Power Games

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by David Applegate

  Power Games

  Book Two of the Empire of Elves

  By David Applegate


  Power Games


  Copyright and Disclaimer

  About the Author


  Books by David Applegate

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Appendix 1 - The Imperial Senate

  Appendix 2 - The Seven Kingdoms

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  Copyright © David Applegate 2019. All rights reserved.

  Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental.

  About the Author

  David Applegate is an Australian and based in Brisbane, Queensland. From early childhood, David had dreamt about Elves, space travel and magic. Having placed those dreams on hold to focus on family and career, now he can concentrate on writing.


  For my son, Daniel.

  Books by David Applegate

  The Empire of Elves Series

  The Boyhood of Kaede

  Power Games

  Chapter 1

  September 1, 11,570. Imperial City.

  Northshore was the wealthiest suburb in the city; It had many mansions with private beaches on the shore of Imperial Lake. Home to the rich and famous, and many senators in an extensive collection of estates on the shoreline. There was an assortment of upper-middle-class units inland. The suburb also had The Imperial Academy, Petrov Stadium, The Imperial University. Abel Convention Centre, Founders Park, Lilith Park, and Abel Mall.

  The main entrance to Abelle Mall was on the west side of the building, with a set of many large automatic doors, and a driveway that led to a roundabout in the middle of Main Street, which had a statue of Lilith, a tall Field Elf in a flowing gown pointing up the sky, in the middle. Most of the large, five-story centre’s parking area was underground, except for a large lot on the north side, usually full of cars, today it had buses, minivans, police, knights, change tents and dozens of floats and hundreds of marchers. All were rushing to get into position.

  On any other day, the four-lane road would be full of cars, but today the police had blocked side roads, placed rope fencing along both sides of the street and kept an eye on the growing crowd of people on the footpath. Lakeside Highway was closed, with traffic diverted around the area.

  In Lilith Park, opposite the main entrance to the mall, stood a large, temporary stadium, just off the wide footpath. It had five rows of open boxes, each with seating for four per row, with a row of small marquee tents on the top row. In the middle of the top row sat Takahiro and Kaede with a pair of Knights in a suit of plastic full-body armour behind them. The sun glinted off their amber faceplate and hid the grim face of seasoned warriors. Each had one hand on the grip of their Viper-2, trigger finger out, and their thumb was resting near the safety. A pair, in the same suit of full body armour, stood behind the Emperor’s box, on the sturdy scaffolding behind the stadium. With two similarly heavily armed Knights at the top and bottom of the staircase at the end of each row.

  Takahiro focused on his pocket watch while he waited. Beside him, Kaede stood on the chair. He looked over at the timepiece. The case was that of a classical mechanical watch with a flip-top lid, a long silver chain attached to the winder with a stopwatch button.

  The face had two rows of numbers. Zero to one hundred on the outer ring, with standard clock face numbers on the inside. It had an hour, minute, second, and millisecond hand. However, the glass displayed the time and date in a faint green, with the digit ‘3’ underneath.

  Kaede looked over the edge of the box and asked, “When does the parade start?”

  Takahiro replied “Soon,” without taking his eyes off the watch.

  It was almost noon when Takahiro closed the watch and put it inside his kimono as he stood. Kaede followed him as he walked to the microphone at the front of the box. Precisely at noon, the clocktower at Abelle Mall chimed twelve times. Takahiro raised his arms and said, “Welcome to the 11,570 Founders’ Day Parade. Today we celebrate the founding of the new Empire. On behalf of the Senate, to those about to start school, we hope you enjoy commencement week.”

  As Takahiro spoke, Kaede moved his chair to the front of the box and stood on it. He looked out at the people watching and waved. At first a few waved at him, then many noticed him and began to point and wave. Takahiro saw Kaede on the big screen across the street, he glanced at Kaede, and the crowd went quiet. Takahiro smiled and said, “Everyone, this is my grandson, Prince Kaede.”

  Takahiro took the microphone off the stand and pointed it at Kaede, who looked at it. Takahiro nodded.

  Kaede smiled and said, “Hello, Empire. I am having fun. My favourite is the cotton candy.”

  Many laughed, and the media took photos. There was a hush as Takahiro looked down at Kaede. He smiled and said into the microphone, “My grandson is right. Today is a lot of fun. Now, the parade shall begin.”

  The parade leader blew her whistle and twirled her baton. She marched out of the northern carpark of Abel Mall, followed by a marching band. The group comprised three columns of female Elves and two male Elves, in alternate rows in a block of five columns, each with two dozen members in a dark purple double-breasted jacket with gold buttons and a high imperial collar, over a light purple button shirt.

  The males wore dark purple pants while the females wore a dark purple pleated skirt with cream thigh-high stockings. All had cream gloves and lace-up boots on. All the marchers except for the baton twirler wore a white peak cap. She wore a tall white hat, with gold braids. Her uniform also had gold twists on her jacket, with gold trim on her gloves, shirt, boots and skirt.

  The drivers turned on their floats and, in a line, they snaked out of the staging area and followed the band down the side street and turned south onto Main Street.

  When the marching band reached the Emperor, the baton twirler blew her whistle three times and marched on the spot. The Emperor stood, as did all those in the other boxes. Kaede stood and the front and watched as she twirled her baton and caught it while she blew the whistle and the bank performed formation changes.

  Takahiro bowed to the band and said, “Impressive.”

  The first float was an electric six-wheeled kart shaped like a starship with no top. Inside stood a group of four female Imperial Fleet officers waving. Written on both sides of the float was “The Imperial Navy.�

  Takahiro stood to attention, extended his left arm and thumbed his chest. As they passed, he held his pose.

  The next float had a model of a Banshee at the rear. In front of which stood a pair of female officers in a light blue tunic with a dark blue skirt. They waved to the crowd. Written on both sides of the float was “Sky Force.”

  The next was a kart shaped like a tank; the turret did not have a gun or top. Inside stoop a pair of females in officers’ uniforms. They wore in a tight green and brown camouflage t-shirt with a matching short skirt and knee-high black lace-up boots with green socks. Written on both sides of the float was “The Imperial Army.”

  The next float was a flat top with two rows of six Imperial Guard dressed in a grey shirt and black pants. Each wore a grey cloth cap with a hard-black visor. Over their shoulders was a Viper-1 rifle. The float had “Imperial Guard” written on both sides.

  The next float had a flat top, atop of which stood various Elven females in dark blue skirts, light blue shirts and a dark blue kepi, blue stockings and black loafers. The first pair wore white gloves and held a stop sign with a yellow safety vest and a whistle around their neck. The second pair had a 9mm sidearm and a baton on the belt. The last couple had a long blue coat over their uniform and a peaked officer’s cap. Written on both sides of the float was “Imperial Police Force.”

  The next float was flat with “The Inquisition” written on both sides. Atop of which with a statue of an Elven female holding a sword and scales at the rear. Around it stood six female Field Elves, each held a white rod. Their uniform was a black shirt, a black pleated skirt with a black double-breasted tunic with a high Asian collar and black gloves. On the left sleeve was the symbol of the Empire. On the right sleeve was a black round patch with a white edge, with a pair of yellow eyes over scales of justice inside.

  Knights mounted on giant male unicorns followed the Inquisition. The large white horses each had a leather protective cover over their dull yellow horn. Each knight was in full armour with their faceplates open. They had their Viper-2 in a holster on their saddle.

  The next float was green and had ‘Medical Bureau’ written on both sides. Their uniform was a light green tunic over dark green pants. On the left sleeve of the tunic was the symbol of the Empire. On the right sleeve was a red round patch with a white star of life inside.

  Behind them was the Blood-Witches, on the plain, white float were three witches each with a large pram. Each witch waved to the crowd. Alongside the slow-moving parade float were more than a dozen witches on either side. Each handed out a guide to adults called ‘Clan, Marriage and Prosperity’. There were more in the crowd.

  Most of the crowd clapped, and some waved flags. Other than young men interested in free condoms, few took the pamphlet from the Witches.

  Then came a bright yellow float, with “Technical Support” written in dark purple on both sides. In the centre of the float was a globe; the six young females onboard took turns spinning it. Each wore yellow crop tops with dark purple shorts with a yellow hard hat, yellow sneakers, and tool belts. On the left sleeve of the shirt was the symbol of the Empire and on the right sleeve was a white patch with an upright double ended open spanner.

  Takahiro relaxed his salute and sat. He leaned forward and whispered to Kaede, “Never forget to respect those who protect you.”

  Kaede nodded. The crowd started to cheer as a dozen floats, each carrying a sporting team passed by them. Kaede returned his gaze to the parade floats.

  The first float was the Galaxy Girls Football team. A dozen female Field Elves in a pink top with white shorts, wearing pink socks and black football boots with pink laces, stood around a large gold cup with a red one on the side and Petrov Interstellar Football Federation Champions, on a banner. Behind them was the Hashimoto All-Stars, a group of female Flower Elves in a half pink, half white top with green shorts; They had on black boots with green laces. Then came floats representing volleyball, tennis, badminton, water polo, fencing, running, wrestling, boxing, riding and superkart racing.

  Behind them were groups of Flower, Forest, and Aquatic Elves, each in their native costumes.

  Groups of púca from the Imperial Academy followed them. The children, aged seven to eighteen years old, were arranged with the boys in one column with nine columns of girls. Each wore a light purple shirt. The boys wore dark purple pants and the girls a dark purple knee-length skirt. All had their socks high, and their hair neat.

  Kaede gave each float a short wave as they passed him. When he saw the superkart, he was excited; It had a long thin body, which was red with white racing stripes, with the engine cover open. The V-12 engine had a chrome cover and six gold exhaust ports. On the front and rear were variable positioning spoilers. The sides and rear spoiler had a gold stag’s head on them.

  “Awesome!” Kaede exclaimed. He stood on his seat and gazed upon the vehicle.

  All four of the vehicle’s wheels had chrome hubs, with large gold lugs. The hydraulic suspension and power steering had chromed rods with gold locking rings. The sign on both sides of the long float read “Hartman Racing.”

  The driver was a tall, middle-aged female Field Elf with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a red racing suit with orange flames on the sleeves and legs. Under her arm, she carried a red racing helmet. She waved to the crowd and held up a massive gold trophy. Kaede’s eyes widened, his jaw slackened, and he waved to the driver. He watched the float as it passed until it was out of view as it rounded the roundabout.

  Kaede turned to Takahiro and said, “Now that was cool!”

  Takahiro snorted and said, “Dancing is more popular than racing.”

  Kaede turned his attention to the superkart. After it had passed, he turned to Takahiro bowed and said, “I would like a superkart.”

  Takahiro glared at Kaede.

  “I will take him for a walk around the stalls,” Toshiko said.

  Kaede muttered under his breath. Takahiro didn’t notice; He nodded to Lady Toshiko. She took Kaede’s hand and led him out of the box. Toshiko dragged Kaede down the walkway and the stairs. Toshiko escorted Kaede towards the dozens of vendors along the path between the stadium and a duck pond.

  As Toshiko took Kaede around the park, a dozen Hashimoto house guards kept the crowds away from them. They visited a Germanic sausage sizzle, a Japanese noodle stand, and the cotton candy stand. Then they went to the rows of carnival games. The first one was the knock-down game, where the challenge is to knock down a pyramid of three wooden blocks with a cricket ball to collect tickets for prizes. On the top shelf, Kaede saw the toy red racing kart, with a big yellow one on the nose. He wanted to win it, but to do so he had to knock down all three stacks each one three times, only using nine balls.

  On the first throw, Kaede missed. The second time he knocked only one block off the stack. They rigged the game to be hard. Weights in the base of each block made them hard to knock over, and the ball had a flat side so it could not go straight. Also, each ball had a different weight and a different shape. Nor could Kaede throw a ball hard enough and accurate enough to knock down three blocks with one shot.

  Toshiko bought nine balls and placed them in a stack in front of her. Before each throw, she spun the ball up and watched it. Toshiko threw a fast curveball. The ball slammed into the middle of the stack.

  Each time she threw the ball, she knocked down the whole stack, and Kaede cheered. She kept going until she won Kaede the toy kart. Above the racing car was a giant stuffed unicorn. Toshiko bought twelve balls and pointed to the unicorn. Behind the wall of Knights, a crowd gathered and cheered her on.

  Kaede holding a toy red racing kart in one hand and a giant stick of cotton candy in the other followed Toshiko, who held a giant stuffed unicorn. They headed north to the armoured limousine where Takahiro was waiting in the back. Grinning Kaede gave him a big hug.

  Kaede was chuckling to himself as Toshiko checked his seat belt and sat opposite him. She looked at him and asked,
“What is so funny?”

  “Today was a wonderful day.”

  “Yes,” Toshiko said to the Emperor. He looked like he was deep in thought.

  Chapter 2

  It was late at night when Lady Toshiko escorted Kaede to the seventh floor of the Palace and took him down the northern hall to the double doors at the end. She placed her hand on the palm scanner on the side, and the double doors of the throne room opened.

  Inside, Takahiro was waiting on the throne. The double doors close behind them as Toshiko led Kaede to the throne. They bowed.

  Takahiro stood up and said, “The Empire was once only seven nations and six principalities that united to ensure mutual survival after the Great Flood.” Takahiro walked over to Kaede and said, “Today I have been Emperor of the Elves for 10,000 years. Now I must ask you to be my heir and warn you that soon you will wear the crown.”

  “Me?” Kaede asked. He frowned, his lips quivered as he asked, “I don’t understand, is something wrong, Grandfather?”

  Takahiro sighed and replied, “No, but I would rather have Toshiko explain it to you later.”

  Shaking, Kaede asked, “Explain what?” he turned to Toshiko. “I don’t understand.”

  Takahiro walked over to Kaede and said, “Your father has refused me for the last time. I am naming you as my successor.”

  “Are you sick?” Kaede asked.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Takahiro replied, his eyes fixed on Kaede’s eyes. He asked, “Do you still intend to join the Navy?”

  After a long pause, Kaede replied, “Yes, Grandfather.”

  As Takahiro walked over to the throne, he said, “Good, service is required to be a member of the nobility. I did my service with the Navy.”

  Takahiro sat upon the throne. Kaede looked down and asked, “I want to serve, but I want to know why I must?”

  “To earn your place in the nobility.”

  Kaede screwed up his face and said, “But you made me a member.”

  “Kaede, the nobility is a privilege, we grant it to a few. You must continually prove your worth to the Senate. If you are not careful, we will expel you,” Takahiro replied as he slid his hands into the sleeves of his kimono.


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