Stalking her Dreams (A Coverton Mills Romance Book 1)

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Stalking her Dreams (A Coverton Mills Romance Book 1) Page 7

by Agnes Alexander

  “You’re welcome.” He put it back in his pocket then reached over and took her hand again. “I’m surprised you haven’t asked where we’re going for dinner.”

  “Since I don’t know any of the restaurants around, I trust you to make a good choice. I’m assuming it’s a country place, or at least a casual restaurant, since we’re wearing jeans.”

  “I’m glad I suggested them. Yours fit nicely.”

  “Thank you.” She had to bite her tongue to keep from adding, so do yours.

  “We’re going to a roadhouse. They have the best ribs you’ve ever put in your mouth and it’s an all country-western atmosphere. I hope you like it.”

  “Oh, no!”

  He glanced at her. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes. I love ribs and I know I’ll order them. And look at me. I’m wearing white. I bet I’ll come out of there with sauce not only running down my chin, but down the front of my shirt, too.”

  “I’ve got some wet-wipes here in the truck. I keep them for my grandson. We’ll get you cleaned up if it gets too bad.”

  When they arrived at the restaurant they both ordered the ribs. Alex got a beer and she asked for sweet tea. He offered her his beer and she took a small sip. She made an atrocious face. “No matter how much I try it, I can’t make myself like beer.”

  “Well, I don’t think you should drink something you don’t like. Feel free to stick with tea.”

  They ate peanuts. They tossed peanut shells to the floor as the other customers did. He laughed, and she giggled like a school girl. Alex introduced her to a couple he knew. Doctor Cole Winslow, he told her later, had been a high school friend of Luke, Alex’s son.

  “I think it’s wonderful when families know each other like that,” she smiled.

  “His dad, Jude, owns a horse ranch which adjoins my place.” He smiled at her. “I’m glad I saw you first, because Jude lost his wife, too.”

  “Oh,” she raised an eyebrow and gave him a seductive look. “Are you going to introduce me to this Jude?’

  “Maybe.” He winked at her. “Of course, I’m going to wait until we’ve been married a couple of years.”

  “You’re nuts.” She couldn’t help the little shiver which ran down her backbone at his words.

  They talked and flirted and listened to country music. When they finished their meal, Heather declared he was her good luck charm because she didn’t get a drop of sauce on her clothes. Her chin was another matter. Alex wiped it three times for her as they ate. She had to wipe his only twice.

  They went for a walk when they returned to the inn, and it was after eleven when they entered her room. She turned to him. “It’s been a wonderful weekend, Alex. Thank you for making it so special.”

  “It’s been wonderful for me, too. A few days ago, if someone had told me going to a book talk was the best thing that could happen to me, I’d have laughed in their face. Heck, I’d have laughed if they’d told me that last Friday morning, but look at me now. Here I stand with the wonderful writer of those books in my arms and my heart is pounding like a scared teenager.”

  Heather reached up and took his face in her two hands and pulled it toward hers. “Don’t you forget me in the next few weeks.”

  “Forget you? There’s no way I could ever forget you. You’ll be on my mind constantly, and I’ll talk to you every night we’re apart. You will let me call, won’t you?”

  “I won’t go to sleep until I hear from you. I don’t care how late.”

  •♥ •

  His kisses were the most passionate they’d shared. He felt every inch of her body against his and he pulled her closer, wanting her—needing her. When he knew he was almost at the point he could no longer stand not to possess her completely, he made himself pull away.

  “I have to go while I have the strength, Heather.” He kissed her one more time, then slipped out the door.


  When the door closed behind Alex, Heather leaned against it and whispered, “I can’t believe it, but I love you Alex Hargrove, and I know my love is real. It has to be. I couldn’t feel this way if it wasn’t.”

  It took her a little while to come down off the natural high she was feeling, but she finally managed to get out of her clothes and into her nightgown. She looked at her computer and wondered if she was able to do any writing. Deciding she couldn’t write tonight, she turned it on to check her e-mail.

  She read and deleted most of it, then her phone rang. She turned off the computer and picked up the phone expecting to hear from Alex. The number told her it was Tim.

  “Honey, is something wrong?” Her heart began to pound.

  “I certainly hope not,” her son said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you all right, Mom?”

  “I’m fine. Is everything okay there?”


  “You sound upset. Tell me what’s going on, son.”

  “William Jenkins called and told me you were shacked up in a motel with some strange man. I didn’t want to believe him, but he sounded so upset.”

  “That idiot!” Heather felt her temper rising. “He called and I was on the phone with him when this gentleman I met at the book signing came to take me to dinner. I was still talking to William, so I offered my friend a chair. When I hung up, we left to go eat. He brought me back and made sure I was in my room safely and he left. End of story.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. Please don’t get mad at me. The way William talked kind of upset me, and I guess I let my imagination run wild. You know I only want the best for you.”

  “I’m sorry, too, Tim. I guess I let William get under my skin. He’s getting too possessive to suit me. He’s trying to get me to give up writing. There’s no man on earth who could get me to quit writing.” She took a breath. “Well, there are two, I guess. You and Ben might persuade me, but nobody else could.”

  “You know Ben and I would never ask you to stop writing. It’s a part of who you are.”

  “I know you wouldn’t, honey. I’m spouting off steam. William makes me so mad.”

  “If he’s giving you so much grief maybe it’s time you looked for someone else, Mom.”

  “I think you’re right. I thought so the other night when he called and suggested I not go to the beach with you and your family. He said you didn’t want me around.”

  “You know that’s not true.”

  “Yes, I do know. I think William only wants to escort me around because he can brag about my writing, but to me, he continues to put it down. He thinks because I have a few best sellers under my belt, I should sit back and draw the royalties.”

  “We know you’re not going to do that, don’t we?”

  “Absolutely.” Heather had calmed down, so she said, “You know I’m leaving here and going to Greenville tomorrow morning. I’ll head home for a couple of days on Wednesday, but please don’t tell William. I have to get packed for another short trip, then come back and get ready for the beach. I don’t have time to fool with him.”

  “I won’t tell him anything. I’ll also put a bug in Juanita’s ear.”

  “Thanks, honey.”

  “I’m sorry I was snappy with you, Mom. I should’ve known better.”

  “Think nothing of it, Tim.”

  “Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, son. Kiss the family for me.”

  Heather closed her phone and moved to the bed. “William, old man,” she said aloud. “You may not know it, but you and I are through. When you called and upset my son, you put the final nail in the coffin of our relationship. Nobody messes with my family.”

  She got into bed and reached to snap off the light. The phone rang again. She looked at it and smiled. She answered and snuggled down in the bed to talk with Alex as long as he wanted to talk.


  On Tuesday, Luke called and asked his dad to meet him at the back fence of Wells pasture. Alex saddled Zeke and headed out. When he found his son,
Luke was repairing the fence which led to the edge of the woods.

  Alex reined up and dismounted. “What happened?”

  “Someone has knocked down about twenty feet of fence.”

  “We need to put a stop to this. They’ve hit Neil Parker’s place, too.”

  “They’ve also cut some fences on Jude’s place and Seth’s. You’re right, Dad, we’ve got to stop it somehow.”

  “I guess you called to get me to help with this.” Alex began setting up the post Luke was working on.

  “That’s one reason I called. The other was to talk to you.”

  “What do you want to talk about, son?”



  “Yes, you. I want to know what’s going on.”

  “There’s nothing for you to be concerned about.”

  “I don’t know about that. Saturday morning you left and you were gone half a day. You didn’t check on the animals or anything before you left.”

  “I knew the hands would take care of them.”

  Luke ignored him. “Then you show up for supper with Kate and you act as if you can’t wait to get away from her. Which I don’t blame you, by the way. She may be a nice person, but she’s a boring lady.”

  “As you said, she’s nice.”

  “On Sunday, as soon as church is over, you’re nowhere to be found. Irma said you didn’t want her to cook dinner and it was late when you got home.”

  “It’s none of Irma’s business when I get home.”

  “She lives over the garage, Dad. I guess she hears the door go up and down.”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.”

  “Then yesterday, she said you told her not to cook again. She said you left early all dressed up and only came home long enough to shower and change and go out again. It was another late night for you.”

  “I’m sure glad you and Irma have my weekend down about right.”

  “You’re seeing a woman, aren’t you, Dad?”


  Luke stared at him in disbelief. “Are you going to tell me who?”

  “You’ll know soon enough.”

  Luke stopped hammering and looked at his father. “You’re not going out with some sweet little thing my age, are you?”

  “You know me better than that.” Alex looked at his son. “Are you going to nail this or not? I can’t hold it tight forever.”

  Luke began to nail the wire back to the post. “How old is she, then?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t asked her to tell me. I’m sure she’s younger than me. She looks younger anyway, but she does have a grown son.”

  “Do I know this woman?”

  “You’ve met her.”

  He paused and looked at his dad again. “It’s not Minnie Cox, is it?”

  Alex laughed. “You know I’d never go out with Minnie Cox.”

  “Poor Minnie. I hope she can find a man someday. I’ve never seen a woman want one as bad as she does, but we’re getting off the subject.” Luke took more nails out of his saddlebag. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me who you’re seeing? You know Brenda and I have to approve.”

  “I think you’ll approve. I hope you will, anyway.”

  “I have to admit, you’ve been the happiest this weekend I’ve seen you since Mother died.” He smiled at his dad. “Do you think Mother would approve of this woman?”

  “You know, I hadn’t thought of that, but I think if Anna knew her, she’d definitely approve.” He smiled back at his son.

  “Then why won’t you tell me about her?”

  “If I tell you who she is, you’ve got to swear you won’t tell a soul. In case it doesn’t work out, I don’t want people talking.”

  “I promise not to tell anyone except Brenda. You know I have to tell her.”

  “Sure, but she has to swear to keep her mouth shut around her girlfriends.”

  “If it’s important to you, I’m sure she’ll cooperate.”

  Alex took a deep breath. “It’s Heather Masterson.”

  Luke stopped working and stared at his dad. “The writer?”


  “Wow. I didn’t expect this.” He shook his head. “My dad and Heather Masterson. Brenda’s been telling everyone about you getting your picture made with her. It’s going to kill her to have to keep her mouth shut, but she will.”

  “Heather’s really a sweet everyday person when you get to know her. I intend to bring her here in a few weeks.”

  “Why a few weeks?”

  “She left for Greenville today and will be tied up for a little while. We’re going to work out getting together when she gets these commitments over.”

  “Dad, things could change if you don’t see each other for several weeks.”

  “We’re going to talk every night.”

  Again, Luke stared at him and shook his head. “You’ve got it bad, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, son, I’ve got it so bad I’ve decided I’m going to marry her if she’ll have me.”

  Luke didn’t know what to say. He stared at his dad for a long time then went back to nailing wire to the post.

  •♥ •

  The event in Greenville went well for Heather. She spoke to a crowd of over a hundred, and they seemed thrilled when she told them she was donating her profits to their cause. After the event, she was treated to a lavish dinner and then taken back to the motel. It was close to eleven when she got in. She hoped Alex hadn’t already called.

  She prepared for bed, and when the phone rang at eleven-thirty, she smiled. They talked until almost one. She was delighted to learn he’d told his son about her. It made her feel more secure in their relationship. She knew people didn’t share with their family unless they were serious. She planned to tell Tim and Juanita about Alex when she got home.

  •♥ •

  Rachelle was celebrating again. At work today, it had occurred to her to peek into Benjamin Masterson’s file. She’d copied down his parents’ address, where he went to school and several other tidbits about the child. She now had more places to watch for her enemy. From some of the notes the doctor had written, Rachelle gathered that Heather was crazy about her grandson.

  For a little while today, she thought about doing away with the little boy, knowing how much it would hurt Heather. “But she might still write about my man if I let her live,” she reasoned to herself. “It’s best for her to be out of the picture. The kid will have to do without a grandma.”

  At least, I now have more places where I can get her. She’ll show up at one or the other sooner or later.

  Draining her glass of the cheap whisky, then setting her three clocks, Rachelle went to bed with a smile on her lips.


  On Wednesday, Heather arrived in Wynburg in the late afternoon. She went by the rest home to visit her father. Of course, he didn’t know her, but kept telling her what a nice lady she was. When she left, she called Tim’s house on her cell phone. She asked if she could bring Ben the gifts she’d picked up for him. Of course, they were all delighted to see her and insisted she come for dinner.

  As Tim set the table, Heather spent time with Ben. They played with the stuffed bear she brought to add to his collection and he said he couldn’t wait to read the books she gave him.

  It was too hot to eat on the patio so they gathered around the kitchen table. “Okay, Mom, what’s going on?” Tim asked when he passed her the Italian dressing for her salad.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come now, Heather,” Juanita said. “Ever since you’ve been here you’ve acted differently. Besides that, I see a glow about you which I haven’t seen in a long time, and you’re smiling to yourself for no reason at all. Tim and I want to know what gives.”

  “We knew you weren’t yourself when I told you William had called twice. You didn’t get mad. You said you were going to have to talk to him and went on as if nothing had happened.”

  “Well, I hadn’t planned to t
ell you until after dinner, but since you insist on knowing, I’ll tell you now. I’m falling in love with Alex Hargrove.”

  “Be serious, Heather. I’m in love with Alex Hargrove. So are ninety percent of my friends. What’s really going on?” Juanita looked at her.

  “I don’t mean the Alex Hargrove in my books. I mean the real one. The one I met in Asheville.”

  “Who are you talking about?” Tim stared at her.

  Heather took a deep breath and told them how she’d met Alex and the times they’d shared. She concluded her explanation with, “And I want you to know that before bedtime each night he went home to his farm and I slept alone at the inn.”

  Tim shook his head. “I’m stunned. I never expected this.”

  Juanita smiled. “I think it’s romantic, Heather, but do you think the feelings are real?”

  “Yes, I’m sure they are. We talk every night. He’s told his son and his wife about me. I think they were as shocked as you are.”

  “May I interrupt the conversation and ask when we’re going to get the noodles?” Ben blurted.

  They all laughed. “Right now, honey.” Juanita stood and began dishing up the spaghetti.

  “What do you know about this man, Mom?”

  “He lost his wife over a year ago to a cancer and he has one son and a grandson, same as me. His daughter-in-law is pregnant with their second child, like you, Juanita. I met them at the signing, too. He goes to church, which pleases me. He doesn’t brag about what he owns, but from the internet, I found out he’s quite well-fixed. You can look it up if you want to, son.”

  “I probably will.”

  Juanita brought individual plates of pasta to the table along with a big platter of garlic bread. Tim stood and served the sauce.

  Ben ate some of his noodles then looked up. “Who’s Alex?” “He’s Grammy’s friend,” Juanita explained.

  “Oh,” he giggled. “Grammy, I’ve decided to name the bear you brought me Alex, like your friend.”

  “I like Alex as a name for him, but you could name him Heather or Grammy.”

  “No, I can’t do that.”


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