
Home > Romance > Rogue > Page 11
Rogue Page 11

by Lea Hart

  Thank God it was after five and most everyone had left for the day.

  As she rode out her orgasm, the steady grind of their bodies had him about coming in his pants, so he started counting backward in his head. Letting her mouth go, he watched her come apart in his arms and wanted to give her another one before he took his own.

  He lifted her up and carried her around his desk and placed her ass on the wood. Sitting in his chair, he grinned as he pulled her yellow panties off her legs. “Now, I’m going to lick up all that sweet honey I made drip out of your pussy.”

  Leaning up on her elbows, she opened her eyes. “Can’t you just…”

  “Be quiet, woman, and enjoy your second orgasm like the lady you are.” He didn’t wait for a response as he slid his chair closer and pushed her legs wide open. “Mine,” he whispered.

  Giving her pussy a soft tender kiss, he used his fingers to spread her lips apart. “So pretty,” he murmured as he dove in. Licking, sucking, and biting every part of her made her moan loudly. “That’s it, babe, let everyone in the office know how good I make you feel.”

  He sucked her pussy lips into his mouth and then let them pop out. Pulling back, he saw her hands grip the edge of the desk and took one in his, linking them. “I may not stop until you pass out.”

  “I’m about to, Cole.”

  “Lay back and get ready.” He worked his tongue over her clit, and groaned, as her sweet flavor rolled across his tongue.

  He could eat her out all night; she was that incredibly addictive. Pushing a finger inside, he found her soft g-spot and applied pressure, keeping the rhythm with his tongue going against her clit. Her body climbed toward its peak and, with one more flick, she came tumbling down with his name on her lips.

  Rubbing her clit, he brought her down gently and licked up all her juices.

  “Oh…Cole, I think you might have ruined me.”

  “Fucking right, I did.” He stood and saw her head thrown to the side with a smile lighting up her face. “Are you still conscious?”


  “Get ready, babe, because the wild ride is about to begin.” He dropped his trousers and took himself in hand. “You might be sore, but it’ll be worth it.”


  Looking up at his enormous cock, she swallowed and wondered if she was going to be able to walk out on her own steam.

  The gleam in his eye told her it might not be possible and when he pulled her body off the desk and turned her around, so her tush was in the air, she knew for sure.

  He gave her a soft slap, and she looked over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  “Enjoying the view,” he replied as he pinched her nipple.

  He nudged his cock into her opening and then slid in as her body opened eagerly. He was harder than a steel pipe, and she felt every thick pulsing inch of him as he rocked his hips back and forth.

  Each thrust sheathed him deeper, and when she thought she couldn’t take more, he thrust harder. Surrounded, there wasn’t a part of her that he didn’t possess, so she closed her eyes and tried to fight the feelings that were attempting to claim her.

  It’s just incredible sex, she told herself. His words don’t mean anything unless his actions follow. All the old lessons ran in her head as Cole played her body perfectly. He knew how to bring her to orgasm, no doubt, but this felt different.

  His cock glided in and out almost reverently, and she wondered if his breathing was rougher against her neck than it had been in the past.

  Crazy thoughts…this was just chemistry and it was time to get out of her head and enjoy it without looking for deeper meaning. His thrusts grew harder, and she let her body take over as she fell headlong into a glorious climax. His grip on her hips became merciless as he followed her over, coming hard and fast.

  She lay her face against the cool wood of his desk and enjoyed the trail of kisses he dropped over her back.

  Sex had never been better, and she understood why people lost their minds trying to hold onto the person who made it possible.

  “I like when you come and visit me at work,” Cole said as he stood.

  She lifted herself slowly and took a minute to get her bearings. “Had no idea that showing you some pretty lingerie would result in triple orgasms.”

  “Babe, you can pretty much count on it, and I don’t need to see any scraps of lace to make it possible.”

  She pushed at his chest and smiled. “I’m going to put myself together.” Scooping up her panties that lay on the floor, she walked over to the private bathroom. When she entered, she saw her face in the mirror and let out a quiet laugh. Who was that woman with bright eyes and flushed cheeks?

  Peering closer, she let out a quiet giggle. “A woman who just had amazing sex with her…” What was Cole? Boyfriend, lover, or man she was seeing?

  He’d made a lot of noise a month ago about seeing what they could become but had been silent on the subject since. Not that it needed to be discussed on a daily basis.

  But, a part of her was craving a definition beyond the monogamy they agreed on.

  Was her need to know born of fear or just her natural tendency to want to put things in boxes?

  Running the water, she grabbed some paper towels and knew she absolutely wouldn’t ask for an answer about where they were headed. If a man wanted you, he came and got you, and the moment you felt the need to ask: ‘what are we’ is the moment you needed to get in your car and drive away.

  Because you were nowhere and all the conversations in the world wouldn’t change it.

  She got herself cleaned up, slipped on her panties, and decided to enjoy what was until it was no longer fun.

  The chances of all of Cole’s relationship talk amounting to anything were very small, and the best thing she could do was protect the soft beating muscle in her chest.

  All the feelings that were starting to surface when they were intimate were only going to get her in trouble, and it was important not to forget that.

  They had incredible sex together and to confuse it with anything else was not a mistake she was going to make. Her heart had already been broken, and she was confident that if it happened again, there wasn’t enough glue in the world to put it back together again.

  Twisting her hair into a knot, she practiced a breezy smile and then walked back out to the office. Cole greeted her with a glass of bourbon. “Thank you.”

  “Where do you want to go to dinner? We could go to the Black Sheep, or Andiron Steak and Sea.”

  Hearing the names of the restaurants that he frequented with the women he’d kept for a couple of weeks sent a warning chill through her body. She took a seat on the couch and shrugged. “Let’s enjoy our drink first and then we can decide.”

  “Sounds good.” He took a seat next to her and grinned. “Your phone rang a couple of times with the theme song from Rocky.”

  “My family.” She stood and grabbed her purse, pulling her phone out. “We’re trying to put plans together for my visit in July.” She checked the messages and then slid the phone back in.

  “You didn’t say anything about a trip.”

  Taking her seat again, she took a sip of the bourbon. “A friend is getting married, and I’m going back for the wedding.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Studying his face, she couldn’t decide if his expression meant he was hurt she didn’t ask him to join her or relieved. “My family is excited to see me since I haven’t been back since the holidays, and there’s a neighborhood barbeque going on the weekend I’m home, so it’s going to be fun. It’s been happening for twenty-five years, and it’s not to be missed.”

  “It’s the full suburban dream.”

  Hearing the derision in his tone wasn’t surprising, considering she’d heard it a hundred times over the months they had worked together. But she’d be lying if it didn’t hurt a little since it was directed at something she’d enjoyed for most of her childhood.

  Maybe it was time to see i
f all his words about wanting a real relationship meant anything. If she invited him and he balked, then she’d have her answer without having to ask the question.

  Sort of brilliant, if she did say so herself. “Would you like to come with me, so I can show you exactly how fun Kansas City is?”

  Letting out a harsh laugh, he shook his head. “Not my scene, babe.”

  Bingo, she thought to herself as she set her glass down. “Exactly what part? The wedding, my family, or being stuck in the middle of the country for a couple of days?”

  He mirrored her posture and drained his drink. “Get real, Kelly. Are you ready to show me off to your family and friends? I bet your folks would have a heart attack the moment they saw me holding their little princess’s hand. A guy with no college degree, a juvey record, and a lot of tattoos is not what they have in mind for you, so let’s not shove it their faces.”

  “You don’t know anything about my parents or friends.” Standing, she slid her hands on her hips. “Don’t hide behind some bullshit and use my family as an excuse.” Stomping over, she picked up her purse and bag. “At least be honest and admit you’ve scratched the itch and now you’re done.”

  She watched him stand with his hands at his side. “I can handle the truth, Cole. Considering how long we’ve known each other, I’m surprised we lasted the month.”

  “Kelly, don’t be mad. We’re having fun; let’s not screw it up by…”

  She put up her hand. “I get it and don’t need to hear your excuses. I’ve heard just about every one there is, and yours would be one too many.” She lifted her head and strode out of his office and told herself knowing where they stood and what they were was a good thing.

  Taking several large gulps of air, she instructed herself that no crying could happen until she was home and had a glass of wine in her hand.

  After that, all bets were off.


  Kelly sat in her home office and appreciated the quiet as she finished the quarterly reports for the bakery she’d just taken on as a client. They were the go-to place for high-end wedding cakes, and she enjoyed the samples every time she’d stopped in.

  Feeling better than she had in several days, she congratulated herself on avoiding the disaster she and Cole were headed for. As it was, she was barely bruised, and all the feelings she’d started to form were slowly slipping away.

  The iPad at her elbow dinged, and she saw her sister, Anne, was calling on Facetime. Accepting the call, she propped the tablet against her monitor. “Hello, sista.”

  “Why are you so freaking cheery? I thought you’d still be down in the dumps over what happened with Cole.”

  “Puleeze. A sexy, sweaty affair that lasted a month is not going to bring me down.”

  “How many times have you repeated that phrase to yourself?”

  “At least a hundred, but that was just in the first two days.” Anne’s face filled the screen, and she let out a breath. “Really?”

  “I never thought the crazy chemistry would last as long as it did, so I’m thankful for all the hot sex.” Sitting back, she picked up a pencil and tapped it against her desk. “I knew his history, so I knew the risk. Thankfully, I didn’t give pieces of myself away that I couldn’t afford to lose.”

  “Sissy, that makes me so sad.”


  “Because your walls are going to become so damn thick, they’re never going to crumble.”

  “I think when the right one comes along, they won’t even exist.”

  “Maybe Cole is the right one, and the nuclear option of ending things wasn’t necessary. Maybe this was just a regular argument, and it’s something you two can work out.”

  “And perhaps I’m a Disney Princess, and my life just needs a little freaking fairy dust.” Covering her face, she sucked in a breath. “Sorry,” she mumbled through her fingers.

  “This guy got to you in a way that no one ever has, and I’d hate to think that…”

  “No.” She rubbed her face and then took in a deep breath. “I’m not going to ignore things this time. He made it very clear that this trip ‘wasn’t his scene’ and that we were just having fun. If I don’t pay attention to that, then all the heartache down the road will be my own fault. I didn’t pay attention to the signs with Sam, and I’m not making that mistake again.”

  “You two have only been dating a month, and it might be a little soon for him to take on the family.”

  “Totally agree, but he’s been a possessive alpha a-hole and, as far as I’m concerned, you don’t get to play both sides of the fence. He barked and brayed every time another man looked my way and yet we’re just having fun?” She shook her head. “I call bullshit because you’re either in or you’re out. If he doesn’t want to escort me to a damn wedding where I have to face a man that broke me into a thousand pieces, then I have no use for him.”

  Anne held up her hand and nodded. “Preach.”

  She leaned her head in her hand and felt herself choke up. “It’s fine. Better I find out now than later. I knew all his talk about making something was code for let’s fuck until we get bored.”

  “Does he know about Sam?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I bet if you told him, he’d be more than happy to go.”

  “Yeah, even I’m not that desperate for a pity date. I’m a strong woman and can handle seeing Sam; it won’t be a big deal if I don’t allow it to be.”

  “But it would’ve been nice if the one who’s interested in putting his face between your legs could also stand by your side when you need it.”

  Nodding, she felt a tear slip down her face. “I can’t make another mistake and Cole would be my next one if I kept seeing him. I’m being a hardass, but I won’t be shredded by another man.”

  “I get it,” Anne replied. “I’m with you.” Sighing, she twirled a piece of hair. “So, what are we going to do about the wedding?”

  “Nothing. It’s not like I can scare up a date in time.”

  “You live in the land of gigolos. Why don’t you hire a gorgeous one and bring him with you, so Sam has no questions about whether you’ve moved on and are happy?”

  “Why can’t a single woman be as happy as one with a boyfriend?”

  “A single woman is often happier once she gets over the fact that prince charming doesn’t exist.”

  “But it would be nice to show up with a man, nonetheless, so Sam won’t give me that sad smile. I hate that fucking smile and want to punch him in the face every time I see it.”

  “What about that gorgeous mobster you work with?”



  “He’s too busy with the new club. But maybe one of his henchmen would be willing to go.”

  “Now you’re talking; nothing says I’ve moved on and am blissfully happy like a mafia hitman.”

  “I’ll bring it up at our next meeting.”

  Laughing, Anne clapped. “I wish you were being serious.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  “Has Cole quit calling yet?”

  “No, but I just let the calls go to voicemail.”

  “Do you listen to the messages?”


  “Damn, sista, that stubbornness is not to be underestimated.”

  Snapping the pencil she had in her hand in half, she let out a bitter laugh. “He’s nothing more than a boy toy, and the sooner I accept that, the better.”

  “At least it was great sex.”

  She dumped the pencil in the trash can and nodded. “It sure was, and soon that’s all I’ll remember about our time together.”

  “Best thing you can do is get back on the horse and see who else is out there.”

  “I know; I just can’t muster any enthusiasm.”

  “It’ll happen soon enough. In the meantime, think about the gigolo/mafia hitman idea because it has some real merit.”

  “Love you, Anne.” She blew a kiss to her sister as she did the sam
e and ended the call. Checking her tablet, she saw that she had another couple of hours before she needed to be at the Red Door. Gio wanted to introduce her to his cousin who was taking over the day-to-day of the second club, and she decided that maybe she would stay for a drink after she was done.

  Maybe her sister was right, and she needed to go out and remember that there were lots of possibilities in the world.


  Cole watched Terrence walk slowly into his office. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Making sure you’ve stopped throwing shit at people who dare to cross the threshold.”

  “I only did that the first two days; now, I just curse people out.”

  “Good to see you’re having healthy responses to your fuck-up.”

  Lifting a paperweight, he cradled it in his hand. “Not in the mood, brother.”

  Terrence took a seat and crossed his arms. “Any luck on getting through to her?”

  “No, she won’t answer any of my calls.”

  “Not surprising.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “She’s a grown ass woman and doesn’t play.”

  Groaning, he ran his hand over his face. “How can five minutes of conversation undo all that we had?”

  “Sometimes, it takes less and, not to be an asshole, but how much did you two really have?”

  He flipped him off and stood. “We were making something.”

  “Did that something include more than hot sex?”

  Stopping on his way to the wet bar, he turned around slowly. “Just because I would put my life on the line for you does not mean I won’t beat the shit out of you first.”

  Snorting, Terrence uncrossed his arms. “You need to fight to make yourself feel better; come on and let’s get to it.”

  He inhaled a deep breath and then let it out. “Can’t mess up that pretty face of yours since it’s all you’ve got going for you.”

  Zach walked in and looked between them. “Has anything been thrown yet?”

  “No, but the night is young,” Terrence replied with a smile.


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