Smoke and Wishes (Best Wishes Book 1)

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Smoke and Wishes (Best Wishes Book 1) Page 7

by A. J. Macey

  “Blue.” My voice cracked as if it hadn’t been used in years.

  “Good. Now tell me when your birthday is, what did we do for your 18th birthday?” Her voice sounded stronger as I was able to hear more around me. My breathing started to even out, the crushing tightness around my chest easing with each question.

  “February 9th, we went to the beach. You wanted me to spend it doing something I love and not around…,” I trailed off realizing what I was about to say.

  “Very good, now I want you to look around you and tell me a few things you see.” Char was always good at pulling me out of the depths of my attacks, back to the here and now.

  “I, uh, see beige painted walls, a TV that’s turned off, and the guys.” My voice lowered at the end. Are they my friends? Acquaintances? I barely spent any time with any of them. I heard Char ask me to name them.

  “Logan and Landon, Nikolai, Camden, Hudson, and Dante.” I named each as I looked around the circle. The tension in the room was still extremely high, barely restrained anger rolled off of them in waves, but each of their eyes saturated with worry as they watched me.

  “Good boo, glad to have you back. I have to let you go since my shift is starting, I just wanted to check in on you after the last couple of days. I’ll text you when I’m off alright?” I mumbled an affirmative and nodded to Cam, indicating he could hang up since he was holding my phone. I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve for the upcoming confession.

  “So, I’m just going to put this out there.” I wrapped my arms around my middle, my jacket doing very little to fight the cold running through me. “I haven’t had the best experiences in the last few years, so I suffer from anxiety. I don’t really want to talk about it. Maybe down the road, but not today.” My words were rushed to explain before I could chicken out. While the guys didn’t look pleased that I wasn’t willing to spell it all out right then and there, they didn’t object.

  “Alright princess, just remember what I said earlier, okay?” Hudson added from the armchair to my left. I was about to nod when an extremely loud growl emanating from my stomach echoed throughout the room easing the tension. Everyone burst out laughing.

  “I guess it’s time to feed you,” Dante joked from his seat. Nik pushed off and stepped into his room, reemerging with socks and boots while the guys stood and made their way from the dorm into the hall. “Let’s go get some food, don’t want to have the poor woman starve.” The relief I felt when they dropped the subject for more lighter topics left me breathless, tension melting away from the guys with each step we took towards the dining hall.

  “I have a question,” I started after nodding thanks to Nik who held open the front door of the building allowing us to filter into the quad. “Is it rude to ask what type of supernatural someone is? I know what Hudson is, same with Logan and Landon. So, if it isn’t, what kind of supes are you guys?” I stumbled through the questions quietly. The easy-going conversation with Sadie from dinner the other day was nothing like this. I felt my social awkwardness in full force while I walked between Dante and Cam.

  “Technically it is, at least when it comes to strangers, but we aren’t strangers,” Dante informed me, flashing me that incredible smile. When it comes to strangers, huh? Turning my head to Hudson who was walking behind Dante, I narrowed my eyes at him. He seemed to read my mind because he gave me a smile, his hand running through his hair. I wonder if it’s as silky as it looks.

  “I’m not like normal supes”—he shrugged indifferently—“I couldn’t resist talking to the beautiful girl on the rolling ladder.” He waggled his eyebrows at me, and I saw Dante roll his eyes.

  “Don’t let him fool you, he tries to charm anything with tits,” Logan interjected before Hudson, who balked at the statement, could say more.

  “Excuse you.” He puffed his chest up as he addressed the twins. They had taken up a position where they were walking in front of us. “I might charm them, but at least I don’t hit it and quit it like you two.” I felt my eyebrows raise at the information and turned my attention to the twins. Spinning around to face us, their backward steps were confident despite not looking where they were going.

  “At least they know ahead of time what they’re in for, we just haven’t found someone who can handle both of us.” Landon followed Hudson’s lead and gave me a suggestive eyebrow wiggle that had Cam snickering. I couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up in my chest at the ridiculousness of the conversation.

  “That’s all fine and dandy, but none of that answers my second question.” I tried to get them back on the previous topic. The safer topic, I whispered in my head, thinking of a twin sandwich was enough to make me drool. “What supe type are you guys?”

  “I’m a fae, with elven descent,” Hudson chimed in at the same time the twins gave me their answer.

  “Daemon, as you know.” He gestured between himself and Landon. His tanned hand pointed at Cam. “This one is a vamp.” I turned to look at him. He gave me a wide smile in response, pointy canines catching my attention before he ran his tongue over them suggestively, ending with a wink. My blood pounded through my veins at the thought of him biting me, his eyes heated behind the black frames he wore. Can vampires detect my pulse? Smell my arousal like in the books? Because if so, I’m so fucked. Nik poked his head around Cam looking in my general direction while Grigori perched on his shoulder pulling my attention from Cam’s knowing stare.

  “Warlock.” His gravelly voice was low, but not quite low enough to be lost in the crowd of the quad. He turned his attention back towards the walkway as we curved towards the dining hall.

  “Griffin shifter,” Dante added, rounding out the group. “We grew up in the same town. All of us were born there except Nik who came over with his family from Russia when he was a toddler, but we got to know him at preschool. The rest is history. We all went to the same schools growing up, and now we’re here.” I nodded, the familiar pang of loneliness sharpened in my chest at their lifelong friendship. The conversation ended when we reached the doors to the dining hall. The twins stood off to the side, holding the door open, letting the others pass.

  “Hey love, can we talk to you for a minute?” Logan questioned before I could go through the glass doors. Curiosity piqued, I nodded stepping over to them. “We’ll be in shortly,” he added to the rest of the guys who were crowding the doors watching us. They shrugged before finally moving out of the way, allowing a cluster of girls to exit into the quad.

  “What is it?” I felt my nerves starting to fray after the events of the day. The twins stood in front of me, their somber faces had me on edge. Their usually playful demeanor shifted to concern. Landon’s eyes held more red streaks throughout the black pupil than Logan’s, whose red was more of a subdued tint, allowing me to differentiate between the two.

  “We just wanted to make sure you were okay after your panic attack,” Landon started. I felt my brows raise at the sincerity of his voice, no hint of his usual joking or humor colored his words. I nodded, my eyes bouncing between them.

  “Good. We also wanted to let you know what helps for us, breathing in for a count of five, holding it for five, followed by a slow exhale on the count of five. We also found that sitting down and leaning against something solid helps,” Logan admitted quietly, his calloused hand resting on my forearm.

  “You get panic attacks?” My voice was quiet, stepping towards them. I hoped I wasn’t overstepping into uncomfortable territory. Holding out his hand, Landon and his brother both nodded in sync with each other. I hesitantly slipped my hand into Landon’s open palm, noting the callouses that scrapped gently against my soft skin.

  “If you want, we can give you our numbers so if it ever happens when you’re alone you can call us.” I felt my eyes fill from the emotions swelling within my chest at Logan’s offer. I dug my phone out from my pocket, unlocking it before I handed it to him. After some quick typing, he passed it to Landon. Logan’s arms went out, the question clear on his tanned fa
ce. I chuckled as I stepped into him, muscled arms curling around me. My arms wrapped around his waist, his unique smell enveloping me.

  “Hey lemon drop, I want one too, you know,” Landon huffed, pulling me into his arms. A similar, yet decidedly distinct scent filled my nose. I continued to laugh at them and their attempts to help me feel better, feeling lighter than I had in years.

  “Thank you guys, I really appreciate it,” I mumbled, pulling back to stand in front of them. Their eyes were soft with understanding.

  “Of course, love. Now, let’s go get food before they think we’ve kidnapped you.” Logan’s words caused another dose of laughter to bubble up, following behind them. My cheeks reddened when Landon opened the door and dramatically swept his hand towards the room. Their playful and flirty smiles filled me with hope as I curtsied before walking past them. Laughter echoing behind me while I headed for the rest of the guys standing in line to check out.


  August 31st

  Friday Mid-Morning


  The cold bite in the air cut through my hoodie, my bag banged against my hip as I walked. The quad disappeared under a set of warm, rough hands that covered my eyes. I stopped abruptly when I felt the warmth of a body behind me.

  “Guess who?” A familiar fog rolled over my body at the sound of the twin’s husky voice. I smiled as I relaxed into the warmth. Logan’s smoky scent filled my nose, his muscled chest solid against my back.

  “Mm, sugar,” I hummed. “Logan,” I said definitively. The hands dropped, Landon’s surprised face greeted me.

  “How’d you know?” he asked, his brows dipping the more he looked at me.

  “You cheated! How’d you know that?” Logan exclaimed stepping around to face me. I missed the warmth that had seeped into my back, the cold sweeping back in his absence. “And why sugar?” I smirked at him, my hand finding its way to the middle of his chest. Payback for all their relentless teasing is sweet. I leaned in, raising up onto my toes to bring my lips to his ear. Lightly grazing his chest with mine, my nipples pebbled against the panes of his chest. I could feel his heart racing under my hand.

  “Sugar,” I whispered, inhaling before leaning into Landon. His different, yet equally specific scent surrounded me. “Spice.” I nipped Landon’s neck before lowering myself, a growl rumbled low in his chest. This is too easy, I mentally snickered. Their burning coal eyes were ablaze with heat and desire, bringing the normally muted red to a bright flame. I did my best impersonation of a tempting seductress. “And everything” I made sure to end with a salacious moan. Spinning on my heel, I sauntered away, putting an extra swing to my hips.

  “You boys coming?” I called over my shoulder, a smug smile curled my lips as I heard one trip while the other choked.

  “Holy shit,” Logan whispered.

  “Fuck,” Landon echoed his twins sentiment.

  A little while later, I slid my rolling stool over to my computer and quickly typed in the book the girl standing at the front of the counter was looking for. After I relayed the information to her, I found my eyes drifting to the twins who had set up shop at one of the tables right by the counter.

  I blushed when I found them both watching me, their homework untouched on the wood surface. They wore matching smirks as Landon’s arm came up, tossing a balled up piece of notebook paper at me. It landed with roll on my desk, eying it with suspicion. I picked it up and smoothed it out.

  Do your feet hurt? Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day -Logan

  My fingers fiddled with my lower lip as I smiled down at the note, trying not to giggle like a schoolgirl at the pickup line. They’re so cheesy. My eyes flicked towards the two mischievous, yet sweet, daemons and was greeted with both of them flexing like they were in a world’s strongest man competition. A surprise bubble of laughter fell from my lips startling a few students around the desk. I quickly quieted and glared at them, pursing my lips to keep them from curling into a smile. They moved from flexing their muscles, so many muscles, to Logan winking at me while Landon bit his knuckle relaxing back into his chair.

  I pressed my thighs together as a surge of desire shot through me. Note to self, get a vibrator. I cleared my throat tearing my eyes from them, their flirting turned to smug smirks out of the corner of my eye. I was about to look over at them when another student stepped up to the desk. A guy with black hair hanging into his too-blue eyes and pointed ears leaned onto the counter with a sly smile.

  “Hey there, hot stuff, can you help me find some information I’m looking for?” I felt my jaw tic in irritation at the nickname but gave him a polite smile. I was working after all.

  “Well, that all depends on what it is you’re trying to find.” I turned to the monitor. My fingers poised over the keyboard and looked at him with a single eyebrow raised, unable to help my lips pursing in irritation.

  “I need information on magical creatures as well as alchemical ingredients,” he continued to eyeball me. Uncomfortable shivers crept down my spine at the unwanted attention. Didn’t his parents teach him it’s rude to stare? I relayed the location on where to find some texts that may be useful. Unfortunately, he didn’t move from the counter as I had hoped he would.

  “Is there anything else you need?” I continued to be polite despite wanting to punch the sleazy smile off his face.

  “Yeah hot stuff, your number.” He winked at me, but before I could say anything, Landon cleared his throat. Looking to the left, he had his elbow propped on the counter, his chin resting on his strong fingers as he glared at the elf. The standoff only lasted a moment before he turned to me.

  “Miss, if you aren’t too busy I could use some help with something,” he asked as he hitched his thumb over his shoulder towards their table. Thankful that he didn’t give away my name, I nodded turning towards the now fuming elf.

  “If you’ll excuse me.” I got up and curved around the counter leaving the student standing there with an incredulous look on his face. Good, asshat. “Thank you,” I whispered gratefully to Landon as we neared their table. Giving me his signature smirk, he sank into his chair.

  “If you could, would you double check this to make sure it’s all in order?” he asked, his voice suspiciously calm. Logan slid the notebook towards me. I side-eyed both of them before pulling the page the rest of the way to me.

  Are you from outer space? Because your ass is out of this world -Landon

  Rolling my eyes, I burst out laughing. A flirty smile appeared on both of their faces as an arm slid around my waist. I turned to see Cam looking down at me, his face warm with a small flush. The aroma of parchment that held vivid stories of lives long past surrounded me as he smiled, erasing the last bit of stress in my body. He leaned into me slightly before rounding the twins’ table and joining them.

  “I figured I’d come to see what you three were up to.” His honeyed voice was filled with laughter as he read the note on the page. His response to it was thick with sarcasm, “nice to see you two getting some studying done.” Chuckling, he pulled a book from his bag and turned his attention back to me. “How is your day, doll?”

  “Same old, same old,” I responded looking over at the counter and seeing the book return carts quickly filling up with students filtering in and out of the library. “I should probably get those put back on the stacks”—I hitched a thumb towards the books—“I’ll let you get some studying done, Cam. You two should follow his lead because I’m pretty sure neither of you has done anything even remotely studious.” They pouted, both looking like they’d rather be doing anything other than that. I found myself smiling the entire way back around the counter, sticking my head into the office to let Muriel know my plan so she could watch the counter.

  I wheeled out the first cart once Muriel took station behind the computer. It’s the squeaky cart, ugh. The noise was less jarring thanks to the hushed voices filtering through the library. Turning down a side aisle towards the non-fiction section,
the crowd thinned out. I discreetly made my way through the secluded areas of the library, hoping I wouldn’t encounter anyone looking for “alone” time. I really don’t want to deal with anyone messing around back here. Grateful to not hear any moans or thuds, I continued into the back corner. I had gotten through the first row on the cart when I caught sight of two familiar troublemakers coming down the aisle at me. Shaking my head at them, I shelved a rather thick book in its proper home.

  “This isn’t studying, boys,” I chided, shuffling through the cart for more books.

  “We know, but we’re going to be heading out, and we wanted to say bye.” Logan pulled me against his chest, my back pressing tightly against the expanse of muscle. My heart warmed at the sentiment. Landon smashed me between him and his brother, the smells of sugar, spice, and bonfire encompassed me as I hugged them back. Now if only they were wearing less clothing… no, bad Lucie. No twin sandwiches, I lectured myself.

  “We’ll catch you later, lemon drop.” Landon squeezed before letting go. Of course, with them being who they are, they couldn’t just walk down the aisle like normal people, supernaturals... whatever. They proceeded to strike poses and vogued until they reached the edge of the walkway, turning back to wave. When I finally got my laughter under control, I wheeled the cart down the corridor towards the next section, hurrying with returning books, so Muriel didn’t have to sit at the desk too long.

  “Hey,” a feminine voice called out right as I slid the book into the slot. I turned around to find one of the girls from Coffeeology last Saturday standing a couple feet away. She was, once again, impeccably dressed in designer labels and her highlighted brunette hair was loosely curled around her shoulders.


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