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Tourmaline (Awakened Sea Dragons Book 2)

Page 16

by Terry Bolryder

  “What is it?”

  “I have cats. Two of them. It’s nonnegotiable.”

  He laughed. “Is that all? That’s easy. There are quite a few cats at the mansion.”

  “The mansion?”

  “Where the dragons live. We will need to stay there until we figure out what’s attacking and where it is. And I need get back with my mate and make a plan on what to do next.”

  “I see. So you’re a fighter?”

  He nodded. “I still intend to protect humanity. One human in particular.”

  She cupped his face. “I like the sound of that. Now what was Marina saying about sex again?”

  He smiled and finally slid the ring on her finger, feeling his soul heal completely as he did.

  He was home. His purpose complete. He was ready to go forward.

  She looked down at it. “I love the stone. It reminds me of you.”

  “It reminds me of you,” he said. “Because my love for you is as deep as the ocean.”

  “Cheesy,” she said, burying her head in his shoulder.

  “Can you really accept all of this?” he asked quietly. “All of me?”

  “Of course,” she said. “I already did. I know it’s a little weird, but doesn’t everyone have baggage? I know you’re the one for me. I was meant to meet you here. I’m ready to go to your world. As long as I can bring my kitties.”

  “I can’t wait to meet your kitties,” he said warmly.

  “Great,” she said. “So, Kai… since you’re a sea dragon, do you want to go do it… in the ocean?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “You would?”

  She nodded. “Not that I’m sure how.”

  “I’m a sea dragon. I think I could figure something out.” He’d looked it up on his phone after talking to Red, and while it had seemed like a bad idea for normal people, he was pretty sure for a dragon that could control the tides and purify the water, it would be just fine.

  And he couldn’t think of any better place to claim his mate.

  “All right,” she said. “What are you waiting for? Take me, sea dragon.”

  To the ocean it was.

  Renee was still nervous, looking at the ocean, but it was better with Kai at her side.

  Besides, after seeing him use a tidal wave at his command, she felt a little less helpless, a little less at the mercy of the ocean’s whims.

  She was at the mercy of Kai, but she knew him enough now to know that those whims would never hurt her. He might be clumsy at times, still trying to understand this world, but he would never let her down. Not intentionally.

  They’d both have to find a way to come together in this new world.

  Her heart still pounded when she thought of the moment she’d seen his dragon. She’d nearly screamed until Marina had covered her mouth. She’d wanted to run, but then she’d felt a calming feeling going through her, presumably coming from Marina.

  “Listen,” Marina said. “That’s Kai. We’re different. Let me show you.”

  And then it was like Marina shared memories, and Renee saw images of Kai’s old life. And Marina’s. And a blond-haired man who must be Seaton, the brother Kai had mentioned.

  How she could be meant for a man she’d never met, she didn’t know.

  She just knew she felt at home with him and she was so grateful he’d come into her life. So glad she’d left Chase and stood up to Liz and was taking control of her circumstances.

  Besides, there were weirder things than having a dragon for a lover, weren’t there?

  Maybe not. But as she walked out into the waves, way down the beach away from the hotel where no one could see them, she didn’t care.

  Kai’s hand in hers was all she needed.

  The sun was setting, but it was still warm outside, the waves the perfect temperature.

  She shivered slightly out of nerves as the first wave crashed over her feet, and Kai looked down in concern.

  “If you want me to change the temperature at any time, let me know.”

  “That’s amazing you can do that,” she said, taking a few brave steps forward, only to be nearly tumbled by a rogue wave. She braced herself, arm up, but the wave paused, stopped by Kai, who swept her up in his arms.

  “Here, let me take you out there. Poor little human who doesn’t know how to deal with waves.”

  She snorted. “Fine. You help me in the water, and I’ll help you on land. We’ll be even.”

  “Okay,” he said simply, easily carrying her, lifting her above the waves until the harsh crests became soft swells.

  He simply floated with her there. Did he even need to tread water, or did he arrange it around him? She didn’t know. She didn’t need to as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She was wearing her floral cover-up over her red swimsuit, and considering how little it covered, it should be pretty convenient for what they were about to do.

  “Are you absolutely sure?” he asked, looking into her eyes, the blue there reflecting all the colors of the sunset.

  “Yes,” she said. “Surer than I’ve been about everything. You make me sure of myself for the first time in my life. You make me want to be brave.”

  “I’m glad,” he said, kissing her neck and pulling her a little closer. She felt his hand reach down to grab the hem of the floral dress and lift it over her head. He tossed it, shimmering with water, a few feet away. “We’ll get that later.”


  “Or I’ll just buy you a new one. I’m very rich, you know.”

  “Oh, you are?” she said, unable to focus on anything but the feel of his lips as he nibbled at her neck, holding one hand around her hips as the other played with the string that held her top.

  “Yes,” he said. She felt the bra come loose, and he pulled it away, baring her in the ocean. He held her back a bit so he could look down. “How are you so beautiful?”

  She giggled. “How are you such a flatterer?”

  “Hey,” he said, working on her bottoms now. “I only tell the truth. That’s kind of my problem.”

  The bottoms fell away easily, making her gasp as she felt water all over her bare body.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got you,” he said, holding her close, kissing up her neck to her ear as her legs remained wrapped around his hard waist and his hands explored her bare skin. “Mm… I liked those string things. All of your garments should have them for easy access.”

  She laughed, swatting at him. “I don’t think so. We’d never get anything done.”

  He lifted his head. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “According to you, it is, since apparently the world is in danger. I mean, I have a family, too, you know. I would feel bad if I didn’t help my dragon do all he could to save the world.”

  “Hm, do I get to meet your family?”

  “Maybe,” she said. “Depends if they let us out of the mansion for Christmas.”


  “Just another thing I have to explain,” she said. She looked down at him, his glorious muscles wet and rippling in the ocean. “Hey, why do I have to be naked but your suit is still on?”

  “Oh, right,” he said. He waved a hand, and she saw the shorts flow right off, as if pulled by the current.

  “Kinky,” she said, grinning. There was nothing between them now, and she reached a hand down to stroke his length. “Is the water safe?”

  He closed his eyes, focusing. “Now it is. You shouldn’t come to any harm.”

  She winced. “Is that possible? That’s a sexy thought…”

  “You not coming to harm? I agree,” he said, squeezing her buttocks. “My mate should be safe in every way. Now there’s only clean, sparkling water all around us. And no one can see us. Just my mate and the ocean and me.”

  “Hm,” she said. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “This,” he said, lifting her slightly and fitting them together perfectly. As he slid slowly, slickly inside, she gasped at the sensation of it. The warmth between them,
the coolness of the ocean. The sunset, the wind, the sea spray.

  Everything was perfect.

  Then he started to move, and she draped her hands around his neck, holding on to his shoulders as she met him with each thrust. She threw her head back, and he bent to suck on her breasts, taking each nipple in his mouth and laving it completely before moving to the other.

  Heat built inside her unlike anything before, and she bit her lip against the scream that was coming.

  “Go on,” he said. “No one can hear us.” Then he thrust in against her, hard, nipping her neck at the same time, and she came, shuddering against him as the ocean rocked, feeling utterly alone with him even though nature was all around.

  It was an incredible feeling, like flying or floating, suspended underwater. She instantly wanted more.

  “Kai,” she murmured, moving against him again, even more sensitive now.

  “I can’t hold on much longer,” he said. “You’re too amazing. You feel… like heaven. Unlike anything I ever thought existed.”

  “I’m glad,” she said. “Because you make everything feel right in the world.”

  “I love you,” he said, increasing the pace between them, holding her steady in the water as he kissed over her shoulders, her neck, her breasts, finally taking her lips with his and kissing her deeply as they thrust together again and again.

  The pressure built, as surely as a wave approaching the beach, and as it crashed, this time he went with her and she felt him jerk against her as pleasure cascaded inside her, roiling like a turbulent sea.

  She bit down on his lower lip, and he gasped, saying her name in a low, throaty voice as they both came.

  Over and over, she rode the waves of pleasure with him, loving the feel of him inside her. When they were both finished, they stayed there, breathless, floating in the water effortlessly, both flushed with exertion and joy.

  “Where’s your collar?” she asked, suddenly noticing it was gone.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “It must have slipped into the ocean when we were coming together. But I don’t care. The important part is you’re mine.”

  She knew it deep down, more than she’d ever known anything else.

  She looked at the ring on her finger, which was tight enough that she he had no worry of it leaving. It was weird because she normally would worry about something like that.

  “It’s going to stay,” he said, looking in her direction, still slightly out of breath. “Until I take it off. Which is never. You’re stuck with me to the end of time.”

  “Okay, sea dragon,” she said, nuzzling the tip of her nose to his. “Sounds good to me.”


  Kai stared warily at Diamond as he stood in front of Renee, waiting for the dragons to react to him.

  Diamond had been a frequent target of his pranks, and Kai wasn’t sure how the white-haired, rainbow-eyed dragon would react to him being back in the mansion.

  “No more storms?” Diamond asked, folding his arms.

  “Of course not,” Ruby said, walking forward to pull Kai into a big hug. The tall man with dark, reddish hair, tanned skin and green eyes clapped Kai on the back before letting him go. “You’re cool now, right?”

  Kai nodded hesitantly. “I won’t do that again. Inside, I mean. Or without being asked.”

  “Look at him,” Dom said, striding up alongside them. His pitch-black hair was shot through with purple. “I wouldn’t have thought it.”

  “Thank you for your advice, Amethyst. All of you.”

  Diamond raised an eyebrow. “It helped?”

  “It did,” Kai said.

  “Wait,” Renee said. “What advice?”

  “My dragon handbook,” Kai said. “They each wrote advice in it.”

  “Well, I definitely need to see that.” She came out from behind him, as he tried to push her gently back. “Stop that! Stop hiding me. I’m fine coming out.”

  Ruby chuckled. “Possessive new mate. I remember that.”

  “Remember?” Dom raised a dark eyebrow. “What are you talking about? You’re still like that every day. We all are.”

  “True,” Diamond answered with a nod. He stepped forward to Renee, extending an elegant hand. “My name is Alastair, and you are?”

  “Renee,” she said, taking his hand for a quick shake. She was quickly introduced to Dom and then Red, and then they all took a seat around the table in the dining room.

  It was the best place to talk.

  “So when are the others coming back?” Kai asked. “And where is Marina?”

  “She went to be with the oracle during the birth,” Diamond said.

  “Any news yet?” Kai asked.

  “No,” Ruby said. “Though with Sapphire and Aegis there, we doubt anything will go wrong.”

  “They’ve assisted in every other birth so far. Dragon birth is different from human birth, but with Sapphire’s healing and Aegis’s abilities, so far everyone has been fine,” Diamond said.

  Renee wrinkled her nose. “That’s reassuring. Who all has babies?”

  “Me and my mate Faye,” said Ruby. “Also Zach and Erin, Luc and Hallie, and Dom and Lana.”

  “Zach is the onyx dragon, Luc is sapphire, and Dom is amethyst,” Kai clarified.

  Renee rubbed her forehead. “I might need someone to write it down for me.”

  “It’s okay,” Ruby said. “We’re family, you’ll figure it out soon enough.”

  “So what did they do with the intel we gave them?” Kai asked. “About the wolves?”

  “Well, the oracle is obviously worried about the plant, and we haven’t found anyone within miles of the mansion, so they must have left. Who knows. But we are seeing if we can get a wolf in the Tribunal on our side. There’s one there that shows promise for actually helping us. Most of the elite wolves stick to and viciously protect their own, but there are hopefully one or two willing to go against them. With our help, of course.”

  “Of course,” Kai said. “But obviously none of the dragons can be out on their own now. So Seaton—”

  The front door creaked as it opened, bringing a gust of cool air with it as the dragons stood in the dining room, looking out into the foyer.

  “I was just about to say that your brother had been called back and was getting here today,” Ruby said.

  Seaton was walking in, his arm around his mate, Jenny. Kai took Renee’s hand and pulled her out of her seat.

  “Come on, let’s go meet my brother.” Kai said.

  “And Jenny, that’s the one who took you all in when you washed up on that beach, right?” Renee asked.

  Kai nodded. He’d told Renee a lot more about his life ever since they were mated. Now that they were at the mansion, she’d be getting a crash course in a lot of dragon info.

  But for now, he just wanted her to meet his brother.

  Seaton looked tanned and happy. He had straighter blond hair than Kai, and lighter blue eyes. Plus less intense features.

  When he reached his brother, he reached out a hand awkwardly, and Seaton grabbed him, pulling him in for a hug. Then he looked over at Renee.

  “Your mate?”

  Kai nodded, putting his hand in Renee’s again and bringing her forward. “Seaton, Jenny, this is Renee.”

  Jenny stepped up beside Seaton as they both shook Renee’s hand.

  “Should we go eat lunch and talk?” Seaton asked. “I’m famished. And I have no idea what’s going on that they called us back here.”

  Renee was looking all around the foyer, and Jenny noticed, putting her arm around the other woman and giving her a squeeze.

  “I know it all seems so foreign now, but I promise you, this world is awesome.”

  “Kai is awesome,” Renee said with a smile, looking over at him. “That’s all that matters. I can figure out the rest.”

  Jenny nodded. “That’s how I feel about Seaton.”

  The two women smiled shyly at one another, and Kai hoped that they could be friends. It mig
ht be lonely at the mansion sometimes, if he and the other dragons were sent on missions.

  “Red, Dom and Alistair are in the dining room, if you want to go say hi. I think they’re going to make lunch soon,” Kai said.

  “Where are the girls?” Jenny asked.

  “They’re downstairs with the little ones,” Ruby said, walking out of the dining room. “There’s a movie on in the theater, and they sent the guys up here to make lunch. I’m sure if they knew you were here, they’d want to come up.”

  “It can wait,” Jenny said. “I’ll see them at lunch. And all the babies.” Her eyes glowed.

  Kai looked at Renee, wondering how long it would take for them to have their own. Were they ready? Did anyone ever feel ready at all?

  Seaton and Jenny walked into the dining room with Ruby, and Kai could hear them talking to the other dragons as well.

  Everyone was already growing so close here, and it would take time for him and Renee to catch up.

  Renee gave his hand a squeeze, and Kai looked down at her curiously.

  “So Kai, about that handbook?”

  He felt himself redden and started heading for the dining room. “Uh…I think I’ll go help with lunch.”

  “Oh, no you don’t,” she said.

  And as his mate chased him, laughing, Kai felt himself relax once more. No matter how chaotic or uncertain the world was on land, as long as Renee was here, there was nowhere he would rather be.

  I hope you enjoyed Kai and Renee’s story. If you did, I’d love it if you would leave a review to help other readers find it. Feel free to tell me your thoughts on what you want next! I really enjoy all of your fun comments.

  Also, make sure you’re on my newsletter so you can hear when they release!


  If you haven’t read Seaton’s book, the first in the Awakened Sea Dragons series, you can get it here:

  Zircon (Awakened Sea Dragons 1)

  And if you haven’t read the Awakened Dragon’s boxed set with the original dragons, you’ll want to grab it while it’s still on sale!

  Awakened Dragons Boxed Set (still on sale and the best deal!)


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