Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two Page 15

by Blushing Books

  “Hands on your head? You bet I did.”

  “No, the other part.” She lay her hands on the wall to show she wasn’t quite leaving the corner and turned around so she could see him. He was reclining on the center sofa cushion, his long legs extended before him and crossed at the ankles, his hands folded behind his own head. He was watching her through smoky, half-closed eyes. “I mean, what you said earlier. In town. About taking care of what’s yours, and when you called me your girl.”

  Colton nodded once. “That, too.” He unfolded his hands long enough to twirl one finger in the air. “Nose to the corner until I say otherwise, or there’s going to be a very uncomfortable Round Two coming right up.”

  Mindy faced the wall. She sniffled again, not really all that close to tears anymore, although it was killing her not to be allowed to rub. The minutes ticked slowly by, tracked by an unseen windable wall clock, echoed by the dull pulse that was making her sex ache every bit as much as her bottom.

  “I sent you a letter today,” Mindy finally said, unable to keep it secrete any more and hoping desperately that he’d take the hint, and then maybe just plain take her. “Just in case your DD-inclined position is still available.”

  The quiet that followed that admission was broken a few seconds later when he chuckled. “Honey, you really are one of a kind. I’ve had exactly two responses so far. Both from men who skipped right over ‘single female’ and went straight to ‘must like snakes,’ although I’m sure they were thinking more along the lines of the one-eyed trouser variety.” She heard him shift on the couch, and then he patted his leg. “Come here, Mindy.”


  Leaving the corner behind, Mindy went to him, she didn’t even cover herself before him. Colton took full advantage of her wanton boldness; his hungry gaze was locked on her pussy from the moment turned around until, no longer a hookie-playing teenager, she knelt to straddle his hips like a well-spanked ‘wife’, her aching bottom perched upon his knees for him to fondle and caress. She lay her head upon his shoulder, loving it when his arms came up around her.

  “I canceled the ad two days ago.” He admitted and stroked her back. “Consider the position filled.”

  She looked up at his strong chin. “But not the magazine subscription, right?”

  Colton laughed outright. His hand moved down to give her bottom a sharp slap, and then a sexy rub, and she wrapped her arms around his neck when his fingers followed the curve of her buttocks down between her splayed thighs into those hot and wet places he definitely hadn’t yet spanked. “What say we go get your Nana her ice cream...”

  “And pick up some condoms,” Mindy breathed, her hands fisting in the loose folds of his shirt as her hips began to grind upon his first stroking, and then penetrating fingers.

  “...and fix her some dinner,” he murmured, sultry and low.

  “And I can introduce you to Murphy.”

  “Murphy?” His fingers stilled.

  She drew back far enough to see his eyes. “My iguana. I’ve had him since I was ten. Love me, love my iguana. We’re kind of a package deal.”

  “You have an iguana.” His wondering look melted into a smile, which quickly became a grin. “Beautiful, smart, funny...and she’s got a lizard.” He picked her up, rolling with her until her back was to the sofa cushions and he lay comfortably on top of her. He shook his head once. “Yeah, I think I’ve found my kindred spirit.”


  Also by Maren Smith for Blushing Books:

  Mountain Man

  ISBN: 978-1-935152-73-6

  Tom only made the four-hour drive from his claim to Keno City once a year, and he was only stopped at the mercantile long enough to load up his supplies before he got back on the road and tried to beat Winter in a race home.

  The good news was, he made it back to his cabin just as the storm that would seal him up for the next six months touched down. The bad news was, there was a woman tucked in the trailer right between the coffee and the canned peaches, and Tom was pretty sure she hadn't been on the shopping list when he was reading it off at the store. Blonde hair, blue eyes, too much spirit and not enough sense Nora was everything a placer miner did NOT need complicating his life.

  Tom had six months before the snow melted and he could take her back to town and find someone else's doorstep to dump her on...six months to take feisty Nora in hand...if his hand didn't tire out first.

  Daughter of the Strong

  ISBN: 978-1-935152-83-5

  After years of loyal service to Ethelred the Unready, Tremen of Southby received the greatest prize that any third son of a nobleman could hope for. He received lands of his own. And not just the lands, but Burkshire Keep, a significant holding along a key section of the Welsh coast. All he has to do is keep it out of the hands of the maurading Vikings, defeat the scheming Robert, who desires the Keep above all else, and woo the warrior maid who lives there, Hallie, his wife by proxy. Of the three tasks, the first two would quickly prove to be the easiest by far to accomplish.

  Life After Rachel

  ISBN: 978-1-60968-059-6

  Daniel was approaching the lowest point of his life after the tragic loss of his wife, Rachel, in child birth. The child had survived... But even that was looking bleak as no one in town could nurse the child. He was about to lose everything. He needed a miracle.

  The "miracle" happened when the Sauks killed Ane's husband and new-born child in a wagon-train raid. She had no one left, yet she was still quickly asked to help save this child she had never met. But Daniel wouldn't give away the child, and the reverend couldn't let Ane and Daniel share a house without being married... And so they were married, despite their tragic circumstances.

  They didn't speak the same language, and they didn't eat the same food... And Daniel spanked. Hard. Above all else, the Sauks were approaching their territory.

  Through the spankings and grief, through differences and danger, will love heal their wounds?


  Book One of the MacAllister Brothers


  Maura McMann

  Chapter One

  Mac’s Crossing, Colorado

  July, 1889

  “I’m glad you think this is so funny. If you were the one sitting here with your head on the chopping block you wouldn’t be laughing.”

  Winthorp Jacob MacAllister, II stared at his younger brother, who even now wiped tears of laughter from his cheeks.

  “Well, Win, I can tell you one thing. For once in my life I’m glad I’m not the oldest.” Ben MacAllister let out another whoop of laughter, and then buried his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

  Behind his desk, Win narrowed his eyes at his brother. Then he shook his head. He supposed that if it were Ben, or one of his other siblings, going through this mess he would think it was funny, too.

  But it wasn’t them, it was him. It was his life that was about to come crashing down around his ankles. He had to find a way out of this predicament.

  “You know, you’re not helping any. Stop laughing and think of a solution!”

  Ben took a deep breath and straightened in his chair. He sniffled and bit back more laughter.

  “What can we do? Nothing. Aunt Matilda is on her way. From the date of this letter, a month ago, she may very well be in Denver at the train station right now. Once she catches the stage here to Mac’s Crossing, you’re done for. You’ll be married before you can say Bob’s your uncle. And you’ll be living back in Boston, running Uncle Marston’s law firm.”

  “The hell I will. I have a life, you know. And a pretty good one at that. I make good money, I just finished building a house, and one of these days I’ll find my own wife. Besides, there’s one major flaw with that plan. I’m not a lawyer. None of us are.”

  “I don’t think Aunt Matty cares. She just wants someone to run the business.”

  Win stood and marched to the window. On the street outside, people bustled about and buildings were taking
shape. The small town of Mac’s Crossing sat about fifty miles east of Denver. Since his father had founded the town in 1846, some forty years ago, it had grown considerably. Now almost ten thousand people lived in town, or in the surrounding area, farming and ranching. All five of the MacAllister boys had been born here. All five still worked here. And all five planned to stay here.

  Their parents, God rest their souls, had died four years ago within months of each other; their mother from pneumonia, their father from a broken heart. Aunt Matilda and Uncle Marston had urged the boys to come to Boston, even though they were all fully grown.

  The boys had refused, preferring to stay in the west. Now that Marston had passed, Matty was insistent that one of her nephews move to Boston to care for her and run the family business.

  Win walked back to his desk and picked up the letter.

  Your father shirked his responsibilities by taking his family, and your wonderful mother, to the God-forsaken place where you live. Now, one of you has to make amends. Since I have no children of my own, one of you will come back to Boston to care for me.

  Since you are the oldest, Winthorp, the responsibility falls to you. I will have no other. I will be in your city in one month’s time. Please be prepared to accompany me back to Boston.

  Win crumpled the paper and ran his free hand through his dark hair. He was the manager of a bank. He handled hundreds of thousands of dollars in people’s money. He hired, and fired staff and fought off bank robbers. And he was scared of a sixty-three year old woman whom he hadn’t seen in twenty-five years.

  “You have to help me.”

  “What can I do?”

  “You could arrest her.”

  Ben barked out a long laugh. “Win, she’s our aunt, and I’m just the sheriff of a small town. She has to break a law before I can arrest her. I could arrest you, tell her you broke some law and have to stay in jail.”

  “Tempting. But I don’t care for your jail cooking. I just have to let her know that I’m not leaving. Period. End of story.”

  “Ha! Fat chance of that. You remember Aunt Matty, right? Stubborn as an ox. No, what you need, brother dear, is a wife. If you were married, and had some reason to stay here in Mac’s Crossing, then Aunt Matty would have to go back to Boston alone, and find someone to run the business there.”

  “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, women aren’t exactly popping up all over out here. Finding a wife before Matty gets here isn’t going to be easy.”

  “What about Sarah McKay? She work’s in Josh’s store, and if I remember right, you and she took a shine to each other.”

  “We tried that. The shine quickly wore off, for both of us. She and Corbin will be a fine match, if they ever open their eyes to the fact.”

  “OK, how about Nancy Lise? She’s always been ga-ga over you.”

  “Yes, she has, but I don’t return the affection. She sends chills up my spine, and not in a good way. Too damn bossy and overbearing.”

  “OK, how about Melissa, over at the McCarin place? She’s a little young, in her early twenties, but she’s very pretty.”

  “Yes, and she married Steve Blankenship last week. Where were you?”

  “No kidding? How did I miss that? Well hell, Win. Just go out and rent one. Or tell Aunt Matty you’re expecting a mail-order bride who will be here in a few weeks. That might work.”

  Win nodded his head, his eyes taking on a shine.

  “That just might work.” Then he shook his head. “Oh hell no, you know Matty. She’d just force me to send the woman back. There has to be a solution somewhere.”

  Win sat back down at his desk and buried his face in his hands. His whole life flashed before his eyes, all because of a bossy woman who thought the family owed her.

  A loud ruckus from outside caught both brothers’ attentions. Win crossed to the door and flung it open to find his head teller, Mark Pierce, arguing with one of Ben’s deputies, Silas McGee.

  “I’ve got to talk to the sheriff. Now!”

  Ben stepped out of the office and shook his head.

  “Silas, what’s the matter with you? You know better than to go yelling at the bank. It makes people nervous.”

  “Sorry, Sheriff, but Miss O’Brien over to the hotel, she needs to talk with you, now.”

  Ben took Silas by the arm and pulled him off to a private corner. The younger man started talking animatedly, his hands flying through the air as Ben listened. When Ben has pushed him toward the door, he walked toward his Win and smiled.

  “Don’t look now, Win, but I think your prayers have been answered.”

  “What? How?” Win felt his heart rate increase. Could it be possible? What the hell had Silas just told Ben, and how could it help him?

  “Just get your coat and come with me. I think I just found you a windfall.”


  “You cannot keep me here! I demand that you release me. My company will see that you are paid.” Vanessa Trump stomped her slippered foot and sighed in exasperation. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Damn Wiley Sims to hell and back. How dare he do this to her, just because she refused to go to his bed?

  “Would that be the same company that left you high and dry? Pardon me, little miss actress, if I don’t believe you.”

  Vanessa decided to try a different tactic. She smiled at Catherine O’Brien, who put her hands on her ample hips, and stared at the young woman in front of her.

  “Miss O’Brien, isn’t it? Please, you must trust me. I promise you that you will get your money, and more, for your troubles. I will see to it personally.”

  “I should have known better than to rent rooms to a traveling acting troupe, lot of good for nothing people if you ask me. Money for one night only. You ain’t going nowhere, missy, so don’t think that batting those baby blues at me will help. The sheriff’s on his way. He’ll get my money back. And you’ll stay in jail until I do!”

  “How much money are we talking about, Miss O’Brien?”

  The stout woman turned toward the doorway and the frown that was on her face did an immediate about face.

  “Why Win, whatever are you doing here? I sent for your brother.”

  “He’s here, outside talking to Monty Carp about some missing cattle. He asked me to come inside and see what was happening.”

  Vanessa sized up the newcomer. A handsome man in his mid-thirties. Dark hair that was just graying around the temples. Tall and fit, with large hands that he rested on his waist. Was this the sheriff? Maybe, just maybe, she could work her wiles on him. If she could, then she could catch up with the others at Denver. And demand some satisfaction from Wiley Sims.

  “Sheriff.” Vanessa stood and gave him a perfect smile. “This is all just a large misunderstanding, I promise you. If you will allow me…”

  “I’m not the sheriff.”

  Vanessa sat down with a thump and shook her head.

  “Then what business is it of yours how much money this woman is owed?”

  Win looked Vanessa up and down, then turned his attention to Miss O’Brien.

  “How much?”

  “They were here a week. Rented every room in the place and ate meals. They owe me seven hundred and fifty dollars, and not a penny less.”

  Vanessa gasped. “What? For this flea-ridden hotel? You can’t be serious.”

  “Flea-ridden? Now you listen here little missy, if there are fleas here your friends brought them, and left them, here.” The larger woman advanced on Vanessa, who stood and balled her hands into fists. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d been in a fight. If the witch would just get close enough she’d take a whack at her.

  Win stepped in between the two ladies just as Ben entered the room.

  Vanessa assumed correctly that this was the sheriff. And judging by the similarities between the newcomer, and the man already in the room, she assumed they were brothers.

  “Sheriff, this is all a big misunderstanding, if I could…”

  The sheriff
held up his hand.

  “Win, would you keep an eye on this young lady while I talk to Miss O’Brien?” The two exchanged a look and Vanessa frowned when the one named Win mouthed, “this will work,” to the sheriff.

  She wasn’t sure what he meant, but she knew that whatever it was, she wasn’t going to like it.


  Win closed the door and turned toward Vanessa. She was a pretty woman, that was for sure. Petite, with long blond hair that hung around her shoulders and beautiful blue eyes. He figured that Miss O’Brien had pulled her from bed when she’d found the others gone because the woman was still wearing a dressing gown.

  “Miss Trump, is it?”

  “I’m not going to your bed, so you can just forget it. I may be an actress but I have standards.”

  “I see, and I don’t fit them.”

  Vanessa looked at Win and shook her head.

  “No, you’re fine in that department. But I don’t trade my body for money.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. I have something else in mind. Something that will get you out of your current predicament.”

  Win watched her smooth her hands over her gown and then lift curious eyes to him.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I need a wife.”

  Vanessa shook her head and threw up her hands in exasperation.

  “What part of our earlier conversation did you not understand?”

  Win shook his head and sat down next to Vanessa. She eyed him wearily.

  “Miss Trump. I’m in a bit of a sticky situation myself. I don’t want you to have sex with me. I just want you to pose as my wife while my maiden aunt is in town. If you do this, I will pay Miss O’Brien the entire amount that she is owed, and you will be free and clear.”


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