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Hellbaby Page 1

by Minx Malone



  Minx Malone

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright© 2007 Minx Malone

  ISBN: 978-1-60088-177-0

  Cover Artist: Emma Petersen

  Editor: Melanie Noto

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Cobblestone Press, LLC



  To the indomitable, indescribable, indefinable Red Queen. You always make me smile.

  Chapter One

  “Who the hell is Donny?”

  Helena grunted and rolled over. The neon lights of her alarm clock told her it was only two o’clock in the morning.

  “What?” She flopped down on her back and smashed her face into her pillow. Hazy images floated through her mind like fog. Such a good dream. A second later, she heard a soft click and the room filled with light. She sighed.

  “This is the third time you’ve said some guy’s name in your sleep. Who is Donny?” The covers rustled as Jason turned in bed to face her.

  Oh shit. She curled up into a ball. Maybe if I don’t say anything he’ll think I’m asleep.

  There was a long silence before the mattress dipped. She turned over and watched silently as he rolled up the few clothes he kept in the bureau and stuffed them in a black duffel bag.

  “Jason, wait.”

  He disappeared into her walk-in closet and reemerged a few minutes later with a ratty pair of jeans and his favorite sweatshirt.

  “It’s two o’clock in the morning. Can’t we talk about this?” She wrapped the sheet around her body and hopped after him, tripping in the long linens. She caught up with him and grabbed his sleeve. He brushed her off with a vehemence that startled her.

  “You know what? I’m over this. You forget to call, you’re cold in bed, and by the way, you fake it badly.”

  Helena gasped and reached out for him, losing the grip on her sheet in the process. Her breasts popped out, and he glanced down. His nostrils flared before he turned away. She hastily dragged the sheet back up her body and wrapped it around her, toga style. “I’m not cheating on you, I swear. Donny is—”

  “You know what? I don’t even care. Whoever Donny is, I hope you two are very happy together.” He slammed the door as he left, the force rattling the frame so hard that the pictures in the front hallway crashed to the ground. She knelt and picked up the pieces carefully but still managed to cut herself while carrying the jagged shards to the trash can in the kitchen. She held her finger under the faucet and watched dispassionately as her blood mixed with the water and slid down the drain. Within moments, the cut sealed itself and turned a garish shade of pink. Her demon blood was good for something, it seemed.

  She picked up the cordless phone on the edge of the counter and dialed the only person she knew who’d be awake at this hour.

  “Hey, hellbaby. Since when are you nocturnal?” Kendra’s sultry voice was a perfect match for her take-no-prisoners body and kick-ass attitude. They’d both attended the same prestigious paranormal boarding school in the Virginian countryside as teenagers. Most of the other students at Saint Lilith’s were descended from fairies or shape-shifters, not vampires and demons. The two had bonded mainly because they were both feared. One look at Kendra’s fangs had most people shaking, and although Helena looked as innocent as her angel mother, her father’s demon blood was easily apparent when she got emotional.

  “Ugh, don’t call me that. I had more than enough of that at school. Besides, my temper’s much better. Well, a little better. I haven’t blown anything up lately anyway.”

  “Is that how you tell if it’s a good day?” Kendra chuckled.

  “I do what I can. Sorry to call so late.” She sighed and sank down on the chaise lounge in her living room. The room had floor-to-ceiling windows and custom-built skylights, which afforded her the best view of the sky money could buy. As the daughter of an angel, she found the sight of the heavens soothing, especially the intricate celestial designs of the night sky. She’d bought this house mainly because of its incredible view, unobstructed by trees or buildings.

  “The last time you called this late was when what’s his name left. Wait, what was his name? Cybil?”

  “Silven. He was very impressive. He was a lieutenant in the Angelic Guard.”

  “He was a wimp. So Jimmy finally bit the dust, huh? Are you ever going to tell me the real reason these guys keep leaving? Just tell me and maybe I can help.”

  “It was Jason, and no one can help. Remember how much trouble you had with men before you met Kane? You couldn’t find a man strong enough to handle it when you…you know.”

  Kendra burst out laughing, and she held the phone away from her ear in annoyance. “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Yes, I’m laughing at you. No one from school would ever believe me if I told them ‘Give ‘em hell baby’ was too shy to say the word ‘come’. Are you seriously telling me you haven’t slept with any of these guys?”

  “I’m not a virgin, you know that. But it’s a little hard to let go when you’re afraid you’ll incinerate your partner if you orgasm.”

  “Whoa, whoa. You’ve slept with these guys but you’re not having orgasms? Can’t they tell? If they’re that bad in bed, maybe it’s a good thing they’re leaving.”

  “He could tell. He even said I faked it badly. That actually hurt worse than anything else. I put a lot of thought into those fake-gasms. I thought they were pretty good.”

  “Okay. So you throw off a little fire between the sheets, big deal. Why don’t you let me hook you up with one of my demon friends? Or actually, I know a guy who’s part dragon shifter. His name is Cage. He’s hot, literally. Plus he’s hot. What do you think?”

  “That’s okay. Maybe I should just give up, get a cat. Okay wait, scratch the cat. I can barely keep this place clean as it is.”

  There was a long pause. “I have a better idea. Let’s go get the no good son-of-a-demon who ruined you for all other men and kick his ass.”

  “I don’t know where he is. After everything…he was just…gone.” She rubbed a hand absently over the side of her neck as she looked out into the night. There was only a small bump there now, a faint reminder of how he’d branded her once.

  “Do you think he’s in Underworld with your father?”

  “Probably. I doubt I’ll run into him at my father’s compound. He was never built like a soldier, that’s why he got stuck guarding me.”

  “Whoa. When you said you were busy on Halloween, I thought you meant you had plans with Justin. You’re going to try crossing over, aren’t you?”

  “Kendra, leave it alone. And his name was Jason.”

  “But it’s dangerous. I don’t think you should—”

  “It’ll be fine, don’t worry. Goodnight, Kendra. I love you too.” She hung up and looked out at the night sky. She curled up with a sigh and pulled a throw blanket over her legs. It soothed her to look out at the vast expanse of sky and stars, but it was humbling as well. She was so alone in this world, something of a stranger even to those who knew her. Once Kendra was married, she wouldn’t be able to just call her friend whenever she got the urge.

  “I miss you, Donny.” She closed her eyes and was overwhelmed with memories of soft kisses on a warm summer afternoon, the scent of honeysuckle and the unique smell that was all his own. Her D
onny, the shy, young man assigned to guard her, had been her first love, her only love. Now he was just a memory. A memory that haunted her dreams.

  Her mother would be furious when she found out where she’d gone, but she could see no other option. As Regent over all Underworld, her father had the contacts necessary to locate any demon below ground. He’d been absent her entire life, and she’d never asked anything of him. Her father owed her. If Donny was there, he could find him. He could bring him back to her.

  “I’ll finally know what happened to you.” She fell asleep where she was with only the dark cloak of night for company.

  Chapter Two

  “It’s gotta be her. She fits the description perfectly. We should go tell him while she’s still asleep.”

  “She almost bit my hand off before she went under. Maybe we should have a little fun with her first. Shame to waste all that fire.”

  Helena kept her eyes closed as the voices flowed over her. Skulking around at night on All Hallows Eve, when the veil between worlds was thinnest, probably wasn’t the smartest idea she’d ever had. She was on what felt like a concrete slab.

  “Our orders were specific. We have to notify the Commander right away. What are you doing?”

  Helena cried out at the sudden sharp stab in the side of her neck. She opened her eyes and got a blurry impression of bulging muscles and searing red eyes. The long needle in his hand was clear, however.

  “I knew that bitch was faking.” He leaned down and licked the seam of her lips. She shuddered and wrenched her head away. His tongue was black. “If my partner here wasn’t such a chicken shit, you and me, we’d have some real fun.”

  Helena angled her body away as he trailed his tongue down her neck. He bit her collarbone hard enough to leave a mark, and she cried out. He grabbed her right wrist and tied her to the table.

  “Payne! Stop playing around. She’s locked in anyway, so even if she gets up, she’s not going anywhere.” Their rough laughter was followed by the grate of metal against metal. The echo of their footsteps faded away.

  Okay. This is bad.

  Helena looked around the room she was in. The walls were a dark gray stone that gave off a faint odor of mildew. Her head swam from the drugs in her system, and she closed her eyes to stop the sick spin of the room. She had no idea how long she lay there before she regained consciousness. The skin where her wrist rubbed against the restraint burned, and her mouth was dry. She turned her head to the side and retched, but nothing came up. She was dying.

  The dark shape of a ghoul appeared next to her. She threw up her hands and screamed. All that came out was a soft whimper. The creature knelt next to her, and her wrist was abruptly released. He cradled her against him and squeezed her when she fought him. His scent wrapped around her, somehow familiar.

  “Stop fighting. Just hold on to me.”

  They moved so quickly she could feel the skin on her body stretch tight against the bone. He materialized to some kind of chamber. Everything was hazy, but she got the impression of opulence. Everything was a different shade of red, and when he settled her on the bed, the sheets were as soft as down. He clasped her to his chest, and the room swam in a sickening swirl of color and light. A moment later, her senses cleared. He had drawn the drugs out of her system somehow.

  “How did you do that?” She gulped when she got her first look at her savior. It was no wonder she’d thought him a ghoul. He wore black head to toe, and his face was covered with a black mask. He was built like a warrior, and his hand carried the red brand of an Enforcer, a member of the Regent’s guard. She’d never seen one, but she’d heard of them, their power, their cruelty. Everyone had heard about what they could do.

  And now I’m alone with one in his bedroom.

  “I’m here to see my father.” She pointed at the mark on the back of his hand, careful not to touch his skin. “If you’re an Enforcer, you could take me to him. I’m Helena De’Vale. The Regent’s daughter.”

  “I know who you are.” He held up a hand, and she fell silent. He pulled the black mask off, and a surprising mass of long black hair fell from the back. His skin was the deep tan of a man who worked in the heat, and his nose was slightly crooked, like it had been broken multiple times. It was a harsh face, the face of a warrior, except for the eyes. Most demons had fiery eyes, but his were an intriguing shade of brown. Only the pupils were red, and she watched in fascination as they expanded until they looked like hot coals. She felt it between her legs, a fire that burned everywhere his eyes touched.

  “Be careful how you look at me. Your eyes ask for things your body may not be able to handle.” He brought a hand to her face tentatively, his touch feather light against her cheek. She gasped at the intimate touch, and her eyes shot up to his. He looked down at her, his burning eyes intent on her face.

  There was a sudden knock before the door burst open. Another warrior strode in, the weapons strapped across his chest clinking. “Lord Destroyer.”

  Her captor didn’t turn. He kept his eyes on Helena, and she gulped when his gaze fell to the sharp points of her breasts beneath her shirt. Everyone had heard of the infamous “Lord Destroyer”. He was the most feared of her father’s elite guard. Relentless, cunning, vicious and his skills in the bedroom were legendary. But for all the stories about him, he was something of an enigma, having just appeared in the regiment from thin air one day. Few could claim to know him personally, and little of his background was known.

  “Abaddon?” The warrior at the door stood waiting, his foot rapping the floor impatiently.

  Her captor turned finally, his face twisted into a sneer. “Lord Phear. What is it?”

  “Sir, I understand we had a security breach—” He stopped abruptly when he noticed her. “Forgive me, my lord.”

  “It’s fine. I’m off duty as of now, so all further status updates should go to Lord Venom.” Her captor removed a small black box from his belt and threw it to the newcomer. The warrior nodded and left, the door slamming shut behind him.

  Her world stilled, and Helena clasped a hand over her racing heart. How strange that one word could turn her entire world inside out.


  The rapid bass of her pulse was so loud, she was sure he could hear it in the quiet of the room. Could it be true? Surely the name wasn’t so uncommon…

  She stared at her captor, afraid to believe what her heart wanted so desperately to be true.


  He sucked in a hard breath. “Don’t call me that. That’s not who I am anymore. I made a mistake, and I’ve paid for it many times over.”

  She squared her shoulders and looked away. “I suppose my father didn’t like the idea of you deflowering his little girl, huh?”

  Abaddon laughed bitterly. “Your father didn’t like the idea of us together, but not for the reasons you think. He could care less about your virtue. Protecting you was a training ground for me, and I allowed myself to be distracted, leaving us both vulnerable. All it takes is a moment of weakness for your enemies to find the opportunity to attack. It’s a lesson I never forgot again.”

  He turned to her and surveyed her from head to toe with an arrogant smirk. His eyes finally traveled back up to her face. “What are you doing here?”

  She lifted her chin defiantly. “I have every right to be here. I want to see my father.”

  “Well, you picked the right way to do it. By Hell’s Law, any trespassers are held below ground for three days before being brought before the Regent for trial. So you’ve gotten yourself a one way ticket to see daddy dearest.”

  “Held? What do you mean held? You’re going to put me in jail?” She looked around helplessly. The only exit was the door directly behind him. Even if she could make it off the massive bed, she’d never make it to the door.

  He continued as if he hadn’t heard her. “Most don’t really live that long, but he doesn’t mind. He finds it lightens his workload considerably.” He glanced at her, and his expression s
oftened. “I don’t know why you even want to meet the son of a bitch. Then again, I’m not real big on the warm, fuzzy family thing anyway. But I’ll take you if…”

  “Why do I feel like I’m about to make a deal with Lucifer himself? Never mind, the devil would probably be safer,” she muttered. Louder, she said, “If what?”

  “I can’t just take you to him, by law there’s a three day holding period. But I can keep you out of the main prisoners’ population, keep you safe. The only way I can do that is if you spend the three days with me. Here with me.” He gestured around the sumptuous room with a wicked smile. “Shouldn’t be too hard, right?”

  “Three days alone with you is not my idea of safe. I know you’re angry…”

  He moved so quickly he was a blur of light. “Do you? Do you understand the things I suffered after that night? I won’t enlighten you because it would turn your stomach, little girl. There were many nights I cursed that I ever met you.” He wiped a large hand down the side of his face then whispered, “And just as many nights I dreamed of doing it all over again.”

  “What do you want me to say?” she sobbed when he pulled away from her. She wrapped her arms around her knees to calm her shaking and bit her lip to stifle her cries. He was on edge, even she could see it. Once she would have had no fear that he would hurt her. Once she would’ve been confident he would rip out his own throat before laying a hand to her. She couldn’t claim that confidence now. This was clearly not the boy she knew.

  There’s nothing boyish about him now.

  He had grown several extra inches in the past eight years, standing about six foot six in his military boots, and man was he ripped. His arms were easily bigger around than one of her thighs, and his legs looked like tree trunks. The veins in his neck and forehead bulged as he paced, his movements taut with the energy of a caged animal. It was like he’d been reborn.

  And the boy I loved is gone.


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