Eve's Rescue [Coalition Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Eve's Rescue [Coalition Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Sarah Marsh

  Coalition Mates 3

  Eve’s Rescue

  Evangeline Scott was hoping for a fun night on the town after a hellish day. What she couldn’t have imagined was getting kidnapped by alien slavers and then left to die on an abandoned ship.

  Kai Dallen and Roan Quinn were having some bad luck of their own when they found themselves set up by an old adversary and trapped in the vault of a Dhuaation Pharaoh's ship with no way out. When Khaman-Ra makes them an offer they can’t refuse, the two space pirates end up rescuing a ship full of human female cargo. All three males are immediately drawn to one of the beauties and make an agreement to satisfy everyone’s desires. The only problem is, they didn’t think to ask Eve and when she wakes up to find that she’s now married to three aliens she’s mad as hell. By the time all four of them realise their true feelings, will it be too late, as a woman from Roan’s past threatens to ruin it all?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 36,884 words


  Coalition Mates 3

  Sarah Marsh


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Marsh

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63959-444-0

  First E-book Publication: June 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  To my very awesome Beta, Marissa. Thank you for always being an inspiration and a friend. Thank you for always being there when fuglies need to be drank before the serious thinking can begin. What would I do without you?

  Also a big thank you to Sues for all your kick-ass guidance and knowledge on the social media and I.T. side of things, oy it makes my head hurt!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  About the Author


  Coalition Mates 3


  Copyright © 2015


  Eve knew her girls’ night out had taken an incredibly wrong turn when Sally dropped down at the table with a full tray of colorful shots.

  “Bottoms up, bitches!” she yelled over the booming music.

  “Sal, we just got laid off. You can’t afford to buy us all drinks,” Eve said, noticing Sally already looked half-tanked, and they had only gotten into the crowded club about twenty minutes ago.

  “No worries, Evie, these were compliments of the guy at the bar. The one with the expensive suit. I figured he could afford it. So I told him our hard luck story about four hot, sad ladies out for some fun because they all got laid off today with no notice. He’s coming over to chat, so be nice for at least a little while,” Sally managed to get out in between downing almost a third of the shots on the tray.

  “You can be nice, Sal. You are after all the one he’s trying to pick up. I’m going to find Lisa and dance,” she replied as she threw back two shots, gave her friend a wink, and wandered onto the dance floor. Eve loved to dance, and she was trying not to let losing her job today ruin a perfectly good girls’ night out. She wasn’t super close with her work friends, so it wasn’t likely she’d see them again soon once they all went their separate ways. It wasn’t like Evangeline was that sad about her job, it was just a clerk position at a transport company, but with no notice she was going to have to scramble to find something new quickly to make ends meet. She found Lisa and Bev grinding with a couple of guys that looked way too young to be in the club, and both women squealed when they saw her, and as the drinks started to kick in Eve got lost in the music.

  After a couple more hours of dancing and drinks, Eve was feeling great, slightly more drunk than she had intended to get, but Sally really did have a talent for procuring free drinks. Must have had something to do with the blonde hair and expensive push-up bra. Not that Eve was lacking in the boob department, but since she came by them honestly she also had the hips and b
ackyard to match. Which was fine by her, but she’d come to grips with the fact that a curvy redhead was not what the mainstream male population in North America appreciated…especially at trendy nightclubs. Seems the Barbie look never went out of style with men in their twenties and thirties. Oh well, she wasn’t there to pick up anyway, though a little male attention wouldn’t have hurt her delicate ego, she thought with a frown.

  “Evvvvie, why are you frowning?” Sal asked with a slur as she draped her arm across Eve’s shoulders. “All thesse cute boys are buying uss drinks. Frowning gives you wrinkles.”

  “It’s nothing, Sal, maybe we should cut out. I’m pretty drunk and so are you. Should we get a cab?” Eve asked, trying to hold Sally steady on her four-inch stilettos.

  “Ladies, please allow me to take you home. I have a car waiting outside that my company is paying for. We might as well make use of it,” said the tall man to their left. He was the one in the expensive suit that had been plying Sally with drinks all night.

  “Oh, John, thatss sssoo nice. Thanksss!” Sally said as she launched herself at the man and gave him a sloppy hug.

  Eve looked at the stranger. Sally had been hanging out with him for most of the night, and he seemed like a normal businessman out for a good time, but there was something about him that bothered Eve. John made eye contact with her and almost looked as though he expected her to say no. But a cab back to her place would cost her at least forty-five bucks, and she didn’t want to leave Sally with anyone when she was this drunk, so she shrugged and nodded, accepting John’s offer. It took the two of them just to get Sally into the limo once they coaxed her out of the bar, dancing the entire way singing her favorite song. They all fell into the car laughing, and Eve was relaxing as they pulled out and drove away. It took Sally all of about two minutes before she laid her head on John’s lap and passed out, which made them both laugh.

  “How about you give me your addresses so we can get you both home,” he said to her as he lowered the divider to the driver.

  Eve rattled off both her and Sally’s addresses and took the bottle of water John offered her from the mini fridge. It only took her about fifteen more minutes before she began to have trouble keeping her eyes open herself. As she let her lids close she heard John speaking to the driver. “She’s finally out. Straight back to the ship. We’ll get these last ones into stasis and be out of this backwater solar system before the Coalition watchdogs even notice we slipped by them,” John said before he took off his watch and morphed back into the six-foot-seven green-skinned alien he actually was.

  Chapter One

  “You really got us into it this time, didn’t you, Roan?” Kai yelled above the noise as he tried to think of a way to get them past the laser bars that locked into place the second the ship alarms went off. Roan just shrugged and started rifling through the shelves to see if anything here could help them. They had barely made their way into the ship’s vault when they took a look around and knew they had been set up. It was supposed to be a fairly simple job, lifting a rare piece of jewelry that a rich client wanted to give to his fiancée as a wedding gift. Roan’s contact had been a shifty little fellow they’d done business with in the past. Kai hadn’t wanted to take the job as it was never a good idea to attempt to steal from one of the Dhuaatian people, but the lucrative payday had weakened his common sense. When they had arrived at the coordinates and found a cruiser-class ship instead of a freighter they should have called off the job, but years of having everything come too easily to them had made them cocky.

  “Look at all this stuff, Kai. This guy is loaded whoever he is. We need to get out of here, or we’ll be spending the next fifty years in a Coalition mining prison, and that’s if we’re lucky,” Roan croaked as he opened up a case of blue Lioshan liquor that was worth more for one bottle than all the profit they had made in the last year. They were good pirates. It came naturally to them. They made use of the skills they’d been born with to seduce people out of their treasure. Most Sirotians followed the traditions of their native planet and became courtesans, trading their bodies and talents for riches and notoriety within the Coalition. But Kai and Roan were not as complacent as most of their race. They wanted a life of adventure, and they wanted to make their own choices. Well damn if those choices hadn’t come and bitten them on the ass this time.

  “I told you that purple runt wasn’t to be trusted! He’s set us up!” Kai said as he pried the control panel off the wall at the back of the vault.

  “I swear, he said he was over the incident with his wife once I showed him the surveillance footage from the bar that proved she was the one coming on to me. He saw her leave with the bartender with his own eyes,” Roan muttered, still furious that the female tried to get her husband to kill them because he rejected her offer.

  “Well, I am officially going on record stating that this is all your fault,” Kai snapped back just before the alarm silenced, and a strange blue gas started to leak from the vents near the ceiling.

  “Drux,” was all Roan managed to get out before they both blacked out.

  Chapter Two

  “Wake up, prisoners!” was all Roan heard before he was jolted with a mild electronic shock from the manacles currently holding both Kai and himself to the wall in what he recognized as the detention cells of the Dhuaatian cruiser.

  “Captain, please desist,” said a low, smooth male voice to the left of them.

  “Apologies, Pharaoh,” answered the other man in a tone that both Kai and Roan knew would mean they’d soon be getting a beating once the boss was gone.

  “I am Khaman-Ra, Pharaoh of the Nomac. Now, gentlemen, what exactly were you trying to steal in the vault of a Dhuaatian Coalition councilman? It must have been very important for you to have taken such a risk, and to be honest, I don’t really have anything in my vault that would be worth your lives,” the boss said as he stepped into the light, revealing a tall, golden Dhuaatian god, complete with the white and gold skirt the males favored. Leaving his chest bare, gold jewelry adorning his neck and biceps, his dark golden eyes rimmed with kohl.

  Roan heard Kai’s sharp inhale as the attractive male’s eyes examined every inch of them both. It became difficult to hide his interest as their leather battle suits had been removed leaving them hanging naked in front of the other man’s blatant attentive gaze.

  “We were set up. We did not intend to steal anything from you, Pharaoh,” Roan answered slowly, letting his own eyes take in the powerful man before him, knowing that how they answered these questions could very well mean the difference between a mining penitentiary or a very gruesome execution for stealing from a Coalition official.

  “Really?” the man answered with a laugh. “Hard to argue with the fact that you were caught inside of my vault. How did you get past my security by the way? You should never have made it that far.”

  “Your security has several major flaws, Pharaoh, especially for someone with our…talents,” Kai answered. They could both see the flash of anger cross through the pharaoh’s eyes before he hid it behind a facade of amusement.

  “Is that so,” he said as he gave them a measuring look. “You are Sirotian?”

  They nodded cautiously, knowing that most of their brethren were known for their courtesan skills, not so much liking the direction the conversation had taken. They’d both rather die than be sold to a brothel or used as ship whores.

  “I have to admit, gentlemen, you have me curious, and I’ve never seen a Sirotian pirate before. But I made an inquiry to a few acquaintances about such an animal, and it seems that your reputations in certain circles were surprisingly genial. It’s known that you don’t take contracts that involve slavery or ransom, that you usually only steal from those who deserve it and will only resort to violence as a last resort or self-defense. Such an odd reputation for space pirates, isn’t it?” their captor asked as he stepped closer and ran a golden hand absently across Kai’s collarbone.

  “What can we say, my lord. Not
all Sirotians want to be courtesans. But that doesn’t mean that we want to be assholes, either,” Roan said, trying not to get turned on watching the other man’s hand caressing Kai’s naked skin.

  An abrupt bark of laughter came from the pharaoh as he met Roan’s eyes at his answer.

  “Well said, Sirotian. Which means I have a proposition for you if you’d rather not be gutted and hung for your crimes, that is.” The pharaoh gave a pointed look to his captain when a sound of protest came out of his mouth.

  “What is the proposition?” Kai asked, his voice already low from desire at the touch of the pharaoh.

  “You will be indentured to me for five years, working as my heads of security and my own personal… bodyguards,” he said, meeting their eyes defiantly.

  Roan knew that Kai had come to the same conclusion as he had as to the nature of the “bodyguarding” work that would be required of them. His partner bristled at the thought of this man trying to buy them. But as both their cocks could attest, it was not as if they could deny being attracted to the man, and perhaps it was their only option to sacrifice their stubborn pride if they wanted to keep their skins. Roan met Kai’s deep green eyes and saw acceptance as he gave him a subtle nod.

  “We accept, on one condition. We agree to be your personal bodyguards and in charge of security, but we will not accept any obligations to personally ‘guard’ anybody but you,” Roan answered, meeting the dark golden gaze of the pharaoh.


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