Buying My Bride_A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance

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Buying My Bride_A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance Page 47

by Zoey Parker

  “Lauren!” Michael bellowed my name from downstairs. I’d been spending most of my day hiding from him. Three weeks had passed since the warehouse, and he deemed me physically fit enough to endure my punishment.

  Originally, I hoped he would forget, that the injury to my face would be seen as punishment enough. It had the exact opposite effect on him. Watching the bruising change colors and fade and the swelling go down only reminded him on a daily basis my defiance and how close I came to getting killed.

  Taking over the running of the garage at the club had taken most of his time over the past few weeks. It didn’t stop him from trying to bully me into doing what he said, though. I did cave about my cleaning job. He demanded I quit and concentrate on school. I gave notice with the maid service, but told him I was keeping my job at the shelter. It wasn’t so much a job as it was my way of giving back.

  At night, he picked me up from my shift and took me to the garage while he finished his work there. I studied in his office while he did whatever he did until he finally let us go home. Pierre showed up for class a week after his father had died right in front of me, looking shaken and worried at the sight of me. He apologized for the confusion over the internship placements and wished me luck. He would be taking an internship in New York.

  But three weeks had passed and it was time to pay up, as Michael said.

  “Lauren! If I have to come up there to get you, it’s only going to get worse. Get your ass down here.”

  Worse? What could be worse than what he described to me last night? After he fucked me breathless he announced my punishment would take place the next day. Then he laid out exactly what all that entailed. Some of it sounded pretty arousing, but I did not like the idea of having to wear a chastity belt for a full day. He knew his spankings were starting to turn me on, and that was his weapon now. A long spanking over his knee, a short session with my newly acquired vibrator to bring me to the edge until he deemed I’d had enough, and then he’d be locking me into a leather belt that wouldn’t allow me access to my own body. This would be repeated several times over the course of the day.

  I opened the door to the bedroom and started to walk down the steps to the living room where he sat on the couch, all implements in hand.

  “Can’t we do this upstairs? The neighbors will hear.” I pointed to the window. He’d closed the shades, but the room wasn’t sound proof.

  “Not my problem.” He shrugged. His stern face had taken over the soft, loving expressions he showed me only a few hours before. “Take off your clothes, Lauren.”

  I pulled my sundress up over my head and tossed it on the couch near him.

  He shook his head. “Did you want to add more for attitude?”

  “No.” I shook my head. I was already worried I wouldn’t make it through the first round without losing my mind.

  “Come here and lay your pretty ass over my lap.” He sat back on the couch and patted his legs. Of all the men in the world I could have fallen in love with, it had to be a spanker. Although, I must admit, I wasn’t really complaining.

  Once I was settled over his lap, he ran his hand over my cheeks. “Such creamy skin, but not for long.” He didn’t give me any time to adjust or prepare before his hand came down hard on my ass again and again and again.

  I wiggled, squealed, tried to climb off his lap, but all to no avail. He continued on until he was good and done. By then, my ass was a blazing inferno, but it didn’t stop my clit from waking and wanting his touch.

  “That should do for now.” He patted my raw backside. “Stand up.” He helped me to my feet. “Spread your legs and put your hands behind your head.”

  “Michael.” I tried again to plead for him to change his mind.

  “Another word and I’ll get the belt out. I’m going easy on you; don’t make me regret that.”

  Once my hands were interlocked behind my head, I felt the vibrations of my vibrator on my clit. Instinctively, I pushed my pelvis toward it, needing more pressure. It only took moments before I felt my climax building. I tried to hide my expression, hoping to slip one orgasm in before he took it away, but he knew me too well. He turned off the vibrator and pulled me right back over his knee for another spanking.

  “Michael! Oh! Oh!” I wiggled even more during the second round, as my backside was even tenderer, but he didn’t let up the intensity. When he let me back up, he put me right back into position, moving the vibe over my clit, and slipping two fingers into my pussy. I thought I would die if he didn’t let me come, but he proved me wrong, withdrawing all sensations right when the waves were about to crash into me. I growled as he yanked me back over his lap for a third round.

  “Never again will you disobey me, isn’t that right, my Lauren?”

  “No, I won’t! I promise!” I tried to cover my ass, but he held my hands away from my backside as he peppered me with more smacks.

  This time when the vibe started on me, I squealed. My clit was becoming ultra-sensitive, which only made him smile wider. “That’s a good girl.” He brought me to the edge three more times before he slipped on the leather belt. Locking it in place at my hip, he gave a kiss to my cheek, where it was wet from all my tears. “I told Tanner what I was going to do to you for disobeying me.”

  I turned to him with wide eyes. I didn’t know they talked.

  “That last round of spanking was for him. I was only planning on two rounds.”

  “Traitor,” I whispered.

  “Ah, well, you haven’t heard what Johnny wants me to do to you. I believe he’s still working on it, but he’s promised to have a nice wooden paddle all polished up and ready for me by next week. He wants me to hang it in the garage.”

  “You talk to your friends too much about us. You’re turning into a gossiping woman,” I hissed, almost forgetting the burn in my backside and the uncomfortable fit of the leather chastity belt.

  Instead of striking back, he threw his head back and laughed. “That’s why I love you, Lauren. You keep me on my toes.” He pulled me to him and kissed me soundly.

  When he let me up for air I smiled. “And I love you, Michael, because you keep me on my back.”

  Again he laughed and pinched my ass. “Such a smartass you are. Come on, let’s get lunch. You can put your dress back on if you want. Although, I’m sure the material will feel raw against your ass. It’s a perfect shade of red.” I felt the heat creep up my neck. “It almost matches your face right about now.” He helped me put the dress back on and led me into the kitchen where he had a pizza sitting on the island.

  I sat gingerly for a few days after that afternoon, but at no point did I worry that Michael didn’t love me. After our pizza, he took me upstairs and rubbed cream over my hurting backside. He was true to his word about not letting me find my orgasm that day, but the next morning he woke me up with the announcement that my punishment was over, and I needed to thank him by giving him three orgasms in a row.

  Obedient as ever, I gave in to his commands and followed every instruction he gave me. At least for that day.


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  Don’t Take My Baby: Twisted Ghosts MC

  By Zoey Parker


  If my boss wants to try to screw me over, I’ll hit him where it hurts most:

  By seducing his precious daughter.

  I kidnap the girl and hit the road.

  Everything was going to plan until the unexpected happened…

  I started to fall for her.



  “Hey, man, what’s up?” Usually Shift wa
ited and caught up with me after work if he needed me for anything. What the hell was he doing at the jobsite first thing in the morning?

  The last time he rode out to meet me that early, it was because our old VP had died. I dreaded to know what kind of news he had for me now.

  “I have a job for you,” he said after we greeted each other with an embrace. He wasn’t even trying to keep his voice down. He didn’t care who heard him.

  “A job?” I said quietly as I walked farther away from my boss’s trailer, making sure no one could hear us, especially not Mr. Kelly.

  He laughed. “It’s okay, Brawn. This isn’t an MC job. Well, it sort of is. One of the guys just bought a Cal King mattress and wants you to build him a nice frame for it.”

  “That’s all you came out here to tell me, bro? That could have waited until the end of the day.” I laughed, though I wasn’t amused. He didn’t have to come out and pull me away from my day job to tell me about a side project.

  “Yeah, it’s Brash. He says he’s willing to pay you a pretty good bit for it, too.”

  I could see in his eyes the real reason why he came out to my dusty old jobsite to tell me about the offer. It wasn’t because Brash had just moved and would probably need more work done. I had actually been waiting to hear from him about furniture for his patio and a few things he wanted done around his new house.

  No, the reason Shift had come out was to offer me money for my side work. It figured.

  “Man, I can’t accept payment from one of The Twisted Ghosts. You know that.” I was pissed he would even make the offer.

  “Hey, you won’t let me give you any money, so I figured you’d accept some for a job,” Shift said, trying to justify his dick move.

  “Look, I’ve already been talking to Brash about some of the stuff he wants done around the new house. I’ll get with him about the bedframe, but that’s it. I’m not asking him for money, and I’m definitely not accepting any,” I told him and started to walk away.

  “Then, what the hell are you going to do?” Shift called behind me.

  He was right to ask. What the hell was I going to do? I hadn’t planned on working in construction as a carpenter. I had planned on opening my own place. That was why I stopped working for Mark. I didn’t want to accept anybody’s stupid charity to make it happen, though. I wanted to prove I could do it on my own, make my own calls.

  “I’ll figure something out,” I told Shift.

  “Sure you will. You’ve been working for this dick bag for how long?” he asked, stepping closer to me.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, man. Why don’t you tell me, since you’re so worried about what I’m doing? You tell me how long I’ve been here. You tell me how broke I am and how I haven’t earned any money for the MC. You tell me, Shift. And while you’re at it, tell me how to fix it.”

  “I’ve already told you how to fix it, bro,” he said coolly, standing back and holding up his hands like he was giving up on talking anymore about it.

  “Cool. That’s all you got, though, isn’t it? Just loaning me the money or landing me some good charity work. I see.” I nodded, trying to drive my point home with him and hoping my brother would finally understand where I was coming from. I didn’t want any charity work. I didn’t want any fucking handouts.

  “Come on, man, this is what the MC is all about. We help each other out when we can. You’re more than Ghost family, brother. You’re my real family. Let me help. I don’t want to see you doing something stupid like running a strip joint just to help with the money for the MC,” Shift insisted. “You still have a chance to follow your dream.”

  Carpentry to woodworking weren’t just dreams though. They were the only natural talents I had, other than getting women into bed. I could have any woman I wanted.

  Unfortunately, there wasn’t a whole lot of respectable work out there for a guy who could do what I could, sexually. My goal, instead, had always been to open my own shop and go into business for myself. But I was going to do it myself. I didn’t want to owe anyone any part of my business at the end of the day.

  “I have time to follow my dreams is what you mean,” I corrected my older brother. “In reality, it takes money to do that.”

  “Okay, it takes money. Funny how we always come back to that part of it. How much are you making here?” he asked me. His voice was stern, as his question was rhetorical. He already knew I was only making pennies on the dollar working for Mr. Kelly.

  Of course I didn’t answer. I looked down at the dry, dusty ground and kicked at the loose dirt with my work boots. The fact was I was making pennies on the dollar compared to what I could have been making on my own.

  “You’ve been working for him for how long now? It’s been a while hasn’t it?” he continued his questioning.

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s been a minute.” I kept my answer short and quick.

  “How much have you been able to save up toward starting your own business?”

  That was the nail in the coffin. I hadn’t been able to save up any money. I barely made enough to keep my head afloat. All the while, everyone could see the dollar signs in Mr. Kelly’s eyes. He kept our hours long and our pay short. Didn’t want anyone doing better.

  “Listen, if you let the guys help you out and pay you for some of the work they need, you’ll have enough money to get off the ground. And you know how it works, Brawn. Once you get to where you can help the MC, you get a cut of the profits. Off the top. Payment for your service to The Twisted Ghosts.”

  What he meant was that once I was able to launder some of the MC’s cash and make it look legit, I was going to be able to make more money because some of that cash was going to be paid out to me for my service, basically hazard pay for risking everything for the MC. It meant letting Numbers handle my books – no, his name wasn’t obvious at all.

  “No thanks, brother.” I grabbed Shift’s shoulder. “I want to do this on my own.”

  “And you can. I do,” he said with a smug little grin.

  “You’re full of shit, too,” I told him with a laugh. The only thing keeping the strip club off the ground was the money from the MC.

  “That may be, but at least Numbers makes all that extra dough look vegan kosher in case anyone comes looking,” he reminded me.

  I sighed and kicked around more dirt. Talking about the MC in front of my boss’s office made me nervous. Mr. Kelly wasn’t the most upstanding individual himself. There were stories. He was connected somehow, had ties to the mafia or some other criminal organization. Whether or not he did, I wasn’t completely sure, but he did seem to listen to our every word and watch our every move at work. He kept a close watch and tried to run a tight ship. It was like he was keeping an eye on his employees for someone else.

  Because I worked for Lucas Kelly, I had come under fire for not providing any assistance or service to the MC. No money ran through Kelly’s office for The Twisted Ghosts. To make matters even stranger, there were three or four bikers working for him, each of us from different MCs. We all agreed to behave ourselves while keeping an eye on Kelly to make sure he was legit. So far, there was no definitive evidence that the rumors about him were true.

  “Just think about it,” Shift said with a hand on my shoulder. “I know you gotta get back to work, brother. Stop by the clubhouse this afternoon so we can talk more.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I told my older brother. He was always trying to help, but I was getting tired of walking in his shadow. As my older brother, he was always in front, always leading the way. Not this time.

  “Well, the offer stands,” he reminded me, removing his hand from my shoulder.

  “Thanks, but I’ve got a plan already,” I lied. I didn’t have a plan. I had been trying to figure one out for months, trying to find some way to get the money I needed without having to go to my brother or the MC. So far, nothing, but Shift didn’t need to know that. I needed him to think I had it all figured out so he’d stop hassling me.

  He shot me a knowing glance – knowing I was full of it; the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. “All right, whatever. You’ve got a job if you want it, payment if you want it. And if you don’t want it, fine. Just keep working here with your shady ass boss.”

  I was taken aback by his sudden shift in tone. He sounded downright offended that I was reluctant to accept his help.

  He leaned in and lowered his voice. “When the shit hits the fan, you better remember where you stand,” he threatened, and I could only guess he was talking about when things went south for Kelly. There were a lot of eyes on him, waiting for him to make even the slightest mistake.

  Shift’s warning made me instinctively glance over my shoulder.

  Shift really bought into the MC. He was one of the senior members, one of the heads of the club. I was surprised he wasn’t the VP, even though everyone treated him like it, including the VP himself.


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