Smoke and Wishes (Best Wishes Book 1)

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Smoke and Wishes (Best Wishes Book 1) Page 23

by A. J. Macey

  “What happened?” Hudson’s voice was still rough, but at least now we knew why it had been that way. We gave him a rundown of what had happened in the last three weeks focusing on the fight and what the girls had done. By the end of our summary, he had straightened to his full height. A bit of his honey coloring coming back to his cheeks. His mouth was slashed in a harsh frown, jaw ticking in anger.

  “So, essentially I’ve been a huge fucking asshole to you guys and my princess because of these jealous bitches?” Despite the dim lighting, I could see the embarrassment riddling the girls’ features. “I barely remember the last few weeks, mostly just being angry and… and sad. I remember being upset when I would see Lucie or you guys. I just couldn’t seem to focus through that fog. Three weeks?” At his question, we all nodded solemnly.

  “How is that possible? I swear the party was just a few days ago.” Looking to each of us, he ran his hands through his hair. “I’m so sorry guys, for anything and everything I said or did, I don’t even…” Trailing off, a stricken expression took over his features. “Oh god, Lucie…” He stepped back, rubbing his eyes. “What am I going to do? How do I fix that? How do I fix what I said?” At this point he was almost yelling, voice thick with emotion. I breathed an internal sigh of relief. This was the most expressive I had seen him in weeks, I couldn't help but be happy that we had him back.

  “We’ll tell her what happened and she’ll understand. We’ve already talked to her since everything went down. She doesn’t hate you, Hudson, she’s just waiting for you to talk to her,” Logan reasoned.

  “Alright, okay, I can do that. First, though, I need them to tell me exactly what they did and why. All of it.” He waved his hand towards the group of girls still standing quietly.

  “Ladies.” Cam’s voice was filled with disdain, I snorted. There are no ladies here. “Tell us everything you know, anything you’ve done or said to Lucie, and anything you’ve attempted to do to Hudson, Dante or us.” Claire’s voice was monotone when she answered, describing in vivid detail all of the acts that had transpired against our little group since the beginning of the semester. Most of it we had already figured out, but a few things still surprised us.

  “I tried to Persuade Hudson when we realized she wasn’t going anywhere, but his mental shields were too strong, so we came up with another plan,” Madison interjected her southern accent flat.

  “When was that?” Taking a step forward, I positioned myself slightly in front of the others. Guilt weighed heavily on me, I should have seen this happening, should have protected them. But instead, I was too busy with worrying about my image to prevent all of this.

  “That Saturday after we ran into her in the quad.” My attention shifted to Brittney as she answered my question, though her focus was on Hudson. Everyone looked to him next, waiting for clarification on when that was, his brows furrowed deep in thought. Surprise filled his question when he responded.

  “Seriously?” Brittney’s blonde head nodded jerkily, her eyes were glazed with a far off look. “That was the Saturday after movie night when this one tried to use her powers on you.” Hudson gestured between Khloe and I. Is that what that was?

  “Why?” Eloquent I know, but between the surprise, anger, and guilt I wasn’t able to string more words together even if I tried.

  “You chose her.” Khloe’s answer only confused me more. I directed her to explain, and I felt my jaw clench at her answer. “You didn’t want to be with me, you wanted to be with her and these jerk-offs. So once I satisfied my need, we all got together and came up with the plan to Persuade you into forgetting about her.”

  “What need?” It was Logan’s turn to be confused, a head tilt and furrowed brows transformed his face.

  “Well, obviously Dante wasn't going to give me what I needed, so I cheated on him with Justin.” No emotion colored her answer. No remorse, no guilt, nothing.

  “What the fuck? All because I didn't want to fuck you that night?” I wasn’t really upset about her cheating, but I’d blown her off before. Clearly, this wasn’t the only opportunity she had found. Now, I was just upset because of the shame I had felt at my budding attraction to Lucie. Khloe had been out making a fool out of me while I was distancing myself from the one person that actually made me feel like I was worth a damn… Why does this always happen to me?

  “So, let me get this straight, you cheated on Dante, with Justin of all creeps, because you had to?” Logan’s voice dripped with disgust at Khloe’s indiscretion.

  “Would… would you say you were feeling hangry?” Landon’s lips were pressed into a tight line, arms folded around himself twitching with the urge to laugh.

  “Well, a bitch has got to eat.” Logan chuckled coldly, his eye’s hard as he glared at the four.

  “That doesn’t matter,” I ground out, waving a hand to bring their attention back on track. “What else did you do? What did you do to Lucie?”

  “After giving you the bracelet and telling you about her and the twins, we followed her into the woods and threatened to tell Noah where she was if she tried coming around again,” Claire took over. Curses went up as the guys started to shuffle, the level of anger growing to near palpable levels. While Nik hadn’t spoken from his position against the doorframe, his power was rolling off of him in waves, the energy crackled around us.

  “Did you tell him?” Cam bit out, his lips pulled back in a snarl, sharp incisors glinting in the dim lighting. They all shook their heads. Thank fucking god. I let out a relieved sigh, similar sounds of relief rang throughout the room. “Is that it?” They nodded blankly. “Get out of here and don't you dare come anywhere near my family or our girl ever again. My threats aren’t empty like yours.” Cam’s voice echoed with power, a rough growl rumbled in his chest as he commanded them to leave. They filed out quietly, heels clicking against the tile of the hall as they made their exit.

  “Alright, let’s go find Lucie. I have to talk to her.” Hudson paced a few short steps in each direction before striding out of the room, the rest of us following. Silent determination could be seen on each of our faces. Time to make everything right again.


  October 26th

  Friday Night


  Gentle music thrummed from the speakers. A slow song had finally started, and Sadie was dancing with a girl from her Artistic Powers class, although she seemed pretty preoccupied with her cellphone. Austin had made it from Seattle, much to Benji’s excitement. Our introduction was quick, as Benji wanted to get onto the dance floor. Their builds were similar, but Austin was obviously the more energetic and outgoing of the two. They made an adorable couple, and I found myself smiling at their antics. I could see Benji’s blush all the way from my spot on the side of the room where I was resting my sore feet.

  Glancing around the room, I expected to see at least one of my guys, but I hadn’t seen them or the Bitch Crew for almost an hour. I decided not to focus on it. They had been planning to speak with Hudson tonight, I just didn't think they would do it at the dance. The urge to go find them was strong, but I knew I shouldn’t insert myself just yet. He needed his family, they were a unit, and while they had said that unit included me, I couldn't bring myself to believe it wholeheartedly. They had only known me for two months, how could that compare to a lifetime of friendships?

  The direction my thoughts were taking me in was a downward spiral. Tonight had been fun, but I was more than ready to head back to the dorm. Slipping my shoes back on, I made my way over to Sadie, letting her know I was getting tired and heading back to the room. It was nearly midnight, and even after the break I took, I could feel my feet throbbing from the amount of dancing I had done.

  I pushed out into the cold night air and tried to walk as quickly as I could in my dress towards the dorm. My arms were curled over my chest, clutch stuffed under them leaving my hands free to attempt to rub some warmth into my chilled skin. I was about halfway there when I turned the corner of the walkway throu
gh a couple of trees. Apparently, I wasn’t paying as much attention as I thought because someone stepped out in front of me on the path. Stumbling, I tried not to collide with whoever it was, but I slammed into a solid, tuxedo-clad chest. My dress had gotten caught on one of my heels, and I clung to the stranger in my attempt to stay upright.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Justin’s cruel voice was low in the silence of the quad. “If it isn’t the little genie all alone, with no one to hear her scream.” I stepped back, trying to put any distance between us. My heart thundered in my chest as I grabbed my clutch and uncrossed my arms. I didn’t have a weapon, and while my reality warping had improved, I had no idea what effect it would have on a person.

  “Leave me alone, Justin,” I said quietly, surprised that my voice was steady because I was freaking the fuck out.

  “No, I don’t think I will. Not only did you make a fool out of me at orientation, but then you went and got me in trouble with the dean, you little bitch. Pretty sure an apology is in order.” I scoffed. That was his own damn fault. “And”—he looked around us with his arms out wide—“I think now would be the perfect time.” I was about to turn to run back towards the dance, back to where there were people, but he struck out and slapped me across the face…

  “Lucie baby…”

  The flashback faded as a punch landed in my stomach, causing me to keel over with a sharp exhale. I tried to breathe in through my nose, past the tightness in my chest and abdomen from the hit. My face was throbbing, vision blurred with unshed tears. Not again, I will not be a victim again. Steeling myself, I watched as he pulled back his fist and took the opportunity to shoot forward, driving my shoulder into his stomach. We dropped hard to the ground, his head bounced against the cement when we hit. Angry red marks rose on my arms as they scraped the ground roughly.

  I hauled myself up while he was still dazed and ran as fast as I could towards the dance. Colors blurred and objects melded into one another as I went, my vision tunneled, adrenaline pumping through me. Just get back to where the people are, I chanted internally pushing my arms harder, my legs strained against the tight fabric of my dress.

  Lights shone in the distance, indicating I was almost back to the dining hall when something large and furry slammed into my side. The cold dew dusting the top of the grass soaked into my gown and arms as I fell to the side, making me shiver. I tried to get my feet back under me, but the creature lunged forward. A massive paw landed on my chest, crushing my sternum under tremendous weight. Hot breath bathed my face as I stared up at the snout of a large black wolf. Its mouth was pulled into a snarl, saliva dripping from its teeth. But the eyes, the eyes left me paralyzed.

  There was no pupil to be seen, only a bright and glowing yellow, marbleized with black. The white surrounding it was angry and inflamed with red striations. They were terrifying. Big bad wolf… My mind put two and two together, Justin was a wolf shifter. Oh god, please don’t bite me.

  I was in a poor position to do anything. After shaking off the effect of the animal’s eyes, I tried to push against his thick fur and thrashed under his paw, but his claws extended piercing my dress and skin. I screamed out at the sharp pain, they were long enough to pierce muscle causing me to stop my attempts to escape. He growled low in his throat, opening his jaw, sharp canines twinkled in the sidewalk lights against the dark of the night. He pulled his head back and shot down towards my neck.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I turned my head and curled into myself as much as I was able, unwilling to watch whatever was going to happen next. Instead of feeling the sinking of his teeth into my neck, a strangled yelp sounded. I felt the rip of his claws out of my chest, the weight of him lifting. My eyes opened to a large creature pinning Justin under cat-like paws. As my eyes focused further, I realized it was a griffin. It’s impressive beak was clamped onto the neck of the wolf, lion paws pinning him to the grass. Mottled brown and black wings were stretched out wide, like an avenging angel.

  “Dante?” I rasped out, my voice hoarse from the screaming I had done. The pounding of footsteps sounded from somewhere down the sidewalk. I scrambled back, still feeling the effects of the attack until I realized it was my guys followed by Alex, Assistant Dean Mastersen, and several security guards that included Troy and Bill. Landon and Logan made it to me first, dropping to the ground beside me.

  “Oh fuck, Lucie,” Landon’s voice was anguished as he looked at me, I could feel the blood from the punctures on my chest running down my stomach pooling in my lap. Thank god for a red dress, knowing full well they would probably kill Justin if they could fully see the damage he caused. If Dante hadn’t already. I saw them all hesitate to reach out, no doubt worrying if they’d hurt me.

  “Hey, guys,” I croaked. “Can we go somewhere warm, please? I’m freezing.” Now that the adrenaline was fading from my system I was shaking, teeth chattering painfully. Cam and Nik helped me up from the ground. The security guards had sedated Justin who was now limp in the grass in his human form. Dante had shifted back. Apparently, clothes aren’t salvaged during a shift, so he and Justin were both naked. Even in my dazed state I couldn’t help but stare at his warm, caramel skin. Muscled arms, defined abs, and broad chest caught my attention, making me drool. He tied a towel that Alex had handed him around his waist before my perusal could travel further south. Not the time.

  “Let’s go to the infirmary, Lucie. Take him to the holding cells,” Alex’s voice was sharp with anger. “Are you alright to walk?” he asked me once I was steady on my feet. Hudson came over from next to Alex, he was the only one who hadn’t surrounded me when the rest of the guys had. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I nodded at Alex, looking towards Hudson, his dark circles didn’t look as stark as they had in the recent weeks and he didn’t hold any anger in his face. All I saw was despair. Maybe the guys had gotten through to him.

  “Thank you, Hudson,” I whispered at him, pulling the jacket closed around me inhaling the earthy scent of it.

  “Of course, Lucie.” His baritone voice was warm for the first time in weeks. I smiled at him as much as my swollen cheek would allow. He sighed in relief, the look of despair melted into hope. “Let’s get you warm, princess.” My heart soared at my nickname on his lips.

  October 27th

  Early Saturday Morning


  I was laying on a hospital bed feeling exhausted at the day’s events. The clock on the wall showed it was two in the morning. It had taken over two hours to relay what had happened to Alex, the assistant dean, and the head of security as well as get my injuries tended to and documented for the case against Justin. My guys had refused to leave my side until the doctor on duty, Dr. Ingress, had forced them out so she could clean and patch up my chest.

  The puncture wounds only had slight tearing when Justin had been ripped off my chest, but no major organs had been punctured. My chest was covered in gauze and tape, making me stiff and uncomfortable. Sadie had grabbed one of my favorite sweaters, one that showed a mug and the phrase ‘life begins after coffee’, which helped comfort me after the shock had finally worn off.

  Everywhere hurt. My abs hurt anytime I moved from the punch, my right cheek was bruised from my eye to my mouth, and my right eye was swollen slightly, but no broken blood vessels in my eye, thankfully. I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Alex and Assistant Dean Mastersen had left the room with the guys to give me some privacy with Sadie to get dressed a few minutes ago. I sent Sadie off to go get some sleep because she needed to head to a local art show with her parents that were flying in a few hours from now. It took a bit of convincing, but she finally listened, stating the only reason she would leave is that I needed to talk with my guys without her around. The door opened as I was looking out the window watching the rain trickle down.

  “Lucie?” Nurse Beth poked her head around the door, she was young with kind eyes and blond hair that was pulled back into a low bun. “Is it alright if I let
the guys back in? They’re getting restless.” I chuckled. Sounds about right. I nodded at her. She opened the door the rest of the way and stepped back right before they came barreling through the door. They filed around the bed sitting in the various chairs they had dragged in earlier.

  “How are you feeling?” Dante’s melodic voice was quiet in the small room.

  “Sore, tired,” I smiled at him. “I’m alright though, that’s what matters.” Despite that, they all looked angry and upset. “Thank you, Dante, for stopping him, and thank you, guys for being there for me.” I looked from one of my guys to the next, ending on Hudson. “I’ve missed you.” My voice was thick with emotion as my eyes filled, it had been a rough three weeks without all of them. Claire’s threat echoed through my mind, but I couldn’t let that stop me from living. If he found me, I had them and Alex, I had powers, and he didn’t. He will never control me again.

  “God, Lucie, I’m so fucking sorry. For everything, for yelling at you and going after my family because I was jealous and upset.” He had moved up next to my right side and held my hand. His soft skin warm against my cold fingers, cheeks stained with tear tracks.

  “It’s alright, Hudson, I don’t blame you at all.” I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

  “It is not his fault.” Nik was glaring towards Hudson, his voice stern. I didn’t understand why he was frustrated with him.

  “Don’t blame yourself, Hudson, those bitches did this. They are the only ones who can hold the blame.” Cam finished Nik’s train of conversation. What?


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