Twice he was pushed away, but both times he downed the soldier trying to come through and regained his position.
The screams from the other side of the gate told Akio that the palace's defenders had fallen. When silence had reigned long enough he opened the door, ducking quickly as one of his own men loosed an arrow at him.
"Watch your fire, you imbecile!" he shouted, privately admiring his speed and aim.
"Lord Akio?"
It was Captain Gyokusho, one of his men that commanded the forces kept near Tomiko's border.
"Yes; I've secured this side of the gate. Hurry up and send some men to hold the room."
Soldiers dressed in his colors poured through the door, getting to work on the gate and moving to watch the hallways that led deeper into the palace.
"My Lord," said the Captain, "The battle outside has gone well. What forces we didn't trap and defeat were scattered, along with Queen Tomiko. The... uh... there is a dragon outside, my Lord. It appears to be occupied at the moment, but if it turns on us there will be trouble. The Queen also has other forces moving in, and we believe that her wyvern riders will be here before long. We'll be outnumbered badly if they all get together."
"Then get the army into the palace. We'll draw up plans for the next stage of the battle in there."
The sound of ice cracking accompanied the opening of the gate. Before his soldiers could begin their march inside he stepped through, running out into the courtyard.
"My Lord, where are you going?" shouted Gyokusho.
"I'm looking for something that Queen Tomiko may have left behind."
"Something that belongs to me," he added to himself.
Taiko screamed for the thousandth time. The monster was sitting now with her on his lap. His hands were locked around her waist, lifting her body and bringing it down again onto his cock, over and over while his hips added force to the collision. Her shins were against her chest, contorting her in a way that wasn't comfortable just to be held in, let alone be fucked in.
She'd lost track of all of the positions she'd been put in so that he could find a new way to drive himself into her pussy. He was fucking her with the rabid frustration of a creature that always felt like he was about to cum, but could never get his release. He hadn't tired in the slightest, even though he'd been pounding away at her non-stop since before she could remember.
Taiko knew because he'd shared the curse with her. It didn't feel like it had when Yumi was making her cum. It had at first, but now it just felt hollow, like whatever part of her was capable of feeling physical pleasure was gone. Hollow and painful. She'd been beaten raw before a quarter of the time that had passed so far, and each time he dropped her into his lap Taiko felt like she was being torn open.
Her head rolled back limply and she groaned as her body cramped, wanting to cum but not being able to.
Miyoshi tried not to look nervous. Most of the palace guards had been taken out by Chiyo's ploy, but the door to the dungeon where Taiko was being held still had two men stationed in front of it. She approached them openly, dressed in her fake uniform, and held out a folded piece of paper with as much stiff formality as she could manage.
"Orders from Her Majesty," she said, waiting for them to take the note.
One of the soldiers grabbed it while looking at her skeptically.
"The Lady Oni Yokubō should be here personally to handle any business," he said. "We aren't even allowed inside."
"I'm just delivering the message," said Miyoshi, trying to keep her back straight and her gaze level.
"What the-"
Miyoshi took that as her cue. She snatched the table leg that was strapped to her back and smacked the soldier over the head while he and his comrade were preoccupied with the piece of paper. He dropped down, clutching head and yelling, while the other reached for his sword. Miyoshi kicked him between the legs, wincing herself as she saw his face.
The piece of paper and the face with its tongue sticking out that was drawn on it drifted to the ground while Miyoshi grabbed the keys from one of the men and hurried open the door. One of the soldiers caught her ankle as she slipped through, but he screamed and let go when the door slammed on his wrist.
She turned and locked the it before either could man could get to his feet to push it open again. She stepped back just as they began pounding on the other side, satisfied that the reinforced door would hold. She rushed down a bleak passageway and threw open the first door she could find.
It wasn't Taiko, but it was someone who needed her help. The poor woman was hanging from the ceiling by her elbows, and she'd obviously been whipped. Hard.
"Hold on," she said, grabbing the woman's legs and lifting her up. It wasn't enough to get her loose from the ceiling, so Miyoshi had to let her down again and find a chest- she didn't want to know what was inside- to drag over and stand on. It was a struggle to get her down, and when she finally came Miyoshi wasn't able to hold her up. They both fell to the ground, hitting the ice hard.
Miyoshi knew she didn't have time to sit around hurting. She worked as fast as she could to get the woman untied, starting with her elbows before freeing her hands. The woman could barely move her arms, even when they were free, and Miyosh had to help her get her gag out.
"Who are you?" asked the woman, her voice weak. "Why are you... why are you helping me?"
Miyoshi hugged the her, her heart broken by the damage done to the woman.
"My name is Miyoshi. I'm here to save my friend. Have you seen her? Her name is Taiko. She has this pink hair- it's so beautiful, you wouldn't be able to forget her."
"I don't know," she said. "I can't even see straight right now."
"It's okay. I have to go look for her. But we won't leave without you. Just stay here and rest. I'll be back."
"Wait, please-"
"I'm sorry. I have to help her, too. I promise, you'll be okay."
Miyoshi set her down and continued on. She was halfway to another cell door when a scream echoed down the corridor. It was awful. And it was Taiko's voice. Miyoshi ran and turned the corner, finding a door that was locked shut. She tested three keys on it while hearing Taiko inside, wailing miserably. The fourth one turned, and the door swung open.
Taiko was on her back, her arms tied behind her and being crushed between her and the floor. Her shins had been tied together, as if she was sitting cross-legged, although now she was balled up with her shins pressed against her chest. At first Miyoshi thought that it was a man holding her there, but when it looked up at her she saw that it was more beast that human. It was naked, and it was forcing itself on Taiko.
"Get away from her!" she screamed, readying her table leg.
The creature snarled, baring its teeth at Miyoshi without stopping its assault for even a moment. Miyoshi crept closer, her weapon raised to strike.
"I mean it! Let her go, now!"
"M... Miyoshi?" said Taiko, lost in a haze. "Is that... no... is it? Really?"
Miyoshi swung, more in the direction of the creature than at it, hoping it would flee. Instead it threw Taiko aside and lunged at her with a motion so fast that it had her by the arms and pinned to the floor before she could move. Drool fell from its open mouth and landed on Miyoshi's neck, and she felt its cock press against her.
The creature smiled wickedly, and ripped her uniform open like it was wrapping paper. Miyoshi's breasts felt the freezing air on them, right before they felt teeth. Miyoshi screamed, trying to wrestle it off, but between its weight and its animalistic fury it easily outmatched her.
"No!" said Taiko, her voice weak but determined. "Not her- please, not her too-"
The creature didn't seem to notice. Miyoshi screamed when it tore her pants off, taking her whole body into the air for a moment before dropping her bare skin onto the ice. She slapped it when it let her hand go free. It backhanded her in return, and nearly knocking her lights out. The next thing she registered was a gigantic cock forcing its way inside of her.
was still yelling for it to stop. Instead Miyoshi found her wrists pinned to the floor as the creature reared over her and started fucking. Miyoshi was thrown into shock. Her pussy was could barely fit him, and he was ramming so hard into her that she thought he was going to break her hips. She screamed, not sure she would be able to survive taking him until he came.
The thing howled in a sudden rage. It threw itself off of her and swung its hand at something behind it. Miyoshi saw blood on the floor, and followed it to the piece of wood that had been jammed in its back. It looked like a broken spreader bar- the kind that Yokubō had introduced her to while whipping her pussy- and the other half was being held by the woman Miyoshi had rescued a couple of minutes ago.
Miyoshi was surprised that she could even stand. She looked unsteady enough, to be sure. The creature was wounded, however, and was trying to get the wooden rod out of its back while merely fending her off. She waited until it was in a vulnerable position and drove the rest of the bar into its neck.
The creature started going limp, dragging itself away into a dark corner. Once it was out of sight a wretched death rattle filled the room, dropping off into silence.
The woman fell down, coming to rest against the wall.
"I didn't want to wait," she said, wincing.
Miyoshi sat up, pulling her pants back on to cover herself and trying to fix her tunic as best she could.
She limped over to her friend. She was still on her back, trembling with her eyes shut. She was panting unevenly, and every time she moved it looked like it hurt.
"Are you alright?" asked Miyoshi, trying to untie her legs. The knots were absurdly tight, and even with her teeth she couldn't make any progress.
"Miyoshi? I can't... I can't feel my magic."
"What do you mean?"
"I tried to feel it. I tried to bring it up, even if I couldn't use it while tied up. But I couldn't. I can't feel it at all anymore."
Her eyes were still shut, but not tightly enough to stop the tear from leaking out.
"It took away my magic, Miyoshi."
"She had magic?" asked the woman. "Yokubō told me about that thing. She said it could take away parts of your soul. It would fuck you until you couldn't feel pleasure anymore. And sometimes it would take other stuff away too. The bitch said she was going to let it have me one day."
Miyoshi wiped the tears off of Taiko's face. Even like this, she was so beautiful.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Naoki, could you help me again?"
"If I can," she said, the strain and exhaustion obvious in her voice.
"Could you see if there are any other women down here? And can you get them free?"
Naoki just nodded, and with a worrying amount of effort stood up.
"You should hurry," she said. "I don't know how you got down here, but we want to be gone before Yokubō shows back up."
"I know," said Miyoshi.
Naoki limped out of the room, and Miyoshi turned back to Taiko.
"Taiko, I don't know if I can fix what it did to you, but I'm going to try."
"How?" she asked with a meekness that Miyoshi didn't think she was capable of.
"I... there's so much about all of this that I don't understand yet. All of this stuff about sex and tying people up- it's got me as confused as everyone else. But I know something for sure. I know that I love you, Taiko. I mean, I love all of my friends. But I love you in a way- like in the way that Akio loves women, but without all of the evil and cruelness. I don't know if I'm making any sense."
"I don't think so," said Taiko, chuckling painfully. "But I think I know what you mean anyway."
"Just try to relax. If that monster took away, uh, that thing from you, then I'm going to give it back. I'm going to do it like it's supposed to be done. Just let me try, okay?"
Taiko didn't say anything else.
Miyoshi did what felt right. She reached out gingerly and let her palms rest on Taiko's thighs. Taiko squealed quietly, but didn't seem to mind. Miyoshi stroked her slowly, moving up to her hips and torso. At first Miyoshi thought that she was hurting her, but then she realized that the pain, built up from an entire night of abuse, was seeping out. It was hard to watch, but it meant that she was starting to open up. Miyoshi kissed her on her thigh. She moaned, both in pleasure and in pain as her tension started to unravel before Miyoshi's eyes.
Taiko's legs were spread, leaving her pussy wide open for her. She kissed it. Taiko inhaled sharply, and she started to writhe as Miyoshi dragged her lips over Taiko's. Miyoshi didn't know what she was doing, but Taiko didn't seem to mind letting her work it out. It seemed like such a strange thing for her to enjoy doing, but every little sound that Taiko made spurred her on. It the first time Miyoshi had seen sexual pleasure untarnished by cruelty or an unwilling victim, and she swore that she would make it happen a thousand more times.
She fucked Taiko with her tongue, gently and tenderly. It didn't take long for her to fall completely into Miyoshi's power, and before long she was moaning in subdued ecstasy.
Taiko bit her lip and grunted the sweetest grunt Miyoshi had ever heard. Her pussy was squirting now, and Taiko sounded like she was lost in whatever world she'd been taken to. She relaxed, fully this time, coming to rest with her mouth hanging open, still panting slightly.
Miyoshi kissed her a few more times, enjoying it for herself, before sitting up. She let Taiko have a minute to rest, finally looking content despite still being tied up naked in the freezing room.
"Can you... can you feel your magic?" she asked, afraid of the answer.
Taiko smiled.
"I think so. Yes. Yes, I can feel it. Thank you, Miyoshi. Thank you so much. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough," she said, tears starting to roll from her eyes again.
"I do," said Miyoshi. "I'm going to untie you, and you're going to get us all out of this mess. And then we're all going to go home, back to Umai, and be happy again."
Miyoshi thought for another moment and smiled.
"And when we do, you're going to let me tie you up again," she said, brushing Taiko's hair with her fingers. "I think I'm going to like having a sex slave."
Yumi was shivering again. Defrosting after being nearly frozen to death hadn't been fun. She was just starting to be able to move her hands without them screaming in pain when the fire had begun to die down again.
She'd been forgotten in the commotion and the battle. As best she could see, she was surrounded by Akio's soldiers. She knew what getting their attention would mean, and she bit her tongue. But the cold was out there- stalking around the outside of the flames like a wolf waiting for its prey.
A terrifying roar sounded out, the dragon's cry shaking the slab underneath her. She squirmed as much as she could, trying to at least raise her head enough to see what was going on. She had no idea if Ikumi had escaped, what had become of Tomiko, or if there was anyone nearby who wasn't one of Akio's soldiers.
The cold still held her in its teeth, invited in by her naked skin with her arms and legs stretched to the corners of the lab. She promised herself that if she somehow escaped she would find the hottest place in whatever world she wound up in and never leave.
"There you are."
Yumi's hackles rose at the sound of that voice. She lifted her head as much as she could with the metal band around her neck and saw him entering through the gap in the trough.
"Akio- you asshole."
Akio sneered at her.
"You've gotten a little too use to me being crippled. A condition, that you may recall, I no longer suffer from. Meanwhile, it looks like you've been laid out quite nicely for me."
Yumi found the energy to jerk against her bindings. She'd been rescued from one monster to be taken by another. She became conscious of her nakedness again, and quickly noticed how much Akio was appreciating it while he closed in on her.
"Get me off of this slab! Right now! Do you have any ide
a what I've been through since you left me and Taiko to be taken prisoner? All of this is your damned fault, you greedy coward!"
Akio slapped her across the face.
"Please, go ahead any tell me what they did to you. Maybe I'll take some notes. I haven't forgotten what you and your friends did to me, either."
Akio caressed her body, taking her breast in his hand. His warm hand. She remembered being on her knees in front of him before, offering her body to him to use as he wanted. He was right- she had gotten too use to him being crippled. He was the first one to have broken her, and she was just as helpless now as she was then.
"I missed my last chance to have your cunt," he said, leaning over. "I won't miss this one."
Akio kissed her. She resisted, holding her lips shut, but when he slid his belt free, doubled it over, and slapped it against her belly she gave in. Her training at the hands of the Oni took over and she kissed him like she'd been taught to kiss Taiko.
Warmth flooded back into her body. Akio slid on top of her as he played with her mouth, his weight pressing down on her, protecting her from the frigid air as much as it claimed possession over her. Where his body didn't cover her his hands did, fondling whatever part of her they could reach.
If she thought she'd gotten used to being touched this way she was wrong. Akio's embrace was hot and intense, forcing her body to respond in a way that Yokubō could never manage. He was doing more than groping and hurting her, he was forcing her to arousal, and she couldn't stop it. Unwilling and unwanted desire burned in her loins, ready to submit to him, desperate for something that felt right after days of having her face buried in a monster's cunt and sucking on one of her best friend's tongue.
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