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Rogue Page 1

by Lea Hart


  McCallan Brothers

  Book One

  Lea Hart

  Copyright © 2018 by Lea Hart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Lea Hart

  Visit my website at


  For My Daughters, My Heartbeat


  I would like to thank Janell Parque for her editorial wisdom.

  McCallan Brothers Series

  Three Brothers and their security company sit at the center of these contemporary romances.

  These are passionate romances with powerful heroes and confident, determined women.

  Beautifully layered, complex characters find love, forgiveness, and recovery in these heart-wrenching, intensely emotional stories.


  Cole walked into the conference room and ran his hand over the back of his neck, wondering why he’d hired an accountant with the best ass in Vegas. Silently groaning, he reminded himself that he was a respectable businessman with a multi-million-dollar security company and needed to act accordingly.

  His hood-rat days were long behind him, and he wasn’t a damn delinquent anymore. Clearing his throat so he wouldn’t startle the shit out of Kelly like he normally did, he watched her slowly turn, wearing a professional smile.

  He hated that fucking smile.

  The woman was fire and ice, and he much preferred her bitching him out to the polite indifference she loved to smother him in.

  Which certainly had a lot to do with the perverse pleasure he took in poking her until she showed him what he loved. “Here, as requested,” he said as he walked up to the conference table.

  “Thank you, Cole, for stopping by. There are a few items I’d like to review before I finish your year-to-date summary. Jared has brought some expenses to my attention, and we need to make sure the men understand the new policy.”

  “Why do you use ten words when five will do? You’ve worked with me for close to a year, so just cut to the chase and we can move on to the fun stuff. Color rose to her cheeks, and her dark green eyes sparked as she snapped the pencil in her hand in half. There you are, sweetheart, he thought to himself as the pulse in her neck fluttered.

  “It’s called speaking in full sentences and being professional. A concept that I know you’re familiar with, despite the way you choose to behave with me.”

  “We’re past that. I run a thirty-six-hour-day despite the fact that there are twenty-four, and hate wasting time. And since you’re intimately entwined in my…business, we can speak frankly.” The gold in her green eyes flashed, and he wondered if she ever thought about entwining her body with his. When her eyes got mean and squinty, he decided probably not.

  “If I ever spoke frankly, as you put it, your hair would light on fire, and you’d get rid of me on the spot.” Tapping her fingers against her hips, she shrugged. “On second thought, maybe I should.”

  “Kelly, you’d never dare because you’d miss me like hell.” He bumped her shoulder and winked. “Admit it; you like wrangling with me, if only for the pleasure of showing me who’s smarter.” She arched an eyebrow in response, and he grinned. “I’ll take that as agreement.”

  “Then you’re a fool.”

  She bent over to pick up the broken pencil, and he groaned silently as he pictured the many things he’d enjoy doing to her in that position. She had full hips, and he’d love nothing more than to sink his fingers into her flesh as he drove himself into her tight welcoming heat.

  And, if he left handprints on her gorgeous skin, then it’d be all the better.

  Unfortunately, it was never going to happen since he didn’t screw around with people he worked with. Add to that the fact that she’d never be interested in the likes of him and he knew the fantasy would stay locked up safe and sound in his sick head.

  Placing the broken pencil on the conference table, she picked up a stack of papers and gave him a hard gaze. “I’m guessing you never told the men about the allowable expenses they could claim when traveling.” She waved the papers back and forth and let out a huff. “Renting porn in their hotel rooms and charging condoms in the hotel gift shop are not expenses that Uncle Sam allows.”

  He stepped closer and was immediately surrounded by her scent and felt himself harden. God damn flowers, got him every time.

  Taking the stack of papers, he moved around to a chair and collapsed. “This isn’t shit that needs my attention and, for your information, I had Heidi send out a memo exactly like you asked. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it’s going to take more than a minute for the guys to get on board with the new rules.”

  Taking a seat across from him, she folded her hands. “You can’t play both sides of the fence. One minute you want to micro-manage me and the next you’re complaining that I’ve wasted your precious time by making you aware of a situation.”

  Leaning back, he dropped the papers on the table and crossed his arms. He hated when she was right, and considering it happened about ninety-five percent of the time, it was a real pisser. “Fine, I’ll stop bitching. I know you’ve been pulling our ass out of the fire since this IRS thing came up and going through five years of tax returns is a crap job.”

  “Thank you for recognizing the situation for what it is.” She straightened the folders on the table and nodded. “I’m just trying to do the job that you’ve entrusted me with. The first year is always brutal when putting systems in place, but I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  “Is Jared going to be able to maintain everything, or do I need to hire you full-time?”

  “Jared is an extremely competent bookkeeper and more than qualified to maintain all the programs I’ve put in place.”

  “You didn’t answer my other question.”

  “I have no interest in working with you full-time, but I’m more than happy to give you several recommendations.”

  “Don’t hold back, babe, tell me how you really feel.”

  “I know it’s hard to believe, but your colorful personality isn’t all that entertaining.”

  Slapping his hand to his chest, he gave her what he hoped was a wounded expression. When she rolled her eyes, he laughed. “Considering you threaten to have me killed at least once a week, I’d say we’re even.”

  “Which should tell you that a long-term business relationship would never work.”

  “Should I infer from that comment that a personal one would be of more interest?”

  “Only if pigs fly and all the other men on the earth have been taken in a zombie apocalypse and batteries suddenly become unavailable.”

  He let out a bark of laughter. “At least you left me with a small glimmer of hope.”

  Shrugging, she gave him a polite smile. “I’d be considered rude if I didn’t.”

  “Couldn’t have that happen.” He loved the push-pull they had going, and most days didn’t know who finished on top. Not that it mattered because if they ever got together, he didn’t care what position they ended up in. “Do you really not want to work here full-time?”

  “I really don’t, Cole. And it’s not because you irritate me more than any other human being on Earth.” She ran her hand over the table and then looked up. “I like owning my own company and can’t imagine ever working in the same p
lace day after day.”

  Nodding, he wondered how dull his days were going to be when she left. “I get that, but know that I won’t give up on trying to convince you to join us.”

  “Thanks to all of my hard work, you won’t need me to come in more than once or twice a year. Your twenty-five-million-dollar company is not being run like a start-up anymore, and you’ll be fine without me.”

  “You truly think the business is hitting that mark?”

  “Absolutely. The contract you just signed with the UFC for securing the fighters when they’re in town could very well put McCallan Security at thirty-million by the end of the year.”

  Leaning forward, he rested his hands on his spread knees. “God damn that’s not bad for three brothers who barely escaped juvenile hall.”

  “Not bad at all,” she replied as she closed her laptop. “You three have a lot to be proud of.”

  The smile that accompanied the statement was one for the record books because it was the real deal and hit her eyes. He’d probably seen the thing a dozen times since they started working together and he was never prepared for when it hit.

  And this time it was pointed at him.

  Damn miracle as far as he was concerned.

  Giving her one of his own, he knocked his knuckles on the table. “I’d offer you a drink in my office, but I doubt that’s your idea of a celebration.”

  “Or yours,” she replied.

  Deciding another tit for tat would do them no good, he shrugged. “I’ll have Heidi send out another memo about the porn and condoms.”

  “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “You always do.” He leaned back in his chair and tried to prepare himself. She might look like a straight-laced accountant who believed in following the rules, but she had a twisty mind, and every once in a while, she came up with a real doozy.

  “Why don’t you buy the team a second tablet that’s not networked to the company’s mainframe, and that way they can use it without a history being recorded. We can expense it as equipment, or if you want to make it a gift, then we’ll take the deduction.”

  “Are you trying to help the guys with their entertainment needs?”

  Straightening her shoulders, she gave him a disapproving frown. “You’ve said a thousand times the men who work for you are the most important resource of the company. I’m merely suggesting a way to ensure the resource is as happy as can be.”

  Waving his hand, he let out a laugh. “It’s a great idea, and you should tell them it was you who thought of it.”

  “More than happy to. I might also tell them to buy the big box condoms from Costco and not get ripped off by buying them in a hotel. It’s highway robbery what they charge and wasting that kind of money makes me sick.”

  It was hard as hell not to bust out laughing, but he somehow managed. “Make that point at the Friday roundup, and I’m sure you’ll have their attention.”

  “I won’t be here because I’ll be with another client all day.”

  Feeling a stab of frustration, he tried not to let it show. He knew she had about a dozen other clients and it pissed him off to think of her doing for others what she did for them.

  “Who are you working with on Friday?”

  “Gio Zanetti. He’s opening up another restaurant and club, and I’m setting up the books for him.”

  “Gio Zanetti of the Zanetti Crime Family?”

  “Yes, but his businesses are legit, and he’s running clean operations that are separate from the family…interests.”

  “You sure about that?”

  Standing, she smoothed out her tailored skirt and then started stacking folders. “Absolutely, I handle all the financials, and the Red Door is completely above board.”

  He tried to keep his eyes away from her ass as she moved around the table and decided standing would make it easier. “As much as a sex club is legit.”

  “Adult Entertainment Club and fine dining establishment.”

  “Is that what it’s called now?”

  “That’s how the IRS sees them, so yes, that’s what they’re called.”

  “And you have no problem working with the son of a crime boss at his sex club?”

  “No, why would I?”

  When she looked up with her big doe eyes and waited, he decided the answer he had would reveal how fucking protective he felt. The idea of her being anywhere near that operation didn’t sit well in his gut, despite the fact that Gio was a close friend. At least he knew the security was top notch since he and his brothers had installed the systems and trained the men on site.

  But that didn’t mean Kelly should be around that kinky shit. He’d been there over the years and knew what happened in the upper levels of the club, and it wasn’t anything she needed to see. “Just make sure Gio or Sal walks you out after you’re done for the day.”

  She let out a laugh and started putting folders into a box. “Not to worry, Gio always takes excellent care of me.”

  What the fuck did that mean? He watched her pick up her laptop and wondered if she and the mobster had a thing. Maybe he had it all wrong, and she wasn’t into monogamy and vanilla sex like he assumed. Maybe she was getting it on with the heir to a crime throne and liked the Red Door for more than their excellent food.

  Letting a picture of what that might look like roll around in his mind wasn’t a good idea, so he wiped it away immediately. “I should head back to my office. Do you need anything else?”

  “No, I’ll be back on Monday. I plan on completing the prep for the meeting with the IRS and setting up the new billing system, so I should be here for most of the week.”

  “Roger that.” Giving her a nod, he walked out of the conference room and headed to his office. Once he stepped in, he was greeted with a view of the Vegas sunset filling the wall of windows. Taking his chair, he spun around and leaned back, trying to process that the company he’d started five years ago was a damn success.

  Seventeen years ago, he’d had a choice between the military and jail, and had he not chosen to go into the Marines, who knows where he would’ve ended up?

  Letting out a snort, he knew it was a lie because there was no doubt he would’ve ended up on the streets of his hometown in Bakersfield.

  Doing criminal shit and trying not to get popped.

  Ten years with Uncle Sam had straightened his ass out and made him a man. And for the hundredth time, he silently thanked the judge who gave him a chance at a new life. Had it not been for him, he’d probably be spending his evening in a jail cell and not in his big ass office enjoying the sunset.

  Filling a glass with a finger of bourbon, he looked around the spacious room and then held it up. “Thank you,” he muttered. He wasn’t sure if there was a God, but if there was, he wanted to acknowledge how damn lucky he and his brothers were.

  They had made it out of the hell they were born into and were in the process of building a life they could all be proud of.

  A life that even a woman like Kelly would want to be a part of.

  Not that it was something he was interested in.

  No way.


  Kelly walked toward the elevator and heard her name. Stopping, she turned and saw beautiful Gio Zanetti give her a smile that would make angels weep. The man was as beautiful as any man Michelangelo painted and certainly could’ve been the inspiration for the angels that decorated the Sistine Chapel.

  “Cara, are you done for the day?”

  “Si, e tutto e in ordine.”

  “Excellent Italian, have you been practicing?”

  “Si ogni giorno. Sto ascoltando il…lessons. Shoot, I don’t know the word for that.”


  She repeated the phrase and nodded. “I’m still planning on going next year and want to be able to communicate as much as I can.”

  “If you practice every day, then you’ll have no problem.”

  He reached around her, pressed the button for the elevator, and she inh
aled his cologne. Such a hard man to resist, she wondered why she bothered.

  They stepped in, and she leaned against the railing. “I haven’t had a chance to study the week’s numbers yet. Is the surcharge we implemented for personal props netting what we projected?” The doors slid open, and she walked off with Gio following closely. “It should add another significant revenue stream, and I’m hoping the first week’s numbers reflect that.”

  “Cara, it’s Friday, so let’s get our drink before we start seducing each other with our talk of revenue and profit.” Leading her to the bar, he nodded to the barman. “A martini for Ms. Morris and my usual.”

  “You got it, boss.”

  “Also, tell Fabrizio we’ll be ready to eat in twenty minutes.”


  Gio pulled out a chair, holding Kelly’s hand as she sat down. “The surcharge idea was brilliant. Everyone who used the rooms this week brought their own whips, cuffs, and whatever else they’re into, and we’ve made a killing. Add to that the decreased costs we’ve incurred for cleaning, and it’s going to be much bigger than either of us anticipated.”

  The drinks were delivered, and she lifted her martini and clinked it against Gio’s glass. “The idea came to me when I was at church, and I’m happy it’s working out.”

  “Are you thinking about my sex club’s clientele while you listen to the sermon on Sunday?”

  “Well, it was about cleanliness, and it got me to thinking about the expense the club incurs for maintaining the private rooms and open spaces. It made sense that people who choose this lifestyle would have their own favorite paddle or cose speciale and they might enjoy having access to them while they’re here in the club.”

  “And you were certainly right.”

  Taking a sip of her chilled martini, she felt her body relax. Every Friday that she worked with Gio ended this way, and she enjoyed the hell out of it. Incredible food, amazing wine with dinner, and great company were the perfect end to her week. “Are you ready for another idea?”


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