Yumi had to stop to lean against the wall. Now that she'd finally eaten she felt stronger, and she hoped to feel even better then next morning, but the mark was still making its presence felt. She continued on, not being able to imagine how she could live the rest of her life this way.
For now, she just wanted to get some sleep. She was looking for a quiet room to lie down in, hoping that she wouldn't have to climb the stairs to find one. As she turned a corner she saw Haru. He was holding a plate in his hand and knocking on a closed door.
"Haru?" she asked. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, hey Yumi. Chiyo left the party early, and I wanted to make sure she was getting some food. She isn't answering, though."
"Is the door locked?"
"I don't know, I haven't-"
Yumi muscled past him, which fortunately he didn't resist, and opened the door. It was dark inside, but Yumi could see Chiyo sitting against a wall. She didn't react at all to their intrusion, not even to lift her head. Yumi took the plate of food from Haru and entered the room.
"Hey, Chiyo. You hungry?"
Chiyo shifted slightly, but still wouldn't look at Yumi. She put the plate down in front of her and sat down against the wall by her side.
"If we get that blood, and Akio gets that stuff out of his eyes, I'm going to poke them out."
Yumi only got silence in response. She wondered what she was even doing. She was probably the last person that Chiyo wanted trying to talk to her right now. She wished that Chiyo would at least say it- accuse her of getting her and Miyoshi tortured. But she just sat quietly instead.
Someone else appeared in the doorway. At first Yumi though it was Haru, but when she looked up Miyoshi was there.
"I'm stuffed," she said. "You should eat too, Chiyo. I know it's not great, but you need it."
Yumi saw the pain and worry on Miyoshi's face when Chiyo ignored her.
"Come on, I know things have been rough, but it's over now, right? That's worth smiling about, isn't it?"
Miyoshi's usual cheer was strained, and Yumi could tell that she was trying to convince herself as much as Chiyo. She sat down, taking Chiyo's other side. Then she started to sing.
It was a lullaby, and old one that Yumi hadn't heard in many years. The purity and gentleness of her voice filled the quiet room, and even Yumi had to fight to keep tears out of her eyes. After a few verses Chiyo slid down, putting her head in Miyoshi's lap. She reached for the plate and took a bit of cheese, putting in her mouth and chewing it slowly.
They sat there until Miyoshi finally dozed off, Chiyo already asleep. The two of them looked peaceful, and it gave Yumi just a little hope that things could be alright after all.
Yumi crawled over to a sleeping mat and lay down. She was as tired as anyone else, but there was still a tension in her body that wouldn't go away.
Her mind drifted back to a few hours ago, when she was on tied up on her knees while Akio groped her and declared his intent to take her body. A little bit of the arousal she felt at that time returned, and with it the shame that a man she hated so much could make her desire him. She imagined that it had been her, and not Miyoshi, who had received his attentions a night ago. It would have been better that way. Yumi was stronger, and she could have more easily borne it.
Yumi drifted into a dream with that thought, with her hand pressed between her legs.
Chapter 6
The Land of Harsh Sun
Bright Dawn Fortress was bubbling with activity. Two days ago it had been Ishi-jo Fortress, a dark font of oppression to those without and a cauldron of sadism and abuse to those within. Now people from a dozen different villages gathered in the courtyard, exchanging pledges and making plans for the future of what was once Akio's empire.
"It feels strange," said Bohai, twisting his torso and swinging his warms around.
None of the armor from the keep fit the Punnydins, who were too short and round for it, so Miyoshi was designing a new pattern for them.
"You look so fearsome now," she said. It wasn't strictly true, but once all of the excitement of Akio's fall faded it would be important to make sure that everyone had the confidence to keep up their fighting spirit.
Miyoshi had also designed a uniform for the new fledgling alliance. She'd taken a few of the spare uniforms in the keep, and with the help of some dyes and sewing implements she'd put together a snazzy new outfit that would help tie everyone together.
She'd thought about making one for herself, but she felt oddly uncomfortable now trying to make herself look pretty. She was still wearing one of Akio's uniforms, hastily tailored and dyed brown. Yumi and Chiyo had matching outfits. Yumi's clothes had never been found, and Chiyo's had been treated roughly.
Bohai's calisthenics were interrupted when a bird landed on his head- a whisper bird. He nearly fell down in clumsy panic, the bird hopping off to land on Miyoshi's arm when she offered it.
She listened to the bird's chirping as it delivered Jiichan's report. Most of the villagers had made it back to Umai and were rebuilding. Except for Miruku, who only wanted to eat and sleep. Miyoshi wasn't surprised; she'd gotten it worse than the rest of the villagers.
Ikumi was doing well, sleeping in Taiko's enchantment. Miyoshi was glad- but once again she worried for her. She didn't have Taiko or Yumi's fearlessness, and they were in for their most dangerous adventure yet. If they failed, there might be nothing anyone could do for Ikumi.
"Is that Jiichan's?" asked Taiko, walking up from behind.
"Mmm-hm. Everyone who left yesterday got back safely."
Miyoshi lifted her arm to help the bird take off. It flew over the walls and back toward Umai. Miyoshi wished she could follow it.
She turned around to face Taiko. Yumi was with her, leaning on her spear. After a day of rest and recuperation she was doing better. She could walk, although she tired quickly if she was carrying anything.
"How has the meeting between the villages been going?"
"Good," said Taiko. "Mayor Ryouta is trying to talk his way into being the alliance's president, but I think he's just getting on everyone's nerves. Everyone is very hopeful, though."
"I wish we could stay," said Miyoshi. "This Queen Tomiko- she sounds scary. Really scary. How can you be so sure that we can do this? I know we always have, but... things are different now."
Taiko hugged her. Miyoshi hadn't been expecting it, but it was something she needed.
"I can't live in a world where we can't be heroes anymore. So I'm not going to. You should have seen everyone when I told them that I was going to rescue all of you. They couldn't believe it. That's our advantage- we know what this world has in store for us now, but it still hasn't figured out what we have in store for it."
Miyoshi chuckled. It was a laugh weighed down by trepidation and wounds that she could still feel, even if they had been healed, but it did her good.
Chiyo appeared from inside the keep. She had her staff again, found in one of the keep's trophy rooms. She'd been quiet, more than usual, for the past two days. Miyoshi had expected her to at least be interested in the keep's library, but she didn't seem to care to learn much about this world anymore.
"Are you ready, Chiyo?" asked Taiko.
Chiyo nodded, absently adjusting her backpack and not making eye contact. Then Miyoshi saw her glare at someone off to the side.
It was Akio. Haru was bringing him along. His hands were tied in front so that he could hold a walking stick, necessary since he couldn't see the ground in front of him anymore. He was lucky. Miyoshi hadn't been shown any such consideration when she'd been tied up. She noticed a ring on his finger that hadn't been there before- doubtlessly picked up when Haru brought him to his room to get his traveling pack and clothes- and privately balked that he could still think of something as self-absorbed as decorating himself instead of showing remorse for his actions.
"I still don't trust this guy," said Haru, not caring much that Akio was right in front of him. She noticed that he was wearing a
pack as well.
"None of us do," said Taiko. "But we don't have a choice."
"Are you coming?" asked Chiyo, surprising Miyoshi. "You've got a backpack on."
"Yeah," said Haru. "Yumi can't carry anything, so I thought I'd help bring some supplies. I can also help keep an eye on him if the four of you are busy."
"Be careful with your words, boy," said Akio. "I do not need you for this mission, and I am more than capable of breaking you without my eyesight."
"Shut up," said Yumi. "We don't need you to come back with us, so remember that."
"Enough," said Taiko. "We've got a long road ahead of us. Bickering the whole time won't help anyone."
Taiko wasn't wrong. They were going to take the long way around to Frostspire. According to Akio the deserts to the west of Tomiko's domain were mostly unexplored and the mountainous border between them wasn't guarded well. It was a very indirect route, and it would take a whole day just to get to the desert, but it was their best chance of slipping in undetected.
It was going to be a difficult crossing, though. Of course it would be- that's why it wasn't guarded. But between a weakened Yumi and an untrustworthy Akio, it was going to be rough going.
"Excuse me," said a man, approaching them from the other side. He was older, and a little wiry, but he carried the heavy load on his back with ease, and he wielded the stick in his hand more like a weapon than a tool.
"Are you Taiko?"
"That's me."
"Good to meet you! My name is Hikki, from the Klon tribe. I was told you would need a guide to the edges of the great desert."
"Ah!" said Taiko, bowing. "Yes, thank you. I think we'll be ready to leave soon, but please take a moment to rest and eat if you just got here."
"That's okay," said the man. "I'm most at home on the road. I can start as soon as you're prepared."
Miyoshi put a few finishing touches on Bohai's armor. The Punnydins would have to make more of their own, but Miyoshi was happy with the template she was leaving them.
She made her rounds, saying goodbye to the new friends she'd made over the past couple of days, and giving them her final advice on what to do with Bright Dawn Fortress. She bade farewell to the Mayor, promising him she would be back, and asking him to take care of Umai for her.
With the sun not yet at the midpoint in the sky they gathered around the gate. The doors were opened for them, and Miyoshi set foot outside of the place she was once sure she would die in.
Taiko wiped the sweat off of her brow. It was cooling down from the highs of earlier in the day, but it was still hot. Hot, dry, and exhausting. Their feet sank into the sand with every step, making each one harder than normal. They'd spent all of the previous day getting to the outskirts of the desert, and since morning they'd been on their way to crossing it. It would be another full day of travel before they reached the other side.
Now that she was here she recognized the place. It had been the Dunnie desert back when it was part of her world, but the strange forces at work had absorbed it into Akio's.
It was mostly sand dunes underfoot, but tall plateaus rose out of the yellow grains that made navigation easier if you had a map showing the distinctive ones. About half of it was also covered in bleachwood trees. The strange plants looked like they were dead and bleached white in the desert sun, but they were really still alive and growing.
"I remember this," said Taiko. "We've been here before."
"Yeah," said Miyoshi. "When we were helping the Dunnies with that fire snake infestation."
"I hope they remember us," said Yumi. "Last time we were here they-"
Yumi's sentence was cut short with a curse as she fell, her foot having caught on a ridge of sand. It was a soft landing, at least, but Taiko knew that she would struggle to get up on her own.
"Do you need a hand?" asked Akio. He had been close behind, and now he was standing over her.
"Get away from me," said Yumi. "This is your fault. You could have 'helped' by not putting this mark on me."
"You could have been better behaved when you were my slave. It would have been much easier on you, and I'm sure your friends would have appreciated it."
Taiko still didn't have many of the details about what happened while they were Akio's prisoners.
"What's he talking about?" she asked, not being willing to listen to this when she didn't know enough to stand up for Yumi.
"He's a liar," said Chiyo, her first words today. She was a couple dozen feet behind them, where she'd been for most of their journey. At least Haru was hanging back with her, keeping her from falling out of the group entirely.
"Don't believe anything he says."
Her tone told Taiko that she considered her works final. Taiko would have to ask them about it later, when Akio wasn't there. She gave Yumi her hand and picked her up.
"Come on, we've got a long way to go."
"I can't believe him," said Miyoshi, coming up right beside her after they resumed walking. "Blaming what he did to us on Yumi..."
Taiko thought back to the night of the battle. She thought back to Kuzuno. The red woman had tied her up and touched her in ways that she still felt whenever she thought about it. She wished that Miyoshi and Chiyo could have been taken prisoner by Kuzuno instead of Akio. A couple of days as her slave wouldn't be so bad.
She glanced over to look at Miyoshi. She was sure Kuzuno would like to have her. Even in the drab uniform she looked sexy, the curves of her hips and breasts refusing to be hidden. Taiko didn't understand this new obsession that everyone had now with tying each other up, but if having Miyoshi bound in rope meant having a chance to play around with her breasts and kiss those lips...
Taiko was horrified when she realized where her head had gone. Miyoshi was her friend, and here she was thinking about her the same way Akio had.
"Over there," she said, needing a change of subject from her own thoughts. "That looks like a good spot. We'll set up camp there for the night."
Yumi ran through the bleachwood forest. She was slow. Akio was behind her, always behind her. Every time she turned around he was there, walking toward her, a little bit closer.
She begged her legs to move, to run faster. She fell. Her hands were tied now, the rope slithering around her like a snake. It slowly coiled around her arms, pinning them tighter and tighter to her chest while she tried to get back to her feet.
Akio shoved her back against a tree. The rope grew like a vine, wrapping around it to hold her in place while he ripped apart her clothes, which tore like wet paper, practically melting off her body. She opened her mouth to call for help, but she was gagged. Akio pulled her legs apart.
She was on her knees now, begging him to fuck her. He touched her, and she felt like she was going to die if he didn't give it to her. Instead he took Miyoshi, making her scream in pleasure while Yumi watched, his hands still groping her. Shaking her. Shaking her and hissing in her ear.
Yumi opened her eyes.
Akio hissed the word.
"Somebody's coming."
Yumi pushed herself up, willing her senses to shake off their sleep and tell her what was happening. The moon was bright overhead, and Yumi spotted figures moving in the darkness. She could hear them too, if she listened carefully enough. How Akio had managed without knowing what to listen for she couldn't fathom.
There had been no campfire or torchlight to guide anyone to their camp, and it surprised Yumi that anyone could have found them in the little pocket of dunes, surrounded by bleachwood trees, that they'd set up in. Or had they- they were just moving around in the trees, and if they were watching they must have seen that they were awake.
"Wake the others," he whispered. "You were the only one making enough noise in your sleep for me to find."
Yumi shook Taiko and Miyoshi awake, covering their mouths as she did to keep them quiet. Chiyo seemed to sense what was going on and woke on her own, thankfully keeping to her habit of being
"Who do you think they are?" asked Miyoshi, her voice as low as it could go.
"I'm going to find out," said Taiko.
To Yumi's surprise she stood up, spread her legs, made a crescent with her arms, and shouted.
"Devour their legs, desert sands!"
Yells of panic and surprise lit up the night. Yumi could see well enough now to tell that the figures were sinking up to their waists in the sand.
"Who's there?" said Yumi, hoisting her spear as if she could use it.
"Are you... is that Taiko? And Yumi?"
Yumi recognized the voice. It was the huntleader of the Dunnies.
"Jumo?" said Taiko. "What are you doing so far out here at night?"
"Can you call off your magic?" he asked in response. "I'd very prefer not to have to keep shouting."
They were obliged to wait the spell out before they could all gather in the camp. There were about a dozen of the Dunnies. Some of them had minor injuries that had been bandaged, and except for Jumo they all looked grim and haggard.
Jumo was always well-dressed, at least by Dunnie standards of fashion. He was still half-naked, with a bare chest and a loose-fitting pair of plain white pants, but unlike the rest of the hunters he had a decorative strip of cloth hung over the back of his neck, woven forearm guards, and a bright yellow belt made of some kind of hide.
"We've had a serious bit of trouble," said Jump, sitting cross-legged in front of them. "Yesterday, not too late in the morning, a bunch of armed and rather aggressive men appeared and attacked our village. They'd been waiting at the foot of the plateau where we couldn't see them, and stormed the trail leading up before anyone knew what was going on."
"I and a bit of the rest of our hunters tried battling them, but our weapons fared poorly against their shields and armor, and we were driven to a retreat. Luckily, we were able to stage a daring escape by repelling down the side of the plateau, but only about half of our total number made it."
"Now they've got possession of the fair bit of rock we used to call home. They also have about half of our people. We were able to elude them easily enough- they're not quite up to running through these dunes as well as we are- but we need to take back our village and our people, and somehow do it without being able to stand up to a fight against them."
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