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Corrupted Page 4

by Sapphire Knight

  “I’m leaving. I have to check on the other warehouse tomorrow, so I will expect you at my house at ten in the morning.”

  “No problem, sir, I will be there.”

  “Good, you will stay and look over things?”

  “Of course, sir. I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “Until tomorrow,” I say and take my leave.

  Sergei and I make our way to the cars. He gets in my Jaguar and starts it while I stay about twenty feet away. He always starts my vehicles for me. You never know when someone may try to get back at the Bratva.


  Chapter 3

  This is the third shift of mine he’s missed. It means an additional day with Spartak following me around like he’s a puppy. He’s pleasant; I’m just finding myself speculating about Vik.

  I know Viktor and Tate aren’t the greatest of guys, but it makes me wonder what they really do if Vik feels I need someone around me constantly. As each day passes, my curiosity and speculations grow. I’m sure I’m imagining something way more sinister than what it really is, but at this point I’m ready to give Viktor a piece of my mind.

  I stroll behind the bar in OO7. Another day, another dollar, I suppose.

  Hawk is filling in for the other bartender again. He must be exhausted, poor guy is already the manager at Club Taint. He’s one of the best bartenders I’ve ever worked with. He will make my night a cake walk, thankfully. After the scuffle with the drunk, I haven’t been too keen on coming in to work. At least I have some eye candy to look forward to. He’s sporting his signature blue mohawk, sexy grin and Chucks. I don’t mind being around Hawk; he’s friendly and has always been respectful toward me. He’s one of the few I don’t mind with the pet names. Viktor and my sister are the others I’ve gotten used to.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he murmurs in his killer raspy voice.

  “Hey, you, how’s life?”

  “It’s good, just having woman issues.”

  “Uh oh, anything I can help with?” I lean my hip against the beer cooler and cross my arms.

  “Well, I met this chick, total babe, bright red hair, killer smile and body. She brings food to my shifts a lot but every time I think we are going somewhere, a groupie comes up and fucks it all up. Now Dillian, that’s her name, is pissed and is backing off again.”

  Hawk is a drummer in a rock band when he has spare time. He has some great arms to prove it too. His brother is the singer of the group; I can only imagine his voice with how great Hawk’s is. I wonder what the rest of the band looks like.

  “That sucks! Have you told the groupies to back off and explained to Dillian that you aren’t interested in them?”

  A stool scrapes loudly and I glance back to see what Spartak is doing, only I’m met with annoyed green-hazel eyes and a scowl to match.

  Viktor looks at Hawk angrily. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re supposed to be doing inventory, yes?” It’s not really a question, just formed like one. It’s more like an annoyed growl.

  Hawk nods. “Yeah, I was just on my way to do that.”

  “Very good,” Viktor replies shortly and Hawk walks quickly to the storage room. I put my hand on my hip and spin to face Viktor fully.

  “Well, hello, grouchy pants. Why aren’t you friendly with Hawk? He’s a nice guy.”

  “He’s not my friend, he’s my employee. I pay him to work.” He shrugs indifferently.

  “Well, you also pay me to work, but yet you never seem to have an issue with me talking to you.”

  “That’s entirely different, Elaina,” he murmurs, running his hands through his hair.

  “Reeeeally? How so?” I lean on my elbows against the bar, closer to him. He copies me and leans in closer.

  “He’s a single man.”

  “Annnd you’re not?”

  He grasps my wrists tightly in each of his hands and I draw in a startled gasp. He leans in close and his breath washes over me. I clench, turned on at the sensation.

  “No, Printsyessa (Princess), last time I checked, I was all about you.”

  I tear my hands away and step back. “Uh, Viktor, you’re wrong,” I reply quietly.

  I pace toward the end of the bar and busy myself. I bow down and start shifting glasses around into straight rows. I get nervous and it causes me to act as if I have ADD.

  Regardless of feeling a presence behind me, I stay bent over. It’s one of those moments where you clench your tummy tightly and lie, telling yourself nothing’s behind you when in fact you know there really is something there.

  I’m startled when a strong hand grasps my bicep, pulling me up and backward. I spin, ready to fight and let loose a piece of my mind. I’m met with Viktor’s serious expression about four inches from my face and it makes me pause, forgetting every word that had been wanting to come out.

  “NO. You are wrong. I have been chasing you for months. Open your eyes.” He steps closer so I can feel his warm, sweet breath whisper over my face each time he speaks. “Printsyessa,” he whispers and tenderly takes my bottom lip between his. My pussy throbs wantonly at his touch.

  Freezing up, I open my eyes wide, chanting inside not to freak out. He pulls back, releasing my lip from his. His hand brushes my cheek gently and I feel his breath as he pants close to my lips. I can taste each breath of his I breathe in. I open my lips slightly, my mouth watering at the idea of his being so close to mine.

  “Viktor,” I choke and he dives in roughly, ravaging my mouth as if he is starving and I can quench his hunger. One hand grasps my cheek and the other rests on the bar behind me as he forcefully pushes my body against it with his.

  His body is hard, demanding, and wanting. I tightly grasp his shirt as I let him take my mouth. His tongue caresses mine, teaching me how to please him.

  His hand leaves my face and trails up my thigh under my skirt. It’s like a splash of cold water and I push him away forcefully.

  Panting, I step to the side and press my hand to my swollen lips. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t,” I say, ashamed. Why does there have to be something wrong with me? Why can’t I just be like everyone else?

  “You can’t now, but you will,” he says sternly and walks away from me.

  I stand still holding my mouth and shake my head. My skin is sensitive to the touch from his five o’clock shadow. God, I wish I could give him what he wants, but it will never happen. I watch him walk down the hall and to the office. Just great, what am I going to do now?

  I attempt to make the night pass quickly by being diligent and extra friendly to the customers I get. It just doesn’t work, Hawk asks me like twenty times to tell him what is eating at me, but I’m not someone who opens up. I learned many years ago to hold it all inside.

  I guess my sister and I have more in common than I realized. I like to keep stuff to myself and she is stubborn, always trying to do everything by herself. We are twins, so I guess we are bound to have things in common.

  I know one thing; I will never forgive myself for hitting her with my car, but I’m torn, Had I not been drinking and driving I never would have found her in the first place since I had no clue she even existed. Yet I always end up beating myself up because I could have killed my only family member. I could have killed her before I ever had the chance to know about her.

  Thank God she ended up being okay without serious injuries. Now she’s giving me more family with her baby. She’s had nothing but struggle in her life. I deserve every ounce of pain I received from that damn wreck.

  Viktor eventually makes his way back out sometime during my shift. I am busy making another tray of martinis and when I turn around, notice him sitting in his usual spot. He doesn’t say anything; he’s being his normal quiet self and glaring at any guy who looks at me for too long. I never would have pegged him for the jealous type. After the endless refills of martinis I’ve made this shift, I could do with never making one again.

  The club is brimming with thug-like guys tonight for some reason. I don’t know what
is going on, but Viktor chewed out his guard, Alexei, earlier. He looked so angry I thought he was going to strangle him. I don’t like seeing his guard getting in trouble, but have to admit seeing Viktor with so much power draws me to him.

  I’m busy finishing up my closing duties. I always have the early shift doing the prep work, so I get to leave earlier than the others. Grabbing my things, I notice a chick approach Viktor. She’s all skanked up in a short dress and a pound of make-up. I suppose men probably find her pretty, whereas I like a more natural look. Viktor watches me as she whispers in his ear, giggling like a hyena.

  Whatever, I don’t have time for that. I roll my eyes and grab my soda in my Styrofoam to-go cup. I walk from behind the bar and he stands up, brushing off the girl and quickly makes his way to me.

  The woman glares spitefully when she sees him come to my side. I’m not a hateful person but I can’t help the smirk that appears on my face as we pass her by. My stomach flutters with excitement at the prospect of someone believing he’s my man.

  She steps in front of me with her hands on her hips, wearing a snotty expression. She obviously thinks she has something important to say.

  Stopping abruptly, I look at her like she’s lost her mind. She’s crazy to just pop in front of people as they are walking, we could have run right into her. I have a feeling I’m not going to want to hear whatever she plans to say.

  Viktor places his arm in front of me, pushing me back slightly and I shoot him a peeved look. He ignores it and commands the female’s full attention just by his strong presence. His back muscles stiffen under his suit jacket as he stands in front of me.

  “Get out of the way, Kendall,” he says sternly, looking at her in irritation and demanding her immediate compliance.

  She continues to poke her head around him and glare at me hatefully. My blood boils as I realize something; she has no valid reason to act this way toward me. I’ve had my fill of the ugly looks I get from people.

  I push against his arm and get up close to her, right in her face. I may not like a man touching me, but after growing up in a few foster facilities, I’ve learned how to hold my own with a female. This is no exception; you put chicks in their place right away or you’ll have issues with them forever.

  “Can I help you?” I inquire, staring her down and flaring my nostrils.

  Scrunching up her pointy nose, she sneers, “Uh yeah, I wasn’t done talking to Viktor.” I swear, I could just grab her nose and give it a good twist. I can’t stand women who act like this. They think they’re so entitled, when in reality, no one owes them shit. She’s got a bad case of too many handouts.

  I splay my hand beside me dramatically like I’m introducing the President or something. “Have at it then, sweetie pie.”

  I turn to Viktor and he shakes his head.

  I glance back at her, wide eyed. “Well, Kendaall, guess you have your answer, huh.”

  I tend to draw my words out when I’m being sarcastic. It’s a bad habit, but I can’t seem to shake it plus it drives people crazy when I do it. I’m betting it will grate on her nerves also.

  “Ugh!” She yells and shoves me backwards.

  Yeah, I don’t think so, bitch. I shove her back and she comes at me. Grabbing her shoulders, I head butt her in her pointy nose without hesitation. That will definitely need surgery to look perfect again. I’m not about to let her get a hit in, I’ve learned about that the hard way. Blood sprays from the gash and her nose bleeds heavily.

  She shrieks and I can’t help but snicker a little. Call it payback from some of us less entitled folks. People start pointing and surrounding us, ready to watch a fight. They’re too late though, I know she won’t bounce back from a hit like that.

  Viktor gapes at me, surprised and maybe even a little impressed. He yanks me forcefully toward the back door, shouting for Sergei to grab the other girl. I’m sucked into the chaos and shouting; it feels like we’re leaving the club. Everyone’s voices melt together and I start to feel a little dizzy from the adrenaline rush.

  I glance down to make sure I still have my stuff and notice I have blood sprayed all over the front of me. I have little drops all over my arm and shirt. Well, Emily’s shirt. Shit. This is another reason why I don’t buy nice clothes, well, besides not really being able to afford them.

  “Come on, you little trouble maker,” Viktor says loudly, threading our fingers together and pulling me through the throng of people.

  We head out the back door toward the alley where he always keeps his vehicle parked. Sure enough, his car is there waiting with Spartak driving. How convenient.

  “Wait, I have to get my car.” I pull back from his grasp, slightly resisting but he holds on.

  “No, Elaina, come on, just get in. I’ll bring you back to get your car later. Curious people will start coming out that door, and we need to be gone. Things could turn very ugly and I refuse to submit you to that.”

  Spartak jumps out of the driver’s seat quickly to open the back door and Viktor rushes me inside. I slide to the rear passenger side and he scoots in beside me.

  “Go, Spar,” Viktor orders and Spartak speeds away efficiently.

  “Why are you in such a hurry? It was just a little blood.” I glance at him curiously. From the way he acts in the bar I thought he was a bad ass.

  “Yeah, it was just a little bit of blood you took from an important man’s daughter. Christ, I’m pretty confident you broke her nose back there.”

  I open my mouth to respond and defend myself but he holds his hand up, signaling that he needs one minute. He pulls his phone out and quickly dials a number. I eaves drop the best I can.

  “Alexei, have you left?”

  “Okay, when you leave, call her father and schedule a meeting, offer my apologies.”

  He presses end and places his phone in his inside jacket pocket. The whole inside is lined in what appears to be silk or some other delicate material.

  I sit still, staring at him and he turns to me, giving me his attention again. I wish I could have heard what Alexei was saying on the other end. It’s the club’s fault with all the loud music, my ears are still ringing.

  “You may finish now,” he says and reaches across me to grab my seatbelt. My heart quickens as he stretches it across me and buckles it. “Just like your sister,” he murmurs and sends me a chastising look. “Tate always tells me that he has to buckle her in.” He shakes his head again and smirks at me. I roll my eyes in defiance.

  “I’m honored to be like my sister, she’s a good person.”

  “I know she is. That poor girl has been through a lot. She will make a fantastic, strong mother.”

  “I know! I can’t wait to be an aunty!” I grin excitedly. “I’m going to have the baby call me Tanta.”

  “I did not know you were German, you strike me closer to Russian.”

  “I don’t know if I’m German or not, I just think it sounds cool. I haven’t talked to Emily much about that part of our lives. Is that why you like me, because I look Russian?”

  He shrugs and sits back in his seat a little. The smooth leather seats are out-of-this-world comfortable. I hope he doesn’t just like me for my looks. That Kendall chick was pretty in her own face-painted-like-a-clown way.

  “Who says I like you at all, Printsyessa (Princess)?”

  “Well, the stalking factor sort of clues me in.”

  He chuckles loudly. “Stalking, huh? Is that what you call it? I call it looking out for you. Kind of like a guardian angel. Yes, think of me as an angel.”

  “An angel? Yeaaaah right.” I smile cheekily and wink.

  “I know. I am not a very good man, maybe a dark angel. Nonetheless, I will care for you.”

  “But why, Viktor? I don’t get it. Why you would care about me in the first place? It’s been so long and you’ve gotten nothing from me. A failed date and some not so interesting family dinners with my sister, Tate and myself. I don’t understand why you would still be giving me the time of day
and not moving onto someone else by now.”

  I swallow deeply as he lightly runs his pointer finger along my skirt hem next to my thigh. He scoots back in; close enough to me that I can see the stress lines next to his eyes. My tummy flips over and over as I try to concentrate on not moving my leg away from him.

  “You are wrong, you give me everything.”

  “What could I possibly give you?” I mutter in a disbelieving voice, studying his beautiful eyes.

  “I’ll settle for your heart,” he purrs and smiles devilishly.

  “Good luck with that one, bud.” I chortle, raising my eyebrows and he laughs again. I always see him stressed and serious, it’s nice that when he’s around me he can relax and laugh. In fact, he always laughs and smiles a lot when we are together for lunch or whatever. I get all warm inside knowing that, I love it.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “No, not really, but I do need to go to my car.”

  “All right, if you insist. Spartak, please take us to her car.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Spartak turns the car around and makes the short, uneventful drive to the employee area where my car is. I love being around Viktor but I don’t think I can handle it if he keeps playing with my skirt. My nerves are bouncing all over the place.

  I start to reach for the door handle, ready to jump out as soon as we stop.

  “Wait.” Viktor voice is husky as he gently grabs my wrist. I glance down at his hand and he follows suit. I snatch my wrist out of his grasp and he looks at me, puzzled. Spartak opens my door and I quickly unbuckle, moving to get out.

  Viktor grabs me again. I turn quickly to correct him, only I’m met with his mouth on mine before I even have a chance to process what’s happening. I’m pulled to him so my shoulder and part of my breast are firmly resting against his strong chest.

  Grasping my face, he keeps it turned to him so he can ravish me as he pleases. Returning his kiss fervently, I pour out all of my pent up frustration and aggression into the kiss. My stomach melts inside as his tongue thoroughly caresses mine.


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