The Last Cowboy

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The Last Cowboy Page 7

by Pat Dale

  “Whatever. It’s not important.” Rose tucked her hand into arm and let him lead her to his car. “This is wonderful idea, thank you for inviting me to the show with you.”

  “Compliments of Jason Tawdry.”

  “Is he a special friend of yours?”

  “I guess you could say that. We’ve got business dealings and in the process we’ve grown to like each other. So you could say that makes him special.”

  “Is he married?”

  “Nope. Free as a bird, and keeps on the wing, but I suspect he wants to settle down soon. He’s planning a hillside mansion, says it’ll be complete with a nursery. That no doubt means he’ll be looking for a special lady to fill his house with babies.”

  Rose didn’t reply but her expression was thoughtful as he followed him down the short step to the gravel parking lot. Troy helped her into the car and they headed for Branson in total silence.

  * * *

  Samantha took the opportunity to assess her companion more thoroughly during dinner. Apparently in his mid-forties, Steve was charming and urbane. One thing he seemed to have in excess was self-confidence, Steve Carlson was too damn cocksure for Sam’s tastes.

  “Would you like to go to a movie, Samantha?”

  “I don’t think so. I hate the crowds at movie theatres, not to mention crazy people seem to think the places are shooting galleries lately.”

  “Surely not in Branson? But point taken, why don’t we take in a show? There’s tons of country artists here.”

  “Sounds good to me. Did you have anything in mind?”

  “I was thinking I’d like to take in Jason Tawdry’s show. I hear he’s an up and coming star and he’s got a new hit on the charts right now.”

  “I heard that, too, but you surprise me. I would have taken you for more of an Andy Williams fan.”

  “You’re right. Williams is more my style but I assumed you might like something more current. Shall we head for the Starlite Theatre?”

  “Lead the way. It should be fun.”

  * * *

  Steve insisted on paying for the tickets and they made their way to an upper balcony with a good view of the stage and the crowd below on the floor.

  Halfway through the show, the stage darkened and a small spotlight flashed over the first few rows near the stage.

  Samantha gasped as she recognized Troy and Rose. She was more flabbergasted when Tawdry introduced them as special friends of his. Troy’s face was bright red when he stood reluctantly, acknowledging the applause. Samantha gritted her teeth when Rose kissed Troy just before the light faded to black.

  Steve Carlson had seen it as well. “Hey, that was Rose kissing Roberts wasn’t it? I don’t understand, she always said they were never more than friends.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that line a time or two. I just have trouble believing it. Why should you care…unless you’re interested in her too?”

  “I—uh, well, no, not really. I mean, George was my best friend and…”

  “Oh come on, Steve. I can tell you care about her more than just a business partner. Anyone can see how you look at her. Don’t insult my intelligence by lying to me.”

  The show had resumed and Carlson’s strangled response was drowned out by the swelling of the music. She’d seen his eyes, though. Guilty as sin.

  If he’s so interested in Rose, what’s he doing here with me? Did he know Troy was bringing her here and asked me along to try and make her jealous? Damn, I don’t like being used.

  She did a slow burn through the entire final act. When it was over, Carlson got to his feet. “My, that was something.”

  “It certainly was.” She didn’t mean the music.

  Neither did he, apparently. “I can’t get over the fact Rose would forego her paperwork for an evening out. Or, that she’d spend it with our adversary in this legal situation.”

  “So, it’s okay for you to heap all the crap work on her and go out for a night on the town, but it’s not okay for Rose to do the same thing? I see your point about not trusting Troy Roberts as far you can throw him, but then there’s no accounting for taste, I suppose. Maybe Rose likes them slick and smarmy.”

  Carlson glared down at her. “ What I do has nothing to do with how Rose acts. She offered to do the paperwork and so I assumed she meant what she said. Why do you hate Troy Roberts? What is he to you?”

  The last questions stunned her and she was at a loss for words. When she spun away from Carlson, Jason Tawdry was standing in the aisle with one arm over Troy’s shoulder and the other around Rose’s waist.

  “Well look there, Steve. The rising star is the one befriending your colleague. Shall we go over and say hi?”

  “I suppose it won’t hurt.”

  “You’re wrong about that. If Troy says anything at all, I’ll put a hurt on him you won’t believe.”

  “Dr. Carlson,” Troy shouted, “and Samantha Turner, I’d like you to meet a buddy of mine. This is Jason Tawdry.”

  “We know, Troy,” Samantha snarled. “We just saw the show. Jason, you have a marvellous voice. I loved your performance.”

  “Thank you, Miss Turner. Any friend of Troy’s a friend of mine. Please call me JT.”

  “Well, JT, any friend of Troy’s is a special friend indeed.” She almost choked on the words.

  While they exchanged greetings, she kept an eye on the unspoken exchange between Carlson and Rose.

  “What do you think, Steve?” Rose’s face glowed as she met Steve’s gaze. “Isn’t JT talented and handsome to boot?”

  “Oh, yes. Handsome and very talented. My congratulations, Mr. Tawdry. An excellent evening’s entertainment, to be sure.”

  “Well, y’all wanta party? I always have a little get-together after the show. You’re all invited if you’d like.”

  “What do you think, Rose?” Troy tipped his head toward her.

  “I think I’d like that.”

  He turned to Samantha. “What about you and the good doctor?” He nodded at Carlson, who was still staring at Rose.

  “I think I’d like a word with you, Troy. In private, if you can tear yourself away from your friends.” Sam stared pointedly at the death grip Rose had on his arm.

  “Uh, sure.” He pulled Rose’s hand away. “Excuse me for a moment, please. I’m sure JT will be glad to take care of you while I’m gone.”

  Chapter Six

  Troy trailed Samantha to the foyer at the back of the nearly empty auditorium where she turned on him the instant they were out of view of the others. “What the hell do you think you’re doing with Rose?”

  “Having a good time. Or I was, until you and your new boyfriend showed up.”

  “I’ll just bet you were. Surely you can see there’s something going on between her and Steve?”

  “I’m not sure Rose thinks that way.”

  “Why? Because she has plans to get you into her bed? I can’t imagine you’d fight that too hard.” Sam clenched her teeth.

  “No, that’s not true at all. I’ve never done anything with her. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “Like it wasn’t my business back in high school either, when you made a fool out of me at prom. You really haven’t changed any, have you? What an idiot I am.”

  “Well, at least you’ve finally looked in the mirror.” A muscle jumped in Troy’s jaw.”

  “What do you mean by that crack?”

  “Take it any way you want. Now, can we get back to the others?”

  “Not yet. Answer me one thing. Why are you spending time with the one woman who is in a position to ruin you?”

  “You mean you, don’t you? Rose isn’t going to ruin me, but I’m not so sure you wouldn’t if given the opportunity.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Really? Why not?”

  His steel blue eyes met her startled gaze. He actually looked like he wanted to believe her, and he didn’t appear to be angry, which was seriously weird. Anger, she could have understood, now
her feet were on shifting sands and Samantha wasn’t at all sure what to expect.

  “I just wouldn’t, that’s all.” Her fingers pleated the material of her skirt.

  “Oh no, that’s not all.” Troy’s voice was husky and low.

  His gaze softened, the blue of his eyes seemed to darken. Just the way the used to way back when they were dating and she thought he was the love of her life.

  “You still have feelings for me, Samantha. Why can’t you just admit it and we can bury this stupid feud, or whatever it is we’ve got going between us?”

  “You’re seriously crazy.” She scowled. “Only in your wildest dreams do I have feelings for you, other than loathing of course.”

  “In my dreams?” His grin was lopsided and Sam’s heart did a flip-flop. “You really want to know who is the woman in my dreams every night?”

  “Rose, or any one of your other conquests, right?”

  “No way. She’s just an interesting woman with an agenda I’m trying to defuse before it wipes me out. No, it’s you, Samantha.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s always been you. I dream about you every night. You’re the face of every woman I’ve ever been near. By the way, you look very nice in that dress.” He blinked. “I’ve never gotten over my high school crush on you. What do you think about that?”

  “I—don’t know.” Her voice quivered and her thoughts swirled wildly. Where the hell had all this come from? Troy wanted her to believe he’d carried a torch for her all these years? Sam found it hard to process the information.

  “Well I do. And I know what to do about it.”

  Before she could speak or even realize his intentions, Troy swept her into his arms and captured her lips. The touch was so familiar she ached with the tenderness, emotions she’d thought long buried sprang back to life. For long moments, she let him kiss her. His lips feathered kisses over her face, becoming more sure when she wrapped her arms went around him and surrendered to his caresses..

  Lord in heaven, this is wonderful. Maybe I should have given him more of a chance to explain about Rosemary all those years ago. If he really was telling the truth what a lot of time we’ve wasted.

  He lifted his lips and rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming short. Her pulse pounded so loud in her ears she almost missed the words he whispered. “I love you, Samantha. I’ve always loved you. Is there any part of you don’t understand?”

  “Troy, I want to believe you so much. I’ve never stopped loving you, not really. But I just don’t know if I can trust you.”

  “You still love me?” He sounded incredulous.

  “I do love you, but sometimes, Troy, love isn’t enough. I don’t trust you.”

  “I never cheated on you at prom. Rosemary got in over her head with Ricky and happened to hear her begging him to stop. I punched his lights out for him and tried to comfort Rosemary. That’s when you came out and misread the situation. I could never get you to listen to me, you just got up on your high horse and treated me like I had the plague. You broke my heart and so I made it sound like I was out playing the field with a different girl every night in an attempt to save my pride. You’re the woman I’ve always wanted. The only woman.”

  Before she could answer, someone behind them cleared his throat.

  “Excuse me for interrupting but I wanted to be sure you had a drive home, Samantha.”

  She looked up into Troy’s eyes and smiled. “Yes, thank you, Steve. I’ll be just fine.”

  “Well, I’ll be going, then. Goodnight, everyone.”

  Jason sauntered up with his arm around Rose’s waist, he was grinning from ear to ear. “Seems to me, you two are getting along just fine here. Don’t suppose you’d mind if Rose and I go ahead to the party. You look like you’ve got things under control here, Troy.”

  “You go on. Samantha and I have some unfinished business to attend to.”

  “Business, yeah. Well, nice to meet you, Samantha.”

  “You too, JT. See you around, Rose.”

  Rose nodded, but kept her gaze fixed on Jason Tawdry. Unless Sam was very mistaken, JT’s days of being single were in jeopardy. He seemed as smitten with Rose as she appeared to be with him.

  Once they were alone Troy turned back to her. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Samantha?”

  “What are we going to do about this?” She waved a hand vaguely between them.

  “About this? You mean about us? I’m not sure about you, but I intend to pick up where we left off. Come here.”

  “I... Wait. I think we should talk this out before we do anything else.” She retreated a couple of steps.

  “Like what?” He closed the distance between them.

  “Like kissing. We need to talk.” She was ready to withdraw again but his hand closed over her arm.

  “Talking just gets us in trouble. Come here and let me show you how I feel.” He turned her body to face him.

  “Troy, please? I need to understand what’s happening. We really do need to talk.”

  “What’s happening is that I’m trying to show you how I really feel. Words just seem to get you mad at me, no matter what I say.”

  He pulled her back into his arms, gently this time. When his lips closed on hers, she didn’t hesitate. The kiss was long and passionate, she could feel his heartbeat under the hand she laid on his chest. It was beating rapid fire—like hers. And she couldn’t miss the hot hard part of him that pressed against her tummy. A fire burned in her belly, something she’d never felt with any other man. Making out in the back of his daddy’s car in high school was nothing like this. When she moaned in agony, he pulled back.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I just don’t remember kissing you feeling like this before.”

  “The more we kiss, the better it will be. Want to find out?” The sparkle in his eyes made her think of star dust and magic.

  Magic? Samantha, he’s getting to you. This is moving way too fast!

  “I think we should stop right now. Troy, please? You’re not being fair.” She protested as he pressed tiny kisses on her cheek.

  “Fair, schmair! You think the way you’ve treated me all these years is fair? Come on, Samantha. I told you I love you. I explained what happened that night.”

  “I heard you. I’m just not ready for all…this.” She stepped back and flapped her hand between them. Please, will you take me home or do I have to call someone for a ride?”

  “I’ll take you.” Anger swept over his face as his arms dropped to his sides. “Come on.”

  She almost had to run to keep up with him. “Troy, slow down. Please?”

  “Sorry. As fast as you always run from me I didn’t think you’d have trouble keeping up.”

  “I’ve never run from you.”

  “The hell you haven’t! What about right now?”

  The ride to Flanders was quiet. And long. She struggled to keep from sliding across the seat and kissing Troy senseless. That was what she really wanted to do. Commonsense told her to hold off and be very sure of what she wanted before she took that route. She needed to decide if she could trust him, if she could believe what he said happened on prom night. The other part of her hungered for more of his kisses, wanted her to welcome his lovemaking.

  When he stopped in the drive, she started to open the door. Before she could climb out, he leaned across and pulled her toward him. She had no will to resist when his lips claimed hers. The kiss this time was sweeter and more tender.

  “I love you, Samantha. You may believe me, but I’ve never said that to another woman. You are the only love of my life.”

  “That’s sweet for you to say. I know I said I love you too Troy. I wish I hadn’t but—”

  “But what? I’ve always believed that you loved me, just like you know I love you.”

  “Yes, well truth is nice. But reality is what we have deal with.” Sam reminded him.

  “The reality is, I want you to be mine
. Maybe forever.”

  Her throat tightened. “What are you trying to say?”

  He sat bolt upright in his seat and stared at her, eyes wide with amazement and a tinge of fear. “I think I’d better figure that out myself before I say anything more.”

  Sam thought he’d been about ready to make a commitment, but the look on his face said he wasn’t ready. She supposed she should be grateful for that. She wasn’t.

  He’d opened his door to get out, but she stopped him. “That’s okay, Troy. We both need some time to think this through. Will I see you tomorrow?”

  “Yes. You can count on it. Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  She hesitated, staring into his eyes. It was an endearment her father had used with her mom for as long as she’d been alive. “Don’t call me that unless you truly mean it.”

  “I mean it. I meant everything I said tonight.”

  * * *

  Sam mounted the porch steps and paused until he drove away. She opened the front door and stepped inside.

  Her mother looked up from the book she was reading and lifted an eyebrow. “That looked like Troy’s car, why didn’t that Carlson man bring you home?”

  She flopped down in the arm chair opposite Sally. “Steve Carlson is kind of a jerk. I really didn’t have a good time with him, and well…Troy showed up at the same place with Rosemary Silcox, I mean Rose Ingersoll—”

  “Really?” Sally leaned forward. “Do tell.” Amusement sparkled in her eyes. “Where exactly did you meet up?”

  “At a Jason Tawdry concert of all places. Can you believe it? Anyway, it seems Jason is interested in the development Troy’s trying to get off the ground over in Branson and invited him to the concert as his special guest. Troy and I had words earlier and I guess he decided to ask Rosemary. Steve and I showing up in the same place was purely coincidence.”

  “Okay. But how did you end up coming home with Troy. What did you do with Rosemary?”

  “Funny thing that. Turns out Jason and Rose hit it off and got on like a house on fire. She basically dumped Troy and went off on Tawdry’s arm.” Sam giggled.


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