by Vi Carter

  Her nostrils flare as she glares at me. The sense of victory I feel has me smiling at her. My father is taken away by one of his guests, and it’s just Willow and me again.

  “I don’t want to work with you.” Her words are low and said through a smile as she glances around the space.

  “That’s not very nice, Willow.”

  Her gaze snaps to me, and her pink lips part slightly. Lips I want to taste. I’ve never desired anyone like I desire Willow.

  She drops her gaze, and I take a step closer to her. I know I’m too close, especially in public, but it’s sometimes hard to keep away from her. Her scent swirls around the space, and I want it to cling to me.

  “I think you secretly want me.”

  Her chest rises and falls, and I love the reaction I get out of goading her. The small silver cross that she never takes off dangles down the front of her dress. I’m tempted to reach out and touch it.

  “I think you’re deranged.” Her sharp words make me laugh. I pull back as Blitz approaches us. He gives Willow a quick nod before standing shoulder to shoulder with me.

  “Where’s Fox? How the hell did he not get roped into this?” Blitz folds his arms, stretching the suit. He changes his mind and stuffs his hands into his pockets. Any female in the room that spots him gives him a second glance. He doesn’t notice. He’s too busy scouring the room for Fox. My attention returns to Willow; she doesn’t even blink in Blitz’s direction. Instead, she’s looking around the room, and I notice that she’s getting ready to leave me by the shift in her stance.

  “See you tomorrow, Willow.” Her shoulders stiffen, but she doesn't turn back to me; instead, she leaves, and I watch her depart.

  “What’s tomorrow?” Blitz asks.

  I spot Fox the moment he steps into the room. So does everyone else. His seven-foot thin frame pauses in the doorway as he scans the crowd. His hair is darker, making his complexion appear sickly. He nods when he spots me and Blitz and steps into the room. Fox is cunning and has come up with some ingenious plans in the past. He is my most trusted partner. Blitz isn’t as privy to things, but he runs a very close second. That’s my circle. I let no one else in.

  “You’re late,” I say to Fox the moment he arrives.

  “He was doing his hair.” Blitz sneers.

  Fox glares at him. “You look like you're ready to bust out of your suit. You look stupid.”

  Blitz cracks his neck like he might start something here with Fox.

  “I agree with Fox,” I say, knowing that will end the argument. “Now go mingle.” I pat both of them on the back before walking off into the crowd. My eyes follow Willow from across the room for a while. She’s aware of me, but she never meets my gaze. Tomorrow she will have no choice but to be close to me. I wouldn’t imagine that’s what Catherine expected to happen when she suggested her daughter works with us.

  “Rian Steele?” I hadn’t noticed anyone approaching. A young redhead stands to my left in an emerald green dress. She reminds me of an Irish dancer, with her milky skin and height.

  “I’m Celine. My father's The Mayor.”

  I take her outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you, Celine. How is your father?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Still with us.”

  I grin at her wicked tongue.

  She’s smiling up at me, and I know that smile. I know her next words will be an invitation to leave with her.

  “You want to ditch this so-called party and have some fun?”

  I smile at her. “That sounds so enticing, but right now, I can’t. Maybe later.” I give her the false promise, and her disappointed eyes slowly re-light.

  “I’ll find you,” she says.

  No, you won’t.

  My attention is dragged to Willow, who slips from the room. Taking Celine’s hand, I shake it.

  “Nice meeting you.” I leave quickly, weaving through the crowd and leaving the room. A few people linger in the hallway, mostly staff waiting for instructions.

  Willow’s cream dress flows behind her as she enters the kitchen. I follow and hover at the door as she leans against the counter with her palms firmly pressed into the marble. Her head is bowed, and I have no idea if she’s crying or praying. She steps back, and I spot a glass in front of her. It’s filled with a clear liquid. She picks it up and sniffs it before spilling it down the sink.

  “Not to your liking?”

  She jumps, and the glass releases from her fingers. It rolls a few times in the sink without breaking before coming to a halt.

  “There was a fly in it.”

  I take a step into the room and shove my hands into my gray trousers pockets. “You know you don’t have to lie to me.”

  Her eyes dull further, and she stands straighter. “I’m not lying.” Her lie sounds almost convincing.

  I take another step, and she juts out her chin. Being around her was dangerous, but I liked this game she played.

  I close the distance between us. I think she’s holding her breath as I reach around her. Our faces are close, and if I thought she would allow it, I would kiss her. My fingers tighten around the glass that I step away with and sniff.


  Her cheeks darken. “What do you want, Rian?”

  I hold the glass high. “I want to know why you poured it down the sink.”

  “I told you there was a fly in the glass.” She steps away from the counter, and I could stop her from leaving the room, but I’m aware that we are no longer alone. Two waitresses linger at the door, unsure if they should come in or not.

  I glance at them, and at the moment, Willow flees for her life.

  I nod at the staff. “You can enter.” They do, and I sniff the glass one more time before placing it in the sink.

  Tomorrow she won’t be able to run from me. That thought has me returning to the party with a slight bounce in my step.



  What does one wear to a black market? I’m staring at three nearly identical outfits that I have laid out on my bed. I’ve been up for far too long. My long blonde hair is tied back in a high ponytail. Each move I make has my hair brushing across my bare back, making my skin itchy.

  Pulling on the white blouse, I button it up to the neck before pulling out my cross. The gray cardigan fits snuggly over it. Instead of a skirt, I select gray pants and a pair of sensible brown shoes. I take one final look in the mirror, meeting my muddy brown eyes. They are so dull, and I hate what I see. My room needs one final check. I straighten the sheets on the bed again and put away the clothes I’m not wearing. Once everything is back in its place, I make my way down to the kitchen.

  I can smell his cologne before I even enter the room, and I pause in the doorframe, imagining my steel armor building itself around me. Once it’s all on, I step into the kitchen and walk up to my mother, who looks like she’s been up for hours. Her blonde hair is in a severe bun. She smiles and places a kiss on my cheek after giving my outfit a once over. A slight nod of her head in approval has me smiling back.

  I don’t acknowledge Rian as I pick up the coffee pot. A small tap on my hand has me putting it down.

  “It’s not good for your skin.” My mother explains her reasoning for slapping my hand.

  I take the steaming cup of green tea from her and sit down at the table. I know Rian is watching me, but I refuse to look up. A bowl of chopped fruit is placed in front of me, along with a spoon. I thank my mother and start to eat.

  “This black market…” I glance up at my mother as she speaks to Rian. “Please educate me on what Willow will be doing?”

  I was eager to hear this, too. For the first time, I look to Rian, and he’s staring at me.

  “It’s in a private airport that I own.” Rian grins and wipes the corners of his smiling mouth with a white napkin. His black attire today makes him appear dangerous. I remember to breathe but make sure it’s controlled and level.

  “There are hundreds of stalls set up daily; it’s
guarded at all times.” Rian is still watching me, and I can’t seem to look away.

  “What do they sell, exactly?” My mother asks, and Rian releases me and turns to my mother. He picks up his coffee and sips it before answering her.

  “Guns, bombs, anything a criminal might need. We have some of the deadliest people on the planet come through our doors. Everything is illegal.” Was he trying to make her keep me here?

  I’m waiting for my mother to say I wasn’t going, and a part of me would be okay with that. Instead, she sips her own coffee and smiles at Rian.

  “Perfect. I can assume security is at its highest there.”

  Rian nods his response.

  They smile hatefully at each other, and I’m picturing trying to sell a gun to some guy who wants to rob a bank. This is what little girls’ dreams were made of. I pull away from that thought, knowing this fate was brought on by my actions.

  “Are you ready?” Rian asks while standing.

  I glance at my mother, and she nods.

  “Yes,” I answer, standing up. My mother approaches me and fixes my cardigan before placing a kiss on each cheek. “Have a great day.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  Rian’s laugh isn’t quiet as he grabs his keys off the counter.

  “Let’s go, Willow.” The way Rian says my name has me wanting to hunch my shoulders forward. It’s too personal in front of my mother.

  I give her a final smile of reassurance before following Rian out to his car. This will be the first time I’ve left the property with him. My nerves jangle, but I refuse to let them show.

  Climbing in, I close the door and am ready to put on my seat belt when Rian leans towards me. I freeze, not sure what he’s going to do. He leans too close as he opens the glove compartment and removes a slick black device that he hands to me. I don’t take it at first, but as he continues to hold it out, I remove it from his fingers, making sure mine don’t touch his.

  “I’m programmed under Rian. If you need me at any time, all you have to do is give me a ring.”

  My fingers curl around the sleek device. “Thank you, Rian.” I’d never had a phone. I didn’t want it. I didn’t want access to anything that could make me slip. I place the device on my lap and put on my seatbelt. When I glance at Rian, he’s watching me, only this time; he isn’t smiling like he normally does. I can’t decipher what I see on his face, but he turns away from me and starts the car.

  “You stay beside me from the moment we enter. We will walk around the whole area and let everyone see you.”

  The world moves so fast past the window that I want to reach out and make it slow down. This is too fast for me.

  “I want everyone to know you are with me.”

  I press my palm against the glass. My heart hammers a little quicker as the gray buildings give way to large green trees.

  “Once people see you are with me, no one will ever harm you.”

  I remove my hand from the glass and watch the imprint of my fingers slowly disappear.

  “Are you listening to me, Willow?”

  How could I not? His voice, his smell, his closeness. I’m aware of every single cell that makes up Rian.

  “Yes, stay beside you, and I’ll be safe.” I sit back and glance at him.

  His moss-green eyes are smiling at me again. “Have you any questions for me?” He glances back at the road before looking back at me.

  His hands are coated in gold rings. His large fingers wrap around the steering wheel. I had so many questions for Rian.

  “No, I think my mother covered everything.”

  He snorts. “I think Catherine needs to let you have a bit of breathing space.”

  I want to laugh at that. He had no idea. “My mother is looking out for me. Always.”

  “Controlling you is more on point.”

  I return to looking out the window. His stare is too intense. The trees fall away, and the landscape grows barren before we pass a station and take a left just after it.

  The road we drive down has metal fencing on either side and in the distance, I can see several planes and large hangers. Everything grows bigger the closer we get. I reach down and touch the black device. We are stopped before entering the compound. Rian rolls down his window, and the gates are lifted. We are granted entry. He drives close to a side door, and my stomach roils.

  “Why didn’t you go to college?”

  Rian’s question has my head snapping up to him. I’m shaking my head. “I didn’t want to.”

  He unbuckles his seat belt and faces me. One hand is placed on the steering wheel, and all the air slowly leaves the small space.

  “You don’t have to lie to me.” He leans in, and fear has black dots dancing in front of my eyes. The click of my seat belt has me glancing down as he unbuckles my belt.

  “You’re nervous.” His voice carries a hint of joy.

  I let my eyelids flutter up and meet his gaze. He’s too close.

  He reaches out and touches my hair. “Your hair is so soft. What shampoo do you use?” He’s teasing, and I hate the reaction he ignites in me.

  He continues to roll a piece of hair around his strong fingers.

  “You intrigue me.” His moss-green eyes flicked up to mine, and I slowly move away from him. He releases my hair.

  “I shouldn’t,” I answer and hate that I did. I know it’s always best to say nothing.

  He laughs. “Yet, you do, Willow.” He’s smiling like it’s some private joke. There is an element of confusion on his handsome face, and I glance away.

  I shouldn’t think of him as handsome. I grip the phone and stare out the window, counting the cars. I get to thirty-two when Rian finally gets out of the vehicle. I get out too and walk around to his side before following him to the large building. Fear starts to choke me, and I stop walking and quickly turn my back on Rian. I can’t let him see my fear. Closing my eyes, I reinforce my armor. I picture the walls around my emotions, blocking them. When I open my eyes and turn around, Rian is watching me with curiosity. He didn't ask me what I was doing.

  The moment he opens the steel door, the noise from the hangar is deafening. The sound lessens as Rian steps in with me close behind him. He places his hands behind his back, and we do as he had said we would. We walk around the hangar. Everyone stops and acknowledges Rian— their gaze holds respect— that is until it bounces to me and their eyes light up with questions.

  Rian glances back at me every few stalls, and I give him a curt nod to assure him I’m fine. The walk feels endless. Rian wasn’t lying when he said the stalls sold guns and armor that criminals use. A large guy with a Mohawk picks up a bazooka off the table and places it on his shoulder. What could he possibly want with that? I quickly look away from him to another stall that sells knives. These aren’t pen knives or anything I’ve ever seen before. They remind me of hunting knives that would gut an animal. Or a human, my mind whispers.

  The click of a gun has me swinging to the left where a man holds up a handgun checking it out. Rian stops close to the back of the room where the first female I’ve seen gives Rian a toothless smile. She has several layers of clothing on, none of them make sense—jeans with a skirt and underwear over the skirt. I count five different colored tops. Her greasy hair hangs in clumps around her shoulders.

  “This is Margie,” Rian says, stepping aside so I can get a better look at her.

  Margie continues to grin at Rian. “She makes jam.”

  I notice all the pots filled with purple jam. The lids are paper with rubber bands around them.

  “Margie, this is Willow, and she will be working with you.”

  Revulsion courses through me as I glance around the space. “Let me work with him.”

  I point at a guy who has a table filled with watches. It looks innocent enough, and he appeared clean.

  Rian whistles, and the guy I’m pointing at looks up. “Willow wants to work with you, Reggie. Is that okay?”

  Reggie stares at Rian, a
nd I have no idea what passes between the two men but Reggie glances at me.


  “I tried,” Rian says, but his voice holds too much humor.

  “You could make him.”

  Rian steps closer to me. “You want me to force him to let you work at his stall?”

  What would force entail? I remember where I am and who I am speaking to. “No. I’ll work with Margie.”

  “Thief!” The roar from a man has everyone within hearing distance turning to where he is pointing. Rushing towards us in a panic is a man dressed all in denim, the goods he lifted are held firmly to his chest. His eyes are wild with fear as he moves closer to us. Rian steps out in front of me and hits the man squarely in the face. He sails back and hits the ground heavily as all the stolen goods scatter across the floor. Blood immediately pours from his nose.

  He glares up, and his eyes widen. Horror fills his paling face as Rian steps closer. I’m aware of the pure silence, and that’s when I look up to see everyone in the hangar is watching to see what’s going to happen.



  His fear grows as I stand over him. I grin over his trembling form.

  “A thief.” I’d laugh at the irony. “You never steal from a thief.” I kneel down and soak up his fear. It’s such a genuine emotion. You can’t fake fear. That’s what makes it so addictive. Fear and pain, they can’t be faked.

  I stand up and glance out at the waiting crowd. They know the penalty for stealing. I step up to the closest stall that has a large selection of knives. Picking up a butcher knife, I hold it up for all to see—anticipation courses through the hangar.

  I turn to the thief, who scutters away from me on all fours. A large foot clamps down on his shoulder, stopping him from leaving. I flick a quick glance at Blitz, who keeps his huge foot on the man’s shoulder while pushing his dark-rimmed glasses back upon his face.

  I turn to Willow, and the excitement that bubbles through my system erupt as I see the horror in her stunning brown eyes. I want to keep staring at her and savor her fear. It’s worth so much more to me than the thief’s. I turn away, knowing I have an audience to entertain.


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