Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4) Page 23

by Andrew McGregor

  The two soldiers nodded, flicking the safety buttons on the side of the sleek silver and white rifles, their breathing shallow as they squeezed the triggers briefly. Static surged along the lower barrels, the rifles bucking slightly as a short intense red light swept from the muzzles, the laser fire shattering the boxes opposite, fragments shooting upwards and back against the hangar walls as the falling metal smouldered.

  Shadian nodded, a brief smile crossing his face as he turned to the small group of officers, ‘The situation in the upper levels of the station is deteriorating…form a platoon of thirty or so personnel and issue them with these rifles…we will see how they perform in combat…’

  David Bland shifted his stance uncomfortably, his tone nervous, ‘Sir…should we not issue them to all the defenders?’

  The Admiral shook his head, ‘It is unlikely these weapons have arrived in time to save the station, but they are also untested in battle…what if they jam, malfunction or are not suitable for this environment? Then we will be weaker, not stronger…’ He turned away dismissively, a hand rising to his ear, ‘Admiral to bridge…situation update!’

  The wounded operator winced in pain, responding to his commander, ‘Sir, we have lost external visuals, the enemy has taken the power circuit rooms above…we are blind!’ He hesitated, unwilling to provide further news as the officer next to him indicated to the flashing screen, ‘Sir…the enemy is reinforced in the upper levels, the majority of our personnel and the soldiers of our allies have retreated to Deck 64…there is heavy fighting on Deck 65 and we are building additional defences on Decks 60 to 63…we estimate the Morgons will break through in the next few hours…we have too few combatants left to hold them. We are relying on laser cannon, pulse grenades and the internal defensive mechanisms to delay them!’

  Admiral Shadian shook his head in dismay, his hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously, ‘Very well…I will proceed to Deck 64 with everyone I can muster…get an officer to sweep the wounded areas, see if they can gather any more soldiers to fight or assist with the defences.’ He hesitated for a second, then spoke again, ‘Send out another urgent distress signal…keep sending it until the station falls.’ He glanced at the airport manager next to him, ‘How are the turrets…are they still firing?’

  The operator replied, his tone shaking with strain, ‘First Officer Archiad reports that two guns are still firing, though on a reduced rate…he states the Morgons are now at the lower protective blast doors and attempting to break through…that he has only seventeen personnel left to resist once the enemy breaks through the automated defences.’

  Shadian nodded grimly, ‘I understand…tell him my thoughts are with him and that I would assist if we could.’ He stiffened, ‘I will be on Deck 64…call everyone to Deck 63 to muster…Shadian out…’ He stared across David Bland’s shoulder armour, then into his eyes, his voice firm, ‘Get a laser rifle and all the remaining engineers and loading personnel…you will command them. I will also give you some of the walking wounded if we have any…you will prepare the defences on Deck 63 and organise your troops.’

  The transport pilot shook his head nearby, stepping towards them, ‘Sir…I will take this command if acceptable…’ He slowly indicated to David, ‘This officer has limited combat experience and is from earth…he has never faced the Morgons before.’

  The Admiral nodded, ‘Very well…gather your men and follow this officer and myself to Deck 63…leave a small crew here for any incoming craft.’ He nodded to David, ‘Come with me…we will see what staff we can muster on the way…’ He marched forward, slinging his assault rifle over his shoulder as the airport manager followed, one of the soldiers handing him a laser rifle as he passed. Stopping briefly, the Admiral turned, staring at one of his officers, ‘Stay here with these new weapons…jettison them into space if…when the enemy get near…they must not fall into Morgon hands.’ The Admiral indicated to the pilot, ‘Ensure none of these new weapons are captured by the enemy!’

  Static surged through the speakers across the lower space station, the transmission from the bridge distorted as power surges swept the station, ‘Priority One Order: All remaining personnel fit or able for combat to report to Deck 63…Admiral Shadian’s order!’

  Walking briskly along the dust covered corridors of Deck 61, David stared wide eyed at the groups of wounded lining the walls, many heavily bandaged as several struggled to their feet, blood dripping from their wounds and dirt smeared uniforms as they retrieved their rifles. Distant gunfire and explosions echoed from the floors above, two soldiers running past with ammunition boxes, his heart pounding as he stared in disbelief along the walkway. Clearing his throat, he addressed the figure striding ahead, ‘Admiral…are these soldiers and station personnel even fit for combat?’

  Admiral Shadian glanced over his shoulder dismissively, his eyes straining, ‘You really have had no combat with the Morgons…’ He moved to one side as several men and women struggled past, a number attempting painfully to salute as he nodded, forcing a grim smile, ‘These soldiers will die if this space station falls…we all will. There are not enough transports available to transfer the wounded to the surface if…when the enemy overcomes us…this is where it ends!’ He spun round on his heels, indicating for David to keep up as he grinned wearily, ‘You will experience the Morgons fighting ability today and it will haunt you for the rest of your life…fortunately for you, that will not be too long now you are here!’

  David’s eyes widened in horror, glancing down at a moaning soldier next to him, the man’s shoulder armour bent cruelly back into his upper chest, blood seeping from the deep wound beneath the bandages. The wounded soldier further along lay silent, David suddenly realising numerous dead lay in the corridor, their lifeless eyes staring up at the station walls and ceiling as smeared blood spread across the dust coated floor. Staring back and forth, he realised there was only one medic, the female overwhelmed with casualties with at least twenty soldiers whimpering and moaning for assistance, most requiring anaesthetics for their gruesome injuries. Recognising some of the wincing pained faces, he realised some of the wounded and dead were Nepalese, the Gurkhas having suffered considerable casualties.

  He looked up, forcing his vision away and seeing Shadian was waiting for him near the stairs to the Deck above, the Admiral’s hand raised to his ear. Nearing the commander, David saw him nodding, the senior officer stepping back to lean against the wall, his body seeming to visibly sag as his voice became strained, ‘Repeat message…’

  The operator in the bridge stared down at the flashing screen before him, nervous energy filling his chest, ‘Admiral Sir…sensors indicate we have a large power surge in near space…it’s probably a ship of some sort…we have no recognition and its cloaked!’

  Shadian shook his head in dismay, ‘Another ship! They have virtually beaten us…we have no defences left! Give me more details when you have them!’

  The operator’s adrenalin fuelled voice came back immediately, ‘Sir…they are hailing us! The ship is hailing us!’

  The Admiral stiffened, his tone becoming harsher and demanding, ‘Get a hold of yourself! Give me the message!’

  The voice became more subdued, a nervous cough emitted from the earphone, ‘Apologies Admiral…relaying message as follows…’ There was a brief pause, the operator tapping furiously on his console, the Admiral straining his ears as a low beep sounded, then a high pitched voice surged through his headset, ‘This is Fahimian One…the last vessel of our people. We are responding to your distress signal and will engage the Morgon enemy at your request. We understand that your situation is perilous and our leader has instructed the following forces to be placed at your disposal if this meets your wishes…six thousand Fahimian commandoes and marines…two thousand to be deployed to your space station and the rest to the planet’s surface. Two hundred and fifty space fighters and thirty fighter bombers to be utilised to drive the Morgons from your space and to attack their ground forces.’ The messag
e seemed to pause, some whispering in a strange language in the background as Admiral Shadian turned to stare in shock at David Bland, his knees sagging as his back drifted down the wall, his face breaking into a wide smile. The message continued, ‘We, the last remnants of the Fahimian Republic wish to join the Trevakian Empire as your allies…seeking a new home planet with your assistance and driving the Morgons from the galaxies!’ Another brief pause with subdued whispering, then the message continued, ‘If this offer is acceptable, please respond in friendship…we await your earliest communication and will respond to your wishes. An emissary from our people will land in your lower bay if our offer meets with your approval.’

  Shadian tapped his earpiece firmly, ‘Welcome them! Ask for their assistance as soon as they can deploy it…we welcome the Fahimian Republic to the Trevakian Empire. I will meet their emissary immediately…’

  He glanced round as a soldier struggled down the steps towards him, the full visor scratched and cracked and uniform splattered with blood, the man standing abruptly to attention as he gasped, ‘Admiral Shadian Sir…Captain Gurung, Royal Gurkha Rifles...Sir, I have to report that we cannot hold the enemy much longer. I have lost over two hundred soldiers in the decks above, our defences are crumbling…we cannot hold much longer!’

  Admiral Shadian pushed himself to his feet, straightening his uniform and raising his fist to his chest officially, ‘Captain Gurung…I salute you and the sacrifices of your men. I must beg you to hold for a little longer…help is coming, and soon. Our newest allies are sending troops to our lower bay as we speak…two thousand commandoes!’ His jaw stiffened as he stared at the exhausted Gurkha captain, ‘We are about to gift the Morgons with one of the greatest defeats they have ever experienced! Alexion One will not fall to the enemy!’

  Chapter Twenty Five: Changing Fortunes

  David Bland stood next to Admiral Shadian in the lower landing bay, the lights across the hangar brightened as a small group of intelligence officers and soldiers stood staring at the small incoming transport craft. As the vessel broke through the outer green pulsing shield, landing skis slowly extended from the base of the angular craft, a low clunk as it touched down on the scratched and dirt smeared and scratched landing bay floor.

  A whir of mechanical motors preceded the rear door lowering, steam drifting from the glistening dark hull as differing bright lights pulsed along the sides, David smiling widely as he whispered to the surprised Admiral, ‘They are quite a flamboyant race…’

  The Admiral nodded warily, ‘I am beginning to realise…’

  As the rear door touched the deck, lights illuminated down either side of the walkway one by one, the beams sparkling briefly as they all illuminated, Shadian grinning as further lights within the craft burst into life, illuminating two small forward figures, bright red cloaks draped around their shoulders.

  Begum strode forward down the ramp, smiling widely as he recognised David, then stiffening as Admiral Shadian stepped forward, his smile returning once more as he bowed slightly, ‘I am Begum, translator and emissary of the Fahimian Republic.’

  The Admiral stopped before him, his body stiffening, ‘I am Admiral Shadian, commander of this Space Station and representative of the Trevakian Empire. I welcome you and your people to our alliance and thank you for your offer of kind assistance…’ He leant forward slightly, glancing over the Fahimian’s shoulder and out through the shielded opening into space, ‘Please can you advise when your soldiers will arrive…and your fighters.’

  Begum smiled knowingly, pushing the cloak back over his small shoulder, a glint of the gold clasp catching the Admiral’s eye, ‘But they are already deploying Admiral…’ He raised his hand, a message transmitted from the cockpit of the transport as boots slammed together inside the rear compartment, black dressed Fahimian commandoes marching out into the light from either side, the soldiers all brandishing laser rifles.

  Behind them, out in space, the view seemed to shiver then vibrate slightly, steam bursting from numerous locations as the transports uncloaked one by one, lining to enter the transport bay. Above them, the canopies of fighters glinted as they emerged from the darkness, David staring in awe as his eyes glistened with emotion. Squadrons on the sides suddenly banked sharply and swept out of sight, over one hundred craft streaming around the sides of the Space Station to hunt the black Morgon vessels.

  More fighters gunned their engines, their pilots thrusting their side sticks forward as the craft swept downwards towards the upper atmosphere, fighter bombers following in their wake as Begum grinned, flashing brilliant white teeth at the Admiral, ‘Commander…may I ask you advise your ground forces of our arrival…we have intercepted and disengaged the Morgon jamming between this station and Morasat…we do not want any friendly fire incidents!’

  Admiral Shadian nodded eagerly, a hand rising to his ear, ‘Shadian to bridge…notify Morasat of incoming friendlies…lots of them!’

  The message burbled in his ear, the operator clearly excited, ‘Yes Admiral…we have a further deep space covert contact Sir…incoming vessel behind the Fahimians…it’s Battle Cruiser Serriax Sir, they report receiving our distress signal and have come from earth…there is more Sir!’

  Admiral Shadian grimaced, frustrated with the operator’s lack of professionalism, ‘What is it? Calm down…I need you to be focussed!’

  The operator’s voice broke back through the static once more, the tone heightening further as he read the deep space signal from the Battle Cruiser, ‘The captain of the Serriax reports multiple readings in deep space as they received our distress signal…Sir, there are incoming ships of the ninth and tenth fleet! They will be here within…I repeat…they will be here within thirty hours!’

  Shadian glanced down at Begum, his eyes glistening as he grinned, the small Fahimian smiling back as he spoke, ‘It seems we will not be alone for long Admiral…’ He glanced round as four further transports touched down either side of the first craft, then his eyes narrowed, a hand rising to indicate the black uniformed commandoes advance, their silver protective armour sparkling in the hangar lights, ‘It appears it is time for Fahimian troops to once again engage the enemy…but this time we will not be defeated!’

  Boots cracked in unison against the loading bay floor, more transports touching down as their rear cargo doors lowered, hundreds of Fahimian commandoes and marines jogged past in unison, Trevakian intelligence and station staff running before them to guide the soldiers forward. David stared in awe as the highly trained soldiers moved towards the outer corridors, a determined smile forming on his lips as he stepped forward, nodding to Begum his tone low as he addressed the Trevakian commander, ‘Admiral Sir…I wish permission to join the attack with the others…it’s time I gained combat experience!’

  Shadian nodded briefly, unable to speak, Begum indicating to four commandoes at the rear of his own transport, ‘These are my personal bodyguards…’ The black uniformed soldiers lunged towards them, snapping to attention before their emissary as he addressed them, his hand pointing to David, ‘You will escort this soldier…protect him with your lives…he is valuable to our new alliance!’

  The Admiral shook his head, tears of relief in his eyes after days of overwhelming stress and worry, a small hand reaching out to rub his lower arms comfortingly as the Fahimian stepped forward, the soldiers jogging away with David Bland, ‘Admiral…there is always hope…sometimes only in the deepest darkness can we find the brightest lights.’

  Chapter Twenty Six: Hold Until Relieved

  Fahimian fighters swept round the sides of Alexion One, alarms sounding in the cockpits of Morgon vessels as their pilots banked away in horror, over one hundred craft closing on their positions, the small enemy pilots’ eyes glinting in anticipation as they neared their hated adversaries.

  One squadron soared upwards, targeting the Morgon transports clamped to the upper sides of the vast space station, the vessels exploding or blown from their mounts as Morgon infantry were sucked int
o space from inside and open hulls, their armoured hands frantically grasping to hold anything that would prevent their deaths.

  In the upper gun turrets, the targeting engineers cheered, First Officer Archiad turning from his defensive position before the blast doors as the muffled shouts reached his ears, the remaining operators rising from their flashing consoles and shouting down to him, ‘Sir…allied fighters engaging the enemy in numbers…the Morgons are fleeing!’

  Alexion One shuddered, more transports blown from the sides of the vast orbiting station as the Fahimians cheered in relish in their cockpits. Tearing across space, their vessel victory side lights flashed as laser fire poured out towards the banking Morgon fighters, the enemy craft engaging full power as they retreated towards their ships in far orbit, the small crimson craft engaging at will and chasing after their potential prey.

  Fahimian fighters swept low over Morasat heading east, the residents and defensive soldiers staring upwards in awe as numerous bright lights flashed past, cheers erupting from the streets as rumours that new allies had joined the battle spread like wildfire. Several angular transports flew slowly over the buildings, friendship lights pulsing along the dark hulls as they neared the landing pads, their holds full of Fahimian commandoes and marines, most with additional supplies for the local populace, in particular delicacies for the children.

  Shells bore down on the bluffs to the east, the defenders cowering in their trenches for cover as explosions tore across the pitted ground. Then engines roared overhead, the wave of noise deafening as some glanced upwards fearfully, their eyes widening as they glimpsed the flashing lights and red and silver decorative markings of the crimson craft, animal markings emblazoned on their hulls.


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