The Last Cowboy

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The Last Cowboy Page 12

by Pat Dale

  The redhead dropped her gaze to the carpet. “Yes. I’m sorry, Samantha. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you’d back out if you knew.”

  Knowing she was right, Samantha wanted to cry. Or laugh. Right now she wasn’t sure which. She grit her teeth. “So there was something else stuck in your craw. Any more last minute surprises, my dear friend?”

  “No. That’s the list. All of it. You angry with me?”

  Samantha took a deep breath and held it for a count of ten while she took inventory of her emotions. Amazingly, she was not angry. Or hurt. Or any of a hundred things she could have expected to be.


  “No, Rose. Not angry. Surprised, but I can handle it. I’m a big girl, or so I’ve been told.”

  “You certainly are that.” Troy had come up behind her.

  She turned to him and smiled. “Hello, Troy. So you’re the mysterious best man I’ve been wondering about.”

  He seemed relieved that she hadn’t cut him to ribbons with her sharp tongue. “I can’t imagine what you might have wondered, Samantha.”

  Chapter Ten

  “What do you think about these two tying the knot?”

  Samantha’s innocent question caught him off guard. He’d been ready for a sharp rejoinder since she’d been blindsided with his participation in the wedding. Her apparent acceptance of the situation left him vulnerable. But what she’d asked seemed straight forward.

  “I think it’s great. Two people find each other in the midst of turmoil, and their priorities suddenly change. So, yeah, I think that’s just great. How about you?”

  “I agree. But of all the women I’d have thought JT would be interested in, Rose is about the last. There’s no arguing chemistry, though, is there?”

  Troy grinned. “Chemistry, huh?” He smiled down at her. “I know someone else whose chemistry excited an instant reaction.”

  She stared back at him. “Really? Who?”

  “Oh, come on, Samantha. You and I have exactly the same kind of relationship as they do. At least, when we’re not mucking it up, we do.”

  The colour that suddenly appeared on her face confirmed he was right. He held his tongue and watched her try and find an argument against his assertion. Silence settled in as he waited for her reaction. Seconds stretched into long minutes while she held back from responding. Just when he’d decided he’d gone too far, she answered.

  “You’re right,” she said in a near whisper. “You and I are peas in a pod, just like Rose and JT. Troy, I’m sorry for treating you the way I have lately. Forgive me?”

  His heart rate skyrocketed as his chest swelled with joy. “There’s nothing to forgive. We’ve both been fighting something that’s bigger than both of us.”

  Just as he thought of something important to ask her, JT came up and slapped him on the back. “Howdy, Troy. Ready to get this show on the road?”

  Troy had taken Samantha’s hand and squeezed it. He let it go. “Sure. If you are.”

  “Oh, I are, for sure.” JT grinned at Samantha. “You two are going make a good lookin’ couple too, don’t you know?”

  Samantha smiled. “You got that right, JT. We will.”

  * * *

  Sally tried to find a way to tell Ozzie what she’d done, but the opportunity hadn’t presented itself. Maybe because she was afraid he’d be upset that she’d taken it on as a project without consulting him. Now it didn’t matter, because she’d got a response from the publisher. The book was a go, and from the superlatives the editor had bandied about, it looked like Samantha’s book would be getting the fast track. There was a contract offer for the first book with an option for the other three in the series.

  Now all she had to do was to share the good news with Ozzie. And then she needed to break the news to Samantha that there was a contract that needed to be looked over and then signed. She’d have to ask Ozzie if he thought they should hold out for a bigger advance. Her stomach churned with nerves. Surely Sam would be thrilled her mother had taken things into her own hands and submitted her work.

  Right after the wedding was over would be the best time. No way could they distract or upset Samantha during the pre-wedding process. Sally was so overjoyed to see Samantha bubbling with positive energy, she couldn’t take a chance that she might burst that bubble of joy. So, she’d wait it out. Samantha would realize that her mother always had her best interests at heart.

  When Troy came by to talk to Samantha, she had just gone upstairs to shower. Sally asked him to come in and wait in the living room, knowing her daughter would take at least a quarter hour getting herself dolled up. She was so excited about Samantha’s success with the publisher, she couldn’t resist sharing the exciting news with Troy. He was surprised and to her chagrin looked worried. He glanced at the stair case and then turned his attention back to Sally.

  “Let me get this straight, Sally. You stole Sam’s manuscripts, copied them, and then sent them off to a publisher without talking to her about it. Without her knowing anything about it? Troy’s expression was wary and incredulous.

  “Well, yes. When you put it that way, it sounds bad. But really, I only had her best interests at heart. She’s so secretive about her writing and if I left it up to her she’d never submit her work. Steal is such a harsh word, Troy.”

  “It is, Sally. But that’s exactly how Samantha’s going to see it.”

  “But the publisher sent her work to an editor and they loved it. I’ve got a contract offer with a pretty fair advance—”

  “You’ve got a contract offer? Don’t you mean Samantha’s got a contract offer? What does Ozzie think about all this skullduggery?”

  “Well, yes of course. Sam’s got an offer.” Sally had the grace to blush.

  “Could I take a look at it?”

  Sally could hear the shower running so she had time. “Yes, but you can’t let on you’ve seen it. She would probably scalp me if she knew. This is a surprise for her, if you understand.”

  “Surprise might not be the word I would use in your place. I’m not so sure she’s going to take your interference well.”

  “I’m not interfering, Troy! I have only the best of intentions where my daughter is concerned. Will you let me take a look at the contract offer, please? Has Ozzie seen it yet?

  “Has Ozzie seen what yet?” The man in question sauntered into the room from the kitchen.

  Sally flashed Troy a guilty look before explaining to her husband what she’d done.

  “Well, Sal. I’m not sure our daughter is going to appreciate your efforts on her behalf. You know how touchy she is about her privacy. Submitting someone else’s work to a publisher is a bit shady when she hasn’t given you permission to act on her behalf. But since it’s all in the family we should be able to get around that if it should come up at some point.”

  “Oh, Ozzie. For heaven’s sake, you’re making me sound like a criminal.” Sally pouted.

  “Let’s take a look at this contract, shall we?” Ozzie nodded toward Sally’s computer.

  She pulled the up contract on her computer and Troy and Ozzie scrolled through it. A few minutes later, Samantha’s footsteps sounded in the upper hall. Ozzie quickly closed the computer down. “Let’s go back into the parlour to wait for Samantha.”

  Samantha paused in the doorway looking puzzled. “You guys upset or something? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, nothing at all, sweetie. We’ve just been visiting while we waited for you, dear,” Sally assured her.

  “Troy, I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m going to drive myself into Branson. I might need my car after the rehearsal is over,” Sam addressed Troy after giving her parents one last puzzled look.

  He nodded. “Okay. I’ll follow you to the centre.” Troy was only too glad to get out of there before Samantha asked one too many questions and uncovered the truth. He was pretty sure the fireworks when she exploded would rival the Fourth of July.

  * * *

  The rehearsal went
off without a hitch. The supper afterward concluded with the happy participants separating after a couple of hours of merriment. Samantha and Troy found themselves strolling the downtown streets of Branson where a few shops were still open.

  Samantha tucked her hand into the crook of his arm as they walked. They wandered aimlessly enjoying the evening and chatting companionably. Sam marveled at how easy it was to slip back into the uncomplicated relationship they’d enjoyed in high school. She sighed, thinking about all the time wasted over what had turned out to be a huge misunderstanding. She’d have to watch her hair trigger temper in the future and not let pride dictate her actions. Unlike Aggie and JT, she’d known Troy other since childhood. Perhaps that was what had interfered in the past. They thought they knew each other so well, but really didn’t. It didn’t matter now. Troy pulled free of her and stepped over to a display window, breaking into her thoughts.

  Her startled gaze settled on a display of rings in the window of the jewelry store he’s stopped beside.

  “See anything you like?” he asked.

  Sam scanned the dazzling display of rings, earrings and necklaces shimmering on their velvet cushions. A set of gold and diamond rings kept drawing her attention. Wedding rings. She glanced up at Troy, not sure if he was thinking along the same lines she was. “Oh, sure. There are some beautiful things, aren’t there?”

  “Lots, but does anything in particular catch your eye?” She couldn’t quite fathom the odd expression on his face.

  Still not sure of her footing, she answered noncommittedly. “Quite of few of those creations appeal to me.”

  “Care to show me what?”

  “Sure. Let’s go in so we can get a better look. You game?”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her headlong into the store. The owner had just started for the door to lock up for the night but hesitated at their entrance.

  “Can I help you folks, tonight?”

  Troy said, “Could be. I think the lady here wants to look at something in your window. Right, Samantha?”

  Somewhere deep inside, a little peel of imaginary bells began to chime. Her breath caught in her throat, this was the moment she’d dreamed of. It was real and it was happening right now. The wave of euphoria sent a shiver of dizziness over her.

  “I absolutely love that gorgeous ring set.” She went over to the back of the window case and pointed to the set in question. “May I try them on?”

  The owner unlocked the case and pulled the rings out; a wedding ring in plain yellow gold matched with an engagement ring that sported a blue-white diamond of at least three carats. He led them to an inner display table and handed the rings to Samantha.

  Without hesitating, she tried them on her left hand. They fit perfectly. She turned to Troy and held her fingers out for his inspection. “You like?” she asked.

  “I like.”


  His eyes went wide. “Yes?”

  She chuckled musically. “Yes.”

  Troy took her into his arms and kissed her. Releasing her, he turned to the puzzled store owner. “She said yes!”

  The man still didn’t seem to understand exactly what she had yes to. “I heard that. Does that mean you want the rings?”

  Troy and Samantha laughed in unison. Troy said, “Yes, we want them. I think we’re going to need them.”

  Samantha tugged at his arm, turning him toward her. “Isn’t there something kind of formal you want to ask me, silly man?”

  Troy slapped his forehead with the butt of his hand. “How could I have forgotten the most important part? Samantha Turner, love of my life, will you do me the honour of being my wife?”

  Trying to keep her heart from fluttering uncontrollably, she said, “Troy Roberts, the one and only true love of my life, I will marry you. Yes!”

  The store owner, who’d finally caught on to what was happening, joined in the celebration. “I’d say I’ve just witnessed a very special moment in your lives. Congratulations, you two!” He’d also just had his daily sales figure enhanced most remarkably. He took the rings from Samantha. “Let me polish these up a bit, if you have time. They don’t appear to need sizing. While I do that, why don’t you pick out a ring for the groom?”

  Troy said, “We’ve got all the time in the world. C’mon, Sam. Help me find a groom’s ring to match your set.”

  The jeweller pointed them toward another display and indicated which rings were compatible with the ones Samantha had chosen.

  Samantha suddenly felt light-headed. The impact of what had just happened finally caught up to her. In the space of a single day she’d transitioned from anger and despair to agreeing to marry her high school sweetheart. It wasn’t a fantasy, but the real thing. What a day. What a night!

  After Troy paid the jeweller for the rings and collected the pretty little boxes, they headed for their cars They’d come in separate vehicles and so were faced with a decision.

  He stopped beside the Lexus in the restaurant parking lot where they’d eaten earlier. “Want to ride with me, sweetheart?”

  “And leave my car here? Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. I just want to be with you.”

  Sam hesitated. She didn’t want the evening to end. At least, not this way. Everything had been so magical, it didn’t seem right to just let it trail off into nothing. “I want to be with you too, Troy.”

  When her wrapped his arms around her, the whole world seemed to stand still. His lips felt heavenly when he plied her mouth in a way she’d never experienced. Not even on the night when he revealed his love for her, had he kissed her with this kind of passion. Her body heated in anticipation.

  “Want to spend the night with me?” he asked in a whisper, half question and half suggestion.

  She did. More than she cared to admit. A nebulous frisson of fear spiraled through her guts. Once she agreed there would be no turning back. Was she really ready to take the next momentous step? Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Yes. I do.”

  In a manner nearly as casual as the way he’d proposed to her, Sam admitted to herself that she needed him in a physical way, and she needed him now. After the years of hoping for this moment, she was not about to let it slip away for propriety’s sake.

  When he held the door for her, she climbed in, content to let him decide where they would end up. He slid into the driver’s seat but didn’t start the car. “Why don’t you put the ring on, Sam? I want the world to know you’re mine and I’m yours.”

  She took the box with trembling hands and opened it. The diamond glistened in the half-light surrounding them. Slipping it on, she held it up to admire it. “I love this ring and I’ll always remember this night, Troy. I love you so much.”

  Their lips met in a long gentle kiss. “I love you too, Samantha. So much I can’t express it. I’ve always loved you and I always will.”

  Not until they were well out of Branson did she realize he was taking her to his home, which would soon become her home. She wondered whether to call her parents to let them know she’d be okay when it hit her. She was an adult, almost thirty, and not beholden to her parents.

  If her decision was to give herself to her fiancé, that was her business. A whole new life waited for her to embrace it with open arms.

  Chapter Eleven

  Troy stopped in the circle drive, under the canopy of his opulent mansion. Samantha gawked at the place, having only seen it from the road before. Her vision blurred, her mind a mass of jumbled thoughts and emotions, as one indelible fact emerged. She would soon be the queen of this huge estate. Holy cats, Missy would have a fit when she saw the place.

  “Would you like to see the inside of your new home, my Princess?”

  She turned to face him, her eyes filled with tears of joy. “Home? I, uh, yes. I think I’d like that.”

  He chuckled. “I thought as much. I know it’s going to be a big change for you, sweetness, but when you marry me, you marry my estate and all that
goes with it.”

  A modicum of sanity returned as she gazed up at him. “I knew you did well for yourself, Troy. But even Dad’s stories never led me to realize just how well you’ve made out.

  He shook his head. “Not so well. Not until this moment. Sure, I’ve done okay. But the one prize I’d always dreamed of has eluded me.”

  “One prize?”

  “Yes. The only one worth fighting for. In a word, you. I don’t want to get all mushy over this, but without you, my life has been totally empty. It’s all been a game, one I’m tired of playing.”

  He jumped out of the car and came around to help her out. Taking her hand, he led her to the entrance where he activated the electronic door lock. As they stepped inside, she held her breath. The foyer was nothing short of grand, and the dual stairway to the second floor was a modern take on the Colonial mansions of a bygone era. In short, the answer to a southern belle’s dreams.

  Samantha was no southern belle, but she wasn’t stupid, either. Images of the scenes she’d written in her novels flashed through her brain as he led her upstairs. The Admiral sweeping his lady off her feet and carrying her up a flight of stairs eerily similar to the ones she climbed now in this very real setting. Another image occupied her mind even as he pulled her into his bedroom and swept her into his arms.

  An image of Sir Robert and Lady Eve, bare naked and embracing, a wildly erotic image that inflamed her body. Frissons of electricity bolted through her as she recalled with detail the first moment of passion between her protagonists. And now it was her turn to live out her wildest fantasies with the man of not only her novels, but the man of her dreams. How much better could it get than that?

  He turned her to him and reached up to release her hair from its bun; letting her tresses flow freely around her face and shoulders. “I love you, Samantha. With all my heart, I love you, and I always will.”

  “And I love you, Troy. I always have, though I tried stupidly to hate you. I let my pride rule me. Why did I do that?”


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