Sing Me a Song

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Sing Me a Song Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  It was a long night, leaving her sitting between Juno and Hart as her mom, Ella, and Jimmy went to bed and Matt’s friends left for the night.

  Matt sat forward in his seat. He looked at Hart and Juno then back toward her.

  “You play the harmonica very well, Syd. I used to play all the time.”

  She swallowed hard. She hadn’t spoken to Matt much since she arrived. She couldn’t believe it had been two weeks already.

  “My mom mentioned that a time or two.”

  Juno placed his arm over her shoulder. She glanced at him. Those piercing blue eyes and deep dimple in his left cheek were so attractive. Hart strummed the guitar, barely changing that firm, hard expression of his even as everyone cheered earlier. They were complicated men, that was becoming quite clear.

  “Well, I’m calling it a night.” Matt stood up and Juno and Hart said goodnight.

  “We’ll be heading out in a few. We’ll get the lights,” Juno told Matt. He looked at Sydney, and she was shocked by the concerned expression on his face, as if he had every right to care what she did with Juno, Hart, and his brothers. Perhaps he had something to do with them liking her. Maybe he ordered them to? She gulped down the thought and Juno leaned closer and kissed her cheek and ear. “You smell real good, Sydney. Been hard trying not to nibble on you all night.”

  She sat forward and looked at him then Hart. “Did Matt put you and your brothers up to this?”

  “Up to what?” Juno asked, tilting his head sideways.

  “Up to flirting with me. Maybe ordered you to like me and make me feel important?”

  “What in God’s name are you talking about?” Juno asked, but Hart remained silent, as usual.

  She gave him the evil eye.

  “Forget it.” She went to stand up but Juno stopped her.

  “Slow down, Sydney. You’re jumping to conclusions I don’t even understand where you came up with.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Juno.”

  He cupped her chin and cheek. “I never would.”

  Juno, with his short blond hair, blue eyes, and that damn dimple in his cheek, weakened her defenses. She felt guilty for accusing them of this. But she was confused, overwhelmed with emotions, and unsure what was the best way to handle these men.

  Four men liked her. Four men wanted her. Four!

  “I think we should call it a night,” she told them.

  He grabbed her hand and placed his other hand on her hip. She held his gaze.

  “You make my head spin. You have got to be the most complicated young woman I think I’ve ever met or tried to get to know. What are you so damn afraid of? Why would you think your father would put us up to liking you? We’re too fucking old for playing games, Sydney. So here it is straight up. My brothers and I like you. We want to get to know you better, spend time with you, and see where it leads.” He caressed her cheek and ran his thumb along her jaw and lower lip. She could smell his cologne, sense his masculinity, and she lowered her eyes.

  “I have a lot going on right now.”

  “Like what?” Hart asked as he continued to strum the strings of his guitar softly. He was so relaxed, so unaffected by anything, everything, it annoyed her. She glared at him. But then her eyes landed on his thick, long fingers strumming those chords, looking so relaxed and in control. How would those fingers feel against her skin, perhaps stimulating her pussy and strumming her arousal? She gulped from the thought. Even his forearms had muscles in them that stretched and tightened before her eyes. His dark-blue eyes held hers firmly as he raised one of his eyebrows, waiting for her response to the question.

  “Personal things.”

  “I hope it’s not someone else. I’d be real disappointed,” Juno told her in that thick Texas accent of his. She felt guilty for not being honest. It made her feel unnerved and also out of control. She couldn’t let these men order her around or think she could be told what to do.

  “That’s not really any of your business.”

  Juno’s eyes darkened and his hold firmed around her waist. He drew her close.

  “Oh, baby, we’re making it our business. There’s no need for you to go searching anywhere else but right here. We plan on making you all ours.”


  He kissed her lips, held her snugly in his arms until she was limp and under his spell. It seemed to her that the Aubrey men dominated in the kissing department among other areas she was certain of. Juno’s hands caressed along her lower back then his one palm manipulated her ass cheek, massaged it, and pulled her snug against his front, pressing his thigh between her legs. She jerked at the feel of his thick, hard erection. It was long, pressed snugly against her mound and belly. She panicked. But he didn’t seem to want to stop kissing her as he continued a path along her cheek to her neck.

  “Baby, you taste incredible.”

  She rolled her head to the side, giving him better access to her throat as she gripped his sides when her eyes landed on Hart. He was straight faced, and so still she felt a sense of intimidation.

  “I should go.” She pressed against Juno and parted him from her. Her blouse was open lower than before, revealing an abundant amount of cleavage. She only realized it as Hart’s eyes zeroed in on her chest and he stood up placing the guitar on the couch.

  She stepped away and fixed her blouse. Juno placed his hand on her hips and she jerked toward him, still trying to catch her breath.

  “When can we see you again? “

  “I don’t know.”

  “Tomorrow,” Hart said and looked her over with his eyes as if he were undressing her. Her nipples hardened, and her pussy clenched. She was turned on by his darkness, his ability to say so much without speaking a word. His blue eyes bore into hers and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. Juno pressed closer to her, his hands on her hips caressing her skin. He reached up and cupped her neck and hair as he looked down into her eyes. She felt feminine, protected, and submissive around these men. It was unnerving.

  “How about we make some plans for lunch or dinner? I’ll check Orsin and Atlas’s schedules and see if they can join us. Slow steps, Sydney. Nothing too crazy.” He smirked at her as if knowing how intimidated she was of them and how off kilter they made her feel.

  “I don’t know if I can. Like I said, I have some things going on and the weekend is full.”

  “Even Saturday night?”

  “Yes, Friday and Saturday I have plans.”

  “Come on, Sydney, work with us here. You know you feel it, too. The attraction, the desire to be with us,” Juno challenged.

  She lowered her head, but he tilted her face and head back up toward him.

  “Sydney, say yes to meeting us. Saturday for lunch? That work for you?”

  She nodded her head and gave into him. He was good, and deep inside she wanted to see where this led. She liked him. She liked them, but four men? Four older, more experienced men who were Marines? I’m losing my mind.

  He smiled.

  “Good girl, now one last kiss goodnight then you get to bed.” He pulled her close and kissed her, using his palm to press over her ass and once again hold her against his chest to draw her closer. The kiss grew deeper, wilder, and when he cupped her breast as he pressed his tongue deeper into her mouth in exploration, she sunk further under his spell.

  When he cupped her breast fully then pinched her nipple over the bra she wore, she felt cream leak from her cunt and shock her breathless. She pulled back, pressed her palm over her chest, and nearly tripped over the couch.

  “Goodnight.” She hurried inside, turning off the lights and locking the door. She leaned against it, waiting to hear them leave yet wanting to go back out there and just let go and feel that good for longer. But the fear of getting hurt by those soldiers just like her mom’s soldier had done to her had Sydney shaking off the attraction for another night. She stepped away from the door and headed down the hallway. Another restless night lay ahead of her, a destiny she would surely have as
long as she kept pushing aside her attraction to the brothers and denying the powerful emotions they drew from her. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before, and that was what scared her the most.

  * * * *

  “You pushed too hard,” Hart told his brother as they blew out the lanterns, fixed the couches, and then headed down the steps and to their truck.

  “You’re just pissed you didn’t get to kiss her like I did and feel her in your arms. Damn, she’s fucking gorgeous and her body? I could hardly cup her breast with one hand she’s so well-endowed.

  “Cool it,” Hart snapped. He was envious of all three of his brothers. They all got to touch her, hold her, and kiss her. He didn’t, and why, because he was caught up in fearing getting hurt again. Not that he was head over heels for Tara, but she was still a woman they’d shared. It was fucked up what she did to them. Sydney was younger, shyer, and resistant to wanting to get involved with them, and to him it spelled out trouble.

  “Did you think for one moment that maybe she wasn’t interested in a ménage? She’s from New York. Maybe there are less relationships like this around there.”

  “No, I didn’t. I think she’s just inexperienced and a bit scared. You heard what Orsin said about her fears. She doesn’t trust easily. She told him about Matt leaving her mom when she was pregnant with Sydney. Then Drake leaves her mom and Ella and her next. She’s had two men, father figures, disappear during the most important times of her life. Of course she’s going to be resistant to men like us. We’re Marines, we’re older, and we’re friends with Matt. She needs time, and with her body, and getting some kisses and feels like I did tonight, I’m fine with taking our time. I just know I’ll lose it if some other men try to move in on what’s ours.”

  “Well that’s another thing. Where is she going off to every morning? What type of job has she been searching for or maybe even started? She hasn’t said anything to Matt or her mother. And what about being busy with plans Friday and Saturday night?”

  “Give her time. We’ll see her for lunch on Saturday. Focus on that, and from here on out every time you see her, focus on talking to her more and getting closer. That will help you to experience one of her amazing kisses.” Juno winked as they got into the truck and headed home.

  Hart thought about the night and about Sydney’s body language and her eyes. She was scared, that was certain. It kind of made him feel badly that she was scared of him. But he wasn’t a friendly, joke around and laugh kind of guy. He had nothing in his life thus far to make him smile and make him feel happy and lighthearted. All he knew was death, pain, and somberness. He was used to distrusting due to the events in his life where people failed to come through, or used him and his brothers for selfish reasons. It was who he was. But Sydney interested him, and that was why he would stick around and try to get to know her better. No promises, but also no pain. That couldn’t happen as long as he kept his guard up and as long as he put his brothers first and protected them, too.

  Chapter 9

  “Where the hell were you, Ella? I’m going on in thirty minutes. I need you.”

  Ella smiled at her sister despite how nervous she was. She transferred the money from the drug exchange to Bruno, who told her to keep five thousand for herself since she made a few dollars on the deal. She just wanted to be done, finished with all of this. Technically she completed a huge drug deal, however nothing was traceable back to her. She already told Bruno she was finished with him. Graham, on the other hand, might be a problem. She would deal with him after she helped to support her sister.

  “I’m here now. If you were going to be this nervous, then you should have taken up Mom’s offer to be here for moral support.”

  “I explained to her that I needed to see if I was successful first. Plus, I would be even more nervous because she would tell Matt and Jimmy.”

  “Who would tell the Aubrey brothers. That’s what you were really afraid of. I don’t know why either. All four of them are super hot and older. They eat you up with their eyes when you’re not looking.”

  “Ella, they eat me up with their eyes when I am looking.” She rolled her eyes and Ella laughed. This moving to Texas had really brought them closer. It was so important that Ella didn’t screw this up. The guilty feeling she had about the drug deal weighed heavy on her heart. But what was done was done. She got through it, Bruno had his money, Graham had New York drugs, whatever that meant, and her hands were clean. Now she could take the job at the boutique seriously and as a stepping stone to something else.

  “How do I look? Is this too low cut?” Sydney asked about the outfit she had on. It was gorgeous just like her sister.

  “You look amazing, like a star already,” she said and Sydney smiled then hugged her tight.

  “God please don’t let my voice crack.”

  “Stop fidgeting. Your voice never cracks. Now get out there and win over the crowd. I want to be a regular at the Rusty Horn and you’re my free in.” Ella winked and Sydney chuckled. “Here goes everything.”

  Ella walked out of the side entry to the stage and into the crowded room. The dance floor was packed, the band was playing finishing up a slow song, and the night was just getting started. As she walked toward the side bar that had the perfect view of the stage, she caught sight of Graham. She pretended to not notice him and as she ordered a drink at the bar, he approached from behind her. She felt his hands on her hips and then his mouth was against her neck, kissing her skin.

  “There you are, my number one girl.”

  She turned to look up at him and he held her gaze as he eyed over her outfit. Tight, low-cut blouse in red, a short black skirt that flared at the bottom, and a pair of low-cut cowgirl boots in black with rhinestones around the heel. She picked up on the styles immediately, and working in the boutique would keep her at the top of her game.

  “You’re looking mighty fine tonight, Miss Ella,” he said, placing his hands on her hip and holding her gaze. She looked him over, his usual attire, dress shirt, dress pants with black fancy cowboy boots, and a belt buckle with some sort of emblem on it. The man was big and sexy.

  “You’re looking good, too. My sister is about to go on stage.”

  “Well then let’s watch her together, and then you and I need to dance.”

  He pulled out the stool, and Ella took a seat on it and crossed her legs. He took the seat real close to her and place one arm behind her back and then his hand on her thigh. He trailed his fingers along her waist to her face and turned her cheek to look at him.

  “I need something else from you.” Her heart pounded inside of her chest. She hoped he didn’t want more drugs. It was a first and only time. Holy shit.

  But then he leaned forward and kissed her. He was a good kisser but then the music started and the band began the intro of “Life is a Highway,” a version by Rascal Flatts, and she knew Sydney was up.

  She pulled back and smiled, and so did Graham.

  * * * *

  Sydney was on a high. She couldn’t believe how well last night went. Tonight would be even better, but she had to get past her lunch date with the men. Considering how wonderful of a response she had gotten from Rusty and the patrons at his place, she still wasn’t ready to reveal her new job to the men. She asked her mom not to say anything about Friday night, and her mom gave her a whole lecture on honesty. They talked about the ménage thing a little and about taking chances with her heart. Sydney wasn’t quite up to that yet.

  She was a bit surprised that Matt came into the kitchen while they were talking and told her that Juno said to meet him out by the stables.

  She gave her mom a kiss goodbye then looked at Matt. “I hope they don’t think I’m going to ride a horse.”

  “You’ll be just fine. They have four ready, so you’ll probably just ride with one of them,” he said, still sounding monotone.

  Sydney rolled her eyes and headed out the back door. She wore a pair of black capri pants that hung low on her waist, a tan sleeveless
blouse that was cut in a low V, and a pearl necklace. She hadn’t expected horseback riding.

  * * * *

  Stella looked at Matt as he got up and pretended to wash a glass in the sink by the window. After he washed it and rinsed it several times, she smiled to herself. Jimmy headed inside, smiling.

  “Looks like they planned a picnic for lunch, and they didn’t order it from Francine’s or the Inn, so I think those men cooked everything themselves,” Jimmy said.

  Matt released a long sigh.

  “They got a horse for her?” he asked.

  Jimmy shook his head. “She’s riding with Hart.”

  He released another long sigh then looked out the window.

  “Are you all right, Matt?” Stella asked and Jimmy snickered.

  Matt turned to look at her seeming angry.

  “Do you ever get used to it? The worrying, I mean.”

  “It’s not easy, Matt, but I tried my best to raise them well. They both have strong personalities. Sydney is smart, she has dreams and she’s a go-getter. I think she’ll be fine.”

  “Will this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach go away anytime soon?”

  She smiled. “It’s part of being a parent.” She lowered her eyes. A moment later, Matt was by her side. He knelt down on the floor next to the table and took her hand into his.

  “I never should have left you. I was stupid and self-centered, and I should have been there to worry with you, to protect the both of them and you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Remember what I told you before we came out here. No regrets, no trying to make up for lost time. Just enjoy the moment you have with her, with Ella and I. Life is too short for regrets, Matt. Life is about loving, happiness, and making memories.”

  He reached out and cupped her cheek then lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. When he released her lips, he looked so serious. “I want to make up for lost time. I want to make memories with you and I want to be the father I wasn’t.” She smiled and patted his hand. “It will be fine, Matt.” He stepped aside and walked back over to the window to look. Stella got up to empty her mug into the sink when Jimmy touched her hand and stood next to her. The three of them were by the window watching Sydney get onto the horse with Atlas’s help and Hart’s, too. She felt Jimmy’s hand wrap around her waist as Matt held her hand and leaned closer.


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