Fortune's Homecoming

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Fortune's Homecoming Page 19


  He grasped her hips, dipping his fingers beneath the flimsy sides of her skimpy panties. “S’long as you agree to become Billie Fortune.” He slipped his hand between her thighs and couldn’t help groaning when he found her wet heat.

  Her breathing deepened. “Belinda Marie Fortune, if—ah—” She arched against his hand and started fumbling with his belt. “If we’re going to be strictly accurate.”

  “By all means.” He caught her lips with his. “Let’s be strictly accurate.” Before she could get too far, he flipped her until she was on her back. He peeled her panties the rest of the way down her smooth thighs, thoroughly exploring every inch of skin along the way. Until she was writhing against him far more enticingly than anything she’d done on the dance floor at Twine.

  This dance was strictly for him.

  He didn’t have a hope in hell of quickly undoing the complicated straps holding the molded boot around his broken leg. “We were supposed to be doing this with you wearing the shoes,” he murmured, as he pulled off his shirt, only to suck in a hard breath when her fingers trailed down his abdomen.

  “Next time,” she whispered huskily, peeling open his fly to work her hand inside his jeans.

  He nearly came unglued. “There’s a condom in my pocket,” he said with a rough laugh.

  “Engagement rings and condoms. The things you carry with you.”

  “I won’t lie. The condoms were routine.” He tried to put on the brakes. But her fingers were circled around him. Drawing him to her. Brakes were child’s play. “The ring’s a first.”

  “That’s good. I want something to be a first for you.” She slid her legs along his thighs, taking him in with a quick arching movement.

  His heart nearly jumped out of his chest. He hadn’t had sex without protection, ever. “You’re on the Pill?”

  She shook her head and brushed her lips over his. “Not since I was twenty.”

  “Holy—” He kissed her hard. “The toe tattoo guy was the last time?”

  “Mmm.” The tip of her tongue flirted along the edge of his ear. “Was no need after that. Don’t worry. I’m perfectly safe. No dreaded diseases.” She undulated against him, letting out a low, shaking sigh that was so erotic he had to count backward in his head just to keep some control.

  “I’m safe, too,” he managed to tell her. “But what if—”

  “What if?” She was panting harder, her hands racing from his hips, up his spine and back again. “You want to plant roots? Plant the first one now. Right now. With me.”

  His head went still, even though the rest of him was set on pursuing perfection inside her. “You were listening.”

  She twined her arms around his shoulders. “I was listening.” Then she kissed him again. Tasting like wine and seduction and forever, while her body tightened so sweetly, so responsively, he couldn’t do anything but rush headlong into the waves of her splintering around him.

  The sun was coming up over the lake when Grayson next had a coherent thought.

  He looked at Billie lying beside him and woke her with a kiss on her shoulder. “You never did say yes,” he murmured.

  She turned on her side, snuggling back against his chest and pulling his hand over her waist. “Maybe I’m still thinking about it.”

  He laughed and lightly swatted her bare butt.

  Billie giggled, feeling happiness flood through her as she kissed his knuckles. “Yes. That doesn’t, however, mean I’m waiving any of my commission when I find Grayson Gear’s new corporate home. I mean, I’m not a pushover like someone I know.”

  “I’m not a pushover.”

  “Please.” She twisted in his embrace and looped her arms around his neck. “You, who never met a cause he could resist? Admit it. The only real reason you want to make money at all is so that you can give it away to someone who needs it. It’s one of the things I love most about you. That big, squishy heart of yours.”

  He made a face. “I like my comforts, too, sweetheart. The Harmon ranch? That’s a lot of evidence.”

  “You would’ve been just as happy with the Orchess place. Half the price.”

  “Half the land,” he countered immediately. “And no wine cellar where I can make love with my new fiancée. Speaking of which.” He pushed to his knees and then to his feet. She’d helped him get rid of the rigid boot and his jeans before they’d made love a second time, and the sight of him in the dawn light was enough to make her catch her breath.

  He was perfection personified.

  “The wine cellar? Now?” She laughed softly as he limped into one of the large walk-in closets. “Pretty sure there isn’t a secret staircase leading down there from the master bedroom closet, Grayson.” But curiosity got the better of her when he didn’t respond. The white shirt he’d been wearing the night before was lying in a heap next to the blanket he’d rolled out on the carpet, and she slipped her arms into it before heading after him.

  If there’d been any shred of her heart that wasn’t already melted into a Grayson puddle, it would have melted then.

  He smiled at her, his rumpled hair sticking out around his handsome face. “What d’you think?”

  She walked into the oversize closet. Slowly took the red-soled apology shoes off the fancy, lighted shelf where they’d been displayed. “You kept them.”

  “Only because every time I tried to get rid of them, they kept ending up right back in my possession. Reminding me of you. You still want to return them?”

  She shook her head, set the shoes on the floor and slid her bare feet into them. They fit just as perfectly now as they had the first time he’d tempted her into trying them on.

  “Come on, Billie. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She smiled slowly. “Hopefully, the same thing you’re thinking.” She slid his shirt off her shoulders again and held out her arms to him. “That you have another promise to keep.”

  His smile was slow. Not at all trademark Grayson.

  But entirely her Grayson.

  For now. And forever.


  “You may kiss your bride.”

  Laughter and cheers followed, as the groom’s handsome head lowered to his beautiful bride’s and the two kissed. Probably a little longer than some might think appropriate.

  Billie couldn’t help but grin.

  Lady Whatsername was now Mrs. Orlando Mendoza and Billie was pretty sure a bride had never looked as happy as Josephine Fortune Chesterfield did.

  She leaned her head closer to Ariana, who was sitting beside her on the white chairs set up in pristine order among the ornamental grapevines at the Mendoza Winery. “Did you ever figure out just how they’re all related?”

  Ariana shrugged slightly. “I started a family chart once when I was planning to write the book about the Fortunes, but I gave up. Too complicated.”

  Grayson’s hand covered Billie’s. “We could have our wedding here at the winery, too,” he murmured from the side of his mouth.

  She shook her head. “We may not have agreed on a date yet, but we have agreed to have our wedding at home.” Their home. Where they definitely wouldn’t be having as large a guest list as Orlando and Josephine did, even though the Fortune ranch could have probably accommodated it.

  There were almost as many people here now as when Schuyler had married Carlo. All the Mendozas who’d been present then were back. And there were Josephine’s children from her prior marriages, as well as their spouses and their children. Plus Orlando’s daughter and sons and all their families.

  To say it was a huge crowd was putting it mildly.

  Even when the wedding itself broke up and people started milling about as waiters circulated, bearing hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, the size of the guest list seemed to be one of the favorite topics. Either that or the designer duds that the bride and her daughters were sporting.

  And Schuyler was clearly in her element in the winery as she flitted around, making certain that everyone had their glasses and plates fi
lled. That everyone knew everyone else.

  Billie was glad that there was at least one person not present. There was no sign whatsoever of Gerald Robinson, even though several of his children—Grayson, Jayden and Nathan aside—were present. But Deborah also had chosen to forgo the wedding, and Billie knew that Grayson feared the absence was too coincidental. He was clearly anxious to get away from all these people with whom he was even tenuously connected.

  All she could do was hope that he’d be more accepting of his Fortune ties when they started their family.

  He seemed to read her mind. “We can sneak out anytime you want,” he murmured.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Schuyler said, overhearing as she personally topped off their glasses of champagne. “Not before the toasts at any rate.” Her smile sparkled as she moved away.

  Grayson looked pained. Billie knew it wouldn’t be because of his leg. He was supposed to use a cane for the next two weeks. But of course, he wouldn’t. “How long is this thing gonna last?”

  Billie chuckled. “Hopefully not as long as Schuyler and Carlo’s wedding did. I caught the bouquet. Well, half of it, anyway.” She scanned the faces of the bridal couple’s families and friends. “Wonder who’ll catch Josephine’s bouquet.”

  “Wonder if anyone cares?”

  Billie bumped his arm. “Hush.” Standing on the other side of Grayson, his brothers covered their smiles, and she gave them both a look. “You’re not helping.”

  “Give up,” Ariana advised. “When the three of them get going...” She shook her head. “No way of stopping.” She hushed when Orlando and Josephine stepped onto a small dais near the winery entrance.

  The couple held hands. “We’re not going to stand up here and make long speeches,” Orlando said. He smiled self-deprecatingly. “At least I won’t subject you to mine. My wife, on the other hand—” he kissed the back of Josephine’s fingers “—is much more graceful in front of a crowd than I.” He shared a smile with his elegant bride. “I’ll keep it short.”

  He held up his glass. “I wish for all of you to be as sheltered by love as we are today by your presence with us. People say you toast the bride and groom. But I say that we toast all of you.” He raised his glass. “Cheers.”

  The sentiment resounded throughout the room as glasses clinked and people drank.

  “And now, as promised, I will put a lock on it.” Orlando mimed locking his lips together. Even across the distance, Billie could see the smile in the man’s eyes.

  “My new husband exaggerates greatly,” Josephine said in her crisp British tones. “And I love him for it, particularly when he tells me I am more beautiful than the sea.”

  Orlando laughed and Josephine smiled. She definitely was comfortable in front of the large crowd. “I think we can all agree that the Fortune families and the Mendoza families have a long, storied history together,” she said. “Some of our stories are longer. Some are shorter.” She lifted her glass toward her groom. “But each is special. And unique. And joined by love. And I am so very grateful that I have been welcomed by all of you. As so many of us have learned, there is nothing more important than family.”

  Billie’s eyes blurred a little. She reached out and found Grayson’s hand with her own.

  “Whether it’s the family you’ve been born into or the family you’ve chosen, it all boils down to one thing. Hold on to those who love you. And let them hold on to you.” She raised her glass one more time. “To all of you. Our family. Thank you for making this day even more special for us by taking the time to be here.”

  Ariana swiped at her eyes with the edge of her cocktail napkin. “Sheesh,” she whispered, sharing a look with Billie. “Tear fest.”

  “And now, I, too, will be quiet,” Josephine said with a soft laugh, “so we can get on with the food!”

  Carlo walked to the front of the dais. It wasn’t entirely surprising, though Billie had sort of expected Alejandro—Orlando’s son—to speak. “Actually, there’s just one more thing we want to say before we begin this party in earnest.” He nodded toward his uncle. “If you’ll forgive me hijacking the schedule for a moment.”

  Bianca looked at Billie. Her eyes were dancing. “Ten to one, Schuyler’s pregnant.”

  Billie wasn’t going to take that bet. Because she’d immediately thought the same thing. And when Schuyler stepped beside Carlo and took his hand, she was certain of it.

  “I’m glad that my new aunt-in-law spoke about the importance of family,” she said. “Because there’s actually more family here than any of you know.”

  “When’s the due date?” someone called out.

  Schuyler laughed and propped her hand on her spectacular skin-hugging dress. “Now, y’all. Seriously. Do I look pregnant?” She grinned. “Carlo and I have lots of time to make babies.”

  Billie caught the way Carlo squeezed her hand encouragingly. “Go ahead,” she saw him mouth.

  “Actually...” She took a deep breath and let it out in an audible rush. “It’s me. And my brothers and my sisters. We were born Fortunados. But under that, we’re Fortunes, same as a lot of you. Our daddy’s daddy was Julius Fortune, Jerome’s father.” She suddenly looked toward where Grayson and they all stood. “Same as your granddaddy.” She looked over to Alejandro and his wife, Olivia Robinson Mendoza. “And same as your granddaddy.” She spread her arms wide. “And boy is it a load off my chest to finally admit it to y’all!”

  Far from looking upset, Josephine merely stepped off the dais and hugged Schuyler. “Once again,” she said, so brightly that people laughed rather than gasped, “there’s simply no end to this dynasty. Mark my words, we need a Fortune family reunion—”

  “Fortune family meet-and-greet,” someone called out with a laugh.

  Josephine’s smile widened. “—and soon!”

  Grayson wasn’t laughing, though. “Are we sure that there aren’t cousins marrying cousins or something?”

  Ariana heard him. “Fortunately, back when I was trying to map it all out, none of that ever happened.”

  “Small wonder.” He looked around them. “Any other secrets coming out today?”

  “Just one.” Billie knew one sure way to clear the discontented look from Grayson’s face. “Maybe Schuyler’s not pregnant, but—” she shrugged slightly and met his eyes “—I am.”

  His jaw dropped. “It hasn’t been that long since—” He broke off. Swallowed. “How do you know?” He swept his hands down the sides of her purple dress. The fact that they weren’t exactly steady made her love him all the more. “Are you sure?”

  “The home test I did seemed pretty sure.”

  He threw back his head. Let out a whoop and lifted her right off her feet, swinging her in a circle. “Sweetheart, I don’t care what you say.” He set her back on her feet. “We are out of here.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her past the ornamental vines.

  “And that there’s Grayson, folks.” Jayden’s pseudo-rodeo announcer’s voice followed them. “Breaking yet another timed record...this one the fastest wedding exit ever!”

  Laughing breathlessly as they raced across the green, green grass, Billie pulled on Grayson’s hand to stop him. “You’re really okay with this?”

  His eyes softened. “Planting roots with you? Belinda Marie soon-to-be Fortune, don’t you know the truth by now?” His hands cupped her face. “You are my forever home.”

  Her eyes flooded. She didn’t think her heart could be filled any more, but it was. “Grayson.”

  His eyes weren’t exactly dry then, either. “Now can we get outta here and go set a dang wedding date? We’ve gotta tell your folks. Tell my mom. Sweetheart, there’s stuff to be done!”

  She laughed. Leaned down to slip off her red-soled shoes, then she held out her free hand to him. “Let’s go.”

  He closed his hand around hers. And they went.

  * * * * *

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