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Blood & Bones: Deacon (Blood Fury MC Book 4)

Page 15

by Jeanne St. James

  She could feel the heat radiating off him when he stepped closer, his fingers working the clasp of her bra. Within a second it was loose, and she let it fall down her arms and to the floor. His hands spread along the sides of her ribs and he skimmed them around to her front until he cupped her breasts while thumbing her aching nipples.

  His broad chest pressed to her and his erection was a hot steel rod against her lower back. He squeezed her breasts, kneading them with his fingers, and she leaned back into him, resting the back of her head on his shoulder.

  Her hands covered his and he drew them from the upper curves of her breasts, over her peaked nipples, around the undersides and down her belly.

  Her fingers fell between his longer ones as he dove down the front of her panties and found how wet she actually was. How sensitive her clit was.

  When he pressed it, she jerked against him and gasped.

  “Fuck, babe, you’re so wet,” he growled directly into her ear, sliding one of his fingers along with hers through her slickness. Testing, teasing, playing.

  Still connected, both of their middle fingers slid inside her and he worked her a few seconds before pulling them away.

  She wanted more of that.

  But then, she wanted more of him and didn’t want to wait.

  “Wanna do so many things to you, but...”

  But he probably wouldn’t have the chance, she finished for him in her head.

  They had tonight. It was foolish to think beyond that. As soon as Billy showed up, Deacon would be gone.

  Another reason why this should only remain a convenient opportunity.

  “Condom?” she asked, her question catching at the back of her throat. He hadn’t grabbed the one sitting on the deck table.

  “On the table there. Was hopin’ we’d get this far.”

  He’d thought ahead. Like the wine. Like waiting for her in only his underwear. He’d put a condom on the deck and another in her great room. He probably had one on her nightstand. Maybe his, too.

  Just in case.

  He was a regular Boy Scout.

  “Grab it,” she told him.

  “Need to take your panties off first.”

  “Yes, you do.” She almost didn’t recognize her own voice, it sounded so husky.

  He grinned and stroked his cock once. “Then I’m gonna eat you ‘til you come.”

  She had wondered what his beard would feel like between her thighs. She was about to find out.

  He jerked his chin toward the leather couch that sat perpendicular to the fireplace and faced the windows. “Sit on the edge.”

  Holy shit, the rough timbre to his order made her pussy clench. But she didn’t argue, she moved to the couch and sat on the edge of the cushion. He moved between her knees and dropped to his own, leaving enough space between them to wiggle her panties off when she lifted her ass to assist. He took his time sliding them in a sensual way down her thighs, over her knees to her ankles. She lifted one foot, then the other as he removed them. Once her panties were gone, he placed both of her feet wide on the coffee table behind him so her knees were bent and her thighs open.

  She was glad her couch was a cleanable leather because the anticipation of what he was about to do made her so slick, she could feel a trickle of wet sliding from her. His thumbs dug into her thighs as he spread her open even further.

  When he reached up and dipped his right thumb between her lips, she swirled her tongue around it before he pulled it back out and over her bottom lip, dragging it down her body, following a similar path as she had done to him. Between her breasts, over her belly and then he planted it on her clit, pressing and circling.

  Her hips lifted slightly and she dropped her knees open as far as she could, giving him the space he needed.

  In a split second, his face was buried between her thighs and he sucked her pussy lips, one at a time, into his mouth, dragged the tip of his tongue between them, taking over where his thumb had been.

  He was good at kissing.

  He was better at eating pussy.

  So. Much. Better.

  It was sensation overload, the combination of his tongue, lips and fingers along with the scrape of his beard against her delicate skin.

  Like a plundering Viking, he was taking no prisoners and wasn’t being gentle or delicate with her sensitive flesh. Oh, hell no. He was eating her like he was starving and someone was about to steal his plate of food.

  He’d probably snap like a dog if someone else’s fingers got close. While she found that amusing, what he was doing was not. Because she was about to come.

  No, not about to, she was.

  Her toes curled, her heart thundered and her breath stopped as her hips shot up when an intense orgasm ripped through her. He continued to lick and suck her until the last ripple ebbed away.

  A few moments later, she collapsed back onto the couch, almost falling off the edge and to the floor. He caught her, held her there and grinned.

  Oh yeah, he knew what he had done. What he had accomplished.

  He was proud of himself.

  His mouth and bearded chin were shiny from her arousal. He licked his lips and wiped a hand down both. “Fuck yeah,” he breathed.

  That was his response to him making her come like that, a simple fuck yeah. She echoed the same response in her own head.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “You gonna say anything?”

  She shook her head. “I’m pretty damn speechless.” She wouldn’t lie.

  “Didn’t think that ever happened to lawyers,” he teased.

  “It usually doesn’t.”

  “Guess I did all right, then.”

  Oh, now he was being a cocky shit. “I guess it was okay.”

  He snorted, grabbed his cock and stroked it once. “I’m hard as fuck.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Hard to miss, right?” The corners of his eyes crinkled when he grinned.


  “Done talkin’. Need to fuck you.”

  She needed him to fuck her, too. She slipped from the couch and onto the rug, offering her hand to him. “Then why aren’t you suited up yet?”

  He leaned over and snagged the condom off the nearby table, ripped it open, and rolled it on. Her eyes following the movement of his hands. When he was done, she lifted her gaze to the man who stood over her. He was too far away.

  “Are you just going to stand there?”

  “No.” He tilted his head. “You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous. Not only sexy as fuck, but you taste like heaven.”

  “You know what heaven tastes like?”

  “I do now.”

  “Deke...” She could not fall for this man. She could not.


  Convenient sex. That was all it was.

  He did not fit into her life and she didn’t fit into his. And even if he did, she was too busy to even think about any kind of relationship. Even a casual one.

  Concentrate on the sex, Reese, that’s it.

  Concentrate on only the man who was joining her on the rug. He had said she was gorgeous. But it was he who was gorgeous.

  She never appreciated tattoos, piercings or beards until Deacon. But right now, she was appreciating that and so much more.

  Like his cock.

  And his tongue.

  And those lips. Which curled up in a cocky grin when he noticed her checking him out.

  He settled between her thighs, keeping his weight off her by planting his palms on the floor. The latex-covered tip of his cock slid along her inner thigh and he nudged her thighs wider with his knees. But he didn’t move to fuck her.

  Not yet.

  Instead he went face to face with her, and she stared up at his shadowed features, for the first time regretting they never had sex in the light. Where she could see the minute details of this man, like the colors of his eyes, the ripple of every muscle, the slightest change in his expression.

  Good God, was it the pot making her think like this? If
so, she needed to stop. Her thoughts were teetering on a dangerous edge. An edge which could crumble easily, causing her to fall.

  Maybe she needed to stop what was happening right now. Stop having sex with him and keep focused on why he was in her house in the first place.

  Not for this.

  But she didn’t stop him when he dropped his head, whispered her name in a way that scared the hell out of her, and then pressed the crown between her slick folds.

  With their lips just a hairsbreadth apart, they both sighed when he finally slid inside her, filling her slowly, completely. This was not fast and furious like out on the deck the last few nights. She had set the pace and got off as fast as she could, then got off him and went inside.

  She hadn’t lingered. She had no reason to.

  This felt different. Not because the pace was slower, but because he was trying to connect with her. And not just physically.

  A ball of anxiety ping-ponged through her.

  What was he doing? And why was he doing it? Couldn’t he see that they couldn’t be more different? That it would go nowhere?

  “Deke... what are you doing?” she whispered.

  “Fuckin’ you.”

  Maybe she was just imagining it. Maybe it was just his pace that was making it seem like something more. Because there was no way he wanted anything more than sex. They’ve only known each other for a few days and most of that time, they’d hardly spoken.

  Yes, that was it. She was imagining it and tended to overanalyze everything. Now, she simply needed to lie back and enjoy what he was doing.

  She pushed the worry out of her mind and cupped his face, her thumb lightly touching his nose ring, then brushing over his lips. He captured it between his teeth and bit down, not hard enough to hurt but enough to send a shock of lightning through her all the way down to where they were connected. Physically. The only type of connection she could deal with right now.

  His hips flexed loosely as he took his merry ol’ time sliding in and out of her. Not quickly driving her to the brink, which was what she expected, but stoking the fire slowly. The embers were smoldering, the flames beginning to lick deep inside her.

  This man was not only good with his mouth, he was an expert with his hip action. If she would’ve known this days ago, she would have flipped things around sooner.

  Much, much sooner.

  She tilted her own hips when he powered deep and stayed there, circling his hips and grinding into her until she was no longer whole and there was nothing left of her but scattered particles...

  He took her mouth, sliding his tongue across hers. Nothing forceful but in more of a coaxing manner. Not that she needed any persuading. With their mouths sealed together, she accepted his breath, and he accepted hers and a shiver shot down her spine.

  She turned her head just enough to break that intimate connection. “Deke...”

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “Fuck me.” She couldn’t be clearer on what she wanted with that demand.

  “Fuckin’ you.”

  “Without the extra stuff.”

  “What extra stuff? Like this?” He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and flicked the tight tip with his tongue.

  “No,” she groaned. “That’s... fine. Fuck me harder. Not so... sweet.”

  He released her nipple. “How ‘bout this?” he whispered in her ear. “You think I’m fuckin’ you sweet? This ain’t sweet. This is me makin’ it last because your pussy not only tastes like heaven, it feels like it.”

  Ugh, if he sucked at sex, at least she could keep this all business in her brain. But he didn’t. He was so damn good at it. And the truth was, she wanted it to last longer this time than the previous nights, too.

  Damn it.


  “Quiet, babe, just enjoy it. Lemme do the work this time.”


  How many other women had he called that? Why should she even care?

  She kept quiet. Which was not natural for a lawyer like her.

  He was right. She needed to shut off her mind and just enjoy it. It didn’t matter he wasn’t her type. It didn’t matter that he didn’t fit neatly into her life. It didn’t matter that it felt as though he was turning this into something more. None of that mattered.

  What mattered was what she thought. What she believed it to be. How she saw it.

  Which was only casual sex between the two of them.

  Why was she working so hard to convince herself of that? “Deacon.”

  “Reese, shut up. You’re thinkin’ so fuckin’ hard I can hear it.”

  Again, he was right.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, picking up the now familiar scent of his sandalwood-scented body wash combined with a little bit of weed.

  Finally, she let herself enjoy the moment. The way Deacon moved, the soft grunts he released with each thrust, the way the muscles in his back flexed under her fingers. The way he filled her so fully, so perfectly.

  The way he used his barbell piercings to stimulate her nipples.

  The way he grabbed her hair, pulled her head back and buried his face against her arched neck.

  The way his teeth scraped along her throat.

  A soft gasp escaped her.

  His other hand wedged between their bodies and found her clit. Teasing her into a frenzy.

  A low groan escaped her strained throat. “Deke...”

  He powered up and into her. Over and over. Sucking her skin, circling her hard, sensitive nub.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more of his slow pace, his body hitched and he groaned against her skin.

  Did he come? Before she did?

  Oh no. He better not have—

  Oh, thank fuck, he didn’t. He was digging his knees more firmly into the rug. And began to thrust so hard, her whole body jolted.

  “Fuck, babe,” he moaned.

  He released her hair, planted his palm on the floor and raised his torso. His eyes caught hers and held. His jaw was tight, the muscles in his arm bulging.

  She reached up and twisted both of his barbells. He dropped his head and grimaced.

  “Gonna come,” he grunted.

  She twisted them again.

  “Gonna come,” he warned roughly.

  She didn’t care. She didn’t...

  Because so was she.

  She threw her head back, breaking their locked gaze, opened her mouth and a wail escaped her that made Justice run over and check to make sure she was okay.

  With a low grunt, Deacon thrusted one more time and stilled deep inside her, dropping his head, his ragged breath beating against her heated skin.

  A few seconds later, when his muscles loosened, he lifted his head and pushed a concerned Justice out of the way. “Get, Jussie!”

  The dog moved away, jumped on her sofa and with a groan curled up against the couch arm. Then he hiked up his back leg and began to lick his balls.


  Deke dropped to his forearms and kissed her slowly and gently for a few seconds, then with his own groan, slipped from her and to her side.

  She didn’t watch him remove the condom, but she could figure out what he was doing just by the movements. And when he was done doing whatever he did with it, his arm snaked around her shoulders and he pulled her more tightly into his side.

  What was this? “Deke.”

  “Hmm?” He yawned and wound a strand of her hair around his finger, then released it.

  Her mouth opened as he did it again. “Deke...”

  He turned to his side and propped his head in hand. “Yeah, babe?”

  “I...” She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m tired. It... It was a long day.” When he curled another lock of her hair around his finger, she opened her eyes again. “I’m going to bed.”

  He stared at her with an unreadable expression. After a few moments, he nodded and released her hair. “’Kay.”

  He didn’t move. He
seemed to be waiting for her. An invitation for him to join her?

  When she didn’t say anything for a few heartbeats, he nodded again. She rolled up to a seat, then to her feet, grabbing only her bra and panties which were close by.

  Without another look at the man who remained lounging on the floor, she headed to her room. Once the door was closed, she leaned back against it and pressed a hand to her face and just breathed until her closed throat began to loosen once more.

  She threw her bra and panties, not caring where they landed and scrubbed both palms down her face. Forcing the air in and out of her lungs at a steady pace, she tried not to think about what occurred out in her great room.

  Not the sex, but the subtle shift to something beyond that. The connection she was trying to avoid.

  If she listened hard enough, she could hear him and Justice trodding up the steps to the spare bedroom.

  She dropped her hands and stared at her empty bed.

  At least he had Justice to keep him company.

  She should’ve invited him in.

  But if she had, that would mean she had lied to herself about not wanting more.

  And she wasn’t ready to admit it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Deacon wasn’t going to deny something had changed last night.

  Nothing drastic, but something all the same.

  And that something scared off Reese.

  She couldn’t hide it in her face. Or the way her body tensed against his when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and played with her hair.

  In truth, he was as surprised as she was he’d done it.

  He hadn’t meant to, it just happened. Like it was natural.

  That never happened before with any woman. He wasn’t the touchy-feely or clingy type. He usually got what he wanted, gave the woman what she needed and then split.

  But Reese’s strength and stubbornness drew him. He’d grown up around two women who had been the same. Jemma, Judge’s sister, and his mother, Lottie.

  He didn’t realize how strong his mother was until his father had gotten really sick. She struggled to keep working and to take care of him at the same time. Jemma, still really young, helped out as best as she could. By the time Walter was bed-ridden, Judge had already been out on his own for a while. He had offered to move back in, but Deacon’s mother wasn’t having any of it. She wanted Judge to live his own life and not be saddled taking care of his uncle.


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