SEIZED Part 3: Steamy Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

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SEIZED Part 3: Steamy Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) Page 7

by Coulton, JC

  “I’m ok, I’m tired, so much has happened already you know?”

  “It won’t be long now until you feel better. I can’t tell you we’re going to save your friend or prove Blake isn’t a criminal. But I can promise you one thing…I promise you that whatever happens out there, I’ve got you. The team has your back and I’ll be watching. So I need you to trust us, and keep focused, okay? Even when you’re scared, just trust me. We’ve got this.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Agent Cooper.”

  “Carrie, it’s time you set off for the warehouse, but first, we’ll make a stop at your hotel, in case Neon’s goons are still stationed there to watch you. We’ll drop you off around back, and once we arrive, go to your room for a few minutes, and then go back down to the lobby. Stand out front where the bell men and valets are, until we’re all set to leave for to New Jersey. Are you ready?”

  “I’m ready.”

  He stands and motions for me to follow him. We move together through the field office. They check me one last time to make sure I have everything, and escort me through the back doors. A car is waiting to take me back to the hotel. I look over at Jason as I slide into the passenger seat. My eyes meet his in a final second of contact that is just as intensely focused as the one we shared earlier. The car moves off, and I turn my mind to what’s ahead.

  Chapter Eleven


  The driver discreetly lets me off at the back of the hotel. I duck inside and head up to my room. Instinctively, I want to crawl back into bed and hide, but a team of people are waiting for me to walk out through the front doors of the lobby.

  I use the bathroom, and as I’m washing my hands, I look at my reflection. I’m just a woman ready to head out for a run. No one would know I’m anything more than that. I feel assured. Somehow, it makes it easier to slip into the role.

  When it’s time, I go back downstairs and test my new disguise out with a cheerful greeting to the front desk staff.

  “Hello. I’m just heading off for some exercise. Can you book me a table in the restaurant tonight, please?”

  The girl knows me well by now, and smiles as she taps at her keyboard. “No problems, Miss James. I’ve made your reservation. We’ll refresh your room while you’re out this afternoon.”

  I nod and smile, reaching for the items in my pockets to make sure everything is still in place. “Thanks for that. I’ll see you soon.”

  I move through the front doors of the lobby to the street, and make a show of doing a few hamstring stretches against a nearby wall. I’m waiting for the signal. I don’t meet eyes with anyone. I just pretend I’m in my own world, like the rest of this city does. No one pays any attention. This ‘being normal’ act is easier than I thought.

  In my pocket, my cell phone buzzes three times. It’s the signal that the team is in place. I let it kick me into a gentle jog in the direction of the cab where Jason will be waiting. I can’t see where he is, but I know he’s watching me. I wonder to myself if Neon’s guy has seen me yet. It’s inevitable after the action packed stretching show I just manufactured. I can’t say I like the feeling, and decide not to indulge in any more thoughts about it.

  I make my way to him and get in the back seat. He nods and after a forty minute drive looking at the back of his head and his sexy, predatory eyes through the rear view mirror, we get to the location as planned. He lets me off a couple of blocks from the warehouse, and I’m pretty sure a woman running by recognizes me. Or, maybe I’m just paranoid? I get to the warehouse, and drop to my knees to try the same lace-tying ruse. I don’t see any movement, and for some reason, I’m thirsty.

  I go into the deli beside the gas station for a coffee or water. There are a few people inside, and I line up behind them, keeping to myself. My job is to stick around the area, make myself seen, and jog around the place until I hear from Blake. In here, the FBI team may not be able to see me, but I’m sure it’s not a problem.

  I get my coffee and walk around the tables as if I’m looking for a good one. I couldn’t be more obvious as I wander around and I hope to Christ it’s working, otherwise this whole day is a waste of time. Eventually I take a seat in the window with my phone out and ready to take the next call.

  I drink my coffee. I sit back to watch the people outside and around me. There’s something so cool about going to a random place and just inserting yourself into the equation. Everyone here has a story, just like I do. They’re thinking about their family, kids, jobs, businesses, partners, bosses, or their problems right now. Maybe some are wondering how they’re going to pay the rent, or how they need to cut back on chocolate.

  I’m glad for some perspective. I’ve been so caught up in Blake, and April’s kidnapping, I’ve forgotten I’m just one of the many people with problems in the world. Whenever everything feels dramatic and unique, I need my feet replanted like this. There’s no reason for it to go badly today. I’m helping the solution, so I’ll do my thing and get out of there when I’m told.

  My phone buzzes on the table in front of me. It’s the planned call I’m supposed to answer. Phew. I pick it up and I’m pleased to hear the sound of Jason’s voice in my ear.

  “Carrie, is there anyone there who looks familiar, or suspicious?”

  “No. I’ve been looking around. Can you see me right now?”

  “Yes, we have eyes on you. You’re completely safe. You and I are going to talk for awhile on the phone, and you’re going to finish your coffee, and then head back outside. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I’m ready to go, what do you want to talk about?”

  “I want it to seem like you’re talking to either Blake or the Police on the phone. We want to arouse as much attention as possible, to get you an audience with Neon. Her guys are everywhere. We’re sure they’ve already seen you in the area.”

  “Wait, you want Neon to see me? This is confusing, Jason. You said I was out here to get noticed by Blake, and to tell Blake that Neon’s threatened me. Why is the plan different now?”

  “Carrie, the plan is the same. Blake seeing you and going to Neon is the ideal, but her people are all over the place. We can follow them too.”

  “Am I in danger?”


  “How does she have so many people working for her?”

  “No one knows the depths of Neon’s power. She’s got some big friends in several industries, and many assets to protect. There are times when we get close to locking down a financial picture to help take her organization down, but she’s careful, and she’s insulated. They always find a way to overwhelm and distract us with the minutiae.”

  “Okay. So what’s next? Do I start yelling or something?”

  “No need for that. Just slam down your cup and slam the door on the way out. Use your body language. No one’s going to know it’s not real. Jog around the building. Rattle on the gate. Together we’ll make them think that you are starting your own search for April. Somewhere along the line, Blake will phone you or show up. Once you tell him what you need to say, hail the first cab you see drive up, because it’ll be me. I am waiting around the corner to drive past whenever you hang up.”

  “And what if Blake doesn’t call?”

  “Give it fifteen minutes. If he doesn’t, run up the side street and look for my cab.”

  I follow his instructions to the letter. Within five minute, like clockwork, out of nowhere, I see Blake walking towards me. He’s obviously been watching the place, or watching me, because he walks right towards me with clear intentions to talk. I didn’t expect him so quickly, and now the adrenalin is surging as I try to remember what I’m supposed to do and say.

  “Blake, what are you doing here?”

  “What am I doing here? Carrie, I’m working. How did you get here?”

  “Blake, I don’t think now’s the time. I’m just going for a run.”

  “Sure, you are,” he says sarcastically.

  “Blake, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m going for a run
to clear my mind. I’m not going to try and justify myself to you. You’re off the case this now, remember?”

  “I know what you’re doing, Carrie. Don’t do it. Please, I know you don’t trust me, but I need you to think about this.”

  He’s close enough that the mic will be picking him up. I’m aware that if he’s guilty, anything I say now could tip him off. For a second, I wonder if that’s what he’s trying to do. I get the feeling he doesn’t know FBI are the ones who put me up to this.

  “I had to search for her by myself, Blake. None of you care about April.”

  “Carrie, wait.” He takes my arm and stops me in my tracks. “You’re putting yourself in danger around here. And probably April too.”

  “What would you know about that, Blake? I’m in danger everywhere I go, on account of your girlfriend, Neon.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend, Carrie.”

  “Whatever, Blake. She says she is.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That woman has been phoning me all day, threatening to kill April if I don’t leave you alone.”

  “What? She called you?”

  “Yes. Like twenty times now. I should have just told the FBI, but I’m a fool, Blake. I didn’t want you to get in trouble. And now I’m all the way in New Jersey, looking for April myself.”

  I’m mentally patting myself in the back with my performance, but slowly, the words are getting to me. I hope I don’t have to keep this up for long, because I might break down any minute.

  I’ve clearly caught him off guard with my last statement. He hasn’t replied, and he looks like he can’t figure out what to say. I take the opportunity to shake off his hand from my arm and run away. It’s not my problem if he suddenly has an attack of guilt. He’s made his own bed with Neon and, he’ll have to pay for that sad error in judgment.

  Without looking back, I cross the street to look for Jason in the taxi. There’s nothing more to say to Blake Anderson. I’ll just finish up my task, go wherever Jason takes me, and hopefully the FBI will find April before today is out. After that, it will be time for me to move on to a new chapter of my life.

  If today doesn’t work, I’ll ask my boss to let me write the article while I’m still in New York. Eventually, I’ll head back to Iowa, and I hope to God it’s with April. It’s not doing my heart any good to be around this man. I wish I could sleep in my own bed tonight. It could be time for me to stop trying to force things to happen, and just let it happen now. I’m mentally exhausted.

  Chapter Twelve


  After that confrontation with Blake, I’m off-balance. I’m sure he’s hiding something more. The thought that I slept with him makes me sick. I could scream with frustration, but I’m on the street, I’m wired for sound, and I want to preserve any last shred of dignity I can. Now is not the time for venting. I’ll do that later, at the hotel; when there’s space to process the grief washing over me.

  Despite everything, despite all the lies he’s been telling and all the secrets he’s keeping, my pussy is throbbing. I want Blake like I’ve never wanted any one before. Just the sound of his voice made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. An attraction of this intensity must have a lifetime effect. I feel like he’s branded on my soul. As if fate has stuck us together for a reason.

  Oh God, I just don’t know who to believe. There’s something to be said for trusting your gut. I was aware the whole time that something was wrong with Blake, but was it really this? Could he have been leaving me to touch someone else in the same way, or is there more to this story? Instinctively, in the center of my heart, I want to trust Blake Anderson. But I would have to be the biggest fool on the planet if I didn’t listen to the FBI. Christ, maybe I’m beyond help, to even be thinking this way.

  I look around for Jason and sigh. There is no decision to be made. He came to see me, I got the message across about Neon, and left him standing there. That’s it. I need to focus on what’s important. I did this for April and no one else. I’m a good friend, and there’s a chance I may just uncover the story of the century. Whatever is going on with Blake needs to be sidelined.

  Jason drives up in the taxi, and I slide into the passenger seat next to him. My tasks are almost done. It’s a tiny victory.

  “How was that?” he asks.

  “Good. Did he take the bait?”

  “A team is following him to see where he goes.”

  “Okay. Are you sure I was being followed by Neon’s people? I didn’t see anyone suspicious or feel any one watching at all. Just goes to show how much I know about surveillance…”

  “You did well. Not to worry.”

  It’s not until then that I look over, and notice Jason is dressed as a completely different man. A hat and fake beard cover most of his face. Even his posture looks different. The changes seem very real, and that’s what is ironic. This is my life now. I’m in an FBI car, driving the streets with a man who’s actually in disguise—after leaving Blake, who was dressed as himself and has been putting on a show all this time. I want to laugh, but the reality of what’s going to happen to him sets in.

  “It’s not so late yet. Are we going to see enough girls to make it worthwhile?”

  “Prostitution is a twenty-four hour business, Carrie. The street girls are still out, if you know where to look for them.”

  I don’t answer him because I don’t know what to say. I don’t know anything about this world. I’m naïve, and just being here is a learning experience. I sit back and let him drive. We drive across a few city blocks, and pull in behind an alley. There are girls spread out at several street corners in all directions.

  “The high class girls will be in establishments,” Jason continues, “but the street welcomes new kids, and the ones with addictions. Not many places will hire a girl if she shows signs of drug use. Standards are high. There are still reputations to maintain, depending on the clientele. Drugs are a recipe for disaster, for those who take the business more seriously.”

  “Do you know where Neon’s girls work?”

  “Territories can change, but she holds down a good chunk of the area in the next three blocks. Keep your eyes peeled, okay? I don’t expect to find April out here. She’s more likely being saved for the elite clients, but we might as well look around and see what we can track down. Remember, if by chance we find her, take no action. The other team is going to take care of Blake and Neon. We need to wait long enough for Neon to claim April, otherwise we’ll have no ability to lay charges.”

  The plot thickens. My stomach can’t take it. “So if we see April, you want me to leave her out there? This is ludicrous, Jason.”

  “Trust, remember? April’s safety is of the utmost importance.”

  “It doesn’t sound that way.”

  “Just give us a chance, okay?”

  I can’t nod or reply. The truth is, if I see her, I’m more likely to scream her name and run towards her, not sit there. I let him believe whatever he wants to believe. We drive past row after row of walkup apartments, with packs of two or three, and sometimes a solo woman beckoning. I begin to feel sicker. It’s not their bodies or what they do that’s causing my nausea. It’s the outright squalor involved. Jason tells me these girls will have sex with up to twelve men a night. Sometimes safely, sometimes not.

  Jason drives smoothly and continues to talk as I look right into the faces of everyone who’s out there, hoping to see April. “When they’re summoned to a car window, they need to make the most of the opportunity to earn, regardless of who it is. There’s no room to be picky, the street’s not a place where girls have the right to decline clients. If they don’t earn enough, they’ll be given or traded away by their pimps, or they’ll have to stay out until they make their quotas.”

  “It’s a complex relationship between pimp and hooker. They need each other, and resent each other. The partnerships are rife with conflict and violence. Neon is popular, but she’s no kinder than the big guys
out there. Girls flock to her because she used to work herself, and the drugs flow steadily.”

  My phone chimes in the pocket of my hoodie and I pull it out to see another unlisted number on the screen. Jason says it’s not any of his people, and nods for me to answer.

  “Hello?” I say it with caution, not knowing who’s waiting on the other end.

  “Carrie? Hello there. It’s Jessup Lee, here. How are you?”

  “Mr. Lee. Oh. Hello.” I turn to Jason and mouth the name ‘Jessup Lee’, raising my eyebrows. He makes a signal with his hands to keep the conversation going.

  “Carrie, I wanted to phone and see how you’re doing. We haven’t spoken for some time and I’d like to have a chat if you have time this evening? It’s important we connect.”

  Yuck, the sound of his voice makes me feel even dirtier than seeing all the haggard women and destitution on the streets.

  “Uhh, that won’t be possible today. I’m not in New York at the moment, Mr. Lee. It’ll have to be another time, if at all.” I hadn’t planned to speak to him, and I make a slip about the last time I had seen him. “Frankly, Mr. Lee, after the last experience, I don’t feel comfortable meeting you. I can’t be sure you won’t lock me in a room somewhere.”

  Jessup loses it. “Now listen here, you little bitch. You’ve got no fucking idea what you’re up against…”

  I cut him off and hang up, and tell Jason what he said. “What a prize asshole.”

  I hate him for thinking he can control me, for knowing my number to begin with, and I hate him even more for trying to move April to New York. Whatever power games he’s been playing could well have been the cause of her disappearance. It makes me feel like calling him back, to tell him to fuck off.

  Jason pulls to a stop at the next corner, and sits with me in silence. He doesn’t push me to say more. I appreciate his patience. It’s getting dark outside. The skyline looks beautiful. It’s a stark juxtaposition, considering the ugliness of the situation in the streets around us.


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