Demon Gates (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 2)

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Demon Gates (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 2) Page 21

by May Freighter

  Alexander shook his head. “First, care to tell me what went on in that dream of yours? You seem rattled.”

  Lucious avoided Alexander’s intense stare. “If that’s everything, I will continue questioning our guest.”

  Without waiting for a reply, he fleeted past Alexander and entered the basement where the smell of blood bombarded his senses. In response, the back of his throat burned and a dull ache spread along his jaw. He grabbed the railing and covered his nose and mouth with his hand, willing the thirst to subside. Yet, hearing the vampire below, struggling in his seat was the last straw. It stripped Lucious of his final barriers and, the next thing he knew, his mouth was full of sweet, metallic vampire blood.


  A Real Partnership

  Helena glowered at the three switches on the wall by the door. Her complaints about the need to use the bathroom went unanswered. So, in the end, she sat on the bed, gently rocking back and forth.

  There was no logical explanation for all three. In the room, there was only one large light bulb in the middle of the ceiling and nothing else. There was a possibility that one of them made the bed vibrate, too. Helena’s frown deepened as she mentally prepared to test what the switches did.

  Once she stood, she bit her lip. Her full bladder complained from excess movement. The plastic cup was her last resort. There was no way she was going to pee in a cup with someone watching on the other end of that camera. It was degrading.

  Helena flicked the first switch, and the light in the room dimmed but didn’t turn off. The red light from the camera eerily blinked on and off, irradiating the area around it, so she flicked it back to its original position. She moved onto the second switch and something in the wall on her left unlocked. A meter-wide large chunk of it sunk inside and slid left.

  Lost for words, she stared at the small bathroom with longing and love. Why couldn’t Nora label the damn switches? She rushed into the room and the wall closed behind her. Helena checked the switch above the bin, opening and closing the door before she relieved herself.

  After she took a long shower, Helena returned to the room where clean underwear, a pair of black jeans, and a rose-coloured shirt awaited her on the bed. She eyed the items and changed in the bathroom. She was sick and tired of wearing the same dress.

  Once she was done, she returned to sitting on the bed. How long am I going to remain here? She balled her hands in her lap. There wasn’t a way to tell if it was day or night from her room.

  As she chose to stand, the door unlocked, and Kali flew in on her six excited wings.

  “Mistress wisheseth to see you, Miss.”

  The pixie patiently hovered in the air, and Helena shuddered. Memories of the pain from their last encounter surfaced. She hugged her sides. Perhaps remaining in the room was not such a bad idea.

  “Do you know what she wants from me?”

  Kali shook her head and flew towards the door.

  Left with no choice, Helena trailed behind her. On the way, she scrutinised the long corridor, searching for a way out.

  They passed the tea room and proceeded to walk through two more, lavishly decorated, windowless lounges until they came to an unfurnished room.

  In the middle, Nora and Nico stood side by side. Helena noted four other men. Vampires, she assumed. The one closest to her shut the door after she passed through.

  Helena’s heart pumped blood fast enough to echo in her head. “You wanted to see me?”

  Nora’s displeased expression did not help Helena conjure any fantasy that everything would end well.

  “Do you take me for an idiot?” Nora yelled. “When my men finally got to Dublin, the saint was no longer there. Has she moved? Should I check your mind again?”

  Helena winced at the loud screech from the siren. She was glad Lucious, and the others managed to warn Nadine of the danger. “I don’t know where she could have gone.”

  Nora glared at the vampires lined up against the wall. They caught Helena under her arms. One of them covered her mouth, preventing her from speaking altogether.

  Through muffled screams of protest, she was carried to the table behind Nora and Nico. The vampires tied Helena’s arms and legs with rope, stretching her over the smooth surface.

  “Do you know why I’ve kept you alive?” Nora didn’t wait for a reply. “It is because you are the only other option to get what I want.” She nodded to Nico. “Begin the ritual.”

  Nico pressed his lips together. “We don’t know what’ll come of it.”

  “This is what Papa would have wanted.”

  Nico sighed and lifted the hem of Helena’s shirt. He took out a phial of inky liquid from his back pocket and opened it. Strong scent of herbs mingled with the air, and Helena fought hard in her restraints.

  “Let me go! Why are you doing this?” Helena cried out.

  Nora gazed into her eyes and combed her fingers through Helena’s damp locks. “I am just going to hasten the process.”

  Nico dripped the liquid onto his index finger and drew something on her stomach that she couldn’t see.

  “Nora, this isn’t right,” Helena begged.

  The siren gave her a ghost of a smile. Then, she and Nico voiced an enchantment in unison.

  Their energy surged and concentrated above Helena. The vampires in the room edged backwards, and Helena wished she could do the same.

  Their voices grew louder. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing this to be some kind of nightmare. The accumulated power above her forcefully pushed its way in, summoning a scream from her.

  Once her vision was swimming and fogginess pushed her conscience aside, she heard a familiar voice in her head saying, “Witches never know their place.”

  A pair of hands helped Helena into a sitting position. She found Nora to her left, grinning at her.

  “How are you feeling?” Nora asked.

  Helena’s brows drew together. “You’re asking me how I’m feeling? What happened?”

  Past the haziness, Helena felt fine. But, when her eyes noted the dead vampire remains on the ground, she gasped and covered her mouth.

  “Oh, don’t look so shocked. They were going to die at one point or another. Dying by your hand must have been an honour.”

  Helena’s mouth unhinged. “What did you do to me?”

  “Nothing bad, I assure you.” Nora’s expression grew serious. “Nico, bring out the Arcanae Mortum.”

  Nico, who stood on the other side of the table, bowed his head and left the room.

  “The blade you wanted, you can have it. You’ve done your service to me,” Nora said.

  Helena struggled to piece the events together. After everything went dark, she killed four vampires, and Nora was pleased? Her head hurt. By the time she came to a conclusion to leave the topic for another day, Nico returned with a small redwood case.

  He handed it to Helena. “This is the only Arcanae Mortum we have found in this realm. Try not to lose it.”

  Nora tapped Helena on the shoulder, drawing her attention. “Whenever you need my help, young lady, I will be glad to offer my services.”

  “Young lady?” Helena asked, dumbfounded at the siren’s change of tone.

  Nora beamed at her. “Papa is no longer in a doll. Papa is within me!”

  “And I did that, too?”

  Nora’s smile faded and one of her eyes changed colour, something she hadn’t noticed before. “Let’s not discuss this further. You have a demon to kill.”

  Helena slid off the table, holding the dagger’s case in her hands. She lifted the lid, finding a curved blade with circular runes carved into the obsidian. The handle was wrapped in white leather which merged into intertwined tree roots. At the centre of the quillon, three yellow gemstones lazily reflected the halogen light in the room. She lifted her eyes from the weapon. “And I can leave, just like that?”

  “Of course. There are much more important things for you to do in this world,” Nora assured her.

  “Okay…”r />
  “My men have informed me that your friends have changed locations to the west side of Vienna. Would you like someone to drive you there?”

  Helena forced a smile. “That would be nice. Thanks.”

  “No need to mention it.” Nora met Nico’s stare. “Be certain to deliver this young lady in one piece to her destination.”

  Nico bowed low. “Yes, Master Reaver.”

  Helena had never seen Nico this way. Before, with Nora, he spoke as he would to a child. Now, he showed respect. Had she truly merged Nora’s and Reaver’s souls together while she was unconscious? As she deliberated the events, Nico led her through the maze that was the mansion where Nora lived. Most of it seemed to be underground, which was the reason why she didn’t see any windows.

  Nico opened the car door for her, and Helena climbed in. Nothing about this scenario seemed logical to her. What exactly happened while I slept? Did something take control of my body or did I lose my memory of the event?

  She hadn’t realised the car was moving until Nico spoke from the driver’s seat. “I am pleased to see Master Reaver has returned. He is a great man to study under and a good leader. Be sure to know, if you ever need any help or protection, come to Vienna.”

  Helena’s fingers hurt from the grip she had on the wooden case. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “I’m not permitted to speak about the matter. Just know you have another ally,” Nico replied.

  For the rest of the journey, she studied the dagger. When her fingertips brushed the obsidian, prickling energy tickled her palm. They finally had what they needed to kill Lazarus. She still had no idea how they were going to do that. But, it was the first step to free her, Lucious, and Maya from imminent danger.

  Helena closed the case and stared out the car’s window. If the demon vanished, would Lucious no longer be by my side?

  Lucious sat on the ground with his face buried in his hands. He had drained the vampire without meaning to. Drinking from another vampire was taboo among their kind. Now that he had done so, his body felt stronger, yet something was off. The thirst had not subsided as it should have. The burning in his throat was relentless, and he let out a frustrated growl.

  Where is she? He needed to see her, to touch her, to taste her. Lucious pulled on his hair. The hunger in him was becoming insatiable. His stomach squeezed painfully. The moment it did so, he doubled over and heaved until the blood and acid spilt onto the dusty floor.

  Lucious folded in half and hugged his sides. For the first time in his second life, he was experiencing the cold from the concrete ground that invaded through his skin and bones. He shivered until he felt her.

  Helena’s end of the string came to life.

  Warmth flooded into him, and he was already on his feet. He closed his eyes, concentrating on their connection. She was getting closer.

  “Are you well, my dear?”

  A second passed, and he heard the voice he had missed in his mind. “I’m fine. I’m coming back with the blade.”

  Lucious shut off the connection between them and gripped the shelves for support. This was not the time for weakness. He had to keep her protected from the demon before they could kill it—the sooner the better. Unsteady on his feet, he staggered to the stairs and climbed the steps to the showroom.

  He scanned the empty space for Alexander. His friend wasn’t there, and it didn’t surprise him. The sun had invaded the ground floor. He squinted as it reflected off the linoleum. To his right, he heard the heartbeats coming from one of the offices. His feet moved towards the sound, but Lucious managed to stop. He couldn’t be with Helena for long. Without a doubt, he was a greater danger to her than a newborn vampire.

  “Damn it!” he grumbled and fleeted into the bathroom next to the staff break room. He didn’t want to admit it, but since he drank that vampire’s blood, things did not sit right, and now he knew why. When he looked at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes were bloodshot and red rings rimmed his irises.

  Lucious’ fist collided with the smooth surface of the mirror, cracking it into dozens of pieces that clattered into the sink and onto the floor. “I cannot go through another descent.”

  “Lucious? What’s the matter? I can sense your fear…” Helena’s voice reached his mind, and he berated himself for letting his guard crumble.

  “I’m fine. Do not worry about me.”

  The door behind him opened, and she walked in, holding a wooden case in her hands. Lucious’ hunger surged, and he knew his irises were glowing with an unnatural crimson.

  “Your eyes…” She slowly set the case on the ground and came over. “Is it like before?”

  Lucious wanted to take a step back, but he was trapped between the sink and her enchanting scent. Touching her was out of the question, especially when he was uncertain of the outcome. “Please leave, Helena. I may hurt you.”

  Her sorrowful eyes met his. She cupped his cheek. The warmth of her palm prickled his skin, and he battled with the urge to lean into her touch.

  “I am leaving for London tonight,” Lucious said.

  Helena’s hand fell way. “Are you returning to your sire’s side?”

  “It would be better for us to be apart for some time. Alexander and the hunters will look after you.”

  She staggered backwards. “You didn’t trust them to look after me before and now you do? Is it because of your eyes? You seem to be in control.”

  Even though it hurt him to say it, he pushed the words out with as much venom as he could muster. “No, it is because it was a mistake to get close to you. Alexander was right, you are my weakness, and you will be the death of me. I cannot operate when you are around and, while you were gone, lack of your presence has proven I am better off without you.”

  Helena’s voice shook as she said, “You don’t mean it. Please, tell me that you don’t mean any of that.”

  Lucious gazed into the pair of watering hazel eyes. Pain flooded through the link, and he concentrated on his shields to prevent her from seeking his emotions. She was his everything and the only way to protect her from him was to be away until he could contain his thirst. Anna would know what to do. She had the will of steel to keep a demon trapped within her body.

  “You were merely a tool for me to use,” he replied.

  She closed the distance between them, and he was taken aback when her lips pressed against his. His arms wound around her. He deepened the kiss, needing, seeking her warmth while making certain she was there with him and in one piece. The kiss began to have a salty aftertaste, and he drew back, seeing her tears.

  “Never say that again, Lucious. You’re mine.”

  The burning in his throat subsided, and he glanced over his shoulder at the mirror fragments remaining in the frame. His eyes were slowly returning to normal. With a shaky chuckle, he faced her and planted another kiss on her lips, claiming what was rightfully his.

  Even though she couldn’t feel a single shred of emotion through the link, she had to be blind to miss the longing with which he kissed her. Whatever had happened in the time she was with Nora, Lucious had suffered more than she had. She couldn’t possibly tell him what went on with Reaver and why Nora let her go. It would make him worry too much, and with the way his descent crept up on him, she couldn’t let it happen.

  She pulled away to stock up on the much-needed oxygen. “How is Maya? Is she alright?”

  “I have not checked on the hunters. I was…busy trying to get the saint to help us.”

  Helena turned on her heel, ready to search for Maya, but Lucious whirled her on the spot and gathered her into an embrace. His body trembled, and she wrapped her arms around him in unspoken support.

  “Lucious, I’m right here,” she mumbled into his shoulder. That was when she noticed the bloodstains on his shirt. She tried to move away, but he forced her closer to him.

  “There’s blood on your clothes, and you’re hurting me,” Helena said.

  Lucious kissed her forehead, her b
rows, her cheeks, and buried his face in her neck. As he spoke, his voice vibrated against her exposed flesh, slightly tickling her. “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  He planted a chaste kiss on her neck and raised his face to whisper in her ear, “Do not trust me, my dear. Right now, I cannot trust myself with you. My body is holding you captive because I want to take every last drop of blood from you. What’s stopping me is your flowery scent.” He sighed and moved his face away. “It helps me distinguish you from the others.”

  “So, if I was Maya, you would have killed me?”

  “Precisely. It is why I do not wish to push myself past that limit and hurt you. That is also why I need to visit Anna. I must find a way to break out of this descent before it claims me.”

  She assessed his troubled expression. “How did you break out of it before?”

  Lucious released her and studied the ground. “It does not matter.”

  “If I can help, I want to!”

  “I have done things I am not proud of while consumed by the thirst, and I am certain you will not understand what I did to get to see you sooner, Helena.”

  She forced him to look at her. “What happened?”

  A brief flash of panic reflected in his eyes. His face hardened, and she knew he had constructed another barrier between them. “This is not the time for this conversation. I must find Alexander…”

  She didn’t let go. “Don’t you dare walk away from me! Tell me what happened.”

  “I slept with Zafira to burn the excess blood in my system. Did that answer your question? Are you pleased now?”

  Helena’s chest hurt as if he drove a knife into it. Once her hands fell away, hot tears burned the corners of her eyes. Did he sleep with Zafira right before coming to me? No wonder she claimed they were dating.

  “Do not be mistaken, I hold no feelings other than friendship for her. It was either a quick romp in that cell, or I would not be able to protect you while you went off with the hunters to see Reaver.”

  “Well thank you for considering my situation,” she snapped.


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