Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure

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Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure Page 1

by Disney Digital Books

  Copyright © 2010 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Adapted by Kimberly Morris

  ISBN: 978-1-4231-4872-2

  Printed in the United States of America

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lyria, the best storytelling fairy in Pixie Hollow, hovered in front of an elaborate tapestry. She was searching for inspiration for a new poem—a poem she would recite at the Autumn Revelry.

  The tapestry depicted the nature fairies: the special group of fairies who changed the seasons four times a year on the mainland. Right now, Lyria knew, those special fairies were making sure that autumn arrived in all its splendid glory.

  Words began to come to Lyria as she stared at the wondrous tapestry. She recited them quietly, her eyes lingering on the dazzling colors of fall.

  “The changing of the seasons

  Brings wonder to the world.

  For ages has the magic

  Of the fairies been unfurled.

  But nature’s greatest changes

  Come beneath the autumn sky.

  And mysteries reveal themselves

  As harvest time draws nigh.

  This year, a shimmering blue moon

  Will rise before the frost.

  Perhaps its rays can light the way

  To find what has been lost.”

  Lyria closed her eyes and pictured what was happening on the mainland. She imagined the teams of fast-flying fairies that glided over the trees, trailing pixie dust behind them. Magically, green leaves turned yellow, orange, and red in their wake.

  In a sunflower patch, garden fairies stripped tattered petals from their stalks. Waiting birds with woven baskets hurried to catch the falling sunflower seeds. The fairies would bring the seeds back to Pixie Hollow to be stored until next spring, when they would change the season again.

  Vidia, the fastest of the fast-flying fairies, spun through the woods, creating whirlwinds that sent leaves flying off the trees and floating through the air.

  Beck, an animal fairy, darted from tree to cave, tucking in the hibernating creatures for their long nap after making sure each one had eaten a large and nourishing meal.

  Fawn, another animal fairy, took charge of the migrating creatures. She led a group of geese down a long runway. She gave them the signal to take off and then dove forward just in time to avoid being run over by the V-shaped flock.

  Oh, if only humans could see how busy the fairies were! But they never did. And they never would. All they would know was that one day, miraculously and seemingly overnight, autumn had arrived.

  By then, the fairies who had worked so hard to make it happen would already be speeding toward the Second Star to the Right, hurrying home to Pixie Hollow to celebrate the completion of their work at the Autumn Revelry.

  Back in Pixie Hollow, the dust-keeper fairy Terence zoomed back toward the Dust Distribution Depot at top speed. There was a lot to do! So many fairies and supplies had to be flown back and forth from the mainland that it seemed as if he just raced from one dust delivery to the next.

  It was pixie dust that kept everybody and everything in the air. So during a season change, the dust-keeper fairies worked day and night. And the rules were strictly enforced: One teacup of dust per fairy per day. No more. No less. Every particle was precious.

  Terence flew into the bustling depot where the pixie dust was prepared for distribution. He landed next to his friend Stone, who was standing on the production line. “Good morning, Stone.”

  “Hey, Terence,” Stone answered, glad to see his buddy.

  The two friends tossed bags back and forth like jugglers before depositing them neatly on the conveyor belt.

  Before they could resume their game, Fairy Gary came marching through, barking orders at the top of his voice. “Come on! Let’s go! Flap your wings! Those fairies on the mainland won’t be able to fly home without pixie dust. Terence, have you delivered the pixie dust rations to the scouts yet?”

  “Yes,” Terence answered. “I just finished today’s.”

  “Remember,” Fairy Gary said, “one cup each. No more. No less.”

  Terence nodded. “I know, Fairy Gary.”

  On the other side of the depot, the timekeeper pulled a lever that sent a sleeping beetle into a flower amplifier. The startled beetle awoke with a loud BZZZZZZZZZZ, signaling that the shift was over.

  Terence prepared to fly away.

  “Where are you off to?” Fairy Gary asked as he smiled slyly at Bolt and Flint, two other dust-keepers.

  “Oh … just doing some errands and stuff,” Terence answered evasively.

  Bolt gave Flint a knowing wink. “Errands, eh?”

  “And stuff,” Flint reminded Bolt.

  Terence knew they were teasing him about his friend Tinker Bell. But sometimes it was just better to play dumb. “Why are you guys talking like that?”

  Flint and Bolt grinned and answered as one. “Nooooo reeeeeeason.”

  “Say hi to Tinker Bell,” said Fairy Gary with a smile.

  Terence flew away, determined to ignore their teasing and make a dignified exit. Unfortunately—BLAM! BANG! BOING!—he flew straight into a shelf full of pots.

  The other dust-keepers laughed when Terence emerged from the mess with a rubber band around his neck. Even Terence couldn’t help laughing. He removed the rubber band. “Is it okay if I take this?”

  Fairy Gary grinned. “Sure.”

  “Thanks. See you tomorrow.” Terence took off, heading for Havendish Stream, where Tinker Bell was working on a new boat.

  Tinker Bell was brilliant. She was imaginative.

  She was stubborn. Sometimes she was just plain crazy.

  Being around Tinker Bell isn’t always easy, Terence thought with a smile, but it’s always interesting. Because with Tinker Bell, you never knew what was going to happen next.

  Tinker Bell’s projects were so exciting that her friends always wanted to help, whether she wanted them to or not. Today, Tink had two assistants working on the boat project: Cheese, an extremely helpful mouse, and Flutter, a not-so-helpful bird.

  Flutter meant well, but he kept accidentally dropping hammers near Tinker Bell’s head.

  The boat, which was made of a hollowed-out gourd, sat perched on a ramp. Tink quickly slid underneath the boat to check the paddle wheel.

  “Try it now, Cheese.”

  Cheese pedaled, and the paddle began to turn.

  “That’s it. Keep going. Keep going.”

  “Special delivery for Tinker Bell,” called out a familiar voice.

  Tink scooted out from beneath the boat. It was Terence!

  “Hey! Who’s your best friend that always delivers?” he asked.

  “Iridessa!” Tink answered promptly.

  “Nope. Try again.”

  Tink cocked her head and pretended to think hard. “Fawn?”

  “Me!” Terence said, his face falling.

  Tink grinned so that Terence would know she had been teasing all along. “Just kidding!” She gestured to her boat. “What do you think about the Pixie Dust Express?”

  “The guys are going to love this back at the depot. Sure is going to help out on the river outpost deliveries.”

  “What’s that stretchy thingy?” Tink pointed to the rubber band Terence was holding.

  Terence handed it to her. “I thought you could use it for your motor.”

  Tinker Bell took the rubber band and stretched it … and stretched it … and stretched it until—SNAP!—it pulled itself back into shape and sent Tink spinning into a tangled twist.

  Tink was impressed with the force and the speed. “I think it’s going to be perfect.”

  Tink and Terence wound the rubber band tighter and tighter around the paddle wheel. Flutter and a bee brought a twig clip to hold it in place.

  Tink hopped into the boat and took the wheel. “All right, Cheese. Ready to launch?”

  Cheese released the brake, and the boat slid gently into the water.

  “It floats!” Tink cried happily.

  Cheese, Flutter, and the bee all made chirping, buzzing, and cheering sounds. Terence quickly fashioned a leaf into a kayak and paddled beside Tink. “Ready for the official test run? Don’t worry, I’ll be right next to you. All set?”

  Tinker Bell nodded. “Check,” she replied eagerly.

  “Let ’er rip,” Terence said.

  Tink pulled the rip cord and the boat took off, kicking up a huge wave that washed over Terence and his leaf kayak. Terence swallowed a mouthful of water and sputtered as his boat began to sink lower and lower.

  Tink hoped Terence could stay above water long enough to see what a masterpiece of engineering her boat was. Talk about fully loaded—this baby had options galore. “And now for the hydro-drive,” she shouted.

  Tink pulled another lever made of a twig.


  Wings made of bark unfolded from the sides of the boat, and skis popped out of the bottom.

  Tink loosened the rubber band, and the paddle wheel began to spin like a fan. Her gourd boat went faster than she had dreamed possible.

  Maybe a little too fast.

  A bug came flying toward Tink’s face. She ducked just in time. The bug flew past her, but when she turned, she saw it fly right into Terence’s mouth. “Arghghghgh!” he cried as he spit the bug out.

  Tink whipped her head around to face forward again. Her eyes widened. Oh, no! The boat was approaching the other side of the river!


  The skis snapped off as the gourd went skidding up the bank, gaining even more speed.

  “Yeeeeowww!” Tinker Bell yelled.

  But the boat kept going … going … going … heading straight for a tree!

  Tinker Bell closed her eyes and waited for the crash.

  But instead of crashing, the boat kept moving, buzzing its way up the tree’s trunk until, slowly but surely, it ground to a halt in the uppermost branches.

  Tink opened her eyes. She couldn’t believe it. This was amazing! Astounding! A miracle! Not only was she still alive, but the boat was in one piece. A little tinkering, a little fixing, and everything would be just fine.

  Well, everything would have been fine … if it just hadn’t been for that darned gravity thing.


  The weight of the boat was too much for the slender branches on which it was perched.


  The last thing Tink saw was the amazed stare of a red-headed woodpecker as she tumbled past him. “Aiiiiiiiiieeeeee!” she shrieked.

  Terence had seen the whole thing. He paddled his leaf kayak to the other side of the river and jumped out, hurrying toward the tree Tink had crashed into. “Tink? Tink!” he shouted.

  He found her lying on the ground surrounded by broken pieces of gourd, her shattered paddle wheel, and scattered twigs.

  “Are you okay?” He gingerly helped her up.

  “I’m good,” she said, struggling to her feet. “But I guess your delivery guys are going to have to wait a little longer.”

  Tink sounded very calm and professional. Terence was relieved. He knew she often had a tough time controlling her temper.

  Terence studied what was left of the boat. “Wow, Tink. I’m impressed. Usually when one of your inventions doesn’t work out, you overreact. And that’s putting it mildly. But you’re taking this pretty well. I really admire your self-control.”

  That was when Terence turned and saw that Tink wasn’t taking it well at all. She was actually doing a very dramatic rage dance, making angry faces and kicking her feet behind his back.

  Terence sighed. “Never mind.”

  “I DROVE IT INTO A TREE!” Tinker Bell exploded, unable to contain herself any longer. “Jingles! I can’t believe the boat broke. I made it for you.”

  Tinker Bell sat on the ground, folded her arms over her chest, and pouted.

  Terence sat down with his back to hers. He hated for Tink to be unhappy. “It just needs a little tinkering. Who do I know who’s a good tinkerer? Let’s see. Bobble’s a good tinkerer. Fairy Mary’s got a lot of experience. Hey, how about Clank?”

  Tinker Bell’s sense of humor kicked in and she began to laugh.

  Before either one could say another word, a blast from a reed kazoo split the air. Only one kind of fairy used a kazoo like that. The summoning fairies were Queen Clarion’s helpers. When they showed up, it meant the queen had an urgent need to speak with someone. Alarmed, Terence and Tink looked to the sky and saw Queen Clarion’s head summoning fairy, Viola, approaching at top speed. She looked like a fairy on a mission. “Uh-oh!” Terence said. “Someone’s in trouble.” He looked at Tink.

  “I haven’t done anything,” she insisted. “At least, not lately.”

  “The stinkbug incident?” Terence asked gently.

  Tinker Bell bit her lip. “Ohhhhhh, yeahhh.”

  Viola swooped down to the ground. “Tinker Bell,” she announced, “Queen Clarion awaits.”

  The expression on Tinker Bell’s face was a mixture of defiance, fear, and guilt. Terence hoped whatever trouble she was in this time wasn’t too severe. But whatever happened next, he would be there for her. That was what friends were for.

  “It’s all a big misunderstanding. I’m sure the queen wants to see me about something completely unrelated,” Tinker Bell babbled nervously as she followed Viola to the Pixie Dust Tree.

  Viola silenced her with an imperious toot on her kazoo. She pointed to the spot where she wanted Tinker Bell to wait. Viola gave Tink one last, dampening look and flew up the trunk of the hollow tree to announce Tinker Bell’s presence to the queen.

  As soon as Viola was out of sight, Tinker Bell ducked into the trunk and strained to listen to what was being said in the queen’s chambers.

  She could hear Queen Clarion’s low, melodic voice, and the voice of Fairy Mary, the head tinker fairy. There was also a third voice. A male voice. Who was that?

  “Fairy Mary, are you certain?” the voice asked.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Fairy Mary replied.

  “Only that Tinker Bell, while undoubtedly talented, is also …” The voice trailed off.

  Fairy Mary finished his sentence. “A hothead? Flies off the handle?”

  “Yes,” the male voice agreed.

  Tinker Bell gulped. She was definitely in trouble. She just wasn’t sure with whom.

  Fairy Mary continued. “I believe she deserves a chance, Minister.”

  Minister? Tinker Bell gasped. Now she recognized the voice. It was the Minister of Autumn!

  Oh, no! Was he mad at her, too? Who knew he cared so much about stinkbugs?

  “After all,” Fairy Mary went on, “tinker fairies learn from their mistakes.”

  “Very well,” the Minister of Autumn finally agreed.

  “Tinker Bell!” Queen Clarion called out, summoning Tink up the trunk to her chambers.

  Tinker Bell took a deep breath. It sounded as if Fairy Mary was prepared to stick up for her. That was good. If she was in trouble with both the queen and the Minister of Autumn, she was going to need a lot of help.

  Tinker Bell was already talking quickly and apologetically when she flew into the que
en’s chambers. “It’s not my fault, Your Highness. Those stinkbugs were asking for it.”

  There was a long pause while Queen Clarion, the Minister of Autumn, and Fairy Mary looked at her in confusion. Queen Clarion’s graceful eyebrows rose in surprise. The Minister of Autumn looked puzzled. And Fairy Mary smacked her forehead, indicating to Tinker Bell that she had—once again—put her foot in her mouth.

  Tinker Bell looked around. Her face began to turn red with embarrassment. “This isn’t about the stinkbugs, is it?”

  The corners of Queen Clarion’s mouth twitched as she tried hard not to laugh. “No.”

  “But we can certainly come back to that later,” Fairy Mary added in an ominous tone.

  Queen Clarion gestured to the tall sparrow man dressed in beautiful gold, orange, brown, and dark green robes. “You do know the Minister of Autumn?”

  Tink felt a wave of shyness wash over her. The Ministers of the Seasons were the most important fairies in Never Land, next to the queen.

  The Minister’s smile was reserved, but his eyes were kind. “Are you familiar with the great Autumn Revelry?”

  Tinker Bell grinned. “Well, sure. Everyone’s talking about it. They’re so excited.”

  The Minister gestured for her to follow him. He paused outside a large pair of oak doors.

  “Since time immemorial, fairies have celebrated the end of autumn with a revelry. And this particular autumn’s coincides with a blue harvest moon!”

  His eyes met Tinker Bell’s and held their gaze. “A new scepter must be created to celebrate the occasion.” He threw open the oak doors and Tink let out a gasp. “Behold … the Hall of Scepters.”

  It was incredible. Simply incredible.

  Tinker Bell stepped through the doors, her eyes trying to take in everything at once. An eerie light filled the hall, where a collection of scepters was on display.

  “Every scepter is unique. Some are the work of animal fairies, some of light fairies, or water fairies, or garden fairies. This year, it is the turn of the tinker fairies.”

  Tinker Bell felt her heart begin to pound.

  “And Fairy Mary has recommended you!” he finished.

  This was unbelievable. The most amazing thing Tink could ever have imagined. “Me!” she finally managed to gasp. “But … but … I’m … I’m—” She struggled for words. After all, she was still relatively new to Pixie Hollow, and still prone to making mistakes.


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