Fractured Lies: Book 1 MAC Security Series

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Fractured Lies: Book 1 MAC Security Series Page 1

by Abigail Davies


  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Stay Tuned

  Connect with Abigail

  About the author

  Thank you

  Fractured Lies


  Abigail Davies


  Fractured Lies

  Copyright © 2016 Abigail Davies

  All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author. Except in the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places or events are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you are reading this book and have not purchased it for your use only then you should return it to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: Abigail Davies 2016

  Cover Design: MG Book Cover and Designs

  For my husband.


  Where to start?

  I have so many people who helped me bring this story to life.

  I want to thank my husband Mike for putting up with all my late nights (early mornings) and my constant chatter and ideas. For telling me to chase my dreams of writing, and for supporting me fully, in everything that I do. You’re amazing and I thank my lucky stars that I found you.

  To my two daughters; who inspire me to chase my dreams everyday, who are now writing their own stories after watching me type furiously on my laptop. I love you both to the moon and back.

  To my amazing BETA readers. Steph, Sarah and Danielle, for reading my book whilst it was still in the rough. Thank you so much for all of your feedback.

  To my PA/Editor Lucii who swooped in at the last moment whilst I was panicking about all things release, and grammar. Words cant describe how much I appreciate all of your help, your a rare diamond and I’m so glad that I found you!

  My beta reader Danielle, who has not only been a beta reader but has become ‘my person’. Thank you so much, for staying up with me until the sun came up for several nights in a row as I sent chapter after chapter to you. Thank you for all of your input, this book seriously wouldn’t have been what it is without you!

  And most importantly to my readers! Thank you so much for reading this book! I hope that you fall in love with these characters and that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Chapter One

  “What pajamas do you want to wear Eli?” I asked, waiting for his answer as I bend down and opened the drawer.

  “Spider-man, please mama,” he replied in a small voice. I pulled out the red spider-man pajamas, turned and sat on the bed. It creaked as I sat down, a reminder that it wouldn’t be long before it needed to be replaced.

  The whole room was a mismatch of furniture. Even though I had done all that I could with what little I was given, it didn’t look to bad. The walls were painted in a variety of different blues and spider-man stickers covered most of the paint and all the cracks that ran along the walls. Eli didn’t care what it looked like, as long as it had his favorite superhero up there. But I wanted to make it perfect for him.

  I held the pajamas up and I flicked my wrist for Eli to move forward. His eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms.

  “Not those ones, mama, the blue ones,” he huffed.

  I knew the look on his face, it could go one of two ways. I’d either be able to diffuse whatever situation was about to arise or he would have a meltdown. Everybody talks about the terrible twos but no one ever tells you about the frustrating fours. I’d learned to pick and choose my battles. When I won one of them I always gave myself a mental high five.

  “You said spider-man, Eli.” I held them up in the air “And these are spider-man.”

  Drops of water hit me in the face as he shook his head fiercely.

  “I only wear the blue ones on Wednesday, and today is Wednesday, mama.” He rolled his eyes and puffed out a breath.

  I opened my mouth and closed it. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that it was actually Friday and not Wednesday. Instead I swapped the pajamas. He got dressed without any other complaints, sometimes it was just better to give in.

  Like I said, I pick my battles.

  “Time for bed, sweetie.” I pulled back his covers and helped him up onto the bed.

  “But I not tired, mama.” I raised my brow and tilted my head to the side. He always did this, said that he wasn’t tired, then he would be snoring his head off two seconds later.

  “What book do you want tonight?” I asked.

  “Hmm?” his little pointer finger tapped on his chin, head tilted back as he looked up at the ceiling. “Can we wead two?” I settled down next to him and nodded.

  “The dog one first,” He shuffled down the bed, pulled the covers up to his chin and looked up at me. “Then the wolf one.”

  I pulled them both down from the shelf next to his bed. He watched me with those emerald green eyes. He had such stunning eyes, so bright that I swear they were otherworldly.

  An exact replica of his fathers, the only difference between them was the way they looked at me. Eli looked at me with love, I always knew where I stood with Eli. He showed all of his emotions through his eyes, his father was a different story. I never knew what he was thinking.

  They could see right through me. I hadn’t quite worked out yet whether that was a good thing or not.

  I wore my emotions on my sleeve, I was getting better at putting my walls up.

  I had to.

  I planted a kiss on the top of his head, his curly brown hair soft against my face.

  Eli may have had his father’s eyes but the rest of him was all me. Sometimes, I wish that he looked more like him and, instead, didn’t have those eyes.

  “There was a dog, his name was spot…” I started, I hadn’t even got halfway through when his soft snores sounded in the room. I closed the book and watched him for a minute. How we had made something so perfect was beyond me. I lifted off his bed as quietly as possible and placed the book back where I pulled it from and crossed the room.

  I tried my best to miss all the creaky floorboards; I never managed it always hitting one. I froze as one creaked. I stayed still, listened for a minute then lifted my foot slowly. I needed to do something about those floorboards.

  I walked down the hallway, the old carpet scratching at the bottom of my feet. My eyes followed the framed photos that lined the walls. All but one w
ere of Eli. The first was the day he was born, and the last taken just a few weeks ago.

  I stopped at the end of the hallway, opposite the apartment door was the one and only picture of me and Max.

  It was taken at my high school graduation; Max had come back from college for the day. That was the day I found out I was pregnant. We both had huge smiles on our faces; we looked so happy back then. We were staring at each other, Max’s face was so open and I knew that if I looked closely I could see the love that used to shine through his eyes.

  I frowned at it and shook my head.

  All that changed from the moment I told him I was pregnant. I could understand the change that happened.

  I was due to go off to college and Max was halfway through his degree. At eighteen and twenty, we weren’t ready to be parents.

  Max had left college to get a job and I never went. I knew that he resented me for it, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

  I heard a key turn in the lock and stared at it with wide eyes before rushing into the kitchen and started to warm up Max’s dinner. How had I lost track of time? I should have known better than to get stuck in my memories.

  Max’s boots thumped against the floor and I knew that if I didn’t have his dinner ready by the time he sat on the couch then I had a hell of a long night ahead of me.

  Our apartment wasn’t much, but I tried to make it as much of a home as I could. The cream walls gave the small space a light and airy feel, which made it easier to breath.

  “Kaylee!” I grabbed the plate and a beer from the fridge, using my back to open the door that joined the living room to the kitchen.

  “‘Bout fucking time,” he grunted when I placed it down on the coffee table. That was another second-hand bit of furniture.

  I handed him his beer and tried my hardest to keep the disgust off my face. I spun around and left him to it. There was nothing worse than hanging around him. That was another one of his pet hates.

  I finished cleaning up the kitchen and collected the plate from Max when he was done. He didn’t say anything else to me, I preferred it that way. His eyes were glued to the TV so I made sure not to disturb him.

  “I’m going to bed now, Max.” I waited for a couple more seconds. Silence greeted me, but I knew better than to breathe easy yet.

  I waited for his reply, when he still didn’t acknowledge me I walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, I popped my head round Eli’s door, his soft snores still filled the room.

  I changed into my pajamas and slid into my own bed.

  That’s when I allowed myself to breathe easy. Each day that didn’t end with me doing something wrong was a day to be celebrated. My lips lifted as I closed my eyes. Today made it a week since Max had to correct me.

  Once I had made it to two weeks, maybe this time I would go beyond that.


  I woke with a start and I grabbed my cell to check the time. It felt like I had slept the day away.

  Six am.

  Maybe not.

  I rubbed my eyes and swiveled my head, the other side of the bed hadn’t been slept in.

  I was not a morning person, I needed a shower and strong coffee before I felt any semblance of normal. I rushed through having a shower, brushed my teeth and dressed in a pair of leggings and t-shirt that covered my butt.

  I tiptoed down the hallway, careful not to wake Max. I could hear his loud snores, which was probably the reason that I had a good night’s sleep.

  I started up the coffee pot and watched as it brewed, staring anxiously at it. Pouring myself a cup and taking a sip, I moaned as the coffee hit my tongue. The first taste was always the best.

  I shuffled over to the small table that sat in the corner of the room. It wobbled as I put my cup down, a reminder that I needed to put something under one of the legs.

  All three chairs were different, but I loved the quirky look. I sat on the chair nearest the window, this one was Max’s chair as it didn’t wobble at all. Eli and I didn’t get so lucky, ours were death-traps to sit on.

  The sky lightened and the streetlights flickered off. My breaths became heavier the lighter it became; Max still hadn’t woken which meant I’d have to wake him.

  I never knew what mood he’d be in when he awoke. I had to be gentle, the last thing I needed was to put him in a bad mood.

  I stood and rinsed my cup in the sink. Took a deep breath and walked into the living room.

  “Max?” I said softly. He didn’t stir so I moved closer, placed my hand on his shoulder and shook it gently.

  “Max. It’s time to get up.” I spoke a little louder, this time his snoring stopped. But he still didn’t move.

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I scanned the wall above the TV. If he didn’t wake up soon then he’d be late, there’s nothing he hated more than being late. Then it would be my fault for not waking him on time.

  “Max.” I grimaced as I shook him harder this time.

  His eyes flew open and his arm shot out. I gasped as his hand wrapped around my wrist and squeezed.

  “Max,” I croaked. “It’s time for work.” His emerald green eyes stared right through me. I scanned his face, taking in his straight nose and full lips. He was handsome the all American boy.

  “Max, you’re hurting me.” I fidgeted as he tightened his grip.

  He sat up slowly, his eyes piercing mine. The sun peeking through the blinds shined off his inky black hair.

  “How many times do I have to tell you?” He stood, twisting the skin on my arm. Although he was only a few inches taller than me, he still towered over me. I hated being this close to him.

  “I..I..I’m sorry,” I gasped. I willed the tears to stay away. He hated seeing me cry, all it did was make him angrier.

  “Doesn’t matter how many times I say something, it never gets through that thick skull does it?”

  I was almost panting now, my arm burned where he gripped me.

  “Never touch me without permission!” he roared in my face.

  He squeezed once more and let me go with a push. My arms flailed as I tried to steady myself, I pinched my lips together when the back of my legs caught the corner of the coffee table. I desperately wanted to squeal but I knew better than to show him how much I was hurting.

  He shoved his feet into his boots, stomped around the apartment and completely ignored me.

  The door slammed shut just minutes later, I didn’t have time to get my bearings as I could hear Eli coming down the hallway.

  “Mama?” he called in a sleepy voice.

  “In here, sweetie.” I looked around for something to cover the angry red mark on my arm. I couldn’t find anything in time so I hid my arm behind my back. It throbbed so I tried to rub it but that somehow made it worse.

  I didn’t want Eli to see. I didn’t want to explain to him that I had done something wrong, that I knew better than to touch Max without asking first.

  How was I meant to ask to touch him first when he was asleep? I wanted to ask Max just that, the old me would have. The new me? She knew better than to question him.

  “Mama?” He rubbed his eyes with his fists and stumbled toward me.

  “Morning, sweetie,” I wrapped my arm round him, steered him to the kitchen and sat him in his chair.

  “What would you like for breakfast?”

  “Cereals,” he murmured.

  I poured him a bowl and set it on the table in front of him.

  “Do you want some juice?”

  “Please, mama,” he lifted his spoon with great effort, nearly missing his mouth because his eyes were half closed. I smiled; just like me, he hated mornings.


  I watched my cell anxiously for the rest of the day. Every Saturday went like this, though most of those Saturday’s I didn’t receive the call I was waiting for. It was never guaranteed. Weeks at a time could go by without me talking to him.

  I was almost glad that it never rang because that meant that
he was fine. It was those times that the phone rang and I wasn’t expecting a call that my heart would stop for a beat.

  Eli always sat next to me watching his cartoons, his eyes flicking from the phone to the TV every couple of minutes.

  “Today?” Eli asked.

  “Maybe,” I said, unsure. He knew as much as I did.

  We didn’t move for hours, scared that we might miss the call. I was just about to give up when the loud noise of the phone rang out.

  I snatched it up, fumbled for a couple of seconds then hit the answer call button.

  “Corey?” I asked, breathless. Eli sat up straighter, his eyes wide.

  We hadn’t talked to Corey in over two months. I hadn’t seen him for four years. Being in the Special Forces meant that he was away a lot, not only that but we wouldn’t hear from him for months at a time.

  “Hey, lil sis,” his deep voice came across the line along with crackles.

  “Corey,” I sighed. “It’s so good to finally hear your voice.”

  “Yours too.” He chuckled.

  God I missed that sound. He had an addictive kind of laugh, you couldn’t help but laugh along with him. I could imagine the way his eyes would squint and that weird sniffle he always did afterward.

  “Put me on speaker phone,” he said. I nodded even though he couldn’t see me and tapped the button on the screen.

  “You’re on,” I said and placed it on the table.


  “Hi, Uncle Corey!”

  “You sound so big,” Corey said.

  Eli looked at me, a grin spread wide across his face.

  “I am big now. I start school Monday,” he said and puffed his chest out.

  “You do?” Corey asked.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Wow.” Corey chuckled. “You looking after mama?”

  “Yep.” Eli nodded emphatically.

  “Take some photos of your first day and send them to me, yeah?”

  “Okay, Uncle Corey”

  “I need to talk to mama for a minute, Love you Eli”


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