Eve's Rescue [Coalition Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Eve's Rescue [Coalition Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Sarah Marsh

  It was like watching a slow-motion playback when their smug attitude and smiles at her hormone-struck entrance slowly turned down until all three of the huge men were scowling at her, then in turn they looked toward Mhat-Am like they would string him up. It was all she could do not to laugh out loud. Plan “make these gorgeous bastards squirm” was officially off to a tremendous start. She casually walked out back to the main sitting room, running her fingers over the expensive furniture, pretending not to listen when the pharaoh was the first to express his displeasure.

  “Mhat-Am! What is the meaning of this?” he asked in a steel tone, which said he was furious, but he didn’t want Eve to overhear. “You were supposed to explain the situation to Evangeline and then bring her to us to begin the bonding process.”

  Poor Mhat-Am looked like he was going to be sick. He kept looking back from Khaman and the two angry Sirotians, to Eve, and then back again like he didn’t know which situation was more dangerous. When he visibly started to sweat and stutter Eve realized that she’d been kind of an asshole to throw him under the bus like that, so she stepped back up to the office. Damn conscience, it just had to ruin all her fun.

  “Mhat-Am, I think you can go now. I’ll discuss this with my husbands in private and settle things. Will you be back tomorrow so we can begin my lessons?” she asked with a deceptively sweet tone while still keeping eye contact with the three seething males in front of her.

  “Yes, my lady. Pharaoh?” he asked quietly, seeking permission to leave the room as quickly as possible.

  “Go,” was all Khaman said between clenched teeth as he watched the older man sigh in relief and scurry out the door leaving them with their new bride.

  “So, fellas, how was the wedding? Did my new in-laws spring for the good appies? Anyone on my side get drunk and pass out in the chocolate fountain?” Eve asked as she placed her hands on her hips and expressed her displeasure, a look of surprise on all three men’s faces as they suddenly realized why she was so mad was priceless. Sure it made them even cuter, but Eve was determined to punish them for at least a month before she gave in. As her traitorous eyes took a slight detour down her pharaoh’s golden abs, she did a quick recalculation and decided that two weeks was probably more appropriate. Yes, definitely two weeks…

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hello, Evangeline,” Khaman said as he slowly approached her. “We’re so glad to see you are feeling well enough to join us.”

  Eve could see the other two men moving closer as well, and before things got out of hand she needed to lay down the ground rules.

  “First of all, Kai and Roan, I know all about your little seduction parlor tricks, so don’t even think about using any of that crap to try and control me because I can promise you I wouldn’t react well, and you may come out of it with a few less pertinent body parts,” she said, looking at them. As soon as the words were out of her mouth and Roan’s lips curled up in a small smile she realized that perhaps the threatening of their body parts wasn’t the best road to take, and once she took a quick look down and the tight leather pants couldn’t hide their cocks hardening right before her eyes.

  “And you, Pharaoh”—which had him raising his eyebrows at her, an amused smile on his face as well—“don’t think that I’m just going to jump into a relationship with three men that I know nothing about just because you’re all super hot,” she said just a little too quickly.

  Damn it, Eve! she thought. Way to go! Play the tough lady card, then go and say out loud how hot you think they are. What an idiot she was. Well, maybe they didn’t notice?

  When she looked back up at them all three now had huge grins on their faces, which were quickly turning predatory as they began to slowly move closer again. It was time to try to get this train wreck back on the tracks.

  “And you can wipe those grins off your faces because I’m not sleeping with any of you, not until we get to know one another much better,” she said, quite proud of herself for getting that out and making it actually sound like she meant it. It was just a bonus that it promptly had all three grins turning into sour grapes again. Score one for Eve.

  Roan looked like he at least tried to stifle his disappointment at Eve’s declaration of intent to wait to consummate their union. Kai was currently looking like he was going to cry and Kham had a perplexing look on his face as though he was trying to figure out why having someone disobey his orders made his cock hard, all in all Eve was satisfied with the reactions she was getting.

  “Evangeline,” he said, bringing his hands up in surrender. “We apologise that we were not able to discuss the mating with you before it was filed, but it was imperative to your safety to get it registered as soon as possible. I hope you can understand that we were only thinking of your well-being.”

  Eve could see that Roan was the sneaky one she’d have to watch out for in the future as he put on his best puppy dog face and tried to look appropriately apologetic. She really thought that Kham would be the smooth talker, but he was still looking like he was half-turned on and half-confused, so she turned back to Roan.

  “Just my well-being, huh. It had nothing to do with me being the only available female awake on this ship?” she said, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

  That tiny sliver of self-doubt was all Roan needed to launch his attack, and she was right, he was a power to be reckoned with.

  “I can assure you, beautiful, if you were standing among thousands of females you would still be the only one we would see. You are our mate, and as soon as we saw you we knew there would never be another for us,” he answered, stepping up to take her hands in his as he continued. “We understand your reluctance to share intimacy before we know each other better, and we will defer to your wishes while we care for you and respect you as our wife. But as your mates, it is our job to make sure that all your needs are met, so resolve yourself to that as well,” he finished before he leaned in and gently brushed his lips across hers.

  Damn sneaky hot aliens, she thought as her breathing sped up just from his light kiss across her lips. Both Kai and Kham seemed to have pulled themselves together by the time Roan pulled away because she was treated to a chaste kiss from both of them as well.

  “Now that we have sorted all of this out shall we share a meal and get to know one another better?” Kham asked as he curled an arm around her waist and guided her to the dining room in their suites.

  It was a beautiful room, just as she would have expected from the opulence of the rest of the suite. There was a low table large enough for about eight people, plush cushions in bench-style seating, and it was clear from the low mood lighting they were going for a romantic meal. As Kham knelt down in front of her to remove her sandals, then helped her to slide in on one side, she was met halfway by Kai on the other who snuggled up to her and immediately began to pour her some wine. Kham sat close on her other side and Roan took a more relaxed pose across from her, grinning like the cat that got the canary. He knew that the three of them affected her way more than she was willing to admit, and it was pissing her off. At least Kham and Kai were playing the game and letting her keep the illusion of the upper hand. Perhaps she should reward their good behavior and see if that wiped the smile off of Roan’s face? As the servers began to bring in platters of food and set everything down Eve noticed that there weren’t any plates, which seemed weird, until Kham picked up a delicious-smelling piece of something that looked like roasted chicken and brought it up to her lips.

  “Umm, I can feed myself you know,” she said, chewing after he had placed it in her mouth.

  “It is tradition in my world for the groom, or grooms in this case, to feed their new wife for their first meal together. It symbolizes that he will always provide for her and care for her,” Kham said with a smile, his eyes going a dark molten gold as they followed her tongue as she licked her lips.

  “Oh, that’s so sweet,” she answered as Kai took his turn feeding her next, and as she absentmindedly licked the juice off o
f his fingers he closed his eyes and groaned out loud. Realizing what she had done a vibrant blush spread across her face. She could see that Kham’s expression was just as pained, but as she looked across at Roan he still had that same mocking grin with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Aren’t you going to feed me too, Roan?” she asked in between bites offered by Kai and Kham.

  Roan looked over and gave her a wink.

  “Oh no, little one, that’s Dhuaatian tradition. Kai and I have our own mating traditions from Sirus that will come calling soon enough,” he said, slowly licking his fingers clean.

  “Ignore him, Eve. We won’t worry about such things until you’re ready,” Kai said, giving Roan an expressive shut-the-fuck-up look.

  “Yes, lovely, have some more wine. It’s one of my best vintages,” Kham said, pouring her another glass.

  After she was finally full, she drank her wine and watched the men eat their fill while asking them questions about their homes and what they did here on the ship. It was fascinating really, an entirely new universe had literally opened up for her, and she was excited to learn everything she could about it. They in turn asked her about her life on Earth, and she was almost embarrassed at how small it all seemed in comparison to exploring the stars and being former space pirates. Both Kham and Kai seemed to have gotten over their earlier hesitance around her. After her fourth glass of wine she had snuggled up leaning back against Kham’s golden chest while Kai kept her feet warm on his lap. Even Roan had relaxed, losing his predatory vibe to laugh and tell stories about the misadventures they’d had when they first left Sirus and began their career as pirates. It was amazing that they were still in one piece.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eve was officially drunk and getting sleepy, when Kai’s soft caresses on her feet began to turn into a slow massage working its way up her calves, and Kham’s hands began soft caresses along her shoulders, his hot breath tickling her ear. She barely even noticed that Kai had started to move closer, lifting her legs so her thighs were now over his lap, and Roan moved to take over massaging her feet with his massive hands. She was suddenly very aware of the fact that all three men were fully aroused and what a strange sensation it was to feel three hard cocks pressing insistently against her at various spots. With the wine making her feel relaxed and their hands making her feel other things, she decided to enjoy herself for just a few minutes before telling them to keep their grabby hands to themselves. Like…at least ten more minutes.

  “So, tell us, love, what exactly are the parameters of your no-sex clause now that we are getting to know one another better?” Kham whispered softly into her ear before gently licking along her neck, causing a shiver to race down her spine into some very interesting places.

  By this time Kai had the skirt of her dress pushed up to her thighs, and he was stroking hypnotically up and down, his thumbs getting closer to the heart of her with every pass. It was difficult to keep her traitorous body from opening her legs wider, giving him more access to where she craved his fingers would trail. Kham’s hands began to dip lower on her collarbone, his long golden fingers gently massaging the tops of her breasts bringing her nipples to tight attention.

  “Well,” she managed to get out in a breathy voice, “obviously we are married, so a certain level of affection and touching would be appropriate…”

  Her breath was cut off, and her words ended on a less than dignified squeal when Roan pressed the bottom of her foot fully against his hard cock beneath his pants. All three men were breathing just as heavily as she was, and she could tell they were maintaining an effort to be still beneath her. Eve had to admit to herself, that after a three-year dry spell her slightly slutty side was currently in a serious bitch-slap fight with her self-righteous feminist side on how this night was going to go down. But with three pairs of hands on her, not to mention other random body parts, the decision was rapidly leaning one way.

  “What about this type of affection?” Kai said in a low voice as one of his hands slid up her torso and gently cupped her breast, lightly running his thumb back and forth over the hard nipple.

  “Oh,” she breathed out as she pushed up into his hand. “Yes, that’s nice.”

  Eve had begun to sweat now, Kham’s chest at her back felt like he was on fire. His lips were feathering along her neck while one of his hands came up over the other side of her to caress her other breast through the soft material of the dress. Her pussy had soaked through the small panties that she’d been given to wear with the ensemble, and she felt Roan’s hands move up along her hips to play with the strings on either side. His thumbs slowly gliding up and down on the top of her mound, never quite going low enough, but the light touch seemed to electrify the nerve endings. Her anticipation was making her pant as she wished he’d simply make his way to her clit. At this point she was so turned on that one firm pass over it, and she’d be screaming his name as she came.

  “May we take off your dress, love?” Roan asked, never stopping the caress of his hands.

  “But…rules…” She could barely put the two words together with all three sets of their hands slowly torturing her. Then all of a sudden their hands all stopped moving.

  “What, nooo don’t stop!” she whimpered, moving her body against them trying to get them to continue.

  “We won’t move until you tell us the rules, baby. Don’t you want us to touch you?” Kai asked in a whisper before he leaned up and slowly ran his tongue along her bottom lip.

  “Oh my God, okay, fine,” she said in a rush. “Making out and heavy petting is okay, just no penetration.”

  “Deal.” All three of the men accepted eagerly with determined nods.

  It sounded weak even to her own ears, and her feminist alter ego was groaning in self-disappointment, but what the hell ever! Eve took a moment to look at the three men who were currently peeling her dress carefully from her shoulders like they were unwrapping a present. Kham had returned his lips to her neck while his golden hands lightly traced over her skin as Kai and Roan uncovered it setting her nerves on fire once again. Three sets of hands moved over her once she was bare, their touch just barely skimming over her making her crazy with the need for more. Over her breasts and down her sides, from the tops of her feet up the insides of her legs until they brushed back down the other side, down her arms to trail over her palms and fingers. Eve had never had such an overwhelming amount of stimulation over her skin before. How could such a gentle touch be so seductive?

  When they had her dress completely off, Kham stood and plucked her off of the bench like she didn’t weigh anything at all. She was completely mesmerized by the warm golden skin that was surrounding her. Kai had stepped up beside them and trailed his fingers slowly through Kham’s hair, then down along his jaw to his neck. As he reached the spot where Kham and Eve’s chests met, Kai continued his trailing fingers along her collar until they curved down the side of her breast, taking her breath away while he smiled at them both.

  “Roan, they are so lovely together aren’t they?” Kai asked his partner before he leaned over and lightly kissed Eve’s lips.

  “I need to see more,” Roan said from somewhere behind Kham. “I need to taste more.”

  That thought seemed to bring Kham back to a sense of urgency as he made his way to the bedroom with her in his arms and Kai and Roan following closely.

  She had a moment to look in wonder at the huge luxurious bed in the middle of the room, and then she was groaning as Kham laid her down, and she sunk into the thick bedding. Damn, this was even better than her pillow-top mattress at home, although the sheer size of the bed had her mind wandering back to whether or not her husbands had slept in it together before she was in the picture…and with that string of thought she was right back up to panting as she imagined what they might do with one another in this big bed. Much to her frustration, her distraction led to her missing the miraculously quick undressing of said men. All of a sudden the three of them were naked and climbing onto the
bed with her. It was like a small child’s first trip to Disney World. Eve didn’t know where to look there was so much magnificence going on. Kham mesmerized her with his supple golden skin. Funny, since she was used to seeing him dressed only in the mid-length wrap that his species favored you’d think that she’d be better prepared to see him completely nude, but it still took her breath away. Then she realized that both Kai and Roan were now naked as well, and she pulled her eyes from Kham to look at them in all their glory. Even though they were not as tall as the pharaoh, they had a thicker muscle definition. It was obvious they led a more physical life. She knew that the Sirotians had a natural darker skin tone than humans, and the caramel color was so striking when offset by their dark hair and bright green eyes. Once her appreciative gaze made its way down to their thick, hard cocks she couldn’t take her eyes away. Both men groaned as though she’d touched them. She felt Kham’s warmth slide up against her back, his hands coming up to softly caress her breasts and the touch of his lips on the side of her neck.

  “They are beautiful, aren’t they?” he whispered in her ear.

  “You’re all too beautiful,” she whispered back, covering his hands with her own. “I feel like the plain one in the group.”

  “No, lovely, look at how your creamy skin shines against their dark hands. Those hands that are capable of so much. Look at how they touch you with reverence,” he answered. She could hear the raw desire in his voice as they looked at the other two men now running their hands up her legs slowly.


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