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Power Games Page 34

by David Applegate

  “I asked Patya for exemptions to the laws for myself,” Kaede replied as he packed a sushi roll.

  “Exemptions?” Dain asked.

  “Kaede is Toshiko’s apprentice, and this counts as his service to the people,” Patya replied.

  “What about Takahiro?” Dain asked.

  “The Senate will not be charging Takahiro with negligence,” Patya replied.

  “Instead of a pardon, he accepted a plea to workplace negligence, and for that, he will pay a fine. Also, he must pay for Hiro’s medical care, and pay him the maximum compensation, into a trust fund managed by Alard,” Rudolf said.

  “What?” Dain asked.

  “Hiro was aware Galen was armed,” Rudolf replied.

  “Will Takahiro remain Emperor?” Dain asked.

  “No, Kaede is the Emperor,” Patya said.

  “You cannot be serious?” Dain cried out.

  “Should I go?” Alard asked.

  “No, Lady Toshiko will return soon, and we need you to witness Dain sign the agreement,” Patya said.

  “What is going on?” Dain asked, looking around.

  “We are each buying three per cent of Kaede Enterprises,” Patya replied.

  “Alard will remain your banker, I will take over as your lawyer, you will give us both five per cent,” Kaede said.

  “Why would I sell any shares?” Dain asked.

  “You are giving us shares,” Alard said.

  “Giving?” Dain asked.

  “In return for banking and legal services,” Kaede replied.

  “Why?” Dain asked.

  Yaotl snorted and replied, “Emperor Kaede’s holdings are substantial, his holdings are twice our combined wealth.”

  “You’re kidding?” Dain asked.

  “No, and under the current laws all of us would have to sell assets,” Patya said.

  “What?” Dain asked.

  “Relax, if you sign, Alard will present a new wealth control agreement with the House of Lords. I am offering to use my excess wealth to grow the wealth base of the empire,” Kaede replied as he chopped up the roll.

  “What changes?” Dain asked.

  “We replace the Wealth Cap Agreement with the Wealth Control Agreement, which will be managed by The Treasury. We break assets into five groups called Agriculture, Housing, Services, Production and Transport. We impose a limit that no individual clan can have more than forty per cent market share in each sector. When a clan goes over the limit, a committee of Lords, lawyers and bankers will work with them to resolve the issue,” Adalwulf said.

  “Yes, and Intellectual Property is excluded,” Viktor said.

  “Also, the limit only applies to the top thirteen clans,” Kaede added.

  “I see,” Dain said. “What about reserves?”

  “Limited to double that of our economic assets,” Takis said.

  “What if I don’t sign?” Dain asked.

  “If you don’t sign, I am sure Abelard will accept a loan to buy you out,” Kaede said as he slid the chopper under the sushi pieces and put them on a plate.

  “Are you threatening me?” Dain asked.

  “Pointing out the obvious,” Kaede said.

  “I will sign,” Dain grumbled.

  “Patya, I would like a couple more exemptions?” Kaede asked.

  “What! More exemptions?” Dain asked.

  “I want to drive a car, fly a plane, operate a large speedboat, and learn to shoot,” Kaede replied as he offered Dain the plate of sushi.

  “What about Takahiro?” Dain asked.

  “I bought him out. He will be the CEO of my company,” Kaede replied.

  Dain looked at Patya. “You’re kidding?”

  Kaede stepped between them. “My grandfather accepted my takeover bid,” Kaede said.

  “The Emperor is a child. Who will supervise him?” Dain asked.

  Kaede nodded to Patya, then went and sat on the throne, folded his arms, and slid his hands into his sleeves. Patya replied, “Until Kaede is eighteen, Kaede is under my protection.”

  “So, you get two votes?” Dain asked.

  “No, I will appoint Lord Takahiro Hashimoto, Lord Takashi Iti and Professor Toru Yamane as my advisors,” Kaede said. “I can bestow a title on Toru?”

  “If there is an open seat,” Kenta replied.

  “Can I create a new position?” Kaede asked.

  “Not without Senate approval,” Patya said.

  “My Emperor, I call a vote; you are not qualified to run the Treasury,” Dain said.

  “Prince Dain, you are not a banker, economist, accountant, or a farmer. We both have a few university degrees. I graduated from school when most are starting. I am head of the largest and richest corporation, and I am the wealthiest elf in the Empire, that is all the law requires of me,” Kaede said.

  “By chance,” Dain said.

  “That is your opinion. I took a cunning and calculated risk based on knowledge and now have the largest interstellar mining operation, far exceeding your carbon collection company,” Kaede said. A long silence came from the other nobles, all looking at Dain.

  “Earlier I called for a vote,” Dain said. “Do we vote on removing you as the Head of Treasury or not? Are you aware that denying my call to vote is a violation of the rules of the Senate?”

  “First, you pose a question to the Senate; then there is discussion time before a vote,” Kaede said.

  “Very well. I, Prince Dain, request that the Senate appoints me as head of Treasury. Also, as regent and guardian of Emperor Kaede to protect him from being a proxy of the former Emperor. His father is in a coma and permanently disabled, and the only other adults in the house are a giantess and a Dwarf,” Dain said.

  “I accept the vote and call for the chamber to reject Prince Dain’s proposal. The Charter does not state age. I have many carers, now including Czarina Katerina and hundreds of Imperial Knights and I, have tens of thousands of relatives in my employ. Remind me later to tell Lady Abelle that her brother said she is incapable of protecting me. I am sure she and Lady Toshiko will want words with him,” Kaede said. A few laughed.

  “We cannot place the future of the Empire in the hands of a púca who made his wealth by putting a few pins on a star map and claiming ownership,” Dain said.

  Kaede stood up and said, “Rules you created, it is not my fault three major systems had no mineral surveys. I have filed for mineral rights in each of them.”

  “Allowing a púca on the throne without supervision would lead to the idea that just anyone could rule,” Dain said.

  “The Charter did not specify age or qualification other than wealth,” Kaede said, as he walked over to Dain. He then asked, “Shall we vote?”

  Dain looked at Kaede, who was just as tall as Hiro and glared at him without flinching. Patya walked over to Alard, who watched on as he ate sushi. Patya said to him, “Alard, you need to wait outside. After we are done, we will conclude our business.”

  Alard put the plate down, downed a glass of brandy and said, “Gentlemen, you will miss the 11 pm broadcast, remember this offer has to be sent to every planet Lord, as only a few live in Imperial City,” Alard said before leaving. The Knights closed the doors.

  Dain sat and pulled up the screen on the arm attached to his seat. The others pulled up their mounted tablets; each showed the question and a yes or no button. Dain pressed yes.

  The names of the thirteen nobles appeared on the big screen on the wall behind Kaede. Yes, appeared on the screen beside Prince Dain Hartman.

  General Yoshida, Maharajah Desai, Lord Alexandris, Lord Tikkanen and Chief Belaúnde voted no.

  Lord Agrovar, Sky Marshall Reinhart, Prince Vlasov, General Feygold and Admiral Niemi voted yes.

  Lady Toshiko sat in the chair behind the rows of operators in the control centre in subbasement 11. The main screen displayed four views. Kaede was looking at Patya; Knights outside the room ready to charge in and defend him on the right; Dain grinning at Patya; and on the fourth scr
een was the vote. Toshiko watched Kaede, he looked worried.

  “Czar, surely you see the need for a strong leader,” Dain said.

  Kaede smiled. He stood and bowed. “I know you may know this, but the vote is incomplete until I vote. This means you can change your vote. I urge you all to vote no and work on a proposal to change the Wealth Cap,” Kaede said.

  Dain stood. “Don’t think I will let you get away with buying votes,” Dain said with a snarl.

  “You are free to leave, and I will find another source of food for my entire company,” Kaede replied.

  “This is important, don’t—” Dain started.

  Kaede interrupted Dain. “The economic stability of the Empire is at stake. I think everyone forgets, but I have not. I know about your ambition to become Emperor, Dain.”

  “What?” Dain exclaimed as he jumped to his feet.

  “Sit down,” Patya said to Dain, “The Wealth Cap is the only power the House of Lords has over us. We must deal with them now, or the people will turn against us.”

  “I suggest you all reject Dain’s motion and sanction Dain for his unfounded accusations,” Kaede said.

  “Prove to me he doesn’t control your vote. He needs discipline,” Dain said.

  Kaede said, “Czar Petrov is the Empire’s highest-ranked Inquisitor, and General Yoshiko, is not just a capable warrior, but a trained physician. If they want, they can move in and keep an eye on me. Need I remind you that Dain recently lost a ten billion gold lawsuit against Kaede Medical and has a long history of being a sore loser.”

  Dain walked over and stood in front of Czar Petrov. “Everyone, please change your vote to support me,” Dain said as he pointed at the screen.

  “Dain. Kaede does need a steady hand to guide him, but your feud with Takahiro is well known, the public will not accept you in the treasury,” Patya said.

  “I will make sure Takahiro exerts no pressure on the Emperor and that Kaede receives all the education and advice he needs,” Kenta said.

  Dain sighed. He shrugged and returned to his seat. He slumped over and shook his head as votes changed.

  “The vote is officially 12-1. Prince Dain, your motion has been defeated, I hope you will give us your cooperation in this period of transition, and that there will be no need to take action against you,” Kaede said.

  “Dain, in the interest of fairness, we all should give Kaede our support and guidance,” Takis said.

  “Patya, do I need to pardon Lady Toshiko?” Kaede asked.

  “I think it is safe to assume she didn’t throw Lady Galené out an airlock,” Patya said.

  “Can we consider Galené, a rogue agent and not have her shot on sight?” Kaede asked.

  “We can, until she breaks the law,” Yaotl replied.

  “One last thing before we have Alard come with the contracts, I want to crown my fiancée Princess Sora Hashimoto,” Kaede said.

  “Yes,” Patya said.

  The throne room doors opened, and Toshiko escorted Sora inside. Sora had on a formal multilayer red kimono, with gold trim. The outer layer was covered with tiny symbols of House Hashimoto. Abelle followed them, she carried a flat red square pillow, with gold trim and tassel, upon which sat a platinum tiara set with many diamonds. Sora knelt before Kaede and grinned.

  Dain looked furious as Sora knelt in front of Kaede. Kaede took the tiara and placed it on her head.

  “What is her official position?” Dain asked.

  “Sora will be the official hostess of the Palace. Lady Masako will be her assistant, and Lady Freya will be my secretary,” Kaede replied.

  Dain went to say something but Yuki and Alard came in, as did trolleys with legal documents.

  Patya came to Kaede and said, “Everyone knows what you did.”

  “All I did was make an offer. You can look long and hard, but everyone did everything without being forced or bribed,” Kaede said.

  Frustrated, Dain went to stand, but Abelle put her hand on his shoulder and bent over. She hissed into his ear. “Only because you are my twin brother, I am giving you a friendly warning. I will break you in half if you don’t let it go,” Abelle said, digging her fingers into Dain’s shoulders.

  Dain had a flashback to the time when, as a small child, Abelle held him down and beat him.

  Chapter 38

  Katerina sat at the piano with Izanami. Izanami sobbed.

  “What’s wrong?” Katerina asked.

  “Sora said I embarrassed everyone,” Izanami sobbed.

  “Even Kaede?”

  Izanami nodded.

  Katerina hugged her and asked, “Did she tell you why?”

  “She said I am jealous, and that I had to share Kaede.”

  “That’s true. There are millions of males and billions of females just on this planet,” Katerina said. She put her arm around Izanami and said, “Only his prime has the right to tell him who he can and not like.”

  “I didn’t want him to be Emperor. It’s a trap,” Izanami said.

  “A trap?” Katerina asked. She looked around.

  “According to the deep web, Takahiro is using Kaede to flush out his enemies, and when he is done, Patya will arrest Kaede for security violations, and it’s all my fault,” Izanami cried.

  “Your fault?” Katerina asked.

  Izanami grabbed the hem of her dress, looked down and said, “Lady Toshiko and General Kenta caught me a few times poking around on the information network, and I passed to him some of that information.”

  “Records have an odd habit of disappearing,” Katerina said.

  “I tried, but they have more lives than a cat,” Izanami said.

  Katerina laughed and said, “That is the Data Security Agency. I have no doubt Patya and Takahiro are scheming; they are expecting you to alter your records. But there is something you can do, and I suggest you let Sora see you do it.”

  “What is that?”

  “Tell Kaede to appoint Takahiro as a minor lord, and as his legal advisor.”

  Izanami frowned, and her ears flopped as she said, “I don’t understand.”

  Katerina put her arm around Izanami and said, “Lawyers have a legal duty to obey their client. If Takahiro moves against Kaede, now or in a thousand years, as long as he is Kaede’s client, Patya has to arrest him…”

  Katerina stopped talking when Izanami jumped up. She hugged Katerina and ran off.


  Kaede sat in Takahiro’s office, Izanami bowed to him. He nodded. Sora took Izanami and led her out. Toshiko closed the door and asked, “Do you intend to harm your grandfather?”

  “Not unless he intends to harm me, which I doubt. Hopefully, you can persuade him to take out his aggression by throwing fish to Chou.”

  Toshiko handed Kaede a new identification card and said, “The transfer of power is complete. You now have access to everything.”

  Kaede grinned at her and asked, “Do you work for me, or do you serve Takahiro?”

  Toshiko gasped and said, “I am surprised you ask me that.”

  Kaede grinned and said, “Well, you did turn down marriage.”

  Toshiko bit her lip, looked away, and asked, “Do you have any other questions?”

  “Is this the only computer that can access the archives?”

  “It is one of three outside of subbasement twelve. The computer in my office in subbasement eleven and the one on the top floor office are the other two.”

  “Where is the AI that Grandfather uses?”

  “Benzaiten is the Palace network; she can see and hear all. But will only respond to you when she deems it safe. You are not to expose her existence. I am serious. You would be removed from office for breach of Imperial Security.”

  “How does it respond?”

  “The avatar can appear on this computer, the one in my office, or the one on the top floor. Another way is to enter a question into the search box on your phone. The answer will be the top result.”

  Kaede asked, “Benzaiten, who is
my mother?”

  On the screen, an image of a young Flower Elf appeared and replied, “You will eventually find out. So, I shall tell you. Takahiro erased all records of the female who carried you, even from my archives. Maybe the Blood Witches know since they cloned you from your father, who is a clone of Takahiro. But like him, you are not an exact copy; they altered your DNA.”

  “Benzaiten, if I need you, do you have a phone?” Kaede asked.

  The figure bowed. “Lady Toshiko will not permit me to have a mobile communications device in any of my direct access ports.”

  Kaede turned to Toshiko and said, “Please install a phone so that she can interact with either myself or you.”

  Toshiko bowed slightly and replied, “Yes, Emperor.”

  “Set up an office for Sora beside mine, she will need a crown, appropriate clothing, a car, and I want an army of protection around her, and the other girls,” Kaede said.

  “Yes, Emperor, but I remind you, she is only your fiancée.”

  Kaede turned the chair to Toshiko, “I know Sora is not my grandfather’s idea of an Empress. A marriage is supposed to be practical, is it not?”

  “Mako and Miko are stronger, smarter, and prettier.”

  Kaede put his fingers together and leant forward, “Maybe. But you are ideal.”

  Toshiko blushed and looked away. “I chose Sora and Akiko, they are not wild girls, and I want to have many strong sons with them. Izanami is the wild one. We can dance and go out and have fun. Mako and Miko are just there; they are reliable, dependable, and the one you ask to take care of púca. Since Akiko is too quiet, I decided on Sora.”

  “Already offers are coming in,” Toshiko said, Toshiko leant over and said, “Society doesn’t approve of older ladies having marriage arrangements with young males.” She took a breath and said, “Don’t mention us again, and you have my support as Emperor.”

  “Send all offers to Sora. But how many wives can I marry?”

  Toshiko stepped back from Kaede and replied, “The Emperor can have 108 wives.”

  Kaede’s eyebrows raised, and he spun the chair to face Toshiko, “Wow!”

  “It is not very practical. Women have needs.”

  “I am sure I can afford to feed, clothe and house them all.”

  “We can talk about a woman’s needs when you’re older, until then, I will ask the AI to refrain from discussing adult topics with you and should you try, to notify me.”


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