The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four)

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The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four) Page 33

by Weil, Raymond L.

  “Honor was with us today,” First Leader Ganth spoke as the Liberator jumped into the safety of hyperspace.

  “Honor was with us indeed,” Fleet Commodore Resmunt agreed as he thought about what this would mean to the empire.

  The humans had arrived on the scene, and they were much more powerful than any enemy the empire had ever faced before. Resmunt suspected the empire was about to embark on a long and dangerous war with a determined enemy who would not show the Hocklyns any mercy. Resmunt knew the empire’s years of dominating slave races and treating them as resources to be used and discarded was about to come back to haunt them. The humans were coming and the empire, as well as the AIs, had better be ready.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A full week had passed since the two AI ships had been destroyed. Admiral Streth was down on the planet touring the recently captured spaceport with General Abercrombie. Numerous slaves still walked around, not sure what their new status of being free meant exactly.

  “Most of these aliens come from nearby star systems that the Hocklyns conquered,” explained General Abercrombie as they passed a group that obviously had a feline background. The aliens looked away and continued working.

  “Why are they still working?” Hedon asked as he paused and watched a group that were painting a large hanger that contained small Hocklyn shuttles. Already Federation techs were going over them as well as other captured technology.

  “They know nothing else,” explained Abercrombie, pursing his lips. He was still perplexed at the situation. “We can talk to them with the universal translators, and they understand that they are now free, but many are uncertain if they want to return home. They are afraid if they leave the Hocklyns will return and kill them as well as their families who are still back on their home worlds.”

  “So what do we do?” asked Hedon, raising an eyebrow. He didn’t like the idea of having a slave work force, even if it was a voluntary one. “We can’t continue to allow them to work like this.”

  “They have elected a group of leaders to represent them, one from each of the races that is present here. Some will return home, but many prefer to stay. We will set up some type of wage scale and make sure they have reasonable accommodations. They can continue to operate this spaceport with some supervision from us. I don’t know what else we can do.”

  Hedon nodded. There were no longer any Hocklyn Protectors on the planet. The marines had fought a long pitched battle on the outskirts of the spaceport, killing the last few as they made a charge with knives at the advancing marine lines. The fighting had been ferocious, and numerous marines had lost their life. It had been necessary to use railgun rounds from orbit to take out the numerous weapons emplacements that had surrounded the spaceport. They were fortunate that a destroyer had flown low over the spaceport, drawing fire before the marine assault shuttles had been launched. If not, then the marine casualties would have been much higher.

  A few minutes later, they were in the former Fleet Commodore’s office. Hedon gazed around at the large map on the wall as well as the furnishings. Admiral Sheen and Admiral Adler were there, waiting.

  Hedon walked over and sat down behind the desk. Someone had been thoughtful and brought human-sized chairs into the room. He looked over at Amanda first. “What’s the current status of Second Fleet?”

  “We lost two battle cruisers, four Monarchs, seven light cruisers and twelve destroyers in the final battle,” she reported with a shake of her head. “In return we destroyed fifty-one Hocklyn warships. Our weapons may be better, but their energy beams are still deadly.”

  “From what intelligence we have been able to gather, we are fairly certain their Fleet Commodore and his flagship were one of the twelve ships that escaped,” Jacob commented as he walked over and gazed out the large, reinforced window at the spaceport below. From this height, it provided a grand view of the spaceport and the local countryside. There was still some smoke rising where the Hocklyn weapon emplacements had been destroyed.

  “First Fleet suffered heavily as well,” Hedon confessed still feeling pain at the horrific losses caused by the two AI ships. “We lost four battle cruisers, one carrier, and three of the four strike cruisers. Admiral Stillson’s fleet lost three battle cruisers and two of his strike cruisers.”

  “A lot of good capital ships,” Jacob said with a sad look in his eyes, knowing it had taken a high cost in lives and ships to destroy the two AI ships. “We were just fortunate that Ariel was able to figure out how to destroy the AIs.”

  “What about the rest of Admiral Stillson’s fleet, what is to become of them?” Amanda asked.

  There had been a moment during Admiral Streth’s battle with the AIs that she thought he was going to ram one of the ships with the StarStrike. She was glad that had been averted. There was no doubt in her mind that if that was the only option he had left to destroy one, he would have done it without hesitation.

  “I’m still a little aggravated at Admiral Telleck for sending this fleet in secret to watch over us,” Hedon responded with narrowed eyes. He let out a deep sigh and continued. “I understand why, but they still should not have done it. I have assigned him to assist Admiral Strong in the bear’s system setting up the planetary defense grid and their space station. For the time being, both fleets are being assigned permanent duty in that system.”

  “What about the StarStrike?” asked Jacob, turning around to face Hedon. He knew the flagship had taken a lot of damage from the two AI ships.

  “Two of the repair ships are working on her,” replied Hedon, wincing at the memory of how badly the battleship had been damaged. A less powerful ship would have been destroyed. “It will be another four weeks before she is completely repaired.”

  Amanda nodded in understanding. Her own ship, the WarStorm, had just finished its repair stint with one of the repair ships. She had also sent a long message to Richard about the battle and how she wished he were here with her. The nights were very lonely as she lay in bed, so far from home.

  Standing up, she walked over to the window and gazed out. Then, glancing over at Jacob and Admiral Streth, she asked. “Do you think all of this was worth it?”

  “If we want to return home someday, Amanda,” Hedon said in a softer voice. “I want to return to Maken.”

  “You want to rebuild your brother’s cabin on the lake,” said Amanda, knowing what Hedon was thinking. They had discussed it in the past.

  “Yes,” he replied. “Someday, I want to free our home worlds.”

  “A worthy quest,” General Abercrombie commented with an understanding nod.

  A few moments later, they all standing together looking out the large reinforced window at the world they had liberated. They still had much to do.


  Jeremy was down on the bear’s planet with Kelsey, Kevin, and Katie. Angela had drawn command duty and had not been able to accompany them.

  “I can’t believe this!” Katie squealed in enjoyment as she walked along the beach, feeling the sand squish up between her toes. “This is just like New Tellus!”

  “No fruit drinks though,” Kelsey spoke with a relaxed smile. She glanced along the beach, seeing a few other crewmembers out for a stroll or taking a swim in the shallow water near the shore. This area had been restricted by the bears for use by crews of the human fleets.

  “The bears have agreed to allow our people to come down on leave,” Jeremy explained as he watched a multicolored bird fly low over the ocean. “They will be building some suitable accommodations along this section of beach for us to stay.”

  “This will be a great place to relax and get away from the war,” Kelsey said, nodding her head in excitement at the thought of having this beach available to them.

  “The bears are going to be great allies for the Federation,” Kevin added as he bent down and picked up a seashell. It was a bright white with a slight pink tinge on the inside, just like what one would find back home.

  “I can’t believe how mu
ch you like these bears,” teased Katie, reaching out and taking Kevin’s hand. “I wonder if they have parasailing here?”

  “Oh, God,” Kevin moaned, but he left his hand in Katie’s.

  “Well, Admiral,” Kelsey spoke with a big smile. “What’s next on the agenda?”

  Jeremy stopped and stood at the water’s edge, gazing at the small waves coming toward the shore. He put his arm around Kelsey and pulled her close, it was private enough here that no one would notice. “We get the bears ready for war. I believe someday we will see its end. We just need to have faith in each other and be prepared for what’s ahead.”

  “Sounds like a speech your father would have made,” Kelsey said, leaning her head against Jeremy’s shoulder.

  The four stood quietly, watching the slowly sinking sun. The sunset was gorgeous, and they reveled in their friendship and love for one another.


  High Leader Nartel stood at the front of the large, ornate conference table of the Hocklyn High Council. His cold gaze swept over the other nine High Councilors.

  “It’s impossible,” High Leader Ruthan stammered in his deep rasping voice. “The humans could not have destroyed two AI ships!”

  “It’s true,” High Councilor Desmonde spoke, his large dark eyes looking worried. “Fleet Commodore Resmunt escaped and has sent back both video and sensor scans of the destruction.”

  “We must accept what has happened,” snapped Nartel, wanting this senseless bickering between the High Councilors to come to an end. “We should be more concerned with what the response from the AIs for this failure will be.”

  “Surely we won’t be punished for this!” responded Ruthan, looking at Nartel in disbelief. “It was the humans that destroyed the two AI ships, not us.”

  “I fear the AIs may not see it that way,” High Councilor Berken interrupted as he stood and looked around the conference table. “They may indeed hold us responsible because it was High Leader Ankler’s ancestor who allowed these humans to escape. Sigeth was a Hocklyn, and that will be the only consideration of the AIs.”

  The meeting continued for quite some time. They were just about to adjourn when the large doors to the conference chamber suddenly swung open, and a senior Protector stepped in. “Four AI ships have just jumped into the system, and they will be in orbit of Calzen shortly. So far, the AIs are refusing to communicate with us. What are your orders?”

  High Leader Nartel sat back down, letting out a deep and worried breath. Four AI ships, that wasn’t a good sign. “Do nothing,” he ordered, his eyes deadly serious. “We must do nothing to offend or cause the AIs to doubt us.”

  “Yes, High Leader,” the senior Protector replied as he turned and left, shutting the massive wooden doors behind him.

  “What do they want?” Ruthan asked, his large dark eyes growing wide in fear.

  “I don’t know, but I suspect we’ll soon find out,” High Leader Nartel replied as he settled back to wait.


  The four AI ships swept into orbit above Calzen ignoring all of the Hocklyn warships that were present. The Hocklyn ships moved rapidly to put distance between themselves and the AIs. The space above the Hocklyn home world was thick with orbital shipyards, factories and hundreds of habitats. In between, numerous shuttles, freighters, and warships moved constantly. The space around the four AI ships quickly became empty of ships as they scattered.

  The AIs didn’t hesitate as they considered their options. Never in their long history had they lost a warship, the Hocklyn leadership needed to be taught a lesson. Their failure to destroy the humans in the first place had led to this situation. Now they had lost two valuable ships as well as the irreplaceable AIs that had been on board!

  Targeting systems locked onto the habitats above the planet and then the energy beams flicked out. The habitats were defenseless without armor or any type of energy shielding. The beams cut through, blasting into the interiors causing massive decompression explosions. For ten minutes, the four AI ships ruthlessly eliminated habitat after habitat. The space above Calzen became filled with wreckage. When it was over, forty habitats were gone, and so were twenty million Hocklyn civilians.


  High Leader Nartel and the rest of the council were outside on a large balcony watching the ruthless destruction above them. Nartel had already given orders to the Fleet Commodores and War Leaders not to resist. Unlike the humans, they had nothing that could damage an AI ship. When the last flash of light faded away and the AIs stopped firing, Nartel turned and led the councilors back inside.

  “Why?” Ruthan demanded his eyes flushed red with anger. “Why did they destroy the habitats?”

  “Because they can,” snarled Nartel, wishing Ruthan would develop a backbone. He wondered how someone so pathetic had ever become a member of the High Council. “They are our masters, and we failed them with the humans. This was an abject lesson to remind us that they will not accept failure in the future.”

  “What are we to do?” Ruthan asked.

  It was at that moment that the large conference room doors opened again, but instead of a senior Protector entering, two AIs appeared. They floated above the floor, their bodies a mixture of smooth and sharp lines. The two AIs stopped near the head of the conference table, the glow from the orb on top of the AI becoming so bright it was difficult to look at.

  “You have failed us with the humans,” one of the AIs spoke in a commanding voice. “For that failure, you have been punished.”

  Nartel wondered if he were about to die in the same manner High Leader Ankler had. For a brief moment his hand touched his knife, then it dropped away to hang limply at his side. “What are your orders?”

  The AIs were silent for a long moment as if pondering the question. “The attack against the humans will have to be delayed,” one spoke. “The ships at Kenward Seven will have to be upgraded with more powerful energy weapons and shields. Once the upgrades are complete, a fleet of our warships will join yours to destroy these human vermin.”

  Nartel nodded. If the AIs were willing to provide weapons that were more advanced, it would be well worth the delay. “Send us the technical details and we will begin the upgrades immediately.”

  “It will be done,” one of the AIs responded. The two AIs then turned and left the council chambers.

  High Leader Nartel looked around at the other councilors. “I will be contacting Fleet Commodore Resmunt shortly and ordering him to take his surviving ships to Kenward Seven to be upgraded.”

  “Resmunt has already failed us once,” Councilor Ruthan objected, his voice rising in ire. “He should be stripped of honor and sentenced to menial tasks for the empire.”

  “On the contrary,” responded Nartel, folding his powerful arms across his chest. “Commodore Resmunt has done well. If not for him, we would not know that the humans had destroyed two AI ships. He is also the only Fleet Commodore we have that has faced the humans in combat. He will be promoted and continue to serve the empire.”


  High up in orbit in the dreadnought Viden, Second Leader Jaseth gazed at the main viewscreen at the wrecked and destroyed habitats that littered this section of space. The Viden and several other ships were in the process of searching for survivors. The humans caused this, Jaseth thought with burning anger. Someday, he would make them pay for what had happened to his family as well as for the destruction he had just witnessed. He would not be satisfied until the last human was dead!


  Thousands of light years away were the former Human Federation of Worlds. One of those was the planet of New Providence. Two Hocklyn escort cruisers were passing through the system and their First Leaders were discussing the recent developments with the humans and the AIs. Unbeknownst to them, a small stealth satellite picked up their communication transmissions and passed them on to its base.

  Deep beneath New Providence, General Whitmore was in the primary Planetary Command Center. With him were President Brice and the head of
Planetary Intelligence, Colonel Dickerson.

  “Are we certain about this information?” President Brice demanded, his face showing disbelief at what he was being told.

  “Yes, Sir,” Colonel Dickerson replied. “Humans have attacked the Hocklyn Empire and even managed to destroy two AI ships that were sent to stop them.”

  The president sat down and looked at the others. “You know what this means?”

  “Yes,” General Whitmore responded as an aide walked up and handed him more communication intercepts. “Admiral Streth succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. He established a new colony, and now they are attacking the Hocklyns.”

  “The ship that appeared in our system several centuries ago was legit, it was one of ours,” President Brice said. For years after the mysterious cruiser had appeared it had been speculated that it had been a trick by the Hocklyns to lure any remaining humans out of hiding. “What are your recommendations, General?”

  Whitmore paused for a moment before responding. “We have a number of stealth destroyers at our disposal. From the communication intercepts, we know where the human fleets have struck. I propose we send one of the destroyers to this area and make contact with these humans. If they are indeed survivors from our original worlds, then it may be time for us to come out in the open and join them in a new alliance.”

  “It will be risky,” Brice commented as he carefully weighed his options. Then he stood up. “We have hidden long enough, send the destroyer. Once we have made contact we can decide how best we can serve in this war.”

  Whitmore nodded. There were over sixty million people living in the deep underground cities on New Providence. If this mission were successful, it would be time to go back up and reclaim the surface of their world.


  Admiral Johnson was meeting with Admiral Telleck and President Kincaid back in the Federation Council Chambers on Earth.

  “They destroyed two AI ships,” the president repeated, thrilled to hear the news. “So the new ships and weapons worked.”


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