Out of Bounds: Love of Sports book 1

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Out of Bounds: Love of Sports book 1 Page 8

by T. A. Chase


  Turning, Gram found Kasey leaning against the doorframe, a frown on his face.

  “What did Garrett want?”

  “Just to see how I was doing.” Kasey trailed a hand over Gram’s shoulder. “He said to tell you he was sorry for yelling at you. He tends to be a little protective of me.”

  “It’s okay. I understand.” Gram’s stomach grumbled. “I’m starving. Wash up and I’ll see about finding something for us to snack on.”

  Gram was setting the pizza box on the coffee table when Kasey came into the living room, wearing a pair of ragged gym shorts. “Cold pizza sounded good.”

  Kasey grinned as he sat down beside Gram. “I always thought cold pizza was better than hot any day.”

  “So do I.” Gram handed his lover a piece and then took one. “How’s Garrett’s shoot going?”

  “Good.” Kasey took a bit and moaned. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

  “Great sex can wear a guy out if he doesn’t keep up his strength.” He winked at Kasey, who blushed. “What time do you need to be at the airport?”

  Kasey was flying out later on that morning for an away game. Kasey curled up tight to Gram’s side. Gram laughed silently. It was strange how protective he got when Kasey did that, considering his lover was a good seven inches taller than he was.

  “By ten. The plane leaves around eleven. It’s only a couple hours to Houston. The game starts at seven.” Kasey’s hand trailed over Gram’s chest, his long fingers teasing the soft spot at Gram’s hip.

  Gram bit back a moan, marveling at the way his cock twitched and showed interest in the firm body next to him. The nap must have revitalized him.

  “I reamed your ass twice tonight. I shouldn’t be able to get a hard-on so soon even after a nap.”

  Kasey snickered. “It must be the thought of not being able to have it for a night.”

  “A night? More like five days, right?” Gram frowned.

  He knew the All-Star weekend was after the Houston game and Kasey had been voted as a starter on the Western Conference team.

  “Right. I’m spending the night in Houston and flying to New Orleans the next day.” Kasey stiffened. “There something I’ve been meaning to ask you, Gram.”

  “Does it have anything to do with what you wanted to talk about before we fell asleep?”

  “It’s the same thing.”

  “What is it?” He massaged Kasey’s shoulders, trying to ease the tension and return his lover to the pliant stage he’d been in a few seconds before.

  “I was wondering if you’d come to New Orleans and spend the weekend with me.” Kasey fidgeted.

  Gram had a feeling he looked like a fish out of water and gasping for air. His mouth was open and he’d lost the ability to speak.

  “I understand if you’ve already made plans,” Kasey stammered. “Garrett got a suite at Le Pavillon near the French Quarter. He said we could use it on Thursday night. He doesn’t plan on showing up until Friday. That’s the earliest he can get off the set.”

  Shock still held Gram’s tongue.

  “The suite’s in his bodyguard’s name. No one would know we were there. You could fly in on Thursday and a driver would meet you. He’d have a key to the suite already. You could go straight up without dealing with the press or anyone. I’d show up later. Dinner’s going to be delivered and we could spend Valentine’s together.”

  Gram placed a finger over Kasey’s lips, sealing Kasey’s rambling mouth. Replacing his fingers with his lips, he kissed Kasey softly.

  “Sounds great.” He leaned back and smiled at the relief shining in Kasey’s eyes. “Why?”

  “Why?” Kasey’s brow furrowed in a puzzled frown.

  “Why me? Why now?” He pulled Kasey tighter to him. “Even with all the subterfuge, you run the risk of being discovered. Don’t ruin your career because of me. I’m willing to keep going the way we are.”

  Kasey shook his head. “I’m not doing this because I think it’s what you want, Gram. I’m tired of hiding. I’ve never been able to be myself. All through college, I worried about my secret being revealed. I always told myself I’d wait until I was older or closer to retirement before I came out.”

  “Why don’t you?”

  “I don’t deserve to be lonely for most of my life.” Kasey moved away and looked Gram in the eye. “I like you, Gram. I think we could have something serious here. I want to see if it works.”

  Gram nodded. “I understand, but I don’t expect you to start marching in parades and wearing rainbows. You and I know we’ve got the possibility of a strong relationship. That’s all that’s important to me.”

  “I’m not ashamed of you and I won’t be made to feel like I should hide.” Kasey’s chin took on a stubborn tilt.

  “Thank you.” Gram hugged him. “I’ll meet you in New Orleans, baby. Let’s see how far we can take this.”

  Kasey kissed him hard. Gram sank into it, letting Kasey take the lead. It wasn’t often Kasey took control and Gram liked to encourage it when it happened. A thrill shot through him as Kasey stood up and held out a hand to him.

  “Let’s go back to bed and you can fuck me again.”

  Gram let Kasey pull him to his feet. “Sounds good to me.”

  He followed Kasey’s tight ass back to the bedroom.

  Chapter Nine


  Kasey slid the hotel key into the card reader, hand trembling. The door opened and Gram took his hand, leading him into the suite. Kasey walked into Gram’s strong arms that wrapped around his waist and held him close. Their breath mixed together in soft sighs as they kissed. God, he’d missed this.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever missed anyone as much as I missed you and it was only one fucking night.” Gram squeezed his ass with hard hands.

  Kasey laughed. “I haven’t been so glad for loose-fitting pants than I was today. I’ve had a constant hard-on, knowing I’d see you tonight.”

  Gram’s hand wandered from his ass to the bulge at his groin. Kasey dropped his head to Gram’s shoulder when his erection was given a hard squeeze. He pushed his hips toward Gram.

  “Do you want me to take the edge off now or do you want to eat first?” Gram rubbed his palm over Kasey’s zipper.

  Kasey’s stomach growled at that exact moment.

  “I guess that makes the choice easy.” Gram winked.

  They laughed and moved apart. Kasey unbuttoned his suit coat and tossed it over one of the chairs as they passed through the living room to the dining room. Gram pointed to another one of the chairs and pulled the covers off several dishes.

  “Dinner arrived right before you did. It should still be hot.”

  Kasey sat down with a groan. “I hate flying. I hate the crowds of people and the waiting.”

  Gram chuckled. “Yeah, it’s a pain, but the team’s not going to let you take the bus.” He placed a plate in front of Kasey. “Great game by the way.”

  “Thanks. We were lucky Paul was hot last night. It felt like I was shooting bricks. Couldn’t get anything to go in.” Kasey sniffed appreciatively. “Fettuccine alfredo. My favorite. Garrett knows how to put on a great dinner, doesn’t he?”

  “He knows how to order a great dinner.” Gram sat down next to him.

  “We can cook simple things. Mom made sure of that, but anything like this is beyond our abilities. The only time we get it is when we go out to eat.” He took a bite and moaned.

  Gram’s moan joined his next one as Gram took his first bite. “You’re right. This is good.”

  Kasey smiled and the conversation halted for several minutes while they satisfied their hunger. Once the worst part of the urgency was taken care of, Kasey glanced at Gram.

  “Did you have a good flight?”

  “I got into Louis Armstrong airport without any delays, so I can’t complain. Your brother’s bodyguard was waiting for me when I got there. He gave me my key and drove me here.” Gram sipped some wine. “He seeme
d like a nice guy.”

  “Quentin has been with Garrett for about three years now. Very loyal and honest. He doesn’t let Garrett get away with anything. His wife, Lisa, is a great lady. She makes the most amazing cookies.” Kasey closed his eyes, remembering the chocolate-chip cookies Lisa had made for his birthday last year. “Lisa’s a stockbroker and doesn’t have a lot of spare time to bake. She only does it for her special friends.”

  “You and Garrett make sure you stay on her good side, huh?”

  “Sure. How else are we supposed to get homemade cookies,” Kasey joked. “My mom had too many other things to do to really become a gourmet cook. She had to cart me to basketball practice and Garrett to acting lessons. Our younger siblings were involved in activities as well. Dad worked a lot of hours to make sure we could afford them.”

  “It sounds like you have a good relationship with your parents.” Gram’s fingers trailed over Kasey’s hand.

  “I do. Garrett and I try to get home several times a year. It’s easier for me during the off-season. Garrett usually plans a break between movie shoots for a month and we head home.” Kasey turned over his hand and entangled his fingers with Gram’s. “What about you? Do you see your family often?”

  His lover frowned and then shook his head. “No. I made the fatal error of choosing the wrong path and they’ve never forgiven me.”

  “They abandoned you because you’re gay?” Kasey was surprised, though he knew it was a silly reaction to have. Even his parents weren’t thrilled with him and Garrett when they first came out, but they got over it and came to accept them.

  “What?” Gram looked puzzled for a second. “Oh, no. They have no idea I’m gay. If they knew about that, it’d be one more nail in my coffin, I guess. I chose to leave Belfast rather than fight in the conflict. I didn’t see the point when both sides were wrong. I ended up emigrating here.”

  Kasey gripped Gram’s hand tighter. “How long ago was that?”

  “I came over here about twelve years ago. Before that, I wandered around Europe doing whatever kind of work I could. Left home when I was fifteen.”

  Kasey brushed a kiss over Gram’s cheek. “I’m sorry about your parents, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  Gram brought their lips together in a gentle meeting. Pulling back, Gram’s serious eyes gazed at him. “I’m glad too.”

  They finished their dinners in companionable silence.

  After pushing his plate away, Kasey stretched. His muscles ached from being crammed in those airplane seats. Even first class felt cramped because of his height.

  Gram stood, picking up their silverware. “Why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll grab us some dessert?”

  He leered at the man. “Will you be part of the menu?”

  Gram slapped his ass as he went by. “I think we both will be.”

  Kasey grunted with approval, grabbing his suit coat from the chair and heading into the master bedroom. He glanced around, taking in the king-sized bed and antique furniture. He opened the armoire and hung up his coat. Sitting on the settee at the foot of the bed, he took off his shoes. The tension from traveling left him. It was good to be with Gram and not worry about when he would have to leave again. They had the entire weekend together. Sure, they’d have to be careful, but since Kasey wasn’t given to public displays of affection, he wasn’t worried about it.

  Stripping, he laid his clothes on the bed and headed for the bathroom. He admired the black tiled floor and the gold fixtures as he turned the water on. Gram looked around the door frame.

  “Just put on a robe. Don’t worry about dressing.”

  Gram’s gaze trailing over Kasey’s body felt like a line of fire, warming his skin. His cock twitched and started to harden even more. Gram reached out and traced the throbbing vein along the underside of Kasey’s shaft.

  “Don’t play with this while you’re in the shower.” Gram swiped his thumb over the flared head, gathering the precum from his slit and brought it to his mouth.

  “It’ll be close if you do stuff like that in front of me,” Kasey mumbled. He clenched his hands into fists to keep from grabbing Gram and dragging him into the shower with him.

  “Oh, I don’t want you to waste that.” Gram gave him a little push. “Get in there and don’t take too much time.”

  Kasey jumped under the steaming water and sighed. He hated traveling and always felt grimy when he got home. With quick swipes, he soaped up and rinsed. He shut off the water and dried off, wrapping the robe around him and heading out to the main room.

  “Your brother has good taste in hotel suites.” Gram strolled up to him. They met at the section where the hallway split off in three directions.

  “Rich must have picked it out. To be honest, even though he can afford it, Garrett isn’t into showy displays of spending his money. When we go places, we normally get an inexpensive room at a nice local hotel.” Kasey looked around the suite.

  Gram gestured to Kasey’s right. “There’s a living room with a big screen TV. You’ve already seen the dining room. There’s a second bedroom where I guess Garrett will be staying this weekend. Is he bringing anyone?”

  “No.” Kasey shook his head. “He and Rich called it quits. Even if they hadn’t, Rich doesn’t like me, he would never have come with my brother.”

  Gram took his hand, leading him forward. “And here is dessert.”

  Kasey smiled as he took in the nest of blankets and pillows piled on the floor in front of the fireplace. The chairs had been pushed back out of the way. A tray rested in the space between the blankets and the fireplace’s hearth. He didn’t hide the shiver racing over his body at the sight of the champagne bottle chilling in a bucket. There were strawberries, cream and chocolate arranged on the tray.

  Gram handed him a sheet of paper. “This is for you.”

  Kasey studied the test results for a second and then looked up at Gram. “Why?”

  “We know you’re clean because if you weren’t, the results would be spread all over the news. I wanted to show you a recent test. Now we can get rid of those condoms.” Gram cupped Kasey’s cheek. “If we’re going to be exclusive, I don’t want you to ever doubt my word.”

  Kasey nuzzled into Gram’s hand. “Thanks, but if I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t have let you fuck me the first night.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  They knelt in the middle of the blankets and Kasey tossed the paper over his shoulder. Gram wrapped his arms around Kasey’s waist, pulling him tight against his chest. Their lips met in a gentle kiss, sealing their promise to each other. Kasey buried his hands in Gram’s brown curls and took the kiss deeper. Tongues teased. Lips sucked. Teeth nibbled. Gram’s hand slid down Kasey’s back, cupping his ass in hard hands.

  “We need to get rid of the clothes, baby,” Gram mumbled, tugging on the belt tied at Kasey’s waist.

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Kasey got Gram’s shirt unbuttoned and off around the same time Gram got Kasey’s robe off. All thought of getting Gram out of his pants shot from Kasey’s head when Gram pushed him over. The moment his back hit the blankets, Gram sucked Kasey’s cock down.

  “Fuck.” His hips lifted off the floor.

  Gram pulled off with a pop and grinned at him. “We will, but now I’m wondering what you’ll taste like drizzled with chocolate.”

  “What?” Kasey leaned up on his elbows and saw Gram reach for the small silver bowl of chocolate resting on the tray.

  “It’s warm, but not too hot. We don’t want to burn your pretty cock.”

  He gasped as the first drop of warm liquid landed on the flared head of his cock. More chocolate continued to coat his shaft. Soon he was covered from head to root with chocolate. Gram set the bowl back down on the tray.

  “Yum. Chocolate-covered cock. My favorite dessert.” Gram settled between Kasey’s thighs, nudging them farther apart with his shoulders.

  Kasey’s head fell back as Gram’s tongue licked a line fr
om his balls to the spot right below the crown of his cock. Dessert might kill him.

  Chapter Ten

  Gram hummed at the intriguing taste of the chocolate mixed with the salty bitterness of Kasey’s precum. He could get used to the combination. He chased the swirls around Kasey’s length, taking the time to press the pointed tip of his tongue into Kasey’s slit. His lover moaned with each lick. He glanced up to see Kasey’s hands fisted in the blankets at his side.

  Kasey’s cock throbbed and twitched. Gram relaxed his muscles to take in the entire length. When the flared head bumped the back of his throat, he swallowed.

  “God,” Kasey cried. His trembling hand entwined in Gram’s curls and held his head there.

  Gram didn’t fight. He sucked, wrapping his hand around the base and pumping over the small bit of skin he didn’t have in his mouth. He snuck his other hand down to fondle Kasey’s balls. He rolled them around in his hands, squeezing and tugging a little. He caressed the soft skin between Kasey’s balls and puckered hole.

  Kasey’s fingers tightened their grip and pulled slightly. “Sorry.”

  Kasey’s hand stayed entangled but loosened enough to let Gram move. Gram applied hard suction to the shaft as he pumped and twisted with his hand. He managed to get the finger of his other hand wet and rubbed it against Kasey’s hole.


  He nodded, letting Kasey know it was all right to fuck his mouth. He placed his finger at Kasey’s entrance and pushed it in as Kasey was pulling out, causing Kasey to impale himself on Gram’s finger. Shivers wracked Kasey as he clenched around Gram’s finger, holding him tight. He humped the blankets under his own cock, fighting the urge to stop the blowjob and take Kasey right then and there.

  “Gram, gonna,” Kasey warned him.

  He sped up. Hands, mouth and tongue worked together to drive Kasey over the edge. Thrusting his finger as far in as he could, he hit Kasey’s gland with his knuckle. Kasey jerked and Gram grinned to himself. Yep, right there. He made sure to nail the magic spot with each stroke.


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