Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

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Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) Page 10

by Kunz, C. A.

  All the guys in the classroom ripped out a piece of paper as quick as they could and began writing feverishly. Collecting the papers, Mrs. Rosenbaum thumbed through them, stopping on Cat’s. She looked up right at Cat and smirked. Cat didn’t notice.

  “Cat! Cat! Over here,” A female voice yelled out from the bleachers as Cat walked into her fourth period swim class with Hannah and Duffie. She looked up, startled by the young girl flailing her arms in the air and calling her name. Cat waved, not knowing who she was, but made her way up to her smiling face anyway. “Oh Cat, I’m sooo excited that I get to swim next to such a living legend as yourself!” The girl announced.

  “Thanks, but I’m not that good,” Cat replied.

  “Don’t be so modest, you’re totally amazing!” the girl exclaimed.

  “Sorry, but I’m drawing a blank on where I know you from,” Cat said as she took a seat by the girl.

  “I’m Shannon Starks! My mom’s Glenda. You know, the front office receptionist? We went to all of your meets last year! I’m such a fan!” Shannon gushed. Duffie and Hannah looked at Cat, both with an unsure look on their faces. “Will you be my swim partner when we pair up? Oh please, please, please?” Shannon asked, her eyes growing wide.

  Cat groaned to herself, “Sure, I’d love to.”

  “Oh look girls, there’s Catherine Colvin and her misfit friends,” Kirsten announced as she walked up the bleachers with Tonya and Jessica in tow. As she passed, she gave Duffie a slight nudge on the shoulder.

  “Hi, my name is Shannon.”

  Kirsten looked at her with disgust, “Like I care,” she replied and then snickered as she took her seat near the top of the bleachers.

  “That girl is going to be a pain, I can feel it,” Duffie murmured.

  “It’s okay you two, just ignore her. Robbing her of attention is like her kryptonite,” Cat explained as she glared back at Kirsten, who, along with the rest of her Trifecta entourage, was all grins.

  After lunch, Matt rushed to the bulletin board located by the gym. He had eagerly anticipated this moment ever since football tryouts. He was sure he had made the team. Scanning the roster with his index finger, he came upon his name. He stopped and stood still, completely motionless. His group finally caught up to him.

  “Well, spaz, did you make it or not?” Amanda asked.

  “Yeah, Matt, what position are you playing?” Julie chimed in. Everyone stood there patiently waiting for his response. Slowly, he turned around and met the group with a blank stare.

  “Yes!” he suddenly screamed out. “I can’t believe I made it!” As he moved away from the roster, Cat and the rest of the group crowded around in disbelief, looking for his name. Next to the position, team assistant was: Matthew Thomas. “I’m the new team assistant! I can’t believe it!” The group turned to look at him, not understanding his current state of happiness after finding out he was basically the team’s new waterboy. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, they agreed to not ruin his moment and instead decided to relish in it with him.

  “Congrats, Matt, you’ll be the best waterboy, I mean team assistant, this school has ever seen,” Cat said enthusiastically. Amanda tried unsuccessfully not to laugh at the idea. Hiding behind Cat and Julie, Amanda hid her laugh and bright red face behind her jacket.

  “Can you imagine the amount of chicks, I mean women, I’ll be able to attract now that I’m on the football team?”

  “Oh, they’ll be all over you for sure,” Amanda said sarcastically, laughing out loud.

  “Ignore her, Matt, you’ll be great,” Julie assured him.

  Jonathen, the captain of the football team, approached the group. His younger brother Brandon, an incoming freshman, was next to him. Brandon was a miniature version of Jonathen. Both had broad shoulders, blond hair, and an athletic build, with striking good looks and chiseled faces. Like Matt, Brandon had tried out for the football team over the summer.

  “Hey guys, you all know my little brother Brandon, right?” Jonathen asked the group. Brandon quickly waved to them and then hurried over to the bulletin board to look for his name.

  “I made the team!” he exclaimed, as he high-fived his older brother.

  “Was there any doubt, bro?”

  “That’s awesome, Brandon. What position?” Cat asked

  “I’m lead running back for the freshman team. I can’t wait to be second string behind Ryan on varsity next year,” he replied as his older brother gave him a quick glare.

  “Oh, and congrats, Matt, on becoming the team’s assistant. It’s a tough job man, I hope you’re up for it,” Jonathen said with a smile, trying to change the subject.

  “I’m the man for the job!” Matt exclaimed and smiled ear to ear.

  Realizing it was only minutes until the bell, Cat rushed down the hall toward her locker after saying her hurried goodbyes. Not wanting to be late, she feverishly dialed in her locker combo and threw it open, grabbing for her biology notebook. Losing her grip on it, it fell to the ground. As she bent down to pick it up a large, polished, black boot stepped down on it. “I kind of need that,” she said, trying to wrestle it from underneath the shoe. Letting out a frustrated sigh she stood up and came face to face with Isaac, who was grinning devilishly at her.

  “Oh, my deepest apologies, is that your notebook under my foot?” he asked smugly. Cat just glared at him. Isaac’s grin increased.

  “Can I have my notebook, please?” Cat asked, anger showing in her eyes.

  “Sure, by all means, take it,” he replied innocently. Cat bent down and grabbed for it, noticing that more people had gathered behind him. She tried to pry the book from under his foot, but to no avail. Standing abruptly, Cat glared at Isaac again. This time she was met by the evil stares of not only Isaac, but also Amelia, and the Stone twins.

  “Having issues, Cat?” Amelia asked condescendingly as the Stone twins grinned and snickered.

  “No, actually I was just leaving,” Cat replied bluntly. Anger surged through her as she bent down and grabbed for her notebook again. Isaac applied more pressure on it. Cat grabbed his ankle tightly and threw his foot off the notebook, causing him to stumble backward. After picking it up, she glared at Isaac and his group. Isaac stared at her in shock as Cat walked away.

  “How did she do that?” Isaac asked confused.

  “Why did you let her go?” Amelia asked.

  “We thought we were going to play with her,” the Stone twins said in unison.

  “I used all my strength to push down,” he replied, anger lacing his voice.

  “All your strength, are you sure?” Amelia asked in a whisper.

  “Yeah, all my strength,” he replied with one eyebrow raised. The stunned group watched Cat as she hurried down the hall.

  The last bell rang as Cat rushed into biology. The whole class turned and looked at her as she stopped dead in her tracks. Looking around the room, she realized every desk was taken.

  “You must be Catherine Colvin,” a male voice sounded from the front of the class. She turned to see her teacher holding the class roster in his hands.

  “Sorry I’m late sir, locker trouble,” Cat replied.

  “It’s okay, but just don’t make it an everyday occurrence, okay?” he said, checking her off as present.

  “Got it, won’t happen again.” Mr. Pierson turned around and began writing on the chalkboard. “Umm, sir, where do I sit?” Cat asked.

  “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. They kind of loaded this class up for some reason. Umm, how about at one of the lab tables. I’ll get an extra desk brought over for tomorrow’s class,” he replied with a smile. Cat shyly took her seat on the stool behind the large black-topped table, embarrassed that everyone was still staring at her. She saw Hannah sitting in the back row. Hannah waved and mouthed “sorry” to her. “Damn Isaac, and his damn group,” Cat muttered to herself.


  Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

  “Lordie, lordie, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Elsie
remarked as she opened the door and saw who was standing in front of her. “Aldon and Druanna are going to be so surprised!” their housekeeper gushed.

  “Well, Elsie, you have not changed in all these years, in fact you look younger,” the handsome and distinguished man replied, bringing a big smile to Elsie’s round face.

  “Oh Edgar, you big flirt! Now get yourself in here right now, and let me go find those two. I just returned from running errands. I’m not sure if Druanna is back yet. Have a seat in the living room, make yourself comfortable,” she rambled, taking his coat.

  Edgar Girven watched as Elsie’s short, round body bounced down the hallway and out of sight. The councilman shook his head, hating the sensation of his silver-laced black hair being bound by a leather strip, instead of being free like he wore it back home. He was fatigued. The trip from Austria had been a rough one. Instead of sitting, he decided to wander around the room, admiring the antiques and baubles Aldon had collected during his world travels.

  “Edgar, you sly devil. Why didn’t you let us know you were coming?” Aldon’s huge voice echoed in the large living room. The gray-bearded giant moved forward to shake Edgar's hand briskly.

  “I wanted to surprise you, and apparently I have done a good job of it old friend.”

  “Yes, you have. Druanna is out, but should be home shortly. Hope you are here to stay awhile.”

  Edgar stretched his arms out wide. “Thank you, I think I will. That trip practically did me in. I don’t know how you enjoy traveling so much. Those airplanes are so small and claustrophobic. I like having my feet firmly planted on the ground, and not ten thousand miles in the atmosphere.” He laughed, joining Aldon’s infectious one.

  “Would you like a nap before dinner?” Aldon asked.

  “No, but what I would like is a drink and a game of pool. You still have the pool table, right?”

  “Of course! Just because we are old, does not mean we do not like our toys,” Aldon chuckled as he slapped an arm around his shorter friend’s shoulder, and escorted him to the billiard room.

  “That was absolutely delicious, Elsie!” Edgar announced, looking at her blushing face as she began collecting the dinner plates.

  “It was just some meat and potatoes with a few veggies thrown in, nothing special,” she replied.

  “Well, it must be that Elsie touch then.” He laughed, seeing her face becoming redder by the minute.

  “Now you folks move to the living room so I can clear this up. No, Druanna, put that down and go converse with the men. They need guidance, they’re men after all.” Elsie finished picking up the plates and gave Druanna, who wasn’t much taller than her, but a great deal thinner, a little push toward the door.

  “Okay, bossy, I’m going.” Druanna smiled and followed the two men. She heard Elsie humming a tune behind her as she headed into the kitchen.

  “So what brings you to our fair town?” Aldon asked Edgar as he sat on the couch opposite him.

  “Several things actually. First to see you and lovely Druanna, of course,” he said, wriggling his eyebrows at Druanna, making her giggle. “I would also like to hold a meeting with the rest of the group about these weird disappearances. And last, but not least, I would like to request a dinner invitation from the Colvins. The council thinks it is about time one of the members meets this young lady who has been causing quite a stir in our meetings as of late. And I nominated me,” he joked.

  “Well, all of that can easily be arranged. But I’m warning you to quit flirting with my wife. She doesn’t like it,” Aldon said sternly and threw back his head, laughing heartily as Druanna smacked his hand.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Cat announced as she came around the corner to the cave. Ryan silenced her, kissing her senseless until she forgot what she was about to say. His hands brushed through her hair, making her heart speed up, and though the air from the ocean was cool, she felt like she was in a sauna.

  “What were you going to say?” Ryan whispered into her ear, sending a shiver down her body.

  “I forgot,” she murmured as he nibbled at her ear. “Stop it, Ryan. Behave! I’m here to train,” she stated as she gently pushed away from him, and tried to control the feelings surging inside of her.

  “But this is training too. And we can’t get enough practice, now can we?” he chuckled, watching her try to pull herself together. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was messed up, but in a good way.

  “Ryan, stop,” she said while backing away from him. “Let me catch my breath, you’re such a…well, I can’t think of what you are at the moment, but you are one,” she huffed indignantly. He grinned as he watched her put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  “Okay, you win, we’ll train.”

  “No touching exercises okay? Promise?”

  “Okay, I won’t touch you,” he replied while turning around so she didn’t see his smirk. I’m going to make her wish she hadn’t promised that, yes I am, he thought. “Alright, time to train, Red Hot. Keep in mind that you asked for this, okay?”

  “I’m ready, let’s do this,” Cat replied. How hard can this training stuff be? We’re vampires, she thought.

  “Okay, first we’ll start with shifting, which is moving quickly from one place to another. Now, watch me,” Ryan said as he stood in front of her. Cat blinked and he was gone. Her eyes darted around the area looking for him, only to find him standing at the cave’s entrance.

  “I didn’t even see you move. Do you think I can do that?”

  “I know you can,” he replied with a smile. “Now, let me show you something else, and then we’ll practice.” Ryan walked over to stand in front of her. “Alright, I want you to attack me.”

  “Attack you? What if I hurt you?” she asked smugly.

  “Do you want to learn or not?” Ryan raised an eyebrow, his baby blue eyes penetrating hers.

  “Sorry. So, you just want me to attack you?” Ryan nodded. “Okay, here goes nothing.” Cat moved forward and reached out to grab him. Ryan moved so quickly she lost sight of him. All that was left was a faint black outline of his body. It looked like his shadow. Feeling a tapping on her shoulder, Cat turned to her left and saw him standing there.

  “Alright, one more time. Attack me,” Ryan ordered, standing there nonchalantly. Without hesitation, Cat lunged for him. Ryan sidestepped, leaving his faint, shadowy outline in front of her again. Connecting with it, Cat clutched the shadow in her arms, and it dissipated into a puff of smoke when she hit the ground.

  “Okay, how’d you do that?” she asked while pushing herself up from the ground.

  Ryan chuckled. “It’s called fading. And you’ll find out soon enough.”

  “So, I can do that too, huh? What’s next?

  “Well, I know you’re in shape from swimming, but you also have more strength you can tap into. You’ve got to be careful to control it, or you could end up hurting someone when you don’t mean to. Watch,” he stated, moving over to a large boulder buried in the sand and proceeded to lift it up as if it weighed nothing. “Remember, since you’re still half human, you always need to stretch before we begin. Don’t want you hurting yourself,” he said as he threw the boulder off to the side, and then moved over to the cushioned black mat in the corner of the cave. Cat crossed the room and started following his instructions for the exercises he wanted her to do. This is going to be a piece of cake, she thought as she bent over to touch her toes.

  “I think we’ve practiced enough today,” Ryan chuckled looking down at Cat as she laid face first on the mat.

  “Yeah…I think we should…call it a day,” she replied, drenched in sweat and trying to catch her breath.

  “So grab your stuff, and we’ll get going.”

  “Where are we taking off to?” Cat asked with a mischievous grin that quickly turned to a look of puzzlement, as Ryan grabbed his stuff and walked out of the cave. “Gentleman much? No, that’s okay Ryan, I don’t need any help getting up,” she rambled to herself as she climbed to he
r feet. Every muscle screamed at her for moving. Her legs felt like jelly and her arms not much better. And here I thought I was in shape.

  “Are you coming?” Ryan asked, re-entering the cave with his back pack slung over his shoulder.

  Cat picked up her bag, disappointment running through her. “Okay, so when is our next training session?” she asked, trying to keep her feelings in check.

  “I’ll let you know at school.” Ryan held back a snicker as he watched her face fall. Cat moved ahead of him out of the cave and sped up as she felt him trying to catch up with her.

  “Cat, is something wrong?”

  “No, why would there be? I just want to get home. I’m cold.”

  “Have I upset you?” Ryan asked, glad that she was ahead of him and couldn’t see his grin. “Cat, wait up!”

  “I told you, I’m cold, and I want to get to my Jeep. It’s not my fault you can’t keep up,” she huffed.

  Ryan let her move further ahead of him, watching her struggle through the loose sand, muttering to herself, and trying to keep her balance. He knew her legs had to be tired after the rigorous training.

  In her anger, Cat didn’t see the piece of driftwood half hidden in the sand and tripped, falling forward. Ryan shifted to her side and stared down at her.

  “Can I touch you now? To help you up of course,” he asked finally laughing out loud.

  “Ryan, you’re such a jerk!” Cat stated jokingly as she sat up and brushed the sand off of her. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” she murmured.

  “Well, can I?” he asked again his face solemn, all trace of humor gone.

  “No, but you can join me,” she laughed, grabbing his hand, and pulling him off balance so he fell beside her.

  “My pleasure,” he smiled as he took hold of her. As Ryan’s lips found hers, he laid back, pulling her down with him. Her long fiery-red hair draped over his face, smelling like fresh peaches and salty air. “That will teach you never to make me promise not to touch you.”


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