the bakers’ First Amendment rights to freedom of religion an
d speech violated, but they were judged by a member of the executive branch, which violates Oregon’s constitution,25 in which all judicial power is vested in a court system, consisting of a Supreme Court, circuit courts, county courts, justices of the peace, and municipal courts.

  In concert with his left-wing street brigades, Emperor Barry Hussein launched an assault on Christian employers via that monstrosity known as Obamacare. After promising the American people that Obamacare would not be used for funding abortions, he sent his lawyers to the Supreme Court26 to try to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to do just that in providing their employees coverage for abortion-inducing contraceptives.

  The eight-person Court elected not to make a decision on the case. In what many characterized as a win for the Little Sisters, the Court “vacated” the lower court rulings27 that had held the Little Sisters liable to provide the coverage, and asked them to reconsider. I didn’t consider it a true win for religious liberty because the lower courts could use some other voodoo reasoning to make the same decision all over again, sending it back to the Supreme Court, this time possibly for a liberal justice to apply the coup de grâce.

  It was just one more aspect of our culture, one more foundation of Western civilization, that Hillary Clinton was poised to destroy if she were allowed to ascend to the White House last November. When you think about it, what she might have done to religious liberty through executive orders or the next Supreme Court nomination is as bad as the war with Russia she may have dragged us into.

  All of that changed with the election of Donald Trump. Not only will Trump and the Republicans repeal Obamacare, but Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) will reintroduce the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which prohibits the federal government from “discriminating against people or organizations due to their opposition to same-sex marriage.”28 That’s going to derail the progressive plan to blackmail churches, Christian schools, and other religious organizations into violating the tenets of their religions or lose their tax-exempt status.

  The bill didn’t go anywhere when it was first introduced in 2015 because even those Republicans who aren’t RINOs knew Obama would veto it, as Hillary would have if she had won. But Trump will almost certainly sign the bill, which is an important step in the fight to win back the religious freedom lost during previous administrations.

  By far the most important blow Trump can strike for religious freedom will be his appointments to the Supreme Court. It is here that liberal twentieth-century judges gutted the First Amendment with their bizarre “freedom from religion” doctrine.


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