Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Discovering Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Discovering Beauty (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by Robyn Peterman

  I slapped my hand to my forehead and tried to drive the horrible conversation back to something more manageable. “I’m not exactly good relationship material with a bounty on my head and all—not to mention the whole fucked up animal thing. I really wouldn’t be good for him—or anyone.”

  “He’s not good for anyone either,” she pointed out, amused by my apparent misery. “Seems like a pretty good fit to me.”

  “I’m the reason the government wants him dead,” I reminded her. “Kind of hard to imagine him wanting to be near me at all.”

  “Trust me,” Nancy said with a laugh. “I’ve never seen him like this. He sang for you. Carter Davis doesn’t do that. Ever. He’s got it bad.”

  “We’ve known each other for less than a day,” I insisted, more for my benefit than hers. I mean, how could this be happening? And was it happening? And if it was, what the hell was it?

  Nancy gathered her paperwork and slipped it back into a thick folder. She stood up and approached me with a small, sad smile on her lips.

  “Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, Georgia,” she said, looking me straight in the eye. “Timing is rarely right and falling for someone never makes sense. I’ve only known you for a few hours yet I would trust you with my life. Does that make sense? No, it doesn’t. But this is what I know. My brother’s life has been filled with sadness and violence I don’t want to even try to imagine—as has yours. Our upbringing was a fucking real life horror movie. I rarely sleep through the night even now. You make Carter smile. Instead of running when he didn’t like what you said, he punched a wall. You might not realize it, but that was an improvement for him. My brother is a jackass, but he’s not a liar and he can’t fake his emotion. What you see is what you get. Enjoy what you can while you can. Always. You deserve it and my brother deserves it.”

  With that she kissed the top of my head and left the room.

  Oh. My. God. I was just given permission by Carter’s sister to do him. How freaking weird was that? My life had jumped from boring to fucked up to terrifying to flat out weird. And this new weird was the scariest of all. I wasn’t good for him and he probably wasn’t good for me, but…

  For the first time in my life I cared about the person I wanted. It was strange and heady and frightening. In fact, I was very sure I was falling for him.

  Fast? Yes.

  Ridiculous? Yes.

  Absolutely true? Yes.

  And that’s when I knew I couldn’t let anything happen between us. As much as I wanted to pretend I was normal, I wasn’t. I never would be normal and who knew what the long-range effects of what the mad scientists had done to me would be? The most loving, mature and responsible thing I could do was to leave him alone. That was going to be harder than hell, but doable.

  We had forty-eight hours here, and then hopefully Tex would be able to get us out of the country. Once we were safe, we would part ways, and Carter could find someone who wasn’t a fucked up mess like I was. The thought of that made me want to tear the pretty guestroom to shreds, but it was the right thing to do.

  I was fine. No. I wasn’t fine. I was dying inside, but that was just too damned bad. It was time to pull up my big girl panties and be selfless. I’d survived being an experiment and living in a cage. I could survive giving up someone I was falling in love with because it was better for him to be without me. Eventually I would bring him down. I was sure of it.

  Great. Decision made.

  And then he walked into the room and I forgot my fucking name.

  “Did you talk with my sister?” Carter asked.

  He was wearing loose-fitting sweats and a t-shirt that hugged every gorgeous muscle in his broad chest. Tearing my eyes away from his beauty was impossible, so I didn’t even try.

  Nodding my head yes in answer was all I was capable of. If I spoke, I was terrified I’d beg him to take me immediately.

  “I liked what she had to say,” he said, pinning me with a stare. “Did you?”

  Again, I nodded—still didn’t trust my ability to speak.

  “Also spoke to Tex,” Carter went on. “He’s having a little trouble so we might be here a bit longer than forty-eight.”

  “He can’t get us out of the country?” I asked, finding my voice now that we were discussing life and death—his and mine.

  “Not yet, but he will. Tex hates losing even more than I do. However, I can think of a few things we can do to fill the time.”

  “You can?” I asked in voice that sounded foreign to my own ears. It was breathy and full of need. I was the absolute uncoolest in this sexy little cat and mouse game we were playing. I needed to keep to silent communication or I was going to ruin what might be happening here.

  His smile was slow and filled with so much erotic innuendo, I actually laughed. He was every kind of crazy and it was hotter than hell.

  “Would you like a tour of the house?”

  “The house?” I asked confused. Maybe I’d misread everything. Or maybe he’d changed his mind. I wouldn’t blame him at all and everything would be easier if he had.

  “Wait. Did I say house?” he asked, shaking his head and biting back his grin. “Sorry, my bad. I meant room—my bedroom.”

  “You’re not scared of me?” I asked, pissed that my voice still sounded so girly and breathy.


  “You should be,” I warned him.

  “Right back at ya, Georgia from Georgia,” he replied, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the guest room. “I’m the scariest thing you will ever come across.”

  And that’s where this beautiful man was dead wrong. He was Beauty and I was the Beast. I was far scarier than he was, and I always would be.

  Chapter Nine


  Georgia was the loveliest being I’d ever laid my eyes on and was definitely too good for the likes of me, but she wanted me. It was mind-boggling. I knew my outside package was pretty, but my insides were as black as death. She’d witnessed it and not run.

  Georgia from Georgia was insane, but then again, I was too.

  Bedding women had always been easy for me; it was the feeling part that was missing. I’d trained myself at an early age to feel nothing. It was the only way to survive. The only two people I’d let myself feel emotion for were my brother and sister… and I’d even stayed away from them for years on end. I was toxic, but this woman made me feel human—alive—not defective.

  It was every kind of selfish to make her mine knowing it was only temporary. As much as I wanted to be the man for her, I wasn’t. Eventually I would destroy her. But today… today was a wrinkle in time—a Climb Every Mountain moment. It was a perfect scenario where I was the Captain and she was my Maria—the light that made everything clear and beautiful.

  She followed me willingly. Her breathing was unsteady, but so was mine. It was insanity to pursue something that couldn’t last, but I wanted her more than I wanted my next breath. I wanted every broken, sad, hurt and joyous part of a woman I barely knew but felt like I’d known forever. Romantic notions weren’t in my jaded wheelhouse, but today…

  Today was ours. It would end like everything always did, but right now I needed to show her—in a way I knew how—what she had done for me.

  Stopping outside of the door to the bedroom my siblings had designated as mine, I put my hand under her chin and raised her lavender eyes to mine.

  “We don’t have to do this.”

  “I know,” she said with a small smile pulling at the lips I was dying to kiss. “I’m afraid of hurting you.”

  “Honestly, I don’t care about that,” I told her. “Just keep those chompers to yourself and we’ll be fine.”

  Her laugh rang out and I tried to memorize it. It was everything that was missing from my fucked up existence.

  “That’s really not funny at all,” she said, narrowing her eyes and trying not to grin. “I mean, that just sounds awful.”

  “We are awful—completely fucking terrible,” I teased her. “Don’
t you think two horrible people deserve a little fun?”

  “Is that all this is?” Georgia asked, growing serious.

  Her question took the wind out of my sails. In another world—another time—another place—the answer might be different, but…

  “It’s okay.” She placed her cool hands on my cheeks and laid her head on my chest. “It’s better this way. No expectations. I mean, we hardly know each other and tomorrows aren’t guaranteed.”

  Her hair smelled of what I would guess heaven might smell like and her body felt perfect against mine. Closing my eyes, I let myself feel. It was more frightening than the horrors I’d been through in the last decade, but at the same time it was so simple—so right. I wanted to tell her this was only the beginning, but I would never lie to her. As much as I wanted it to be true, happy endings didn’t happen for people like us. Silently, I thanked Tex for giving us more time. Once we left the safety of my siblings’ fortress I knew everything would fall to pieces. It always did. But for now…

  “I know you,” I whispered into her hair. “And I want to know more—need to.”

  She leaned back and smiled up at me. If I’d had her smile and laugh to think about in my darkest hours, I wouldn’t have needed the Sound of Music. She made what had saved my sanity pale in comparison.

  “Come with me,” I said, opening the door and waiting.

  “Always. I will always go with you.”

  Chapter Ten


  “Umm… this is probably a weird thing to say, but you don’t have to worry about birth control or anything like that,” I said, as my voice got so soft I couldn’t even hear it.

  This was mortifying. I mean I’d bitten the man and poisoned him into a coma for three days and now I was acting like this was a normal conversation that two normal people should have before sex. There was nothing normal about either one of us. I wanted to ease out of the room and pretend I hadn’t started the discussion.

  His chuckle lessened my embarrassment, but I still wanted to hide—and die.

  “I’m clean. Haven’t been with anyone for a long time and I’ve always used condoms. Are you on the pill?”

  “Umm… no. I was sterilized,” I whispered. Shit. How much more broken could I be? “I can’t ever have children.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly, taking me into his strong arms. “Was it awful?”

  I shook my head and let my body mold to his. It wasn’t remotely sexual. It was comfortable and protective. Carter was so wrong about being cold and dead inside. “I don’t remember. I was out for so long. They told me months after they did it. It’s better that way. I’m not fit to be anyone’s mother.”

  “You would be a good mother,” he argued. “A child would be lucky to have you, Georgia.”

  My name on his lips was the most wonderful sound I’d ever heard, but his words tore at my heart. He was wrong about me being a mother. I’d had no positive maternal influence in my life and I’d never been a regular child. But this was not what I wanted to discuss. It was useless and moot and it made me sad. Right now I wanted him—all of him. I wanted to steal my moments of happiness. Changing the subject was necessary. Sobbing about lost opportunities was not sexy—at all.

  “So umm… we’ve had the talk. Which was every kind of horrifying,” I said, wrinkling my nose and trying not to laugh with embarrassment. “What should we do now?”

  “Impatient?” he questioned, his brow raised in amusement.

  “Possibly,” I shot back with a smirk.

  “Pretty sure I can do something about that,” he replied in a tone so sultry it made my heart skip a beat as he lazily pulled me toward him.

  Carter’s hand slowly moved to my breast and his eyes sought mine for permission. A soft moan and happy sigh from my lips was all the encouragement he needed. My brain flashed warning signals reminding me about my earlier selfless decision, but when Carter moved his other hand to my ass, pressing his hard body flush with mine, all thoughts of selflessness evaporated.

  My head dropped back and his lips brushed the tender skin of my neck sending a shudder of delight through my body. My breathing came faster and I pressed my body even closer to his. Carter’s hands tangled in my hair and his mouth came down over mine—hard and needy.

  He sucked at my lips and his tongue demanded mine with an urgency that stole what breath I had left. I responded as if being with him was the most natural thing in the world—inviting him in and making damned sure I didn’t use my chompers on him. Having him pass out right now would be every kind of sucky.

  Without thought, I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered his name like a prayer. His hands caressed my breasts and he pinched my nipples through the thin fabric of the dress.

  “So fucking sexy,” he muttered as he stepped back and yanked the dress over my head, tossing it to the floor.

  My first instinct was to hide—to cover my ruined body—but he was having none of that.

  “No,” he said in a harsh tone. “Don’t ever hide from me.”

  Holding my arms at my sides, his mouth replaced his hands at my breasts and I was sure I was going to faint. With each pull from his lips, my body clenched with a desire so fierce I was sure I was going to orgasm from what the man could do with his mouth alone. The sensations racing through me were intense and freeing. I felt like I was flying.

  “Oh God, this is a bad idea,” I said, not meaning a word of it. I was certain my happy little gasps didn’t really back my protesting either.

  His smile was wide as he checked in to make sure I was still on the same page. My frown of displeasure as his lips left my breast made him chuckle.

  “It’s a good idea,” he shot back, pulling his t-shirt over his head and then making quick work of his sweats. Stopping my giggle with a kiss that made my toes curl, he managed to sweep me into his arms and walk us to the bed without missing a step.

  “However,” he informed me. “This is a better idea”

  He tossed me on the bed and laughed when I squealed. His stare was so full of unabashed need and lust I all but forgot about my damaged body. Carter Davis made me feel beautiful—wanted—desired.

  His huge hands made short work of my panties and his boxer briefs. I literally gaped at his beauty. Every inch of him was lean, delicious muscle. And as my eyes moved down, my entire body tingled with burning desire. Crawling to my knees, I ran my hands over his chest and arms. Carter stood still and watched me through hooded eyes as I explored him. The light sprinkling of dark hair on his chest tickled my fingertips.

  His breathing grew labored and I was well aware of the control it took for him to stand still and allow my exploration. The tension in his body and the carnal look in his gaze made me feel heady with power. The fact that I could give this beautiful man pleasure with my tattered body and soul was electrifying.

  My hands grew bolder and wandered down his body. His sharp intake of breath delighted me and I ran my fingertips over his erection and cupped him in my hand. The low moan from deep in his chest was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard and my smile grew wider.

  In a jolting rush of awareness, I realized my fangs hadn’t dropped. I froze. My mind raced and I was torn between wanting to scream with joy or sob with relief. There was no stab of pain in my gums. No burning pinch in the tips of my fingers to alert me that my nails would soon become claws.

  “Don’t stop,” he begged. “Feels so good.”

  “I’m not a freak,” I choked out on a whisper.

  “Not even close,” he said, gently pressing his forehead to mine. “You’re just a little broken and I’m pretty fucking close to irreparable.”

  He was right and he was wrong. I was broken, but he wasn’t irreparable. I was sure I could help him be less broken like he was helping me. He just had to let me…

  “Maybe together we could be broken pieces that make a whole,” I told him.

  Carter pulled back and his eyes met mine. For what felt like an eternity we stared a
t each other—not moving a muscle. Slowly, a smile pulled at his lips and I released the breath I wasn’t aware I’d been holding.

  “I’m a really bad bet, Georgia from Georgia.”

  “I’m even worse,” I replied.

  He paused and reverently ran a calloused fingertip across my kiss-swollen lips. “Then maybe you’re correct. Maybe two wrongs can make a right—or maybe not.”

  “For today, I’m going with yes,” I said, letting my hand travel back down his naked body until I found what I was searching for. My mouth replaced my hand and my tongue darted out and tasted him. My eyes stayed glued to Carter’s. He swore when I wrapped my lips around him and sucked. His hips began to move involuntarily.

  “You have a very nice thingie,” I said, coming up for air.

  His laugh filled the room and I went back to work. Taking him as far back into my throat as possible, I felt sexier than I’d ever felt.

  “Stop,” he said gruffly, backing away. “As much as it pains me to make you stop—and trust me—it pains me. The first time I come today is going to be inside you.”

  “The first time?” I asked with a raised brow and a grin.

  “You heard me,” he growled, reaching between my legs and teasing me with his talented fingers. “I do believe you’re wet, Georgia from Georgia.”

  “It’s your fault, Carter Davis,” I said on a moan as I rubbed my body against his hand.

  “Bet I can make you wetter.”

  “I dare you,” I challenged with a giggle.

  With the heel of his hand on my clit, he pushed two fingers inside me and curved them finding the spot that made stars dance across my vision. I gasped and was pretty sure I was going to implode.

  “Need you now,” I begged, taking him into my hand and stroking him.


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