Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1)

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Kríe Captivity (The Nira Chronicles Book 1) Page 12

by Kora Knight

  Bailey chuckled softly and nodded his head. “Yeah, I know, you big goofy homo. And you’re right. We just need to keep all this shit in perspective. Positive perspective, if possible.”

  Jamis smiled at his friend, then resumed scanning their surroundings.

  The closer they got to that big ominous entrance, the busier the area became. Mostly with Kríe, but Alec noticed other species, too. The majority weren’t as big, though. Closer to human size or smaller. In fact, as far as Alec could tell, Kríe were the biggest species of all. Which pretty much by default gave them a high-ranking presence, as well as an air of superiority. Not just from their size, though, but because this region was unquestionably their domain. Their turf. For every one creature of another sort, there were at least two dozen Kríe.

  Alec peered at the massive gates as they readied to pass through them, his heart pounding anxiously in his chest. At ten meters tall, they towered above, stretching across the entire ravine. Easily twenty meters wide, possibly more, and made of what looked like rubbed bronze. Combine all said traits and those big motherfuckers exuded not just majesty, but dominance. That and a shit ton of straight-up testosterone. Raw and unadulterated.

  Which made something else occur to Alec. Scanning those around him milling about, his lips parted in baffled realization. There were no females present. Anywhere. At all. As far as the eye could see. And the eye could see pretty damn far, as it were, now that they had entered inside. Almost immediately the narrow walls had cut away, opening to a huge stretch of land. A massive, flat valley that reached for miles around. Alec scanned straight ahead, then left and right. Even glanced back over his shoulder. But he still didn’t spot a single female. Unless they looked exactly like the males. Which was possible, but for some reason he sort of doubted it. Were they not allowed to roam freely? Were they considered inferior? Honestly, who knew how things worked in Kríe culture. For all he knew, they were the ones in charge, controlling things from their hidden pedestals.

  Oh, whatever. Alec supposed it didn’t matter. He had way more pressing matters to worry about. Like where his team was headed from there.

  He looked to the huge structure looming in the distance that resembled some high-fantasy castle. But not like Cinderella’s. More like Maleficent’s. No, despite being well-kept and majestically adorned, he got the impression that this kind of castle had dungeons. And guillotines.

  Every muscle tensing, Alec forced his gaze away. His team may be headed straight for that imposing beast, but they weren’t at its doorstep yet. He’d keep his mind off the ominously imminent for as long as humanly possible.

  Fortunately, there was a hell of a lot to distract him. Everywhere he looked there were countless things to see. Nirans of every shape and color in what looked to be some sort of town market. Tittering, chortling, squabbling as they bartered. Or if Kríe, chuffing and bossing others around. Alec studied the different walks of life, fascinated by their very existence. But boy, did they exist, and in huge fricking numbers. A sea of diversity in every direction, teeming with colorful activity.

  And God, the aromas, the aromas from the flea fair were just as eclectic as its patrons. The teal-haired male coming up on Alec’s right was selling something that smelled incredible. Kind of reminded him of roasted pork and cranberries. A variant of the fruit he’d had for breakfast? His stomach rumbled. Well, it did for a second. But then he passed a scale-skinned fellow peddling something that reeked of dirty socks.

  Alec grimaced and looked away, only to discover that Nirans all around were starting to stare. At first they seemed surprised, then curious, then… something else. Alec shifted uneasily, not liking the scrutiny. If he didn’t know better, he’d say they were sizing his team up for meals. That, or rigorous fucks. Thing was, he didn’t really know better, did he. Thinking back, Gesh had said he found Alec’s species delicious. Alluring even, as the big Kríe put it. Would other Nirans feel the same way, too? Alec grit his teeth and avoided making eye contact. Definitely didn’t want to encourage them.

  Another half hour of walking passed when he noticed a maroon male to his left. Big and barrel-chested, he had two sets of horns, but just as noticeable were his tusks and small snout. Standing outside an open tent, he beckoned the masses to come buy his goods. Body adornments and accessories of every sort, made of different metals and hide. Piercings, arm cuffs, chest straps, belts… Alec studied the items closely as he passed the male’s stand, then looked ahead to examine his captors. What do you know, they were wearing similar items. Had they gotten their stuff there? Probably. Would make sense. Oh, who fucking cared. Certainly not him, when they were suddenly just minutes from that mammoth.

  Alec stared at the castle, no longer able to look away. Goddamn, that fucker was enormous. He took it in further, studying its exterior. While it didn’t have a mote and drawbridge like medieval strongholds, it did have a protective stone wall. And that protective wall did have four corner towers built into its white-washed sides. Beyond was the money, though. The huge, central keep, laden with regal, arched openings. Out of nowhere, Alec imagined himself peering out one of the windows. How many people would a fortress like that sleep? A hundred? Two hundred? Maybe even more? Funny thing, though, was how it not only oozed doom, but an inspiring kind of splendor, too. It was gothic. It was grandeur. It was “oh, fuck” and “wow.”

  Alec exhaled warily as they continued their approach, the regal gate opening without warning. A stream of patrol guards immediately emerged. Alec watched as they passed and headed toward town, decked out in every kind of black. Black arm bracers. Shin guards. Large, protective kilts. Black shoulder armor and straps across their chests. Yet, even without all that garb bulking them up, they still were easily just as big as Gesh. Who, at the moment, was eyeing them coolly as he led Alec’s team to their fate.

  Alec glared at the Kríe, ire rising with his stress. Right after those flyers had gotten shot down, Gesh left Noah’s side and never came back. Like he wasn’t just trying to put physical distance between them, but an emotional kind of distance, too. Afraid he might get even more attached? Would certainly explain his adamance to stay on schedule. The less time he spent with Noah, the less besotted he’d ultimately become. Hell, maybe even guilt was starting to mess with him. Another reason for his cold-shoulder behavior.

  Alec frowned. Come to think of it, all of the Kríe were exhibiting similar behavior. He glowered at their backs. Guess they wanted to make sure they had time to ready their “blind eyes” for “turning.” That and to pack their cold friggin’ hearts with a whole lot of motherfucking ice.


  Even now he couldn’t believe Gesh was really going to sell them. And that his pack was just going to stand there and let him. A sigh left his lungs. What was he saying. Of course he could believe it. It just pissed him off that there was nothing he could do about it.

  He scowled down at his hands as that damn leash tugged them along, cursing those useless freaking rocks. He’d needed them. They’d been his only hope. Now what the hell was he going to do?

  Gesh slowed things to a stop as they reached the dark bronze doors, swapping brief words with the stationed guards. They eyed his “goods,” then inclined their heads in consent. Two remained watchful to market activity while two others opened the way. Gesh’s pack and Alec’s team were led through a courtyard and up to the castle’s main entrance. More rubbed bronze, but on a larger scale. Slowly, the two gigantic doors parted, but not for dramatic effect. More like because those twin behemoths weighed a couple gazillion tons. Seriously. They were at least five meters high and definitely a good foot thick.

  The guards led them into an expansive front foyer decked out in more goth-esque opulence. Wrought iron chandeliers with pristine white candles, hanging low from tall, vaulted ceilings. Kríe statues half-nestled into white-stone walls, each holding a pot of cascading flora. Alec eyed the things, then spotted even more above, peering down like gargoyles from a ledge. Except these weren’t
grotesque. Not even close. Just elegantly eerie…

  Continuing on, they were escorted further back to a gargantuan room Alec assumed was the main hall. It was similarly decorated, but with a bit more oomph, and teeming with a shit ton of merchants. Alec regarded them as they talked, then checked out their wares, gathering that it was broker day at the castle. Evidently the king was a recluse who liked to shop in private. And what a wide range of shopping he must do. The hall smelled of everything from animals and hide, to ironware and woodcrafts, to fruit.

  The guards led them over to an open spot.

  “The king will be with you soon.”

  The team glanced around, their expressions beyond bleak.

  “Jesus,” Zaden muttered. “This is fucking surreal.”

  Chet’s jaw ticked. “We’ve been reduced to goddamn livestock.”

  The trio, however, was still fairly distracted, taking in every little detail. But soon Noah’s brown eyes made their way back to Gesh. The Kríe muttered quietly with the males of his pack, none of them looking especially happy. Was their guilt eating holes in them, or were they merely put off by the wait? After all, Gesh liked his tight fucking schedules. That much was painfully clear.

  The pack leader’s gaze flicked abruptly to Noah. Noah held it till Gesh frowned and looked away. Shoulders drooping, Noah frowned, too, mouthing “fucking coward,” then turned back to study the crowd.

  “Fuck,” Bailey cursed. “I wish I had my smart pad. I’d’ve taken fifty pictures by now.”

  Chet narrowed his eyes and shoved over to the pack. “Yeah. When the fuck do we get all our stuff back?”

  Gesh curtly looked him over. Roni smirked and crossed his arms. “I told you, my bitch. All your stuff is now ours.”

  Chet stiffened, then bristled from head to toe. “Like hell it is. That shit’s fucking ours. And I’m not your bitch, bitch. You’re selling me.”

  An emotion Alec couldn’t place fell over Roni’s features as Gesh angrily stared Chet down. “It is not yours. We appropriated it. It is ours now to keep.”

  “Fuck you, Gesh,” Chet bit out, his face turning red.

  Gesh growled. “Hold your tongue, or I vow to Nira that I will muzzle you in front of all present.”

  Chet leveled him with a lethal glare, but didn’t say another word.

  Roni sighed and shook his head. “Either way, it does not matter. We did not bring your things along.”

  Chet stepped in close. “Well then maybe,” he muttered. “You should take us back so we can get it before you ditch us.”

  Roni frowned, gazing down into his angry gray eyes. “I would, little kensa, if I were able. I would like to take you back very much.”

  Chet pursed his lips in blatant frustration. “Fuck!” he barked, rubbing his skull. “Why not just bend us all over right now? For one final ass fuck without lube.”

  Roni cocked his head, clearly trying to decipher Chet’s meaning.

  Chet scowled and cussed again. “Nevermind. Just fucking forget it.”

  “Chet,” Roni rumbled softly.

  Chet cut him a scathing look. “Don’t fucking talk to me. Like ever.”

  The guards to their left snapped to rigid attention. “Zercy approaches. Receive your king.”

  Alec turned in the direction the Kríe were looking and instantly spotted the male. He was headed their way as he spoke with another. His aid, maybe? An advisor? Maybe his second in command. Alec took in the sight of him, instantly captivated. Because even though he was Kríe, the same as Gesh, his air was completely different. Not only was he much more refined and lean—though he still packed a boatload of muscle—but his posture and grooming were impeccable. And man, did his towering frame exude imperialism. Power. Ambition. It rolled off him in waves. Like some otherworldly Julius Caesar.

  Which in a way was kind of fitting with his current attire. Alec regarded him further as the Kríe closed in. Clothed in what looked like a midnight green tunic—that reached over halfway down his thighs—he’d topped it off with black leather belt embellished with black beads and a dagger. Trust issues or something? Maybe he just liked sharp objects.

  Like Gesh’s pack, he too was highly adorned, his metal biceps and wrist cuffs gleaming. As were the piercings along his ears and horns, and the rings worn on every thumb and finger. What Alec noticed right away, though, were his long black dreadlocks. Not only did the things look satiny smooth, but were riddled with masculine beads. Tiger eyes and opal, or at least something similar, making him look downright exotic. Alec swallowed and dropped his gaze, catching a peek of the Kríe’s sandals. Goddamn, even his sleek, black footwear was enamoring, all wound up his muscular calves.

  Zercy came to a stop in front of Gesh.

  Gesh respectfully inclined his head. “My lord. A pleasure to see you, as always.”

  “Gesh. How are the jungles?”

  “Spacious and unrestrictive. Just the way I like them.”

  The king smirked. “Never one to reside within our mountains’ confines. Although, how the rainforests make you happy I will never understand. So primitive and dark, and…” His words tapered off as he noticed Alec’s team. Curiously, he regarded them, studying each one, until his eyes stopped abruptly on Alec. “…and wet.”

  Alec tensed. Oh, hell. That look couldn’t be good.

  Gesh grunted. “Wet yields food to fill our bellies.”

  “True…” Zercy murmured, gaze roaming Alec’s body.

  “And the tree cover keeps flyers at bay.”

  “Mm.” The king clearly wasn’t listening anymore. Pivoting on his heel, he strode Alec’s way. “Tell me, scavenger, what is this species you have brought me?”

  “A very rare treasure, my lord. Perhaps the very rarest.”

  Zercy stepped inside Alec’s personal space, stared, then touched Alec’s jaw. “I do not recognize their kind.” Idly, he fingered a lock of Alec’s hair. “They must come from extremely distant lands.”

  “Extremely distant. From a planet called Earth.”

  The king stilled, then cut his keen eyes to Gesh. “They are not of this world? They are not from Nira’s womb?”

  Gesh shook his head, avoiding all eye contact with the humans. “Two days ago their aircraft crashed in the jungle.”

  Zercy blinked in surprise, then looked back at Alec. “Aircraft. Intriguing.” He studied Alec’s face. “They are very rare indeed.”

  Alec glanced at Chet and Zaden. They warily frowned back.

  The king released Alec’s small bit of hair to fondle his earlobe instead. Alec tensed—the unbidden contact making him shiver—and quickly stepped back from Zercy’s hold.

  Zercy’s golden gaze flickered with amusement. “Return to me, pet. I am not done with you yet.”

  Alec inwardly groaned. Oh, God. Here we go. But he just couldn’t get his feet to move. Didn’t really matter, though, because the guard standing behind him shoved Alec back into reach.

  “Ah. Much better.” Zercy smiled, resuming. He ran his hands down the sides of Alec’s neck, then squeezed Alec’s shoulders and biceps. “Strong,” he murmured. “Would make a fine worker.” But when he accidentally grazed Alec’s skin with his claws, Alec sucked in a quick, sharp breath. The king’s lips curved. “Strong… but also sensitive.”

  “Very sensitive,” Gesh emphasized. “And very delicious.”

  Zercy paused and lifted a brow. “Delicious, too?” His gaze dropped down to eye Alec’s crotch. “I assume you are refereeing to…”

  “I am referring to everything.”

  Alec shot ramrod stiff. Noah visibly deflated. Thing was, Alec suddenly had the strongest impression that Gesh had just done them a favor. As if with just a couple suggestive words he’d ensured their future as in-house pets, as opposed to slaves of hard labor.

  Zercy’s smoldering gaze spiked to flat-out searing. “I cannot wait to taste.”

  Alec met his eyes, and was immediately ensnared. And he’d thought Gesh and Miros’ gazes were mesmeriz
ing. This Kríe’s was ten times more powerful. Alec’s heart pounded as he held the dark king’s stare. Up close like this, Zercy wasn’t merely attractive, but terrifyingly stunning. That exotic, flawless skin. Those perfectly shaped lips, all generously proportioned like the rest of him. With eyes that not only reeled a guy in, but bound him down and held him defenseless. To work over, mind and body, in any way he saw fit. Which Alec sensed wouldn’t always necessarily lead to pleasure. Because emanating just beneath Zercy’s cordial front was an unmistakable air of danger. Of darkness. Like he wasn’t quite right. Like the Kríe was tamping back a world of aggression and anything could set him off.

  Zercy slid his hands back up Alec’s arms and re-palmed the sides of his neck. Stroking Alec’s jaw with his big clawed thumbs, he leaned close and slowly inhaled. His features tightened. “You smell like Gesh’s pack. Like one of his Kríe.” He stepped back, his expression noticeably less amicable.

  Turning to Gesh, he got back to business. “I will pay you double my going price.”

  “Triple,” Gesh countered. The king’s eyes narrowed. “But I will give the humans’ leader as a gift.”

  Zercy glanced back at Alec. “I do appreciate gifts.” Inclining his head, he turned and started away. “You have yourself a deal, scavenger. My treasurer will bring your coin.” He motioned to his guards. “Take them to the holding cell and have someone fetch them baths.”

  And just like that, His Highness moved on, evidently to begin again with other merchants.

  Alec’s team tensed in unison as a guard reached for their leash, two more moving in behind them.

  “Wait,” Gesh spoke up. “Allow us a moment.”

  The guards eyed Gesh impatiently, but in the end stepped back. Gesh frowned at Noah, then headed over to talk to him. Which gave Alec an opportunity to have words with Miros, too. After all, it truly was now or never. Hail Mary and all the jazz.


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