I don’t know what Comey’s motivations were. He may have been pro-Trump or anti-Clinton. Or he may have just felt compelled to tell the truth, which would have the same results as being pro-Trump or anti-Clinton. At some point, he’ll either be quietly cleared or very publicly thrown under the bus. It doesn’t really matter, because either way, the seed of doubt regarding Trump’s legitimacy has been planted. That’s the only reason for announcing the investigation or continuing to publicize it.
While Americans were distracted with the phony, salacious sex scandal story about Trump, the snake Barry O sent an armored brigade into Poland. This was the biggest military buildup since the Cold War ended19 and Mr. Nobel Peace Prize had the audacity to do it one week before his presidency mercifully ended.
Obama tried to provoke a war with Russia right up until the day he walked out the door of the White House for the last time. I really wasn’t sure at times how far he was willing to go. Would he fire missiles at Russia before he left, like a juvenile delinquent throwing stink bombs into the school he’s been thrown out of?
Does anyone want more aggression against Russia, other than the Reaganites who still think we’re living in the Cold War era, before the Berlin Wall fell? Anyone who does is on the same side as Obama. Obama, McCain, and the rest of the neocons all play for the same team.
Of course CNN, mouthpiece of the Deep State, blared the headline “Poland Welcomes US Troops as Part of NATO Buildup.”20 Obama’s fellow globalist, Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo, said it was a great day and would help ensure Poland’s security. Do you see what they’re up to? It’s all theater to plant the seed in the minds of the American public that Russia was an imminent threat to Poland, even though nothing could be more ludicrous. Did Russia threaten to invade Poland? No! This was a complete fabrication of Obama’s Deep State of lies and fearmongering.
I never said the snake didn’t have cunning. By making this move just days before Trump takes office, he has created the conditions for an all-out propaganda war on Trump’s presidency during its first few weeks. Do you remember the hysterics during the campaign when Trump suggested NATO nations had to start paying their fair share of the security bill or take responsibility for their own defense?21
Well, now they have manufactured a phony crisis by sending armored troop divisions into Poland. If Trump orders the troops out, every dishonest media outlet in this country will bellow “Donald Trump abandons NATO allies!” They will say Trump is bending to Putin’s will, citing all the phony stories they planted before his inauguration to set him up for those accusations later.
If, on the other hand, Trump does not pull the troops out, it will be a sore spot that will undermine the friendlier relations he is trying to establish. Putin was very patient during the transition, even amid statements from Trump’s own cabinet appointees backing the aggressive move.22 But one can’t expect him to just sit and take it forever. Sooner or later, he’s going to insist the troops be removed. At the very least it will put a strain on what Trump is trying to accomplish with Russian relations.
That doesn’t mean Putin is trying to “break NATO,” as Trump’s defense secretary, James Mattis, indicated.23 It means Putin, unlike our last president, recognizes his duty to act in the best interests of his home country. If there were Russian troops just across the Rio Grande in Mexico, you can be sure the U.S. president would show much less restraint than Putin showed in January.
Lost in all the noise and melodrama will be this one, salient fact: Putin was never going to invade Poland or the Baltic states. Not before Obama’s act of naked aggression and not now. Putin himself called the idea “madness” in an interview with Bloomberg.24 That doesn’t mean I take everything Putin says as the gospel truth. He’s simply making a lot more sense on this subject than anyone in Washington. The combined population of the NATO countries is 600 million. The population of Russia is 146 million. He knows invading a NATO country would be suicide, with only nuclear war as a last resort. He may not be an angel, but he’s not insane.
The neocon ventriloquists and their liberal fellow travelers aren’t insane, either. They may be evil, but not stupid. I don’t know that I can say the same for the millions of liberal voters who suddenly think Bill Kristol and John McCain are men of genius. Because that’s who they’re lining up with when they start parroting the “Putin is an aggressor” narrative.
I have a recommendation for all those perhaps well-meaning but extremely misinformed liberals who are jumping on the anti-Russia bandwagon just because they don’t like Trump. Look at a map. I don’t mean a map of California wine country or outlet malls on Long Island. I mean a map of the world. They used to cover the walls in history class when I went to school. I know many liberals have never seen a map of the world because their classrooms had nothing but posters about “white privilege” and global warming. But sometimes a picture can indeed say more than a thousand words.
A quick look is very telling when you find places like Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, and Estonia. They all have two things in common. They’re all on the Russian border. That’s number one. Number two is they’re all places where the U.S. government has been involved in stirring up trouble over the past eight years.
Everybody has probably forgotten the George W. Bush administration’s attempts to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO.25 I haven’t. My memory doesn’t have party line boundaries. The effort failed because of strong protests from Russia.26 How could they not protest? NATO’s raison d’être is to fight a war with Russia. It would be no different if Russia or China were to invite Mexico into an alliance against the United States. Do you suppose the U.S. government might view that as an aggressive act? Would you?
The New York Times had a completely different opinion of Vladimir Putin the last time a Republican was president. After a Cheney speech criticizing Russia for “lack of democracy” and “energy blackmail,” the Times noted Putin’s response and opined, “Putin is a statesman, and Cheney is not.”27
The globalists did manage to get Estonia into NATO. Find that country on the map. Not only does the tiny state bordering Russia now belong to an anti-Russian alliance, but it hosted a massive NATO military exercise last summer within striking distance of St. Petersburg. In order to join the force of more than 14,000 multinational NATO troops, 1,200 U.S. troops in more than 400 vehicles marched into Estonia using the same road Hitler used to invade Russia during World War II.28
So, NATO has massed troops in Estonia and now Poland. It has actively sought to overthrow the governments of Russian allies Syria and Ukraine, and succeeded with the latter. It has attempted to deprive Russia of both its year-round warm-water ports. Yet millions of Americans believe Russia is the aggressor on the world stage. That is the power of the Deep State’s propaganda machine.
Now you understand what Donald Trump meant when he said, in relation to Russia, “Common sense says this cycle, this horrible cycle of hostility must end and ideally will end soon.”29 He was talking about the hostility toward Russia. In the same speech, he said he wanted to “discuss how we can upgrade NATO’s outdated mission and structure, grown out of the Cold War to confront our shared challenges, including migration and Islamic terrorism.”30
No rational person would find either of those statements objectionable. In terms of the interests of the American people and the citizens in all the respective countries, they’re not. But to the interests of the globalists of the Deep State, they’re a declaration of war. They represented notice from Donald Trump that the neoconservative dream of ruling the entire planet would come to an end under his administration. He was threatening to take their primary vehicle for world domination, NATO, and redirect it toward defeating the true threat to Western civilization, radical Islam.
Russia is our natural ally in that fight. They face an even graver threat from radical Islam than we do, considering the closer proximity of Islamic nations to their borders. Who could doubt that ISI
S would be no more than an unpleasant memory by now if the United States and Russia were truly fighting it together, instead of proxy-fighting each other over the Assad regime in Syria?
It all comes back to Donald Trump and whether he’ll be able to govern at all. The forces against him have been trying to see that he can’t since November 9, 2016. That’s why he has a war on his hands, not with foreign nations, but with the evil forces trying to destroy him from within. The Deep State will use all means at its disposal to undermine him and protect the globalist empire they’ve built under Democrat and RINO administrations going back decades. We’re going to have to stand by Trump against them if we’re going to reclaim this nation and its government.
While many others were writing about how Trump managed to get elected, I saw what Trump would face in trying to do what we elected him to do. There is no other word for it but a war. But it is not just Trump’s War. It is our war. The final battle for the heart and soul of our nation. The worldwide left-wing movement had almost won. From the Vatican, to the media, to the imposters who seized power in every Western nation, they almost had it all. And then an earthquake called Brexit shook England. The second shock to the plotters of a new world Soviet era was the upset victory of a brash businessman aborting their final takeover of America.
The new nationalism that is sweeping the West came through loud and clear in Trump’s inaugural address, which dispensed with rhetorical niceties and told even the former presidents in attendance they had been part of a system that had sold out America to enrich itself and its connected special interests. Never has a president made such a statement on the day of his inauguration.
While his courage was admirable, I couldn’t help thinking about Gary Cooper’s character in the 1952 film High Noon. I don’t mean Cooper at the end, when he defiantly throws his sheriff’s badge in the dirt after defeating Frank Miller and his gang. I am referring to the scene when he leaves his office to face them down, after every man in town has deserted him. The camera pans back as Cooper walks the empty streets of the town and one can’t help feeling that no one has ever been more alone against a seemingly undefeatable enemy than him.
In a way, Trump looked like a man in very much the same position as he thundered away on the Capitol balcony, with the former presidents and other members of the Establishment smirking patronizingly behind him. Outside, George Soros’ paid brownshirts were already rioting in the streets. The media and intelligence community had been waging war against his presidency since before it even began. A large portion of his own party were opposed to basic planks of his platform, and even some of his good, conservative cabinet appointees had backpedaled a bit under the pressure put on by the Establishment Senate.
Despite these forces against the new nationalism of Donald Trump I am hopeful for his presidency. Let’s not forget that, although real life is not a movie, Gary Cooper won in the end. And Trump isn’t as alone as the sheriff was. There are true conservative representatives in Congress, previously betrayed by the RINO leadership, whom Trump has already reached out to and begun to work with.
Most important, Trump has us, the Savage Nation, who have stood by him through the first stage of the war to get him elected. Let’s not forget we all have pens and phones, too, and we must not fear using them. Keep the pressure on your representatives to back Trump on the most important mandates we gave him: build the wall, restore the borders, fix trade and the economy, lower taxes, rebuild the military, empower the police, restore law and order to the streets, and invigorate our American culture.
There is only one thing politicians fear: public opinion. When it starts mounting against them, they will cut and run in an instant to save their jobs. That’s why I’ve said displaying this book prominently on your coffee table and even on your desk at work, if you can, sends a strong message that you stand with Trump and all patriotic Americans seeking to take the government back from the entrenched bureaucrats and the streets back from the highly organized, well-funded agitators.
As Trump said himself during his speech, “This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country.”1 That means this is our fight and requires our leadership as much as his. Blind worship will not help him or us.
We know about the intolerant left, but now something is emerging in the wake of Trump’s victory. There’s intolerance on the right. You can’t say anything against decisions Trump is making without facing some type of vitriol from the True Believers.
There was a book written about this type of psychological behavior with that exact title, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, by Eric Hoffer. It describes the fanaticism of people who are consumed by one idea without taking a step back to see what’s really going on, and how those dynamics feed a mass movement. That’s what we’re seeing with Trump. I was the only one in the conservative, libertarian sphere who objected to the dangerous act of Trump publicly taking a call from the president of Taiwan during the transition phase.
Look who was behind it. The lobbyist Bob Dole said he was instrumental in making that call happen. Edwin Feulner, former president of the Heritage Foundation, was said to have been a crucial figure in setting up the communication channels between Trump and Taipei. These are people who served Reagan, and who supported George W. Bush’s Middle East policy. Where did that get us other than to publicly humiliate and antagonize China? And they were aided by True Believers who claimed that any criticism of Trump is a sign of disloyalty.
I can’t go along with this groupthink that says everything Trump is doing is the right thing. I have to analyze these situations as an openly independent commentator. I believe Trump endangered our relationship with China. It’s not the same as reaching out to a dictator in Cuba. Castro had no power to do damage to us the way China can. It’s not the same as reaching out to Russia to say we can talk about peace in a region. It’s deliberately poking a big bear that we need to have a working relationship with. They own trillions of our debt. They’re manipulating currency so we can’t compete with them. But we must negotiate with them privately, as we have been and will do with Russia since Trump was elected. It was a grave error to publicly humiliate and challenge China.
The smart thing to do is to let them save face. You’ll hear that from anyone who knows the Chinese mindset, who know how to get things done with China at the bargaining table. Trump should have listened to skilled people before making or taking that call with Taiwan’s leader.
China is on a war footing. They are rapidly building up their military. They have been at cyberwar with us for many years. They have hacked many of our military secrets. To purposely try to show them up is the exact wrong way to deal with them. But the whole Republican Establishment is pointing him in this direction. And anyone who speaks up is ridiculed, excommunicated. The force of social media is used against them. It’s the lobbyists like Dole who have to reanalyze and step back before criticizing independent critics. The RNC Beltway bandits, the war machine, the military-industrial complex must not be allowed to dictate foreign policy.
The True Believers must not get swept up in a mass movement where they can see no wrong being done. We must avoid becoming as equally intolerant as those on the left. Constructive criticism is our duty to our principles of borders, language, culture, and peace.
This worship of any politician is akin to a fundamentalist religious mindset. To the True Believer, either you believe or you don’t believe. Either you believe in God or you don’t believe in God. Either you believe in a politician or you don’t believe in a politician. Here is where the danger resides. Just as there are no absolutes in science, there is no absolutely pure, correct political system. We’ve seen what happens when a dictator insists on imposing his political views on the masses. North Korea, Cuba. To a lesser degree, we saw this under Obama, where there was no opposition. We m
ust remain vigilant with the man we elected to ensure that our hope for him and America does not become blind worship.
I’ll continue to do my job as a member of the Fourth Estate. I’ll be a thorn in the government’s side when I have to be, along with my audience of millions of radio listeners who worked hard to elect Trump. It is the average voter, the Eddies and Ediths out there who actually pushed those dots for Trump in those election booths, who must make the difference. They have to resist the temptation to become True Believers and help keep Trump on course to do what we sent him to Washington to do.
Throughout this book, I’ve provided bullet points at the beginning of each chapter summarizing the specific solutions we’re looking for in each area of governance. Unlike the radical, hate-filled feminists, communists, and illegal aliens who threw tantrums the day after the inauguration, we know what we need Trump to accomplish if we are to win Trump’s War. This book will not have accomplished its goal if it does not lead to action.
I’m collating all the Savage Solutions here, by category, to provide you with a quick reference to return to during the heat of battle in the years to come. I hope you will keep it handy as a guide. The propaganda Trump and his administration will be subjected to will be very much like the “fog of war” on a real battlefield. This list of solutions will provide clarity when the empire of lies has even honest conservatives doubting themselves. We can return to this list and ask ourselves, Are we accomplishing what we set out to accomplish or aren’t we?
In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote, “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”2 That’s just as true for us today. Much like those first American revolutionaries, we seek to both reclaim a sociopolitical structure wrecked by the government in a distant capital and build a new, better America for the century ahead. We have chosen our general. Here is our battle plan.
Trump's War Page 20