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Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box- Volume 1

Page 51

by Elle Thorne

  Rafe was around for most of the rest of Callie’s time off. She could tell he had feelings, though, how the hell could he after such a short time? She enjoyed his company, but more like she would that of a cousin or a brother. She had no chemistry with Rafe. He didn’t make her pulse race or her girly parts respond the way Vax did.

  Stop that! She reminded herself, Vax has Natalya. And he’s gone. Not an option.

  Anna was just heading out the door to go to work when Callie asked again, “Is he back?”

  “Vax?” Anna gave her a look, almost of pity.

  “No. The tiger.”

  “No. I asked Sophie and Lila, and they said Veila would know. I’ll ask her tonight.”

  “Thanks.” Callie hoped her tiger would be back when she went to work tomorrow night. She wanted to talk to him. God, she needed to vent about how pathetic she was for still being in love with a man who was on vacation with another woman.

  Anna was just closing the door behind her when Callie heard Rafe’s voice.

  “I’m taking her out for a ride. She’s been cooped up enough,” Rafe said.

  “Good idea.”

  Rafe stepped into the doorway. Every time she saw him, she found herself shaking inside, so much did he resemble Vax in build and coloring. All except for the eyes. Rafe’s were an intense dark blue, whereas Vax’s were a glorious Mediterranean open blue.

  “I want to see parts of Dallas. No, better yet, I want to see Fredericksburg. I keep hearing about this Hill Country you have in Texas, where some of our family members enjoy roaming.”

  “That’s an interesting way to put it.” Callie gave him a weird look.

  “I meant driving. You know, roaming the roads.”

  “It’s dark outside. Not much to see in the Hill Country right now. Plus, it’s not exactly a day trip. Save it for another time.”

  “There may not be another time after my brother returns.”

  “Why’s that?” Callie didn’t understand what he meant.

  “Doesn’t matter. So I guess we can just check Dallas out, then?”

  “Sure.” At least going with Rafe would keep her from moping at home all night long.

  * * *

  Callie really was beginning to like Rafe. Like. As in, nothing more than that. He was a dangerously sexy man, but she was immune to him. Her feelings for Vax dominated her heart and mind, though Rafe made for a good friend during dark times.

  “What’s Europe like? Where do you live?”

  He pulled into a park, though the sign clearly stated it was closed.

  Rafe got out and opened her car door. “Let’s walk.”

  Callie looked at the Closed sign then looked back at Rafe. Why not?

  He helped her over the fence. As soon as they’d reached cover in the trees and were no longer visible from the park benches, he answered her.

  “It’s very different from here. The lifestyle’s more laid back. The people enjoy living more. I’m in the mountains of northern Greece, sometimes in southern Italy. Our father is Italian. Guess you knew that?”

  She didn’t. She was in love with Vax, a man she knew virtually nothing about. Nothing except that when he was around, blood rushed through her body and sounded like she was white-water rafting. Her senses were so overwhelmed nothing else mattered when he was around. Which was exactly why she’d have to quit as soon as he and Natalya returned.

  “Want to know a secret?” Rafe’s eyes were almost black in the dark, forested night.

  She studied his face, wishing she could read his expression in the dimness. “If I say yes, do I have to share?”


  “Okay, then, yes.”

  He leaned against a tree, his shoulders wider than the large tree’s girth. Callie sat on a low horizontal branch running parallel to the ground.

  “Vax and I were never really close. Ever. I think when I was a little kid, we had a chance. That vanished not long after I started school.” He shook his head, as if disappointed. “When I was much younger, a girl, a former girlfriend of Vax’s, made a pass at me. I didn’t know she’d been his girlfriend. I slept with her. Then I found out the ugly truth. She was still his girlfriend. She was just trying to make him jealous. That was the nail that sealed the coffin on our being close. Ever, I guess.”

  A twinge of jealousy struck Callie, even though it was a girl who was clearly long gone from Vax’s life.

  Rafe’s secret explained the interaction she’d seen between Rafe and Vax that one night. “So if that was the nail that sealed the coffin shut, what happened before that?”

  Another head shake. This time it almost seemed anger-driven. “Our father. He’s super competitive. He pushed Vax into positions where he always had to prove himself, and sometimes against him, his own father. Then he made him compete with me when I was older.”

  “Doesn’t sound like a very good father. What did Vax do?”

  “He left. I was young, stupid, pretty much bought into all the hype. It was nice being favored. I’m sure I enjoyed it full tilt and took complete advantage of it.”

  Rafe should clear the air with his brother. It seemed he regretted the rift between them. Surely, they should be able to get past some of this. Or at least work through it. “Have you discussed it with Vax?”

  He shook his head, his eyes glittering in the darkness. “I haven’t.”

  “You should. I’ve never had a family.” He’d never know the emptiness of not having family, but it was a feeling she knew well. She’d give anything to have an assortment of siblings. Even half-siblings.

  She thought of the closeness she shared with her tiger. “I’ll share a secret with you.”

  “I told you that you don’t have to. I thought you didn’t want to.” He cocked his head then crossed his arms over his chest.

  “There’s this tiger at Sanctuary. I’ll probably lose my job, but he’s like my best friend. No, he’s more than that. It’s like he gets me. Gets me better than any person has.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Vax, Alexa, and Lézare were on the side veranda at Arceneaux Point. The afternoon sun transformed the estate’s landscape into a wonderland of topiaries, hedges, and flower arrangements. Magnolias with large white blooms garnished the spacious yard.

  Vax had been here for a few days. He would have enjoyed the Arceneaux hospitality under normal circumstances if he weren’t in a hurry to get home. If he weren’t in a hurry to see Callie. And, if he was honest with himself, if he weren’t disconcerted about Rafe’s presence at After Dark—and around Callie, especially.

  Not that Vax wasn’t enjoying Lézare’s history lessons while they waited for word on Natalya. Some of the lessons included Lézare’s explanation of how they were descendants of Alexander the Great. He showed off the old pictures and portraits, including one of his mother as a teenager.

  “So what kind of shifter was Alexander?”

  “You have to ask? A white tiger, naturally. But the mystery is that he wasn’t born a shifter. It happened sometime while he was in India.”

  “You do know they say he died when he was in his thirties. Poisoned.”

  “That was propaganda he spread.”

  Behind Lézare’s back, Alexa shook her head.

  Lézare excused himself to take a phone call. Vax took the opportunity to ask Alexa a question. “You don’t believe the stuff Lézare says? About Alexander?”

  “It’s not so much that as it is I don’t think it matters. We are who we are. And we’re in the here and now.”

  He admired the sprawling live oak trees decked in Spanish moss. “You like Louisiana?”

  Alexa frowned. “It’s okay. I’d like to visit Dallas again, stay longer. I’d like to see the world more. Lézare is a bit overprotective.”

  “Maybe the same could be said of me.” He wondered if his sisters thought the same way. He’d have to ask Veila. “Our place is open to you whenever you wish. I know my sisters would love to learn they have another cousin.”
br />   “I may just take you up on that. By the way, I’m not the only sister Lézare has. Just the only one here right now. Because I’m the baby, he…” She rolled her eyes. “Like I said, overprotective.”

  “I may put you to work if you come to After Hours.”

  Lézare returned, a serious look on his face. “What are you two cooking up over there?”

  “Just a friendly visit,” Vax said.

  “Maybe even a job,” Alexa added.

  Vax studied Lézare to see how the other shifter would take that. He didn’t want Lézare to feel uncomfortable or threatened.

  Lézare nodded. “I have news. Well, the news is actually on her way over. Not willingly, I might add.”

  Vax gave him a quizzical look.

  “Natalya was in Houston, at the apartment of one of her father’s cohorts. Her father has no idea.”

  “What do you mean?” Vax didn’t want to believe what his mind was processing.

  “The kidnapping was a ruse. She’s got a friend with her, actually one of her cousins. Has a gravelly voice. Sound familiar?”

  “Son of a bitch.” Vax jumped to a stand and paced the room.

  “She’s going straight to her father. And…” And I’m going straight to Callie.

  Lazaro cocked his head. “And…?”

  “They were trying to arrange a merger, an alliance. They wanted to seal it with her hand in marriage.”

  “Oh, she’s a crafty one, isn’t she?” Alexa flipped her hair behind her shoulder. “Let me have a visit with her?”

  The glint in Alexa’s eye told Vax the visit would involve bodily harm—Natalya’s.

  Lézare shook his head, as if he was used to Alexa’s antics. “My sisters are on the feisty side. Especially this redhead. Your little kidnap victim will be here in less than thirty minutes.”

  “No.” Vax shook his head at Alexa. “I don’t want to resolve it this way. Christ, my sisters will absolutely love you.” He wondered about his invitation to Alexa. Put her in a room with his sisters, there’d be more energy than he could handle.

  “Sisters?” Lézare gave him a look. “Only Veila is in Dallas with you. The others are in Europe with your brother, or as your family calls him, Rafe. Unless, of course, you’re including your visiting half-sisters.”

  Vax studied Lézare. “You know a lot about us. It’s a good thing you’re family.” He was impressed with the amount of knowledge Lézare had revealed to him over the last few days.

  “Everyone has to be good at something. You trade in liquor and other goods. I trade in knowledge, and other things.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard about the other things.” Even though Vax hadn’t known they were cousins until he arrived, the Arceneaux tribe’s reputation was common knowledge.

  They waited on the veranda, drinking sweet tea—far sweeter than Vax would have preferred, but he wasn’t going to complain. The afternoon view was beautiful, and he knew the sunset would be stunning again, but this time, he wanted to see it while he was driving northwest. He’d much rather see Callie than the most stunning of sunsets. Every moment that he’d been here, he’d cursed himself for being a fool and not having made her his.

  Three cars and two SUVs pulled up. Three large shifters exited one of the SUVs. Red-faced and far from composed, Natalya flew out of the vehicle, her hair in disarray, her face a mask of fury. Pouty and sullen, Natalya and her equally morose accomplice pulled away from the Arceneaux shifters surrounding them.

  “Don’t touch me,” she snapped at one of them when he put a hand on her elbow to guide her up the staircase.

  Then her eyes landed on Vax. Her expression changed. She turned sickly sweet, sweeter than the tea he’d been drinking. “Vax!” She ran his way. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you. These…” She looked at the Arceneaux as if they were compost. “These gentlemen were kind enough to save me and my friend from the kidnappers.”

  “Ma chérie. You are too precious.” Lézare couldn’t contain his laughter. The gleam in Lézare’s eye made Vax wonder what was on his mind.

  “And who are you?” Natalya looked down her nose at the man who towered above her.

  “Lézare Arceneaux. The man who will return your naughty derriere to your father. And if you misbehave, I’ll be the man who spanks it.” He winked at her.

  “You’ll do no such thing!” Natalya turned red then scoffed, though a look of fear crossed her face. Clearly, she knew about Lézare Arceneaux and his reputation.

  “I believe I’ll take you up on that offer.” Vax smiled. “Will you be so kind as to have whoever delivers her to her father explain the circumstances of my refusal? Tell him I cannot abide the idea of having a mate who practices stunts like this.”

  Vax had no intention of telling them he already knew who his mate was. They’d find out when he invited them to the wedding. If he invited them. Hell, who was he kidding? He liked these newfound cousins of his. He was definitely going to invite them. He would forge a relationship he was certain his mother would have wanted. He wondered if it would piss his father off, and a part of him hoped so. The old man certainly had his share of crap coming his way.

  Vax hugged Alexa then shook Lézare’s hand. “I’m glad I came out.”

  “As am I.” Lézare smiled. “You won’t be a stranger, will you?”

  “You’re coming to the next council meeting, right?” Vax asked him. He fully intended to introduce his sisters and his tribe to his New Orleans family.

  “You can’t leave me!” Natalya stomped her foot. “Vax Tiero, you get back here right now.”

  Thank God she wasn’t his problem anymore.

  Lézare’s laughter at Natalya’s indignation was the last sound Vax heard as he got into his car. He headed west, hoping he’d have no interference from the law or any speed traps. With any luck, he’d be in time. He texted Veila. Is Callie working tonight?

  Her response made him smile.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Callie went through the motions quickly. Makeup, done. Hair, done. She stayed in her jeans, though, leaving the dress on the hanger.

  She arrived early, really early, at After Dark. She went in with purpose. She had a damned good reason for being early. And this might be the last time she got to do this.

  She slipped out of the dressing room. After Dark was a graveyard, but she wasn’t taking any chances. She ran along the perimeter of the dance floor, double checking, making sure there was no one around.

  She drew up short, stopping in front of the door to Sanctuary.

  Please let it not be locked. Please be unlocked. Please. Please!

  Without pausing, she reached for the handle and yanked on it. The door opened! She darted inside and pulled it shut behind her.

  As always, she paused a moment to let her vision adjust to the dimness in the undergrowth. A shape appeared behind the leaves. Holding her breath, Callie stepped closer. Please be him, and not that bitch of a tigress that could have killed me. Or the other male tiger that he almost got into it with. Please.

  The shape stepped out. Large. Definitely not the female. Now she had to be sure it wasn’t the other male. Especially when she knew the tigers could come into the viewing area. She wasn’t about to get any farther from the door until she knew for sure.

  “Is it you?”

  The tiger’s head tilted. His broad chest, white with dark stripes, melded with the shadows.

  He stepped closer then leapt onto the boulder he usually sat on. She looked at his eyes.


  “Thank God,” she whispered, approaching him. “I can’t believe it. You’re here. When did you get back? I’ve been worried. I was off for a few days.” She shrugged. She didn’t feel like confessing how drunk she’d gotten, or how Rafe was helping her. All that mattered now was she was with her tiger, and he was safe. “You saved my life, you know.”

  The tiger’s head cocked to the other side.

  “I love how you know, or at least seem to know what I�
��m saying.” She took a step closer. “Or maybe you’re faking it really well.” She laughed. “I don’t mean faking it. I guess I mean I’m taking liberties with my interpretations.”

  She could have sworn the tiger’s lips curled the slightest bit. Like a smile. Or a snarl? No, not her tiger. No way.

  An overwhelming urge to touch him came over her. “Come closer.” She walked to the bars.

  The tiger leaped off the tall boulder and stood on the rock in front of the bars.

  “Don’t laugh.” Okay, did I really just tell a tiger not to laugh? She had. Geez. What’s next? “Anyway, I was going to say, don’t laugh, but I want to hug you. It may be the last time I get to hug you. Probably the last time I get to see you.”

  * * *

  Vax froze. His blood felt like it had icicles flowing through it. What the hell did she mean it would be the last time she got to hug or see him? What the hell had happened? He’d just driven in and told Veila not to bother him, that he’d be in Sanctuary and didn’t want to be disturbed. He’d hurried back here to make his claim, to take his mate as his. And now she was telling him she wasn’t going to see him again?

  Rafe. It had to be Rafe. Was Rafe trying to claim Callie? There was no way Vax was going to have that. He’d kill his brother first. His eyes narrowed.

  She wrapped her arms around him, the bars blocking her. The bars stopped him, too, from getting close to her. He felt wetness against his cheek and, turning his head, glimpsed the shimmer of tears on her face.

  His tiger made a plaintive sound deep in Vax’s chest. Vax pulled away from her, leapt onto the tall boulder, bunched his muscles, and lunged across the water, clearing the moat, his hind legs almost missing their target. He quickly pulled them upward, closer to his body, and landed in front of her.

  Open-mouthed, the tears still shiny on her face, she stared at him then burst into laughter and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  * * *


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