
Home > Romance > Rogue > Page 21
Rogue Page 21

by Lea Hart

  “Love you back, call me later in the week.”

  “Of course.” She ended the call and stepped out of her car, feeling the dry heat. Moving her skirt around, she hoped there was only one more month of temperatures in the triple digits.

  The back door opened, and Sal came out. “Hi, Sal.”

  “Hey, Kelly, the boss is up in the office.”

  “Okay.” Walking past him into the club, she noticed his gaze was focused on something behind her. Turning, she saw one of the waitresses climb out of her car and wondered if Sal was interested. When he didn’t walk her up the stairs, she knew something was going on, and hoped she could quiz him about it later. Now that she was in love, she wanted everyone else to have the same thing and hoped that Gio’s right-hand man might have a chance at it.

  Kelly sat in the conference room and wondered what was going on with her friend. His usual relaxed demeanor was absent, and he seemed agitated. “Are you okay, Gio?”

  Looking up, he gave her a grim nod. “Just a few things going on.”

  “Both clubs are doing well; is everything okay with the family?”

  He let out a big breath and tipped back in his chair. “My sister returned from culinary school with a bit of a problem. Zach is going to be handling the situation for us, so God willing, it will soon not be an issue.”

  “Is Cole going to fill me in, or is this a need to know thing?”

  “That statement tells me you and Cole finally got over your disagreement and are happily in love.”

  Laughing, she nodded. “How did you know we’re in love?”

  He lifted an eyebrow and waited. “It’s obvious and has been from the moment you two decided to give in to what was always there.”

  “Might’ve been nice if you said something before.”

  “Why? You wouldn’t have listened to me.”

  Running her hand over her laptop, she nodded. “True.” She studied him and knew there was something else. “And what else has you tipper-pated?”

  “Is that a midwestern term?”

  “Not sure; it means upset or bothered.”

  “The daughter of a family friend is coming in tonight, and I have to host her while she’s in town.”

  “Holy moly, is your dad setting you up with a potential wife?”

  “God, no!”


  “Valentina Conti comes from a family much like mine and would like to establish herself outside the confines of the family business. She lives in New York and has heard a lot about the Red Door. She wants to create something similar and is coming out to see how I’ve done it.”

  Rubbing her hands together, she let out a giggle. “This has love connection written all over it.”

  Gio gave her a disapproving glance and sniffed. “It is no such thing.”

  “Have you met Valentina before?”

  “Yes, years ago when she was still a teenager.”

  Rolling her hand, she smiled. “And…”

  “She was beautiful then, so I imagine she still is. Unfortunately, she’s got a tongue like a razor, a complete disregard for rules, and a mind that’s like a fucking computer.”

  “She sounds horrible; good thing there’s no chance of being attracted to her.” Covering her mouth, she tried to keep her snickers to herself.

  “You’re not as amusing as you think.”

  She dropped her hands and pasted a sweet smile on her face. “I promise not to say another word on the subject of you and Valentina falling in love, creating an alliance that would make the mafia world shake, and finding everlasting happiness.”

  “And how do you know an alliance of that magnitude is possible?”

  “Because of how irritated you are. Whenever you do something that will make your father happy, you become a growling bear.”

  “I disagree.”


  “Valentina is coming for business only, and the time we spend together will be focused on that and nothing else.”

  “Repeat that as often as necessary.”

  Gio smoothed out his tie and checked his watch. “I have to leave in an hour to meet her plane. The pilot informed Sal they’d be landing at 6:00.”

  “We should have you two over this weekend. We’ll have a little barbeque, so she can meet some people outside the mafia.”

  “This is strictly a working relationship.”

  “All the more reason to bring her then. She’ll need some friendly conversation and fun after spending a week with you and your business.”

  “As long as you behave and don’t turn into some kind of crazy matchmaker, then we’d love to come.”

  “Perfect.” She tapped her nails on the table. “You know, if you’re not interested, then maybe she’d like Seth. He’s a handsome, smart man and Valentina might enjoy seeing the sights with someone fun.”

  Sitting up, he flattened his hands on the table. “Absolutely not. If she needs to see some damn tourist attractions, then it will be with me and not that scoundrel.”

  Kelly looked down at her laptop and smiled. “Of course.”

  “I walked into that one, didn’t I?”

  “More like ran at full throttle.” She gave him a smile and shrugged. “Don’t worry; love isn’t fatal.”

  “Says you.”

  Kelly studied the screen of her computer and knew that loving Cole was worth whatever it cost her. He wasn’t a choice, and all she could do was hope they made the most of what they were given.


  Cole walked into the Red Door and felt the tension rolling off his brother in waves. Zach’s normally cool demeanor was noticeably absent, and he knew it had to do with the mafia princess protection assignment he was about to take on. “You want out of this, say the word.”

  Rolling his shoulders, he let out a long breath. “No, it’ll be fine. The Zanettis wouldn’t have come to us if there was another option.”

  He slapped his brother on the shoulder and nodded. “If you change your mind at any point, just say the word.”

  “I was a damn Marine; how hard can it be to protect one woman and play the part of her boyfriend?”

  “Shit, man, why’d you have to say something like that? You just woke up the gods and poked ‘em so they’d show how damn dangerous the right woman can be.”

  Zach grunted. “The chances of me falling for Allesandra Zanetti are about zero. You know I like leggy blondes, and an Italian princess is about as far from that as possible.”

  “I used to think the same thing, then a curvy woman with mahogany hair showed up and stole my damn heart.”

  “I hope the hearts and cupids that are surrounding you right now don’t plan on hanging around for long. Seeing my big brother act like a sappy, mushy man is not anything I need to see on a regular basis.”

  “Wait until it happens to you, and you’ll be ten times worse.”

  “Not a chance,” Zach replied confidently.

  “And now it’s happening for sure,” he said quietly. Checking his watch, he saw that it was four-thirty and, not surprisingly, the place was just about empty. “Gio said he’d meet us at the bar.”

  “I’ll head into the kitchen and see if I can find Alessi and introduce myself.”

  “Good luck,” Cole replied. He grabbed a seat at the bar and ordered a club soda from the barman and checked his phone and saw a text from Kelly. “Love you too, babe,” he said quietly.

  Gio walked through the red doors at the back of the club and strode in his direction. Why was the man so tense? “Zach went into the kitchen to introduce himself to Alessi.”

  “Great,” Gio responded as he sat down and signaled the barman. A drink was produced almost instantly, and he nodded as he drank it down. “Sal will coordinate with my father’s man, so Zach can get into the compound as needed.”

  “All right.” He drank his club soda and waited for Gio to tell him what had him in a twist. “Everything okay?”

  “Sure, why wouldn’t it be?”
/>   “You’re wound pretty tight, so I assume something’s going on.”

  “Kelly will be down in a minute, and I’ll let her fill you in on all the gory details.” His two bodyguards stood at the door, and he nodded. “I’ve got to go.” Standing, he straightened his tie. “Keep me informed on how Zach and Alessi are doing.”

  “Copy that.” Gio spun on his heel and strode toward his men, and Cole couldn’t wait to find out what had the man on tenterhooks.

  Looking up, he saw Zach walk out of the kitchen with a woman who was dressed in a chef’s coat and wondered what the hell could make his brother that unhappy in less than five minutes. It certainly couldn’t be Alessi Zanetti, the dark-haired beauty who was walking next to him.

  Standing, he walked over to the couple. “Hello, Alessi. I’m Cole, the oldest brother.”

  “Lovely to meet you.” She looked down and clasped her hands. “The situation I find myself in is embarrassing, and my father has totally overreacted as usual.” Looking up at Zach, she gave him a pained smile. “Hopefully, it won’t take long to resolve the issue.”

  Zach crossed his arms and frowned. “Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  Cole watched the woman look up with gratitude and also a bit of interest if he wasn’t mistaken.

  Kelly came up to the group and looked around. “What did I miss?”

  Cole let out a laugh and wrapped his arm around her. “Nothing, babe.”

  “Oh, good, I finished up as quickly as I could.”

  “Why don’t you all find a table and allow me to prepare your meal this evening?”

  “That’s not necessary,” Zach replied. “I can take you back to your dad’s place if you want.”

  “I’d prefer to work in the kitchen. No need for you to stay, though. I’ll have one of Sal’s men drive me home later.”

  “Let the woman cook,” Kelly said with a smile. “She let me into the kitchen earlier and I, for one, can’t wait to see what’s she’s going to create.”

  “We’ll serve the zabaglione that you made earlier along with some strawberries for dessert.”

  Kelly clapped and looked up at Cole. “Alessi has promised to teach me a few things.”

  “Great,” Cole replied.

  Alessi nodded to the group and turned toward the kitchen. “The first course will be out shortly.”

  Cole noticed his brother’s eyes track the chef’s retreating figure and looked down at Kelly. “You know…”

  “Shut up,” Zach said. “I don’t want to hear a word out of either of you.”

  Kelly mimed zipping her mouth shut, and Cole did the same.

  “I mean it.” Turning, Zach stalked to the table closest to the kitchen and sat down, so he had a clear view of the swinging doors.

  “This is going to be fun to watch,” Cole said as he took Kelly’s hand and led her to the table.

  “Tell me about it.” She took Cole’s hand and tugged him close. “By the way, we’re having a barbeque this weekend.”

  “Okay, any particular reason?”

  “I want to meet the woman that’s got Gio in a twist. Now that I see what’s happening with Zach, we have even more of a reason.”

  “Whatever you want, babe.”

  “It’s like our very own reality television show. All we have to do is make some food, sit back and watch the entertainment unfold.”

  He pulled her close and gave her a solid kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “What are you two whispering about over there?” Zach asked as he kept his eyes on the doors that led into the kitchen.

  “Nothing important,” Kelly replied. “We’re just going to make some food this weekend and swim in the pool. Bring Alessi by, if you want.”

  “Sure, sounds good.”

  Clapping her hands silently, she gave Cole a wide smile. “This is perfect.”

  Seeing how happy she was filled his chest with a warm, satisfied feeling he wasn’t used to but hoped would become a regular thing.


  “Kelly, come outside.”

  Poking her head out of the kitchen, she looked at Cole standing in the doorway. “Why?”

  “Because I asked you to.”

  “Be there in a minute.” She wiped her hands and folded the towel.

  “Hurry up.”

  “What’s got your shorts on fire?” Walking toward the front door, she noticed a weird expression on his face and wondered what he was up to.

  Stopping her at the front door, he put his hands on her shoulders and grinned. “Happy six-month anniversary.”

  “To you too,” she replied as she tried to look over his shoulder.

  “Close your eyes and take my hand.”

  “Do I have to?”

  “If you want your present, you do.”

  “I thought the show and dinner tonight was my present.”

  “No, that’s just a night out.”

  “Okay.” She closed her eyes and did as she was asked. “Why is it outside?”

  “You’ll see.” He held her hand firmly and led her out to the driveway. “Open them!”

  Opening one, she let out a gasp. Opening the other one made her yelp in surprise. “Oh, my goodness. What have you done?” Taking slow steps, she covered her mouth as she stared at the SUV.

  “Come look at the license plate.” Grabbing her hand, he tugged her toward the back of the car.

  “M.c.a.l.m..o.m.?” she spelled out.

  “Say it fast.”


  “That’s you, babe. Your going to be a McCallan Mom and this is your car for all the rugrats we’re going to have.”

  “You bought me a white suburban for our future kids?”

  He gave her a crazy wide smile. “I know; it’s kind of brilliant.”

  “Or kind of crazy.”

  “Two sides of the same coin.” He patted his chest and shrugged. “I have your name on my body, got you a car for the kids…we’re on the way, babe, to our happy ever after.”

  “I thought you’d get some flowers.”

  “Nah, that’s for punks. Not a man who knows where he’s going and what he wants.” He took a remote out of his pocket and punched it, unlocking the doors. “Look inside.”

  Her head was spinning, and she didn’t know what to think. Walking slowly to the car, she watched him open the door. “This is too much.”

  “No, it’s just about perfect.”

  Shaking her head, she climbed into the car and inhaled the new car smell. “He’s nuts,” she whispered.

  Cole opened the passenger door and climbed in. “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful.” She turned around and gasped. “It has two rows of seats.”

  “Of course, it does. We have more than two and that back row is going to save our sanity.”

  “You seem to have a lot of plans that you haven’t shared.”

  Leaning back, he adjusted the seat. “Babe, all I’m doing is giving you exactly what you asked for. You said you wanted the whole suburban dream, and that’s what I’m giving you.”

  “That was a theoretical discussion. It wasn’t a roadmap for the future.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to have to call bullshit.”

  Turning her head quickly, she glared. “Take that back.”

  He shrugged and then took her hand. “Sorry, no can do.”

  “Cole, I did not want you to buy me a big-ass car on our six-month anniversary. We are dating and…”

  He covered her mouth with his hand and frowned. “We sure the hell are not just dating. We are building our future. This car is meant to show you that I take your dreams seriously, and I’m one-hundred and fifty percent in on making them happen.”

  “But a third row…that’s a lot.”

  “We’ll start with two and see what happens.”

  She crossed her arms and stared out the window. “I know you’re not going to want to stop at two, so just give me your real number.�

  “Six,” he replied confidently.


  He snorted and gave her a get-real look. “Don’t insult me.”

  “Three and that’s my final offer.”

  “Unless we have twins.”

  Tapping her hand on the steering wheel, she nodded. “Agreed.”

  He leaned over the console and gave her a hard kiss. “Done.”

  Wiping her hand over her forehead, she let out a breath. “I need a drink.”

  “Might as well because I’m going to knock you up before you know it, and your drinkin’ days will be over.”

  Groaning, she opened the car door and got out. “Why do I always pick the crazy ones?” Seeing Cole’s stupid grin as he walked around the car, she shook her head. “You would do well not to look so self-satisfied.”

  “Can’t help myself,” he responded as he tugged her close. “I can’t wait to see you waddling around, fat AF with your belly full of our love.”

  “That isn’t happening for quite some time.”

  “Babe, your thirtieth birthday is next month, so we need to get on the stick and start popping out those rugrats before it’s too late.”

  “You. Will. Never. Say. Anything. Like. That. Again.”

  “Fine, how about this…I’m thirty-five and don’t want to be an old man when our last kid shows up.”

  “Much better.”

  Taking her hand, he led her into the house. “Let’s go practice before we go out tonight.”

  Laughing, she followed him and shook her head. “Considering we’re at it twice a day, I don’t think the practice is necessary.”

  “But it sure as hell is fun.”

  “True that,” she replied as they walked into the house.


  Kelly fixed her lipstick and then leaned back, studying her reflection. “Guess it will have to do.”

  “What’s that?” Cole asked as he walked into the bedroom.

  “Nothing, just talking to myself.”

  “You look amazing, babe.”

  Turning, she smoothed out her dress. “You think it’s okay?”


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