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by Frost Queen Tomiko [MF] (epub)

  Akio's rule over his domain had transformed as well, along the same lines. He was still a villain, of that Yumi could see no contention. He still demanded fealty and tribute. Women were still enslaved and used sexually against their will. But there was mercy and a measure of fairness in bowing to him now. Slaves didn't exactly have any rights, but there were standards that their treatment was expected to live up to. As long as they behaved.

  Yumi held out hope that time would transform him further, that he would eventually become the person that the timid little man who spawned him would have truly wished to be.

  But not in her wildest dreams did she ever expect that she would have her freedom.

  Akio opened a drawer and took a bundle of rope from it. Taiko folded her arms behind her back. In truth, she was no more helpless before him while tied up than the mark already made her, but she still trembled at the promise of being sealed in strict bondage. Akio still craved it, of course, so physical restraint had become her constant companion.

  The feeling of the rope against her skin made her want to rebel, but instead she dutifully allowed her master to weave it around her wrists and arms, every second a new knot or coil around some part of her removing her ability to defend herself against his coming assault even further. He was careful to make sure that it pinched her breasts just right, that it would be just a little painful if she struggled, and that it encouraged her posture to show off her womanly shape as much as possible. She knew that none of it would be removed until at least the next morning.

  Akio groped her from behind, thoroughly testing that his ropework would stand up to her squirming no matter what part of her body he squeezed. Yumi made sure that her legs were spread enough for him to caress her inner thighs, and even run his fingers across her sex. It was demeaning to offer herself to him like that, but pride was a luxury that she was allowed very sparingly.

  "You fill those ropes out beautifully, as ever," he said.

  He stood, and from the still open drawer he picked up his favorite flog.

  "Master, please," begged Yumi. "I did a good job, didn't I?"

  "Yes, and what of it? Good work is to be expected of a slave."

  "But then I don't deserve to be punished, do I?"

  "A slave should never go too long without a reminder of what the whip feels like. In times when you have served me well, more than ever, it is good for you to be reminded not to expect a reward beyond my pleasure."

  Yumi braced herself. Akio slapped the leather tail of the flog against her ass. It wasn't the hardest she'd ever been beaten, but it still stung. He circled around her, whipping her sides, her stomach, her breasts, and the insides of her legs. Yumi was allowed utter a few cries of pain- if she didn't, he regarded his touch as being too light- but she wasn't allowed to move at all. Her legs stayed open while the leather strips of the flog beat against her flesh.

  It took a lot of effort to stay in position while she waited for the inevitable. The flog took her pussy, and every muscle in her body tensed as she fought it to remain upright and open. Her breasts were stuck again, harder this time, before he moved around to her back to finish the session.

  She panted, her body smarting all over, but even more keenly than the pain she felt the weight of his yoke around her neck, the totality of his ownership over her. She couldn't deny that he'd achieved his purpose. She was his slave, now and forever. Even if he freed every other slave in the world, he would always keep her for himself.

  Yumi waited for him while he put the flog away. His hands would be on her soon, and her pussy was already wet in anticipation.

  Akio laid her on her back and kissed her. She didn't resist, but only cooperated with reservation. It made him more aggressive- it always did- and his fingers slipping into her pussy while he held her jaw. He was hurting her, but just enough to warn her how willing he was to punish her again. He kissed her all over, from her mouth, to her shoulder, to her breasts, all the way down to her naval as he stripped his clothes off.

  He spread her legs roughly, and she bit her lip while he let his cock sink into her pussy. She had to moan as he started fucking her. It felt good. She couldn't just blame her renegade loins anymore- for all his evil, for all she chaffed at her slavery, she needed him to fuck her, and if took a thousand lashes a night to remind her why, it was worth every one.




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