"I'm bored with these two," she finally said. "Would you like them, Lady Yokubō?"
The Oni laughed.
Yumi hadn't though it was possible for her to feel even sicker, but she did. She kept her lips on Tomiko's boot, knowing that she still hadn't been told to stop.
"I was up all night making plans for them. I don't think I've ever had a pet as fun as this one," she said, grabbing Yumi's hair and pulling her head back.
"Take them. Just don't ruin either one until we have their friends too. I still have a strange feeling about the whole affair."
Yumi bit down on her rage. Tomiko still hadn't allowed either her or Taiko to speak a word to her. They could explain so much to her, but the thought of even trying terrified her. Tomiko was lost in some strange game that only she understood, and the Oni didn't care about any of it.
The Oni lifted her by her hair, forcing unready legs to take her weight. She cried out, having to learn to walk again in a hurry. The monster took Taiko by the hair as well, dragging both of them out of the room and leaving the mad queen behind. Once they were in the hallway she pushed them forward, making them stumble and almost fall. Yumi kept moving, not wanting to give her another excuse. The soldiers she passed in the hall reminded her that she was stark naked. Part of her hoped that the Oni wasn't taking them far, but Yumi knew in her head that whatever waited for her there was probably worse.
Only a dozen or so more guards got to see her march past before they reached Yokubō's room. The bed and other personal affects marked it as her sleeping chamber, but the rest of the furniture was better suited for a dungeon. She jumped at the sound of the heavy door slamming shut behind her, locking her in.
"Down," said the Oni, grabbing Yumi by the back of her neck and pushing her to her knees.
She put Taiko in front of her, face to face, while she stood over them.
"Give your friend a kiss. A nice deep one with some tongue."
Taiko's face flushed with embarrassment. Yumi was surprised at such a tame reaction- she was sure that her own face showed outright revulsion. Maybe it was easier for her with a friend than with a stranger, but for Yumi it only added to the grotesqueness. She'd have rathered any of Akio or Tomiko's soldiers.
They had to obey; Yumi knew from experience now that defiance alone wouldn't protect her from being tortured, and the Oni was more than willing. Taiko leaned in, her lips open and waiting. Yumi brought herself hesitantly forward, closing her eyes and hoping that Taiko would do it for her. A soft, wet mouth pressed against hers, and she stiffened her lips in response. She knew that the Oni wanted more, but bringing herself to open up to fully entwine their mouths was hard. Taiko probed at her with her tongue, just as ordered, and Yumi had to let her in. It made her gag when it slid over hers, Taiko's lips still working.
Taiko almost seemed eager to please the Oni. Maybe she was just stronger and smarter than Yumi. She took Yumi as greedily as Akio would have, fluid and passionate while Yumi was still stiff and hesitant.
"Let's see those tongues dance," said the Oni. "If I have to beat some more obedience into your hide I will."
Yumi cursed her silently and forced herself to stick her own tongue out. Taiko closed her mouth around it, sucking on it while Yumi fought to keep her stomach from turning. They kept at it with Taiko guiding Yumi and teaching her how to kiss. It was a disgusting, humiliating lesson.
"I can see that one of you likes this more than the other."
The Oni pulled their heads back by the hair. It hurt, but Yumi was thankful that she wasn't mashing her mouth against Taiko's anymore.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you, Pink? You delicious little slut. I bet you've wanted to fuck your friend for a while, haven't you?"
Yumi knew that it was a lie- Taiko would never want to use her friends like that. She wasn't the perverted monster that the Oni was.
"But you, my sexy little bitch, don't have any taste for women, do you? I bet you wish it was Akio here, giving you a nice taste of his dick."
Yumi wanted to spit in her face, but it was true. Akio had tortured, molested, and humiliated her into subjugation, but his lust was natural, at least. Her body returned it, offering itself to him in his victory. This was nothing like that. Yumi felt none of the arousal on her knees in front of Tomiko or this monster that she did when Akio was proclaiming her his slave. She would suck Akio's dick a thousand times if it got her out of Frostspire.
"That makes you the fun one," she said. "Let's get you your first taste of cunt."
The Oni let her go, but Taiko wasn't so lucky. She yelped as she was dragged over to the foot of the bed. There was a wooden stock on the floor in front of it, open and waiting for Taiko's neck. The Oni wrested her into it, still gripping her by the hair, and slammed it shut. She put a bolt in place to hold it, and Yumi hoped that it wasn't as tight as it looked. She remembered her own night of being locked in one of those things at Ishi-jo.
"Ass in the air," she said, positioning Taiko's knees to expose her pussy as openly as possible.
"Stay put."
She looked over to Yumi, a lustful sneer still on her face.
"What are you waiting for? Dinner's ready."
Yumi tried not to think about what she was doing. She slowly made her way over, hoping she wasn't testing the Oni's patience. When she was close enough she stopped, Taiko's ass and pussy right in front of her. She leaned over, shut her eyes, and let her tongue venture out until the tip brushed against Taiko's lips. She smelled and tasted like sweat- she wasn't exactly clean after spending all night in strenuous bondage.
The Oni hooked her finger around the chain that ran to Yumi's pussy clamp and pulled it, sending pain surging through her groin.
"You're going to stick your face in there, and you're not going to come out until she cums. Don't waste any more of my time."
Yumi pressed forward, burying her face in Taiko's ass in order to fully reach her pussy. She had no idea how to even make Taiko cum. She'd never had an orgasm before, nor had she see one when Akio fucked Miyoshi in front of her. She kissed Taiko's pussy, feeling the chain that ran from the clamp was still on it up through her ass cheeks. It burned her face, but it was only one of my chains that still bit into her skin with its freezing touch.
She pushed her tongue inside, hearing Taiko moan in response. She was trying to hold it back, but Yumi could hear pleasure in her voice. Was the Oni telling the truth? Was Taiko getting off on this after all? The thought sickened her, but there was nothing either of them could do about it.
Yumi did her best, rubbing Taiko's clit with the tip of her tongue. Taiko was squirming, but she wasn't trying to get away. She moaned again, and Yumi started to taste her juices. Soon she was panting and shrieking in carnal bliss.
"Good girls," said the Oni. "Make her work for it, and then squirt right in her mouth."
Yumi sucked on her, hoping she could just get it over with. Taiko was fighting for control of herself now. Yumi realized that she was trying to hold it back. Maybe she wasn't enjoying it after all, even if her body was aroused against her will. She finally slipped, going over the top and smearing her gross, slimy orgasm all over Yumi's face.
Yumi sat back up. It was over with, for now, but she could still taste it in her mouth and feel it freezing against her skin.
"Tell me how much you like sucking cunt," said the Oni, pulling her head back by the hair again.
"I like sucking cunt," said Yumi.
"Tell me how much," she said, tightening her grip.
"I love sucking cunt. I can't wait to do it again."
"You lying little bitch. I'm going to show you what getting your face fucked is really about."
The Oni picked Yumi up by the arm and threw her onto the bed. It was soft. Yumi realized how long it had been since she'd been able to lay down. She watched while the Oni removed her armor, not wanting to waste whatever brief respite she'd been given. The Oni's kimono fell to the floor, revealing her naked body underneath. She had the shape a
nd the curves of a woman, but hard muscle showed under her skin.
She slid onto the bed, rolling Yumi onto her back and crawling on top of her. Yumi felt the Oni's hand clamp onto her jaw and squeeze. Her face drew closer with her mouth open, ready to swallow Yumi. She kissed her, threatening Yumi with another squeeze of her jaw to force her to cooperate.
Taiko's kiss had at least been gentle. The Oni's was rough and brutal. Her mouth tasted slightly putrid. Her tongue pushed in too hard and too far. She bit Yumi's lip and tongue, laughing when Yumi screamed.
Her hand found places all over Yumi's body to dig into. Her strength and weight alone were enough to pin Yumi in place, even if she would have dared fight back. She felt like she was being buried, and when the Oni's arms wrapped around her they nearly crushed the life out of her. She was strong enough to break Yumi, and she didn't seem to care if she did.
Yumi felt the chain that linked the clamps that were still biting into her skin rising. She looked to see it in the Oni's hand, and glanced up at her face. She must have been waiting for that, for Yumi to look her in the eyes before tearing it away. The claps were yanked from her nipples, and then her pussy, and all three places screamed in pain. Yumi's entire body tried to ball up, but the Oni used her body to keep in flat against the bed, writhing in agony.
She wrapped her hands around Yumi's breasts and squeezed them until they felt like they were going to pop. Yumi cried out with the Oni sucked on her nipples and licked her where her bosom leaked out between her fingers.
"You look tough, but you're such a tender little piece of meat. I almost want to roast you over a spit to see how good you taste then."
She leaned up and slapped Yumi's breasts. Yumi squirmed to get away, not able to stand it anymore, but her hips were still under the Oni, crushed into the bed and holding her in place for the Oni to hit them again with the back of her hand. Yumi tried not to look into her face, but when a hand closed around her throat she opened her eyes and saw the monster that was hovering over her. There was spiteful pleasure written all over it, and barely a hint of control showed in her eyes.
Yumi could barely breathe, and her head started to go a little light. She was sure that the Oni didn't mean to choke her- she would probably crush her windpipe if she actually tried- but she rasped painfully as she drew air into her lungs all the same. The Oni slapped her breasts a few more times with her free hand before covering Yumi's mouth with it and squeezing her nose. Yumi wondered if she was going to end her life right there, but she only held for a moment before pulling her hand away and slapping her across the face. It wasn't enough to make her see stars, but it stung, and she wasn't surprised when it was followed up by strike against the other side.
"You ready to taste some real pussy?" she asked.
"Yes, please," said Yumi, as best she could with her throat being squeezed.
The Oni slapped her again, harder this time.
"Lying. Little. Bitch. I don't give a shit anyway. You'll taste cunt whether you're ready or not."
The Oni rose enough to scoot herself over Yumi's face. Her pussy was hot and dripping wet, smelling just like her mouth had tasted. It lowered onto Yumi's face, threatening to smother her as the Oni's full weight pressed down.
It took all of Yumi's willpower to open her mouth and let the Oni's cunt in. It was gross beyond words, rotten fluids dripping into her mouth and her nose smashed right into her clit, but there wasn't going to be any salvation from this. The Oni started grinding against her face while Yumi tried to pleasure her. Every few moments Yumi had the chance to take a breath, followed by the Oni crushing her face again with her crotch.
Working her cunt was harder than with Taiko- at least then she had some freedom. Yumi knew that the Oni didn't care. She did her best, and it didn't seem to take much for her to start grunting. The Oni's first orgasm came quickly, her legs almost crushing Yumi's head while she roared in animalistic fury. It wasn't enough for her. Cum coated Yumi's face while the Oni keep grinding, and Yumi keep licking and sucking. She learned every fold of the Oni's pussy while she came two, three, and four times without tiring out.
Yumi's jaw ached. She never thought that a tongue could be tired, but it burned as well while the Oni demanded more. Her lungs also burned, her chest heaving from having limited chances to breathe for so long. It wasn't until the tenth time, the tenth furious assault on Yumi's face, that she slowed down and came to a rest with her pussy over Yumi's nose and mouth.
She looked dreamily down at Yumi while she was smothered, not even able to pull her head out from under her weight. Yumi was about to black out when she slid off, leaving a trail of her cum all the way down Yumi's body.
The Oni lay half on top of Yumi, resting her face in Yumi's neck. She licked her and let her hot breath flow over Yumi's skin.
"Are you tired?" she asked. "I hope not. The morning's barely started. Go ahead, get a little rest. Starting once you wake up, I will make sure that no second of your life goes by where you are not in abject misery. Next time I'll make sure that you pass out from pain and exhaustion before you ever get a chance to actually fall asleep."
The Oni wrapped her arm around Yumi's body and pulled her close while she nuzzled her neck, the creature's horn laying under her jaw. Somehow, despite the body pressed against her, she was still freezing cold.
Taiko lapped hungrily at the cunt between Lady Yokubō's legs. The Lady Oni's fingers were tangled in Taiko's hair, locking it in her grip and pulling on it while she grunted in pleasure. The taste of sweat, cum, and saliva all mixed together in Taiko's mouth as the fluids smeared across her face.
Yumi pushed up against her, their lips touching in an almost kiss as they fought over The Lady Oni's cunt. Taiko pushed back, claiming her clit and sucking on it while Yumi's tongue slid between her chin and Lady Yokubō's slit to find its way inside. The Lady Oni moaned unashamedly and pressed their faces harder against her while enjoying her orgasm.
Taiko and Yumi had been trained to pleasure her together on their first evening as her slaves. Both of them had been too hesitant and too awkward, and they'd been whipped mercilessly afterward for it. That night was spend with their heads in a tub of ice water. A chain had been fastened between their collars, run through a metal bracket fixed to the bottom to the tub. Once the tub had been filled the chain was only long enough for one of them to barely pull her head out of the water at a time. Their whole night was spent alternating between drowning with their faces being devoured by the cold and gasping for air while watching the other take her place.
That morning they had been eager- very eager- to eat The Lady Oni's pussy like it was the most delicious thing in the world. That earned them a whole hour of rest before Taiko was chained to a wooden horse with weights tied to her ankles and whipped again while the tip of the wedge drove itself against her pussy. Then she got to watch Yumi be fucked in her ass by dick made out of ice that was too big for her.
After that they got to follow their Lady around the palace while she attended to her business. They were both naked, of course, aside from the shackles around their wrists, arms, and feet. And the clamps, which had been fixed to their breasts and pussies again, and chained in a way to guarantee that they would be tugged on relentlessly as they hobbled through the palace hallways, shivering and trying to hold themselves together.
They weren't allowed to speak at any time. Not even to beg for mercy. They were to keep their eyes on the floor whenever possible. They were to always use their mouths to please Lady Yokubō whenever they were in a position to before she had a chance to even tell them. Yumi was to put her mouth on Taiko as well, whenever possible.
The release that Taiko felt when Yumi made her cum, working her clit with increasing skill, was the only thing that was keeping Taiko sane. She knew that Yumi hated it, but she couldn't help herself. Taiko had come to appreciate how beautiful Yumi was, even chained up and beaten. Her body was willing, and even the guilt that she felt couldn't stop it from being happy when Yumi bur
ied her face between her legs and gave her respite from Lady Yokubō's attentions.
She would have gladly reciprocated. She would have enjoyed that too, she thought. Yumi had never been given a chance to cum before. Taiko wished she could at least give her that much, but the Lady Oni's rules were clear. Yumi had been a little too slow the previous night to get down to Taiko's pussy when they were locked in a cage together, landing them both in a strappado that they were left in until morning.
Lady Yokubō finished cumming, squeezing her legs around their heads so tightly that Taiko thought she was going to pass out while the Oni grunted and gushed in their faces. After crushing their heads for too long she relaxed, sighing and pushing them back.
"Clean each other up," she said, leaning back on the bed.
Taiko scooted over to Yumi. They were both bound in chains, as they had been in one way or another for the last three days. Right now their wrists were sealed in a single shackle that kept the backs of their hands pressed together. Chains were wrapped around their arms from their elbows to their shoulders, pulling them together and locking their arms into an absolutely straight position. The chains that linked their collars to their ankles kept them from standing or stretching their legs.
Taiko licked Yumi's face, not hesitating for a moment. It tasted like Lady Yokubō's cunt, of course. She really was a repulsive creature. Taiko could find nothing in her that could be twisted into any kind of good quality. The joy she took in torturing them for the sake of torturing them was incomprehensible to Taiko. Sexual pleasure wasn't something that she seemed to want to share, only take.
Taiko finished cleaning Yumi and leaned back, letting Yumi have her chance to obey the Lady Oni's command. Yumi did her best. Taiko always felt just a little bit of hesitation and stiffness, and was always afraid it would get them punished. She couldn't blame Yumi.
A knock at the door drew Yumi's attention away. Taiko, not giving Lady Yokubō enough time to notice, kissed her. Yumi almost pulled away, but caught herself and opened up to Taiko's mouth.
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