Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)

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Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) Page 7

by Kora Knight

  “Yeah,” Zaden muttered, eyes locking on something ahead. “Got one thing on the brain and not much else. I feel like a sex-deranged whore.”

  Alec followed Z’s gaze to exactly what he’d suspected. Or more specifically, who. Naydo. The male striding casually beside the trio and two other Kríe who looked like twins. Identical twins, down to their piercings. They were a bit smaller, though, and appeared younger, too. Made Alec wonder how old any of them were.

  Naydo glanced over his shoulder and met Zaden’s gaze. Z held it, but eventually looked away.

  Alec regarded the two, then figured it was time to finally broach the question.

  Wincing a second time as that damn rope grazed his nuts, he turned and looked at his friend. “So, uh, Z… I’ve been meaning to ask you something… about back when we were wading in that river…” No point in spelling out the awkward any further. Zaden would know exactly what he was asking.

  Z flicked him a wary glance. Released a heavy sigh. “You wanna know what the fuck I was thinking.”

  Alec shrugged. “Or what’s going on.”

  Zaden shook his head. “I… I have no idea. I mean, one minute I was floating in my own little bubble, just letting all that cool water soothe me. God, it felt good. How it eased the burn.”

  Alec nodded. Their respite had been way too fleeting.

  “And then I was like, maybe if I tried again, with all this cool water helping out. Maybe I’d actually be able to do it. Get myself to finally come.” His jaw ticked. “Needed to come so damn bad.”

  Alec scowled. “You say that in past frickin’ tense. I need to come so damn bad now.”

  Zaden chuckled darkly, but his smile quickly faded. “So I got to stroking, and suddenly my little bubble consumed everything around me. I couldn’t hear you guys. Couldn’t see you. Forgot you were even there. All I knew, all my body was comprehending, was my urgent attempt to find release.” He shuddered, then immediately shuddered again. “And then all of a sudden, this powerful, sensual presence infiltrated my little bubble. But the presence felt good. I liked it. A lot. Kinda felt like it was aiding my cause. And the sensations got stronger, and the pressure kept building, and then suddenly that presence was everywhere.” Wincing, he restlessly rubbed at his bulge. “And then, it wasn’t just moving all around me, but sliding inside of me, too. Ah God, Alec,” he groaned. “Felt so fucking good. Can’t even begin to explain.”

  Alec squeezed his fly, the vivid scene replaying in his head. “So… even then… you still didn’t realize?”

  A flush climbed up Z’s neck to his cheeks. “I think part of me knew, but didn’t care. Just wanted to keep on going. But then, out of nowhere, shit turned excruciating...”

  “I think Naydo knew and was going to try and help. Shit, I think he was going to fuck you right there.”

  Zaden shot him an almost sheepish look. “I know. And I would’ve let him.”

  Alec cringed. “Ah, God. He would’ve torn you in half.”

  “Yeah.” Z frowned. “You’re probably right. Guess it’s a good thing it didn’t happen.”


  * * *

  They arrived at camping spot number two just before dusk. Although, it wasn’t exactly a camping spot. According to Gesh, it was the pack’s main dwelling. How convenient that it was located along the way. Nestled amidst the foliage against the side of a mountain, it looked like some primitive resort.

  As their entourage filed in, dumping gear off with happy sighs, Alec eyed the eccentric area. They must’ve cleared away tons of trees to have such a spread in the middle of the jungle. If he were to guess, he’d say it was roughly the size of an extra-large hockey rink. With some taller trees still intact, its perimeter was lined by the ten-foot stone enclosure they just entered through. Against said enclosure’s entire interior, large bushes covered nearly every inch, overflowing with colorful produce. If they yielded that much fruit for even half of the year, these Kríe would never go hungry.

  At the center of the encampment was a huge stone fire pit, surrounded by lots of open space. At the far end, a waterfall rained down from tall rock, with a sizeable pool sparkling at its base. On the side from which they’d just entered, though, small boulders and lush plants encircled a steaming spring. God, Alec would gladly take either of those to wash off two days’ worth of sweat.

  His gaze slid to the structure spanning one side of the compound’s length, from one basin of water to the other. Snug against the mountain, the two-story lodging sat wholly exposed on one side. Exposed, as in open. As in no freaking wall for the entire stretch that faced the fire pit. Comprised solely of sleeping units, Alec could literally see each one, side by side, between thick rustic walls. Like a great big cubby shelf stacked two-high. With no visible furniture, but strewn with plush furs, the nooks gave new meaning to cozy.

  Alec turned to the trees across the way, on the fire pit’s other side. Tall and sturdy, they supported random platforms, the lowest elevated roughly fifteen feet. Alec wondered what they were used for. To watch for intruders? As tree stands for hunting prey? Someone obviously wanted a bird’s-eye view of something.

  Gesh sauntered over to the team’s assigned handlers, gesturing for the twins to approach, too. “Naydo. Miros. Roni. Filli and Finn. Take them to the waterfall and tend to them accordingly.” The Kríe inclined their heads, but before Gesh departed, he cut Noah free from the leash. “Come, meesha. I will see to you myself.”

  Alec frowned as Gesh walked Noah over to the springs, knowing he couldn’t do a damn thing to stop him. Not that Noah seemed to mind. Alec’s brows furrowed deeper. Come to think of it, by the way Noah was peering up at the male, he kind of looked like he was starting to crush. And not just on the lust-driven level, like Alec and the rest of the team. But in that other way, that’d make parting ways tomorrow not very pleasant. Stockholm Syndrome maybe? Who the fuck knew. Was kind of curious what “meesha” meant, though…

  They headed past the fire pit and over to the waterfalls, where again, Alec caught himself checking out Miros’ ass. That little, black kilt thing just kept snagging his eye. Giving up peek after peek of upper hamstring every time the Kríe took a step. Alec squeezed his cock into submission. Seriously? Lusting after a huge, purple male? God, he was going insane.

  Stupid effing fire fruit. He was going to torch that fucking tree.

  Miros interrupted his train of thought. “Wash your clothes over there on those rocks, then hang them on the racks by the fire.”

  Naydo cut them from their leash and motioned toward the waterfall. “Soap is in those baskets. You all stink, so use a lot.” A smile played on his lips when Zaden smirked and flipped him off.

  Roni grinned and got busy freeing them, too. His task? To separate their wrist binds from the rope that ran between their legs.

  Ah, God. Finally. A breather for Alec’s nuts.

  He moaned in gratitude, not that Roni deserved it, then restlessly rubbed his cock.

  Roni untied their hands next so they could pull off their shirts, but then swiftly rebound them back together. Goddamn it. Really? They had to bathe tied up, too?

  Ignoring Alec’s scowl, Roni turned his eyes to Chet. “Come, my little bitch. We will help each other wash.” Chet glowered and didn’t move. Roni studied him, then smirked. “Ah. You want another bite.”

  Aaaaaaand Chet was hustling to the waterfall before Alec could even blink. Roni chuckled and followed after him, undoing his kilt as he went.

  Alec turned to Miros, who was getting naked too, minus the bandage on his arm. “Okay, so what’s the deal with these “common practice” Kríe bites? Roni’s seem to really freak Chet out.”

  “I do not know why he does not like them. They feel rather good. Very… stimulating.” Miros set his kilt aside and slid Alec a look. “I would be more than happy to demonstrate, if you like.”

  Alec’s dick throbbed and ass clenched envisioning Miro’s mouth on him. Shit, he was halfway tempted to accept. Exha
ling raggedly, he looked away. “Uh… Yeah... Thanks. I think I’ll pass.”

  Laundry and shower time went as well as could be expected. It’d been awkward at first, ambling around naked with a raging boner. But after a while he got used to it and relaxed. After all, his team wasn’t the only ones doing it. Every single pack mate was, too. Though, why they were rock hard, Alec didn’t want to know. At least he and his men had an excuse.

  Miros breathed against his ear from close behind. “We are aroused because your team smells like needy sex. Like animals in full-blown heat.”

  Alec froze, half-mortified, half-disconcerted by Miros’ stealth. “No way. Are you serious?” He sniffed his pit. Then warily frowned at his junk.

  “Yes.” Miros chuckled, moving into view. “It is starting to make us crazy.” To further illuminate, he tilted his head toward the twins, who were getting pretty friendly with Jamis and Bailey. “I am not sure what they are up to, but they are definitely up to something.”

  Alec watched the four gesturing and exchanging brief touches. “Um… Should I be worried?”

  Miros shook his head. “No. Not worried where they are concerned.” Dark eyes glittering, he took a step closer. “But where you are concerned, you should definitely be something else.”

  Alec’s stomach churned heatedly. God, Miros was big. With a gaze that was damn near hypnotizing.

  “Something else?” he mumbled.

  “Tah.” Miros nodded. “Hungry, eager, for my cock.”

  Alec’s heart pounded faster. Because he was all those things. But for some reason, he just couldn’t admit it. God, how he wished Miros would just take the reins, take the responsibility from Alec’s hands. The big Kríe wouldn’t though. He was going to make Alec man up.


  Forcing himself to look away, Alec’s eyes landed back on the foursome. They’d inched even closer, and their expressions looked more serious. Alec watched as Finn moved to stand at Jamis’ back, saw him reach around and grasp Jamis’ wrists. But then the Kríe lifted them over Jamis’ head and hooked them up around his own nape. Which essentially just trapped Jamis’ hands behind Finn’s neck, with his backside stretched against the Kríe’s front.

  Filli promptly followed his lead and did the same to Bailey.

  Alec frowned. Why’d his guys just stand there and let them do that? But the lust-fueled heat in both Bailey and Jamis’ eyes was pretty much answer enough. As if mimicking a mirror, the twins faced each other and started playing with their captives in unison. Running clawed hands up and down their glistening torsos. Toying with their hard little nipples. Alec’s teammates shifted anxiously, abdomens clenching, biceps bunching. But it wasn’t until the twins’ hands moved lower that the scientists’ eyes rolled back in their heads. Lazily, the brothers stroked their rock-hard cocks while nuzzling and lapping at their necks.

  Alec blinked. Jamis and Bailey were fucking blissing.

  “You see?” Miros smiled. “Your men are not worried. They are finally welcoming relief.”

  Alec’s eyes shot back to Miros. “Right fucking here?” Ah, God. Maybe he should, too.

  Miros shrugged. “Perhaps. Although, the twins do like to play.”

  Alec wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that. Glancing around, he spotted Zaden with Naydo, standing on the other side of the pool. Chet and Roni, however, were nowhere to be found. Alec wondered if that was good or bad.

  Clearing his throat, he pointed to his head. “I, uh, should probably rinse my hair.”

  He’d literally grabbed a handful of soap from those baskets—smooth stone-like balls slightly smaller than walnuts—and ran them all over his body. Including his nappy head. Surprisingly, the stuff smelled frickin’ amazing. Like honeydew and bananas. Actually made him kind of hungry.

  Miros accompanied him to the waterfall—guess he had nothing better to do—which proved to be an exercise in pain infliction. Because, yeah, walking normal at this stage in the game wasn’t exactly easy. Not when Alec’s dick felt like it weighed ten pounds and his nuts felt like they weighed another twenty. All while his asshole screamed bloody murder to be stuffed with something really fucking big. Not that it could handle it. His ass was still a virgin.

  Stepping beneath the flow of cool water, Alec rinsed off, then rinsed off again. Felt so damn good to at least be clean. But as he stepped back out, Miros blocked his path, a soap basket held under his bandaged arm.

  “Gesh instructed us to tend to your bodies.”

  Alec frowned as Miros maneuvered them behind the cascade, where the wall of water offered some privacy. Glancing around, he looked back up at Miros. “Uh, I’m pretty sure I washed every inch. Why’d you take me back here?”

  Miros smiled and shook his head. “You are not cleansed in every way.” He pointed to a raised, slender outcrop in the wall. “Sit.”

  Alec eyed the thing, but ultimately sat down. Miros set his soap basket down on the ledge, too, then took hold of Alec’s bound wrists. Lifting them to a peg mounted in the rock above Alec’s head, he hooked them securely in place.

  Alec stiffened. “What are you doing?”

  Miros sank to his knees. “Readying to cleanse you another way.” Without further explanation, he propped Alec’s heels on the ledge and spread them the width of his shoulders. Which essentially put Alec’s rigid cock right in Miros’ face. Apparently, not enough though, because two seconds later, Miros pulled Alec’s ass to the edge.

  Alec’s eyes went wide. “Whoa. I washed there, too. No need to hit it twice.”

  Miros smiled and pulled the basket closer. “What I am tending to is a bit more extensive.”

  Grabbing a couple soap rocks, he worked them into a lather, then smoothed the silky suds around Alec’s junk. Even along his taint below his nuts. Alec watched him rinse his hands and reach back into the basket to pull out a small, slender blade.

  Alec balked. “Oh my God. You’re—You’re gonna shave me?”

  “I am,” Miros confirmed, swiftly getting busy.

  Alec definitely hadn’t seen that one coming.

  Miros removed the hair around Alec’s dick, then, slowing down, worked more carefully around his balls. Alec held his breath. That knife looked really sharp. But when Miros moved even lower to Alec’s sensitive taint, Alec groaned, fighting like hell not to move.

  “Mm. You are swollen here. Try not to rock your hips.”

  “Yeah,” Alec rasped. “Easier said than done.”

  Gentle scrapes came again and again. Alec’s eyes rolled back. Felt so good. But then Miros pulled one cheek to the side and started shaving around his reeling hole. Alec’s eyes shot back open. Oh, shit. Way too stimulating.

  “Almost done.” Miros grazed him with short, light strokes. “You do not have much here to cleanse.” A few seconds later, he returned the blade to his basket.

  “Done?” Alec exhaled.

  “With that part, yes.”

  “With that part? You mean, you have more stuff to do?”

  Miros’ lips curved. “Yes, but it only involves soap.”

  Alec frowned. “What more could you possibly wash? I told you, I got fucking everything.”

  Miros chuckled huskily and fisted Alec’s dick. “Where I am washing next, moyo, you never even touched.” His other clawed hand eased around Alec’s nuts and gently started to fondle.

  Alec moaned before he could stop himself. Just felt so damn good. Still, he had no clue what Miros was talking about. He’d definitely cleaned his entire package.

  “So heavy.” Miros rolled Alec’s balls between his fingers. “So heavy and so very full.”

  Alec swallowed. He should tell him to get off his junk, but damn it, he just couldn’t do it. “Trust me. I know,” he rasped out instead.

  Miros’ eyes bore into his. “You need my cock. To spill all this mouthwatering seed.”

  Alec nodded in agreement before he realized what he was doing.

  Miros grinned and let go of his tender nuts to reach again fo
r the basket of soap. Grabbing out a stone, he dunked it in the water. “Bellah.” Good. “So we agree.”

  And then he touched that stone to Alec’s hole.

  Alec froze. Miros mmm’ed, holding him captive in his stare as he lazily circled it around. Again, Alec moaned, this time way too loud. But shit, with as long as his ass had been riding him, any contact there felt frickin’ amazing.

  “Fuck, Miros. That feels… really fucking good... But honest, I washed there, too.” Which was true. He was nothing if not a thorough bather.

  Miros slowly shook his head. “You did not wash here.” The second that last word breached his lips, he pushed the stone into Alec’s channel.

  Alec tensed at the sting. “Aw, God. What the fuck.”

  Miros chuckled and reached for a second.

  Alec shifted warily. “Two?”

  “Tah. Then three.”

  Again, Alec swallowed, tugging absently at his wrists, as Miros dunked it like the first and repeated. Slow circles—that thankfully also soothed the burn—then a swift press past his sphincter. Alec grunted softly, but didn’t attempt to stop him. Not yet at least. After all, Miros was right. He hadn’t washed there. And in a way, this kinky shit felt pretty good.

  Next trip to the basket, Miros grabbed up a fistful.

  Alec stared at his hand. “Uh, wow, um, yeah. Just how many does it take to clean an ass?”

  Miros stroked Alec’s cock with his other hand. “Many.” He grinned, starting again. Dip in the water… circle, circle… push.

  Alec’s every muscle spasmed from the fantastical sensation, yet he couldn’t help feeling nervous, too. Because even though Miros’ playing felt like heaven now, Alec knew that he’d end up in agony. Taken to the brink of rapturous orgasm, only to teeter on the precipice unable to come.

  Miros circled and sank another one through. Then a few more after that. Oh, God, that sensual weight behind Alec’s asshole. Slowly growing. Filling him up.

  The next batch Miros inserted, though, had shit pressing against something sensitive. That swollen spot Alec bumped when finger fucking himself in the river. The spot he’d sensed he better not toy with.


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