Gladiator Bear's Battle (Shift In Time 1)

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Gladiator Bear's Battle (Shift In Time 1) Page 5

by Anya Nowlan

  Davida screamed out as his nose broke and Erden twisted one of the blades out of his hands. Davida dropped the other of his own volition, trying to protect his face, but it didn’t stop the flurry of punches from Erden. The bear saw red; all the threats and dangers to his life coalesced into this one moment. He only snapped out of it when he felt countless strong arms grip him and drag him off of the other man, who was twisted on the sands now, his face a bloody pulp. Erden was breathing heavily, rage still dancing in his deep brown eyes, almost black now as the bear had taken control.

  He looked up toward Julius Augustinus, only to see the man turn his back and stalk back into the villa with a look of pure irritation plastered on his face.

  Another day to live.



  The quietness of the villa at night was almost eerie. Kiya scuttled through the corridors, gripping the edges of her hooded cape. She had not bothered with the tray of medication this time. Only a heavy jug of wine was hidden under her robes, snatched from Aelia Fausta a few days prior.

  Her footsteps were the only thing she could hear until she reached the catacombs. Then the voices of men laughing and talking echoed over her steps and she breathed a sigh of relief. Being alone in the big halls had been weighing on her heavily and she did not need to be alone with her thoughts right now.

  Kiya made her way to the door that had become oh so familiar to her by now. The guard who stood next to it each time she had visited already had his hand out, waiting for his wine, when she made it down the corridor.

  “Have you been, um…” she stammered, searching for words as she handed him the jug.

  “I know, yes. I will be farther down the corridor,” the man said with a wicked grin, looking her up and down like she was a piece of prime meat brought for his amusement.

  Instinctively, Kiya’s hand went around the ends of her cape and she pulled it around her body tighter. She didn’t say a word and knocked on the door instead, making sure to keep her golden eyes away from the guard. This was nerve-wracking enough without imagining what the guard was envisioning in his head. The door opened and she slipped in, breathing a sigh of relief as the door closed behind her.

  Of course, now she had a whole other reason to worry. Removing her cape, her teeth dug into her lower lip as she stared up at Erden. He smiled at her softly, crossing his arms over his impossibly wide chest.

  “And to what do I owe the pleasure?” he teased, as if she was not risking her health and future every time she snuck down to see him.

  “The party. It is tomorrow,” Kiya said blankly, walking deeper into the tiny, barely lit room.

  She put the cape down on the stool she had previously used to keep other items she had brought him. Truth be told, she had been down here quite often now, sacrificing nights of sleep for the opportunity to talk to him. Speaking with Erden gave her perspectives on life she had never had. Her outside existence had ended as a child and she had known little else other than the sanctuary that was the villa. But he had lived a whole life outside and yearned to get back to it. His dreams became her dreams and soon she found that her day was not quite complete without him.

  What she had feared for years now had finally happened. She had fallen in love. Hopelessly so.

  She finally dared look at Erden again, her eyes meeting his. The apprehension and worry she carried in her soul reflected in his expression. He understood why she was there.

  “So you fear this is goodbye?” he asked, walking closer to her.

  Without pausing to think about it, she snaked her hands around him and drew herself against his chest. She could hear him gasping under his breath, but he put his hands around her shoulders and let his body mold around her small, curvy frame.

  “I hope this is hello,” she admitted.

  Kiya stood up on her tippy toes and she was still barely tall enough to reach his chin. A shadow of confusion crossed his expression, but then it softened and he understood. The need she felt within her, screaming at her to act, had been whining and kicking at her for days and days. Earlier that day, when she had been told that the party for the Senators would be the following evening, she knew it was now or never. She chose now.

  He leaned into her and her lips met his. They were gruff, just like he was, but softened against hers immediately. A hint of a mewl bubbled in the back of her throat as she tasted him and shared her first ever kiss with the man she had been dreaming of for years.

  His grip on her tightened and he lifted her up a bit, holding her in his strong arms. She could feel the desire coursing through him and his cock stiffen—Gods, was that all him?—but his touch remained gentle and reassuring. Just like she’d dreamed.

  He backed them into his cot and he sat down, pulling her down on his lap along with him.

  “Are you sure about this?” he growled, a soft, tender sound that made her writhe in heat.

  “Yes,” Kiya said breathlessly.

  She’d been thinking about this for a while now. She was more than sure that the young Senator wanted to request her for the night. It wasn’t that she thought she was so stunningly beautiful that he could not say no to her, but that look in his eyes that had told her she was the prey and he was the predator. And if that was going to be her first time… well, she didn’t want to give that horrid man that kind of power.

  Kiya wanted to choose herself. She would have never approached Erden like this had they not been spending so much time together. But she felt like she truly knew him now, and that he knew her. Whenever she left his room, she longed to return immediately. Her days were bright and airy now because he was in her life and for that, she was more than grateful. She wanted to show him just how much she appreciated him for it. And, with Julius Augustinus out to get rid of Erden, she feared that her chances to share her love for him were growing slim.

  She was wearing a gown that was meant for special occasions, for respected visitors. She knew she was meant to wear it to the party tomorrow. One of his wide hands brushed her dark hair off her shoulder and then opened the clasp holding the gown with surprising deftness. She instinctively tried to cover herself as the fabric slipped down and revealed her perky breasts, but he stopped her by taking hold of her wrist.

  Erden looked at her, and the reassurance she had seen there before burned even brighter now. Her brow furrowed slightly, but she allowed her hand to fall limp and he pushed it down on her lap. The white gown rolled off her chest completely and she blushed as he took in the sight of her. But the blush was not because of utter shyness. She felt him get harder and harder and she yearned for him now more than ever.

  He leaned down and kissed her neck with slow, deliberate moves. Her back arched as he moved downward and she couldn’t help but shudder. His hands controlled her completely and she preferred it that way. Kiya saw the light of the candles cast shadows on his skin as their breaths grew heavier and as he went lower down her chest. Finally, he sucked one of her nipples in his mouth and she couldn’t help but let out a long groan. He pulled at the nipple hard, swirling his tongue on it in long circular motions.

  She had only pleasured herself a few times, after seeing orgies in the villa and having to tend to the patrons basking in the afterglow. She hadn’t quite found the blossom within herself yet, but it seemed very certain that this man would teach her things that she had seen but never thought she would enjoy experiencing. And he would do so without prejudice, and with love. She couldn’t wait. Even the darkness of the following day seemed to be inconsequential when caught in this moment.

  “Mmh, Erden,” she purred, writhing in his lap and rubbing against the outline of his cock.

  Erden’s hands shifted lower and slinked under Kiya’s dress. She exhaled sharply as those rough hands caressed her thighs, moving closer to her heat. Her body was on edge and she kept pushing herself into him more, even though there was no space left between them. Her fingers dug into his hair as he finally dipped between her legs, his fingers careful
ly feeling her warm, wet slit.

  She thought she would collapse in ecstasy right there and then, but he had other plans for her. He raised her up by her thighs and brushed aside his loincloth, which had still covered his cock. When she caught sight of it, her heart skipped a beat. It was large and veiny, the head dark and ready to enter her wetness. Kiya whimpered at the size of it, her stomach contracting in shock, but her body was no less willing than before. The smell of their sweat and the oils rubbed into her skin was starting to mix into the air, filling her nostrils with a musky scent.

  Erden’s strong hands moved her into place, the girl on her knees and hovering above his throbbing shaft. She bit her lip as he pushed her dress out of the way and grasped her around her waist. A hint of worry glinted in her gaze, but his soothing brown eyes left her no question that she was in good hands. She took a deep breath as he slowly lowered her down, the wide head forcing into her unsullied slit. Kiya gasped as soon as his cock started splitting her, digging deep into her. She tensed up and her nails dug into his shoulders, but Erden kept pushing her down and she didn’t fight it, welcoming it instead.

  “Do you need me to stop?” he asked, his voice straining.

  “No! Please don’t,” Kiya begged, tensing against him.

  The pain was quickly warping into pleasure and underneath that pleasure, a much stronger current promised to sweep her away. He wouldn’t budge as she screamed out, but he allowed her move higher a bit before pressing into her again, her juices coating his cock. His hands were stern but understanding as she struggled to allow him inside of her, her curvy frame shivering and goose bumps dotting her skin.

  Erden repeated the motion a few more times, each attempt followed by another whimper from Kiya. Finally, he reached up and pulled her head to his chest and then, with one sharp move, he pressed her down onto his massive cock completely.

  Her scream was muffled by his wide chest and she bit into his flesh. He bucked into her slowly now, giving her time to get over the initial shock. He moved her just enough to prevent her from concentrating too much on any one sensation, carefully working his way deeper into her delicate heat. Bit by bit his thrusts started growing in force and Kiya moved against him, chasing that blaze she felt underneath the feeling of his huge cock splitting her wide.

  She raised herself up off of his lap almost completely and then plunged back in, enjoying the tension and ecstasy that flew through her with each motion. Kiya kissed his chest and neck where she had bitten him, deep bite marks evident on him. Mira had even drawn a bit of blood, but he had paid it no heed. Erden growled a little as she bucked against him.

  She could see him watching her, admiring her lithe form as she bounced up and down on the cock that was much too big for her. The softness was still in his gaze, but she could see a predatory hunger now, something much more familiar to her. It made her spirit swell, knowing that this caring, gentle beast of a man wanted her and desired her enough to take her as he did, without forcing her more than she could handle.

  This monster, hated by the Gods and feared by Romans, had taken her and cradled her with care, filling her with joy and confidence. The pleasure was mounting now and his breathing was growing quick and erratic.

  “Gods, please!” she moaned, not finishing her thought as she succumbed to her need.

  She threw her head back and screamed out, her pussy milking his hard cock eagerly. He held on a moment longer, but the great bear that never lost admitted his willing defeat as well. Kiya felt his hot seed filling her and she clung to him for dear life, shuddering and bucking.

  “Kiya,” he breathed as he emptied into her and she hugged him tightly, her body convulsing in his lap. “I will never let anyone hurt you,” he growled into her ear, soft but determined.

  If only that could be true…



  The day was like every other, but completely different. Even the air felt fresh and new and every breath Kiya took breathed life into her.

  This must be what happiness feels like, she thought to herself with a grin, obediently preparing Aelia Fausta’s gown for the evening.

  She hadn’t slept a wink all night and she didn’t mind it either. She’d stayed in Erden’s quarters until the sun was coming up and the guard pounded his fist against the door, letting her know that if she didn’t leave now, she’d definitely get caught. For a second, she’d thought that it would be entirely worth it just to spend another minute with Erden’s arms wrapped around her. However, the bear was more sensible than she was, and against both of their wishes, he released her from his grasp and hoisted her up to stand on her own two feet.

  Two feet that were shaking underneath her. Her legs still ached and her pussy felt, well, violated. But in the best of ways. Kiya kept shifting in her seat, doing the fine needlework, but even the pain in her muscles and the sleepless night couldn’t dim her happiness. She felt good. Better than ever.

  All of that kept her smiling and perky until reality had to come crashing through the door, this time in the form of Lucia. Kiya looked up from her work at her friend, and her smile disappeared immediately seeing her friend’s worried frown.

  “What is wrong?” Kiya asked, pausing her work.

  “Julius Augustinus has sent for all of us to get bathed in rose water and rubbed with oils.”

  “What do you mean, ‘all of us?’”

  “I mean you, me, Sahli, Andela… all the lady’s maids.” The look Lucia gave her told her another story as well.

  It was one that Kiya understood all too well. It wasn’t just that the lady’s maids had to be prepared. It was that they were virgins. They were being offered up as treats for the visiting nobility. Her heart fell into her stomach like it was shoved down the edge of a cliff.

  “I knew it,” Kiya said, sighing.

  “You’re the lucky one here,” Lucia snorted, sitting down next to her and grabbing the other end of the hem Kiya had been fixing.

  “What do you mean?”

  “At least you’re prepared!” Lucia said in a fit of irritation.

  Kiya bit back the words that were coming to her tongue. Well, Lucia wasn’t wrong. She did know what to expect, in a sense. But she also knew that whatever these brutes wanted to do with her, it would never add up to the night she had shared with Erden. In the midst of their lovemaking, he had whispered heated words in her ears and now she knew for certain that what had started as infatuation had blossomed into real, true, undeniable love.

  “I am not,” Kiya told her, giving her a long look.

  Lucia looked like she was about to say something back, but Kiya saw the tears brimming in her eyes and knew that she must look the same. Sex was not something to be feared in the Roman culture, but to be celebrated. But Kiya and servants like her were not given a choice. At best, they could hope to be taken by men who would give them time to adjust and to learn to please them, but that was hardly ever the case.

  If this had happened to her before knowing Erden, she would have soldiered through it, knowing it was her duty as a slave. But now? She couldn’t imagine giving her body to anyone but Erden and the mere thought to the contrary filled her with fear.

  “We will be all right,” Kiya promised blandly, taking Lucia’s hand.

  “We will not,” Lucia shot back.

  Kiya couldn’t really disagree with her.


  “We’re not going to be okay,” Kiya whispered to Lucia, who was visibly shuddering.

  Lucia tossed her a look that could have scorched the grass off the ground, but it bounced right off of Kiya. She was too rattled. The only thing that kept her grounded in the well-scented room was the sight of Erden standing in a line with the other gladiators. Whenever she felt like screaming, she would just glance his way and take a deep breath. After that, she could keep going for another minute.

  Until the panic set in again.

  She was standing by the wall with Lucia as the esteemed guests were pouring into the v
illa. Kiya recognized a few of them—powerful men who ran Macavia and were known for their opulent taste. The room was lit with countless candles and torches, but the setting sun cast a red glow about the scene before Kiya that made her uneasy. Normal life in the villa had come to a grinding halt. Everything and everyone was focused on delivering the perfect evening.

  There were high-class entertainers set in different corners of the large room. Two musicians were playing their instruments, filling the air with soft tunes. Three dancers were winding their bodies to the music, the hungry eyes of men constantly on them. Giggling women were finding laps to perch on, making themselves awfully cozy with the visitors. Some of them Kiya recognized—the same women that were sometimes brought in for the gladiators, but others were new to her. Most of them were well dressed, wearing fine linens and glinting jewelry.

  Only the best for the Senators, Kiya thought wryly.

  Her hands were shaking around the heavy wine jug. Every now and then, when she noticed someone’s goblet running empty, she would walk to them and fill it again and then quickly return to her place by the wall. Her theory was that the less she was seen, the better. But, of course, she knew that this could not last for long.

  The best gladiators the ludus had to offer were lined up in the center of the room, forming a circle that faced out. They had been covered in golden oils, making their bodies gleam and shine in the flickering light. Erden looked like a man amongst boys. Most of the gladiators were well-known to Kiya, but she also spied Davida in the lineup, the same man that had attacked Erden and who Erden had nearly killed.

  They were being displayed like pieces of art. The room was littered with guards as well, there to keep the unarmed gladiators in check. Julius Augustinus had truly gone all out to show his guests the true reach and width of his wealth and the treats that the villa had to hold.

  There weren’t any women along with the visiting Senators and local nobility. All of the wives and daughters had been left at home, and that was the single most troubling sign of the night. Only Aelia Fausta was still in the crowd, making pleasant conversation with some of the younger visiting nobles. She stood out in the crowd of the finely dressed—but still obviously paid—women as the single example of true regal poise. Kiya knew that this would not matter much for the night. Her father would have her leave when the right time came and neither Kiya nor any of the other handmaidens could hope for the protection of their mistress.


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