A Life Sublime

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A Life Sublime Page 20

by Billy London

  “Rocco!” she beamed at a familiar face.

  “Hello Mrs. Afriyie or Mrs. Da Canaveze to be.” She gave his cheeks an affectionate pat.

  “Aren’t you charming?”

  “Let’s have a drink later on?”

  “Make sure it’s a proper drink, no wishy-washy champagne.”

  Rocky swallowed a laugh. “Understood.”

  She was more than happy to see Tony and Lydia. Beppe turned up dressed like a train robber. “Why do you have a scarf over your face?” she demanded, unravelling herself from a hug.

  “A run in with some very unscrupulous people. I’m trying not to ruin anyone’s photographs.”

  “Good idea,” Belinda said.

  Massimo touched his hand to Belinda’s arm. “Bella, this is Enzo Vitale. His father came to see me at the villa. The day of the customary rites, do you remember?”

  That blustering demon? Yes. “Nice to meet you. How is your father?”

  “He passed away,” Enzo said quietly. Snake, popped into Belinda’s head immediately. Your father was a little python and you’re no better.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you Signora Da Canaveze.”

  Belinda couldn’t be bothered to correct him and a glance at Massimo’s face told her that the respect shown was approved. Enzo introduced his troupe until finally he waved a hand in the direction of a tall, thin-looking boy. “This is Arlo, my youngest brother.”

  Arlo looked like he needed a good meal and eight hours’ worth of sleep. A twinge inside Belinda nearly prompted her to hug him. She instead, held out her hand and was on the receiving end of a surprisingly firm grip. “There’s plenty to eat and drink, so please enjoy yourselves.”

  Arlo gave an abrupt nod and the Vitales moved on. Belinda heard Nick growl, “This is doing my fucking nut in.”

  “What’s the matter?” Belinda asked, turning to see Gina rubbing a hand along Nick’s spine.

  “Nothing mina. It’s just a long day. Sorry.”

  With a moue of sympathy, Belinda gave Nick a tight, comforting hug. “Make sure you have something to eat.”

  He gave a naughty grin. “Gina will see to that.”

  Gina elbowed him in the ribs. “Why do you do it?”

  “It’s too easy,” he grunted, rubbing his side. “That hurt, woman.”

  “Just behave yourselves for a few minutes longer and then go back to your usual nonsense.”

  She received dutiful grins for her trouble. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to greet the remainder of the guests. Drinks and canapés were passed to the guests and Massimo kissed her before disappearing to the other side of the ballroom. Not finding a taste for champagne, Belinda wandered to the hotel bar for some whiskey.

  By the bar, she twisted her lips at yet more reptiles. Ah, the elderly ones again. They nodded respectfully and Belinda said, “You’ll understand that my wedding to Massimo will be private?”

  One of them lifted his eyebrows in shock. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You’re not invited.”

  “I apologise, Senora, but I believe we are expected.”

  “No, no, no. Let me explain this to you. You’re not coming. No one, bar my children will be there. If you want to argue, feel free to ask either one of my sons.” She indicated Nick and then Paul. “Am I being clear about everything?”

  “Of course,” came the chorus. She saw shock in their faces, but best to clear those lines now. In case Massimo was carried away with other issues and it slipped his mind. Maybe they were a bad influence on her because all she was thinking was she’d actually enjoy it if they turned up. It would be the perfect excuse for her to do her own style of execution.

  Feeling and dressed much like the maligned Wallace Simpson, Gina took a moment to consider what would have happened to her if Nick had abdicated the Da Canaveze throne for her. The Bahamas’s still an option, she thought, playing with one of the many pearl buttons on her sleeves.

  Rocky came over and put a hand to the small of her back. “Are you all right?”

  “Let’s just say your mate’s lucky we’re already married,” she murmured.

  He glanced around at the guests who were enjoying a variety of expensive spirits. “This is just formality. You’ve had a proper wedding.”

  “So when you get married, I can skip this?”

  He tilted his head slightly, his dark eyes curious. “Why do you want me married so badly?”

  “It means I can still be friends with you.”

  He smirked. “Knew you liked me best.”

  “I prefer your grandmother,” she retorted. “Why’s she not here?”

  He sighed, “Long story.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She will be. I’ve got someone working on it.”

  Gina perked up. “Someone eh? Is that someone going to let me skip this part of what should be a week long wedding?”

  To her surprise, Rocky’s cheeks went slightly pink. “I preferred you when you were taking us to strip clubs.”

  “I can still do that.”

  He gave her rounding tummy the gentlest of pats. “I’d like to see you try given who you’re married to.”

  She nearly pushed up her sleeves, “Challenge accepted. Bring your bird as well. I’ve got to give her some idea of what she’s getting into.”

  He laughed, “She’s not my bird.”

  “I know that look.” Gina teased. “That look means you want her to be. And she will be. Seriously, next week, we’re off. Bring her with.”

  “If you are already match making, I’d appreciate your help.”

  Rocky’s frame tensed immediately. Oh lord, Gina thought. Enzo Vitale was such a stirrer. She’d fended him off at Federico and Katrina’s wedding and she had thanked God that Nick had been in no condition to see him trying it on again at Mary Alice’s funeral. The dude had the taint of snake about him then and God only knew how it was possible but he had even more snake taint now.

  “Aren’t you married already?” Rocky asked pointedly.

  “Sadly, divorced.”

  “Is that even allowed in your family?” Gina blurted.

  Enzo grinned, “I did offer to do so earlier for you, but you were preoccupied with your now husband.”

  “Vitale,” Rocky said softly, “she’s my brother’s wife. Be careful.”

  Oh God, Gina thought in horror. Cock fight.

  “Don’t be so sensitive, Rocky.”

  “Signor Mamione,” he corrected.

  The barest twitch at the corner of Enzo’s eye betrayed his irritation. “I wouldn’t do a thing to make the beautiful Mrs. Da Canaveze unhappy.” His eyes fell on Gina once more. “Maybe you would allow me to bring you something to drink. Champagne?”

  “Can’t drink. Up the duff.” Cripes, her boobs really had gone up in size if he failed to see the bump that was Bullet 2.

  Enzo’s eyebrows raised. “Are you really? Clever old Nick. Congratulations.”


  “I will bring you something soft to drink. One moment.”

  As he left, Gina gripped Rocky’s hand. “Don’t touch your gun.”

  “How’d you know I’ve got one?”

  “I’m leaning on it now,” she muttered. “Look, my aunt’s just agreed to marry my father-in-law and she will not only run a mile but take me with her if she finds out just what the hell these people are about.”

  “He’s retiring,” Rocky said, reaching around her to give her shoulder a reassuring rub. “She’ll have nothing to worry about. Particularly, if I follow the need to put Enzo’s body in a landfill site.”

  His tone was nothing but deadly serious. “No need dude.”

  “There is every need. Like I told twat face, you are my brother’s wife. Even if said brother upsets you, you come to me.”

  “Okay Signor Mamione.” He gave her a kiss on the temple just as Nick appeared in the ballroom, followed by Paul, Massimo and Beppe along with a range of well suited me
n. Gina frowned. “What’s going on there?”

  “I believe your father-in-law has announced his retirement.”

  “My aunt will be happy,” she said blankly, feeling a bolt of old fear.

  “It’s just official. Nick’s been doing this for a while. Don’t worry.”

  “You can’t say that to a pregnant woman, dude, come on,” Gina reproved.

  “I can say that to you because he would not let anything get in the way of your future together. Believe me.”

  “Hands off,” Nick demanded, curling his arms around Gina’s waist to give her a sweet kiss.

  “Don’t be rude, Rocky’s looking after me.”

  Nick’s eyebrows curled in disapproval. “Rocky’s had enough thanks. His limbs are still attached, aren’t they?”

  Rocky simply laughed as Gina pressed her mouth to the pulse in Nick’s neck. “I’d have legged it otherwise.”

  Nick glanced down at her. “You know Dad wouldn’t forgive you if you left.”

  Gina snorted. “Yes he would. He’s getting married because of me. Hell, I could bring up this child as Jewish, name him after a car not a saint and introduce him to cricket not football and Padre would still forgive me.”

  “I’m not talking to you,” Nick grumbled.

  Enzo reappeared with her juice. “Good, maybe then I could have some much deserved time alone with the bride.”

  If Gina put a microphone near Nick’s throat, she was sure that all anyone would hear would be growling. “I was joking.”

  “Of course. Mrs. Da Canaveze.”

  Rocky took the glass from Enzo and placed it on the nearest table. “Maybe I was thirsty,” Gina interrupted the bristling that was surrounding her. All this tension could not be good for Bullet 2.

  “I will get you something,” Rocky offered.

  Gina shook her head. “It’s fine.”

  “I was merely congratulating your wife on your good news. I wonder if you would consider Abele a good name for a son.”

  That was his father’s name. However much of a snake he was, he had lost a parent, and for that at least, Gina would bear him some tolerance. “I’m sorry about your father.”

  He gave a mild shrug as Nick pulled her protectively into his side. “I expected it.”

  “Really?” Nick and Rocky drawled.

  Enzo’s eyes flashed, “Is there something you know that I do not?”

  “It’s just a strange thing to say that you expected your father’s death,” Gina intervened, squashing that fuse immediately. “Was he ill?”

  “Cancer,” he replied, tugging at the cuffs of his blazer. “It would have been nice for him to enjoy some celebrations before he died.”

  “We’re not close,” Nick said, his voice lowering which Gina knew meant he was getting angrier by the minute. “It shouldn’t bother you so much that my wedding was for family and close friends only.”

  Enzo gave a mocking smile. “I would have liked to offer Mrs. Da Canaveze the option to be part of a different family.”

  “Enzo, line. Crossing. You are not making this day any more enjoyable by trying to push my husband. You’re lucky he’s got some self-control.”

  Enzo snorted, “You’re too good for the Da Canavezes.”

  “I am a Da Canaveze,” she snapped. “I’ll put your inability to be sensible down to your grief. Now can you please go away?”

  “And thereby proving my point.”

  Rocky put both hands in his pockets. “And you are proving mine as to the point of your existence on this planet.”

  “How badly do you miss your father?” Nick asked softly. “Because if it’s that much, I’ll be happy to arrange for you to be with him shortly.”

  Gina prayed for the man to see that Nick was not even joking. Enzo’s mouth tightened before he visibly pulled himself together and gave a polite nod in Gina’s direction. “Mrs. Da Canaveze.”

  He turned away and left the ballroom altogether. Rocky put a hand on Gina’s shoulder and she nearly leapt a foot into the air. “Dude, I am tense all over. I think we need to stop having public parties, shit always gets stirred.”

  Nick slowly rolled his shoulders, and she felt him relaxing. “Noted. Family only from now on.” He turned to Rocky. “Can you make sure security got him to leave?”

  Rocky nodded once and followed Enzo.

  “Taking it a bit far?” Gina asked.

  “I swore that no one would ever again test me where you’re concerned. He and his phat mouth can go elsewhere. Or he’ll have a head missing.”

  She lightly ran her hand over his chest to touch his cheek. “He is right though, I am far too good for you.”

  His smile was fleeting. “I don’t know why I let Dad insist we do this.”

  “Respect. Keeping boundaries and alliances tight, I don’t know. But he asked and we owe him. So it’s done. I’m not liking it any more than you, but it’s just for a little while longer.”

  He sighed, “I hate when you talk sense.”

  “And you said I’d lose brain cells. Why did I marry you?”

  “I sexed you into it.”

  “That happens far too often.”

  “Because you’re a freak.”


  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  In a smaller conference room, the gathered heads of families were all seated. Nick stood beside him, Paul sat to Massimo’s right, Tony and Beppe stood at the doors.

  “Now. I appreciate you all attending this momentous occasion. I must also apologise for not being able to have you all at my home in Italy. It would have been, you must understand, a logistical nightmare.”

  There were murmurs of amusement and he continued. “Today is a day that not only has my church blessed my son’s marriage, but today is also the day that I will freely pass the mantle to my son. I am no longer a head of family. Today, I simply become a husband, a father and a grandfather. Nicholas will see to all your needs. Resolve your problems. Maintain order. Consider me as retired.”

  There was a stunned silence as the members all stared at him, then each other and back to Massimo. He tapped his fingers on the table in front of him with impatience.

  “Signor, you can’t retire.”

  “Excuse me?” Massimo asked gently.

  The questioner cleared his throat and lowered his voice, as if that would convey respect where the question did not. “It’s… it isn’t done. No one retires.”

  “If the Pope of the Catholic Church can retire, then so can I. You know my son. For the past three years, you have been dealing with him. It will continue to be as such. My contribution to our organisation must come to an end.”

  “But Signor…”

  Massimo held the man with a still gaze. “That is the decision. There is nothing I know that Nicholas does not. Just as there is nothing he cannot do that I can. Have I been understood, or do those with limited understanding need the sharp end of a bullet to be clear?”

  A united, “Yes Signor,” filled the room. Massimo clapped his hands together. “Excellent. As we were.” They began to file out of the conference room.

  Paul snorted, “Christ, did you see some of them?”

  “I know,” Nick sounded thoroughly insulted. “Like it was up for Prime Minister’s Question Time. The fuck? Dad, do you see what you’ve done?”

  For Bella? “Yes. But more for you. You do not need me.”

  Nick’s face twitched. “Why would you say that? Is something else going on?”

  “Not at all. I made a promise to my wife-to-be. As a married man, you will understand the importance of keeping such promises.” His son opened his mouth to argue and Massimo instead laid two kisses, one on each of his dimpled cheeks. “You do not need me. I am most assured of your capabilities.”

  “Thank you,” he said eventually, hugging Massimo tightly. “Let me get back to Gina, tell her to chill. Not that she’ll do as she’s told.”

  “I warned you,” Tony taunt
ed, holding the door open for them all. Ignoring the byplay between his son and his friends, Massimo felt relief, the burdens and responsibilities now all with Nick. He should have done this some time ago, however he wasn’t sure that Nick was ready to do this. Now he was firmly convinced that this was right.

  His eyes surveyed the ballroom and interestingly enough he saw Rocco Mamione following Enzo Vitale out of the hotel. Massimo sighed. Why did people insist on challenging him? Tapping Rocco on the shoulder as he passed, the younger man held back as Massimo chopped his wrist across Enzo’s throat. Enzo struggled for breath immediately clutching Massimo’s arm with one hand, his throat with the other.

  “This,” he murmured, “Enzo, is what it feels like to take your last breath. I told you in Napoli but I suspect your father’s death has caused you more mental damage than you would believe.” Enzo wheezed, his lips turning blue as his hands scrambled for life. “The only reason you are still alive is because I do not think your brother can take any more grief at this present time. If I were you, I would be very nice to Arlo for a while. It will ensure you live longer.”

  He brushed Enzo from his suit and his body collapsed in a heap. Rocco was staring at him with raised brows.

  “Forgive the question, sir, but didn’t you just retire?”

  “Emphasising a point does not come within the scope of my retirement,” Massimo replied, ignoring Enzo’s loud and desperate coughs. “He has five seconds to apologise or I believe you will have to arrange his transport for the night to a mortuary. Five…”

  “Sorry!” Enzo heaved, on his hands and knees. “I meant no disrespect.”

  “Try harder,” Massimo replied gently, turning back into the ballroom. He assumed Nick would have dealt with it another time, but as history had taught them both, nipping little rebellious incidents in the bud worked best. Shaking the violence from his person, he immediately looked for Belinda in the crowd of guests and found her. It was like stepping into sunshine after the bleakest of winters. He couldn’t wait to start his life with her.

  “Bella, let us go outside for a walk.”

  She beamed at him. “Good idea. All I’m doing is drinking. And starting fights.”

  Interesting. If there was the smallest doubt this woman was meant for him, it simply vanished with those three words and starting fights. Laughing, they took a turn in the garden adjacent to the ballroom. “Would you like our wedding to be here?” he asked, as they headed for a bench.


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