Jane's Playmates (A Tarzan and Jane Adventure)

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Jane's Playmates (A Tarzan and Jane Adventure) Page 6

by Virginia Wade

  “That was amazing,” he murmured tiredly.

  I lay on my stomach feeling his semen oozing from me. “It was.”

  He touched my bottom and slid between my thighs. “Lemme get you a washcloth to clean up.”

  “Thank you.” I rested my chin on my closed fist.

  “Anything I can do to be of service, Mrs. Collins.”

  That did have a nice ring to it. After I cleaned up, I cuddled next to him, and his arm came around me.

  “I’m so happy.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Me too. Go to sleep, darlin’.”

  “I really like men. You in particular.”

  He chuckled. It wasn’t long before we drifted into the realm of dreams.

  The next morning, we gathered our belongings and repacked the camping supplies. The wagons were weighed down with these items. The porters worked tirelessly disassembling the tents and making breakfast. They had their own fires and cooked their own meals.

  Evelyn greeted me with a smile, which was a pleasant surprise. “Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

  “It’s nice to see the old you. I was beginning to worry.” I placed a straw bonnet on my head and tied the satin ribbon beneath my chin.

  “I…well…this journey’s been quite an experience. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again, my dear. I imagine you won’t either.”

  She’d heard Max and I last night. The entire camp had to know by now. “I adore him.”

  She laughed, “Yes you do.”

  “Good morning, ladies. We’re moving out soon,” said Carlos. “We got a lotta ground to cover today.”

  “Good morning, Carlos,” said Evelyn.

  “Are we getting closer to finding my father?”

  “He’s either with the Mangbetu or the Luba, Miss Tennent. We’re headin’ into their territory today. If he’s with ‘em, we’ll find him.”

  “Thank you.”

  Max was saddling his horse. He grinned at me. Little bursts of tingles erupted in my stomach accompanied by an inexplicable feeling of tenderness. What a peculiar reaction!

  “Good mornin’.”

  I was strangely shy for a moment. “Good morning.”

  “Did ya sleep well?”

  “You know I did.”

  He grinned and mounted his horse. “Time to hit the road.”

  Chapter Ten

  The jungle seemed to close in around us. Carlos wasn’t able to find a hippo trail today, leaving the porters to hack out a path through heavy vines and creepers. A damp gloominess hung in the air. The intermittent rain made the trek a miserable experience. We were soaked through and chilled to the bone. Enormous trees had climbing plants wrapped around them the size of boa-constictors.

  Njambi walked in front of our wagon, tall and imposing. The muddy bog that was the jungle floor did not seem to bother him. The wagon wheels periodically lodged deep in the muck, immobilizing us. It was an effort to pull them out. Once we were free, a wagon down the line would encounter the same misfortune, and the porters would have to lend their assistance. This slowed our progress considerably.

  By midday, Evelyn and I were thoroughly discouraged and cold from the constant wet. I’d removed my bonnet. The straw had begun to smell like mildew. The air around us was deceptively quiet. A strange cry suddenly came from above. It cut through the stifling humidity and echoed far and wide. Several birds took flight. This sent the porters into a frenzy, and they began to shout and display signs of fear. They crouched down and covered their heads.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “I haven’t a clue.” Evelyn stared at the ceiling of green.

  “What the hell was that?” shouted Mr. Collins.

  “It sounds like a Bull ape, boss.” Carlos appeared unsettled.


  “Dear lord in heaven,” gasped Evelyn. “There it is again.”

  To my astonishment, several porters fled into the jungle and disappeared. I glanced at Max. He looked worried.

  “Jesus Christ! We’re losin’ men!”

  “Carlos turned his horse around. “I’ll try to stop ‘em, boss.”

  For the next hour, Carlos negotiated with the natives. He offered more gold pieces in exchange for their loyalty. We had lost twenty porters to the strange cry that had frightened them.

  “They say it’s a bad omen, boss.” Carlos looked drenched and tired. Dark, puffy bags were under his eyes. “They say it’s the great white ape, Tarzan. He’s a legend in these parts. He steals women and children, and they’re never seen again.”

  Max’s features hardened. “What else is gonna go wrong today? The trail’s a damn swamp, and some crazy ape is hollerin’ like a banshee. We lost twenty men.” He spat. “Son of a bitch!”

  “We should keep going, boss.” Carlos glanced around uneasily. He gripped his rifle.

  Pressing into his horse’s flank, Max trotted ahead. “Give the order. Keep movin’.”

  I glanced at Evelyn. “Do you think it’s real?”

  “A white ape?” She looked incredulous. “Certainly not. It’s more witchcraft and superstition. These are a primitive people. They worship totems for heaven’s sakes.”

  I glanced up. The trees were hanging low, interlaced with vines. The encroaching jungle continued to thicken as we lumbered through the bog. Strange birdcalls echoed. This aggravated the natives, and they glanced around furtively. Their eyes were wide with fear. They held their spears before them, as if anticipating some sort of attack. Seeing them like this set me on edge, and I began to eye the jungle with suspicion. The hair stood up on the nape of my neck, and a chill went down my spine. Something was out there. I could sense it. It was as if our every movement was being followed by something unseen and lurking.

  An hour later, we stopped to have a bite to eat. Carlos was arguing with several agitated natives. They wanted more gold to stay.

  “I need to freshen up,” Evelyn said.

  She got down from the wagon, her feet sinking into mud. The bunched up bottom of her chemise was in her hands. The white material was soaked through, and her womanly shape was clearly outlined. Njambi followed her at a distance. My dress was wet and burdensome. It would be easier to be naked. All of our things smelled of mildew, the tents, the bedding, and our clothing. It was impossible for anything to dry properly when it rained day after day.

  I didn’t have to go far to relieve myself. I hid behind huge leaves that were several feet in width. Lifting my dress, I squatted and emptied my bladder. I used a leaf to wipe the wetness away. Fixing my dress, a strong arm swept over my midsection. I was suddenly lifted off my feet. The arm squeezed the air out of my lungs, preventing me from making a sound. A blur of green obscured my vision, as I was taken further into the jungle.

  “What! Stop! Stop!” I managed to gasp.

  The sound of material ripping caught my attention. My dress was tied around my mouth, and my hands were bound behind my back. I was slung over the shoulders of a white muscular man who said nothing, as he grabbed a lengthy vine and used it to climb a huge tree. My hair fell forward and hung down over my face. I had a view of a firm, manly backside. Whoever had kidnapped me wasn’t wearing anything other than a strip of leather.

  Oh, my God. What’s happening?

  The strength of this individual took my breath away. He was progressing to the upper branches of various trees using the vines as a rope. I was dangling over his shoulder precariously, and yet I hadn’t budged an inch. He had me firmly in his grasp. We were so high in the canopy of the jungle that I detected streams of sunlight. Patches of blue sky were visible between the branches of the trees.

  “Jane! Jane!” It was Max. “Jane! Where are you?”

  I mumbled piteously, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hear me.

  “Jane! Jane!”

  My kidnapper found a thick branch to stand on. He placed me on my feet and held me securely. I was pressed to a body that felt like pliable steel. I glanced at him and
gasped. Pale blue eyes met my stare, and a face that could only be described as beautiful filled my vision. His cheekbones were pronounced; his eyes were wide, and his nose was prominent, but noble. He hadn’t a trace of hair on his face, which was unusual, and his long, honey colored tresses were a matted mess that hung down his back.

  “Jane! Jane!” Shots rang out, and my captor stiffened. His grip tightened. “Jane! Jane!”

  He suddenly turned me around and threw me over his shoulder. I groaned in agony. Gripping a vine, he sprang onto it, hurtling us through the air. Fear unlike anything I had ever known before raced through me. He swung across the upper canopy of the jungle from vine to vine with my prone form over his shoulders. I was going to die; I was sure of it. The speed at which we traveled, accompanied by my panic and fear, stole the air from my lungs. I closed my eyes, and everything went black.

  My first awareness was of the blue sky over my head. The second was that I was lying on a firm, yet comfortable woven bed of vines. I sat up and gasped. My kidnapper sat several feet away, staring at me. We were on some sort of high platform that had been secured between two enormous trees. It was a lofty bed.

  My hands and mouth were unbound, which was a relief. The stranger moved towards me. He held a tin cup in his large hand. He gestured for me to take it. I glanced inside. It looked like water. I took the proffered cup and had a sip.

  “Thank you.”

  I was incredibly thirsty, so I drank it down in one gulp. He handed me a green banana. I wasn’t hungry at the moment, so I declined the offering. It was peculiar that he was seeing to my comfort and welfare. What did he want? Why had he kidnapped me? He inched nearer by the second. Those pale blue eyes were filled with interest. His fingers touched my hair. He held the strands and felt their softness. I swallowed hard. His touch transferred to my face. I backed away from him, but he advanced and grasped my jaw, holding it in place. He was taking in my features, staring at me from the top of my head to the bottom of my chin. His gaze rested on my mouth. His thumb brushed against my puckered skin and slid between my lips.

  He sucked in a long breath.

  He wants me in a carnal way. Oh, dear Lord.

  I buzzed from the inside out as a result of his attentive appraisal. He was clearly fascinated by what he saw. It was as if he’d never seen a white woman before. He leaned in and grabbed me. I gasped. His nose was in my neck, inhaling my scent. I tried to push him away but the solid wall that was his chest wouldn’t budge.

  “No! Stop that!” He yanked on my dress, rending it. Strips of clothing were in his hands. I shoved against him. “No! Don’t!”

  Determined to remove my dress, he all but tore the cloth from me. My arms went over my chest protectively. Tears were falling down my face. He was oblivious to my suffering. He pulled the chemise over my head and discarded it on the bed of vines. At least that item hadn’t been destroyed. He yanked the boots off my feet. I was now entirely exposed. His gaze lingered on my breasts. His blue eyes smoldered. His look felt like a caress, intimate, yet dangerously predatory. I knew what his intentions were. There would be nothing I could do to stop him. He pushed me onto my back, and I screamed.

  Chapter Eleven

  I fought him by thrashing my arms and legs and struggling to roll out from under his immense weight. Nothing could dislodge the expanse of meat and muscle that was on top of me. I was overpowered. Exhausted from trying to fight him, my chest heaved with the effort.

  “Please, stop it!” I begged. “Please.”

  His warm hand was on my stomach. His blazing blue eyes shone with determination. Stroking the soft flesh of my abdomen, his hand dipped between my legs, and I gasped. A long finger slid over my pussy and dove within the folds. He was carefully inserting himself. I wanted to push him away but I knew it was useless. It was futile to fight. It was almost as if he were waiting for something. He moved within me slowly, cautiously. This felt like an examination of some sort. When his finger had gone all the way in, he glanced at me questioningly. Was he checking to see if I was a virgin? This discovery seemed to please him because his features softened. A look of eager expectancy shone in his eyes.

  Uh-oh. What is going on?

  He had yet to remove his finger. It was twitching and turning deep within me. He withdrew it slightly only to push it in again. I knew I was wet. The burden of shame washed over me. A stranger was violating me, and I was submitting and worse; it felt good. He was stroking me with each pass, sliding in and out of my silken hole. He noted the catch in my breath and the way my breasts spilled over my chest and quivered with each sharp intake of air. I opened my thighs further, wanting it deeper. His thumb brushed against my clit, and I moaned. An inkling of a smile turned up the edges of his mouth. I stared at him helplessly.

  Hovering over me, he lowered himself and rubbed his face across my cheek. He smelled of sweat and wind and sun. It was a natural, earthy aroma and headier than the finest Parisian perfumes. I thought about Max and how I adored him. What would he think if I gave myself to another man? Would he hate me for enjoying a stranger’s touch? Did I have a choice? What would this beast do, if I pushed him away?

  “Wait!” I squirmed out from under his bulk. I crawled across the platform and stared at him. Could I escape? I glanced over the edge of the vine platform. It was a twenty-foot drop, if not more. Jumping would mean certain death.

  He smiled confidently. My temporary escape hadn’t bothered him in the least. Casually, he untied his leather loincloth and flung it aside. A huge, white cock suddenly appeared, and it jutted out aggressively. It twitched on the end with sexual expectation and arousal. I swallowed hard, fearing my reaction. I didn’t trust myself one bit with this all too pleasing creature. His look alone sent little chills of delight down my spine. What would happen if he touched me? My stomach tensed. Erotic energies were pooling at my core, threatening to unbalance the tenuous grip I had on my self-control. He knew what he was doing to me. His look of smug certainty gave him away.

  Closing the distance between us, he grabbed me roughly and brought his lips to mine. He smothered me with a long, deep, earth-shattering kiss. I struggled against him at first, determined to put up some kind of fight. When my duplicitous tongue met up with his, I knew my resistance was at an end. I wanted his magnificent cock. On some intuitive level, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I would enjoy this encounter.

  Sensing my acquiescence, he groaned into my mouth. He gently pushed me to the vine mattress and covered me with his hard, muscled body, plundering me with his talented tongue. My fingertips gripped his shoulders, feeling the muscles and tendons rippling beneath the flesh. His lips sought my neck, and he kissed and suckled, bruising me with the intensity of his desire.

  “Oh…God…” I thrust my hips up into him. I wasn’t in control any longer. A sex goddess had taken over. Aphrodite herself had stolen my body and soul, and her wants and needs were being channeled through me. She needed to have this big hulk of a beast inside of her. It was wicked to be like this, but I didn’t care.

  I slid my hand between us to his engorged meat. I wrapped my fingers around him, and he moaned. The mass of flesh was long and firm and wet from his arousal. I pushed against him, and he fell onto his back. Leaning over him, I drew my hand across his taut belly. He was truly a wonder to behold.

  “You look positively delicious,” I purred.

  There wasn’t an inch of flesh that didn’t have muscle beneath it, rippling, moving, and throbbing. How magnificent he was! How glorious! This creature was mine to do with as I pleased, for as long as I pleased. A burst of female empowerment emboldened me to seek gratification from this surprising gift of the jungle. I slid my hand over his torso and beyond, until I encountered patches of blonde hair. His cock was nestled between huge, white thighs. My touch was feather light. I intended to tease him to garner a response. I passed over his manhood hardly touching him and then withdrew my hand. His cock responded by jerking wildly.

  “Is this what you want?”
  He looked at me strangely. He clearly didn’t understand what I was saying. He pointed to his cock and nodded.

  “You want me to touch you here?” I brushed against his penis.

  He groaned and nodded.

  “Are you sure?”

  His look was questioning. I brushed him lightly with the back of my hand. He sat up suddenly and grabbed my upper arms. A harsh look marred his features. He stared at me as if memorizing every pore on my face. He compressed my arms firmly and shook me gently. I knew then that he didn’t want to play games. He wanted me; of that there was no doubt. I wanted him too. Damn Aphrodite for turning me into a whore!

  “All right. I’ll behave. Lie down.” I nudged him gently. “Go on, lie down.”

  He was on his back with his hands at his sides. His fists were closed. I touched his belly, feeling the rippling skin, and then slid lower to his bulging manhood. He seemed to be even bigger than before, which was alarming. I caressed the hardened length, holding it firmly in my hand. I kissed the head, tasting the salty release of pre-come. He groaned and relaxed his hands. The fingers fell open. I suckled the end and licked it, as if it were an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. I moved my tongue up and down his thick shaft. I then grasped his ball sacks and set about laving and sucking them into my mouth.

  His hands went to my hair, and he gripped my head. My hair was wound around his wrists. His eyes were closed, and he was moaning loudly. I felt wetness dripping between my thighs. I was surprisingly juiced up, and I hadn’t even been tongued yet. I throbbed with wanting that huge, thick meat. It looked massive in my dainty, womanly hands.

  As if reading my thoughts, he sat up and grabbed me. “Oh! Oh, dear!” He turned me from him and grasped my hips, pressing me against his groin. My hands fell to the vine mattress as the globular head of his instrument butted up against my hole. “Oh, yes. Yes! I want it! Oh, do it! Do it!” I arched my back and thrust my bottom into the air. He drove into me with one push and grunted. I gasped at the feel of him buried deep inside my silken tunnel. I tightened and pulsed around him. “Oh! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me with that huge cock.”


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