Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4) Page 15

by Andrew McGregor

  Malikkas nodded thoughtfully, the engine noise becoming louder as the light faded, the dark grey transports lowering towards their platforms as steam spread across the narrow valley, swirling with the dust and blinding flickering lights. The Herrakian spoke again, a devious grin forming on his face, ‘How many times have they changed the power cells?’

  The soldier shook his head, ‘I have never seen them…we stay well away from the wire, someone was apparently electrocuted some time ago…they are high powered…’

  Malikkas shook his head, a devious smile spreading across his lips, ‘These are high powered, but are designed for our laser cannons…they deplete quickly…maybe in four or five days.’ He stepped forward, the SAS soldier seeming confused, ‘We have to recharge them…or place them in full light. These have been mostly in darkness and left for some time…they are probably very low power now! I think the Morgon that used them presumed they were the same as the ones used for our mobile medial facilities and buildings, they have a lower charge, but last far longer…hence they have used so many!’

  The British soldier’s eyes widened, a grin sweeping across his grimy face as his blue eyes flashed with excitement, ‘We have a distraction with the landings…can you open the gates?’

  Malikkas nodded, his hands reaching for the next plank as he hissed, ‘Get the others…I will test the fence!’

  The grey transports touched down, the deep clanks of steel against steel resounding across the high rock walls as the rear doors whined then slowly lowered. The prisoners stared in silence, their hands still raised to shield their eyes as the dust and snowflakes drifted to earth around them.

  The SAS soldier ran across the compound, stumbling as he neared the group and dropping to his knees, his voice rising in excitement as he gasped, ‘We all need to go in the hut…the commander has a way out!’

  Several of the group spun round, the female space station intelligence officer grimacing in disbelief, ‘W-what? There is no way out for us all…some are wounded…’ They glanced round warily, checking the sentries, the Morgons still staring forward at the landed craft, the officers shouting instructions as the engines whined, the pilots reducing their throttles to pulse as the transports powered down.

  The Herrakian soldier shook his head, ‘We will not all escape…we are too many and they will slaughter the wounded…track us down. In any case, where will we go? The gate or doors may lead nowhere…’

  The Trevakian with the deep chest wound coughed from behind, spitting blood into the dust as his voice croaked, ‘Go! We are done for anyway!’ He leant across, grasping the extended fist of the soldier next to him, the man having lost his lower leg, their eyes welling with emotion, ‘They will kill us anyway…go…go now!’ He waved his hand towards the transports, the dust and snow falling around them as the lights faded across the valley, ‘Use this diversion…there is unlikely to be another!’

  The SAS soldier strode towards the two prone men, lowering next to them and reaching to grasp their intertwined fists, his tone breaking, ‘I am Tony…and you will have saved us all!’ The soldiers grimaced in pain, nodding as he continued, sniffing with admiration, ‘I will never forget this…’

  The wounded soldier forced a smile, ‘Remember us both…the intelligence officer already has our identification tags…it is only a matter of time now…’ He grimaced once more, spitting more blood from his mouth, his teeth stained crimson as he stared past to the other prisoners, ‘Now go…or die with us here…it is your choice!’

  Lieutenant Malikkas slipped through the hole torn inside of the dilapidated building, stepping cautiously forward towards the razor wire fence, his breath held as he glanced at the numerous power cells stacked across the rocks walls and out of reach of the stockade corners. The light was fading, his breath held as he strained his eyes, staring at the high powered batteries, the shrieks and engine noise seeming to lower as he tensed, his hand slowly stretching out towards the wire.

  Pushing his arm forward, his fingers touched the freezing metal, the steel freezing to his touch as he gasped in relief, the current pulsing through the wire very weak if non-existent. Stepping back in relief, he examined the criss-crossing razor sharp barricade, the gaps between the jagged metal just enough for boots to fit. His hands reached up and grasped the wire above as he pushed his right boot onto the second taut strand from the bottom, heaving his weight upwards and beginning to climb the fence, the progress slow as he felt for each hand and foothold.

  As the prisoners slipped into the left shed, the two wounded stared at the transports ahead, the dust and snowflakes still falling from above as they watched the Morgon guards intently, keen to distract them if they turned.

  As the transport doors clanked hard against the landing platforms, the crouched soldiers rose in unison within the dark holds, lifting their assault rifles to their chests as they turned to exit into the cold air. Stepping forward as one, the squads exited the rear of the transports and turned abruptly, their reflective visors moving across the sights before them as the Morgon soldiers below stiffened in response, their helmets turning is awe as the large armoured troops marched past, officers in shining camouflaged armour emerging into the light behind and striding after their designated units.

  The two wounded prisoners grimaced, one turning to the other slowly and whispering as they satred at the heavily armoured troopers in the distance, ‘They will take some stopping…rockets?’

  The other shook his head, ‘Those are not naturally Morgon…they are too strange…one of us needs to tell the others, they can inform command when they escape!’ The Trevakian with the stomach wound struggled upwards, his comrade shaking in pain as he pushed him to assist, the soldier groaning as he staggered across the small compound, a trail of dripping blood in his wake.

  The heavily armoured soldiers tramped forward, Silakian loaders glancing nervously at each other as the dust settled around them, their eyes widening as they glimpsed the white skulls emblazoned on chest and back plates, the new troops beginning to form into two long lines alongside the landing bays. Their officers checked the instrument panels on the creations that moved slower, several engineers checking mobile communicators and the drug levels of each soldier, the units preparing to move towards the front line as extra stimulants were induced, the loaders instructed to take chemical boxes from the rear cargo holds.

  The wounded Trevakian struggled into the hut, smiling painfully as he glimpsed the fit prisoners climbing the enclosure fence carefully, his voice a low hiss as the transport engines hummed across the valley rock walls, ‘They have specialist troops unloading…very heavily armoured…they are not Morgon, something else…warn command when you get free!’

  The Alexion One intelligence officer turned and nodded, their progress painfully slow as they attempted to make as little noise as possible clambering over the fence. The wounded soldier watching Malikkas struggle with the door barricades, the young SAS soldier the first to reach the ground on the other side of the fence and run to assist.

  Slowly the right hand gate opened slightly, three wooden blocks and two bolts having been removed as the Herrakian slipped through, the wounded soldier coughing in pain as blood dripped to the floor, his eyes straining through the darkness as others began to move through the opening. Staggering as he turned away, he grimaced in agony as his steps became more painful, his deep wound now bleeding profusely as he struggled back towards his last comrade.

  The prisoners had escaped with their lives…for the time being.

  Chapter Fifteen: Reporting back to Rangara

  As darkness fell across the snowflake filled sky, Tregan wearily clambered up the steps leading from the tunnel into the storage shed. Behind him, Riaz slowly slipped the helmet from his head, running a gloved hand across his sweat encrusted short black hair as Shino climbed above him, two soldiers of the Scientific Battalion pushed their long assault rifles across their backs, indicating for him to go first.

  Riaz marvelled at their com
bat suits, the helmets all enclosed and attached to the thick reinforced grey shoulder armour and camouflaged uniforms beneath. The full visors were reflective black, Professor Laran explaining the equipment was a new prototype and deployment into the field an ideal test for what they had developed in the mountains.

  The scientist had explained further, using one of the soldiers as a model as he slowly walked around the trooper, identifying the key components and advancements of the uniform. With additional power cells placed across the shoulder, chest and shin armour, the suit was able to provide power and enhancements to the wearer for considerably longer than the more standard issue kit.

  The power cells were of an upgraded variety, able to freely recharge in light with the technology of the suit prioritising the power charge to that deemed most required by the user’s body. The helmet was densely armoured on the sides and back, the full visor a transparent mesh polymer armour to protect the soldier inside with two pin lights on either side, twice the number of the original design.

  The shoulder armour was denser than previous models, able to fully form around the frame that wore it and now attach to the combat uniform below to provide additional power supplement. Additional resin armour plate had been added to the upper and lower arms, abdomen, thighs and shins, the thin sheets providing extreme durability and stress resistance. Finally, Professor Laran had grinned as he pointed to the boots, potentially his favourite breakthrough, explaining that the additions added would not only ensure the wearers gravitational pull to any surface if required, but that added to the suit and upgrades, the entire ensemble could withstand a limited space walk and potentially some combat if required on the outer hull of a space station or large craft.

  Reaching the top of the steps, Riaz watched as Tregan tapped an exit code into the metal keypad next to the door, the dimly lit storage area illuminated by their helmet pin lights as reflective shadows from the supplies extending across the walls and shelves. With a low grind, the door mechanism swept open, the Trevakian stepping out into the swirling night snow as the others followed.

  Their uniforms inflated slightly as the cold air swept across the compound, the trek down from the mountain having provided additional shelter with the surrounding high jagged rock walls. Shino glanced across the walls, four sentries stood with their shoulders hunched against the freezing air on the upper levels, their arms rising in brief greeting before they returned to the vigil over the deserted village streets. The snow was now settling across the interior compound, the remaining halftrack now covered with a thick blanket of the greying oxygen starved flakes. Several lanterns hung from the outsides of the small buildings, the lights casting faint glows across the ground beneath.

  Tregan turned and indicated to the barrack block on the left, advising the two soldiers from the Scientific Battalion to deposit any belongings at an empty bunk before proceeding to collect some food and ammunition if required. Shino listened intently to the Trevakian sentence, her mouth attempting to simulate the strange words as Riaz grinned incredulously, nudging her, ‘Not only are millions of miles from home and fighting for our lives, but you are now thinking of learning another language?’

  The Philippine turned to glare at him, pursing her lips provocatively as they trudged after Tregan across the compound towards the command block, ‘It will give me the option of not being limited to conversing with you…’

  Riaz giggled, slapping her shoulder armour as they neared the doorway, ‘Come on then…let’s find ‘mummy’ Hardie and get ready for dinner!’ Shino grinned in response, the door sweeping open as Tregan tapped a code into the keypad, the light surging outwards from the opening, their exhaled breath swirling with the snowflakes as they stepped inside.

  Captain Dugachard rose from a chair to the right, the small command cabin welcomingly lit with three flickering enclosed lamps. Two desks sat opposite each other, Debra Hardie smiling widely to the left as she struggled to rise, the three visitors stiffening to attention as Dugachard slipped round the side of the desk, a grin crossing her slim face with her slim figure seemingly silhouetted in the light, ‘So, our adventurers have returned…what happened?’ She smiled wider as Debra patted Shino’s shoulder, hugging the Philippine before turning to Riaz, the asian male ducking back and declining the offer with a uncomfortable wide grin.

  Tregan cleared his throat, dusting the snow from his shoulder armour, before raising a fist briefly to his chest, ‘Captain, we have returned from the base in the mountains with two soldiers of the Science Battalion…they were unable to spare any other personnel and we can only utilise these two soldiers for garrison duty in the outpost, their main responsibility being to guard the entrance to the path.’ His eyes narrowed as he recalled the specific instructions from the scientist as Captain Dugachard’s eyes widened in surprise, ‘We have reported the current situation to the base and advised them of the engagement with the Silaks, the destruction of the transporter and the contorted bodies we discovered.’

  Dugachard nodded, her tone irritated as her eyes narrowed, ‘They told you we could only use the soldiers in the outpost?’ She sighed, ‘Typical Science Battalion arrogance…telling us how we can deploy their troops…’ She glanced across the figures before her, ‘Very well…I presume they come in lavish uniforms with all the latest gadgetry?’ She smiled in defeat as Tregan nodded, ‘Let us hope they prove to be as brave as they are equipped then…the last time I had experience with their troops in a battle most were slower at firing than regular troops and their advanced technology broke or was useless after the first day!’ Glancing away, the slim commander seemed to correct herself, becoming embarrassed at the outburst as she smiled reassuringly, ‘Technologically great equipment, but just not perfected completely and not durable enough…anyway, please continue…’ She indicated to the desks behind, ‘Would anyone like a drink…we have some Trevakian wine in the jugs?’

  Shino glanced past the commander, Debra turning away to collect one of the ceramic vessels and a couple of shining resin mugs to hand out. Tregan continued, his anticipation of a drink rising, ‘The scientist explained some interesting characteristics of the Morgons and we toured the facility, being shown the latest uniform additions and proposals. Riaz explained the strange lights in the Silak base and I advised of the additional tunnel that they had been digging. I asked about the food situation in case we became short and was advised they had reserves that could be shared.’ Tregan shifted uncomfortably as Captain Dugachard indicated for him to continue, Debra pouring the clear liquid into mugs and passing them round.

  Tregan swigged heavily from his resin container, draining the contents and swallowing hard as Debra offered a top up, ‘I asked if we would be able to retreat to the science base if we were attacked in overwhelming numbers or lost control of the outpost. I was advised this would only be acceptable if the enemy was held by us destroying the tunnels beneath, that our soldiers would have to man the defences outside the facility until their extra ‘counter measures’ could be deployed…’

  Dugachard grimaced, shaking her head, ‘Very well, if that’s the way they want it! At least we know we have an escape route if the Morgons break through and cut us off!’ She grinned thoughtfully, ‘Counter-measures? I wonder what they are…’ She thought for a second, ‘Did you see all of the facility, or was it more of a selective tour?’

  Shino raised her hand sheepishly, the captain indicating for her to speak as she stole a sip of her drink, ‘The scientist offered information rather than waiting for us to ask…there were some doors and areas we did not see…he just explained them…’

  Dugachard nodded knowingly to Tregan, ‘What do you think? They have one don’t they…’

  The Trevakian smiled confidently at Shino and Riaz, ‘I believe so…Shino is right, I think the base is larger than this ‘Professor Laran’ made out and I would not be surprised if they did have some sort of landing bay…it is unlikely that all that equipment and the quantity of supplies they seemed to possess were
carried through this base…there is probably another secret entrance somewhere too.’

  Captain Dugachard leant back against her desk, the light flickering across her features as she glanced across their expectant faces, ‘It seems our Science Battalion colleagues are unable to co-exist with the regular army without secrecy…it is in their inner psyche…suspicion and covert communications.’ She sipped from her mug once more, ‘Still, we know our situation better now…well done.’

  Riaz swigged from his mug, clearing his throat and glancing down fondly from the taste, ‘What shall we do now, Sir? Shall we increase patrols and draw out the Silaks…or are we going to stay defensively in the base?’

  Shino and Debra’s eyes widened as they turned to stare at the asian officer in surprise, Captain Dugachard seeming unconcerned, ‘Good point…we don’t really have enough soldiers to commence hostile reconnaissance…but if we do not send out patrols, the locals will realise our low numbers…’ She glanced round, thinking for a second, ‘We will send out one patrol in the morning to the high pastures…feed the animals, but then come straight back, not extend the sweep…we keep smaller patrols in the village street once the main one is completed. I will man the walls with Debra and all remaining soldiers whilst the patrols are out, that should keep the Silaks and townsfolk guessing…’ She nodded to Riaz and Shino, have a couple more drinks and something to eat, I want you on sentry duty first thing, then ready to set out with Tregan on patrol…tomorrow will be an interesting day.’

  Sitting back in the barracks block, Riaz leant forward and smacked the green food canister against the strong resin crate in the centre of the room, smiling faintly as the tin began to warm in his hands, his mouth salivating as he considered what delights could be inside. The room was empty apart from two slumbering figures at the end, the bunks lined along each side of the dimly lit area. The rest of the garrison were completing a patrol of the village, the Science Battalion soldiers manning the outpost walls under the supervision and guidance of Tregan.


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