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Corrupted Page 8

by Sapphire Knight

  “Of course it’s yes!” I yell, leaning over the counter and planting a kiss on his lips.

  He freezes, surprised, then pulls me over further on the counter and takes my mouth in a toe-curling kiss.


  “But what about Todd?” she asks after kissing me soundly and completely surprising me.

  “Don’t worry about him, if you want the job then I can send him to my father’s club with Hans.”

  Hell, I will even buy Elaina a club if she would like one. I know she would never go for it, but I really would. I want to make her life easier any way I can.

  “Yaaay! Okay, thank you so much!” she says excitedly and jumps up and down a few times. I chuckle at her enthusiasm. She works very hard and deserves it.

  “Now, can we go to dinner since you are the boss here?”

  “I think we can celebrate!”

  Elaina lets the other bartender know she’s leaving, grabs her things and meets me at my stool.

  “Mind if I?”

  I gesture with my hand and wrap my arm around her waist to pull her close as I stand up. She freezes up for a moment, her body going still like a statue. I grasp her face and turn it up to mine, gazing tenderly in her eyes. I wish she could see it in the way I look at her. She needs to realize I would never hurt her or touch her in any unwanted way.

  Elaina studies me for a minute and I feel her muscles start to relax. She smiles and kisses me softly. To see her so happy makes my heart feel so full, as if it could burst. I hold her closely and nod to Alexei so he knows we are leaving.

  We make our way out the back door to my car. Elaina lets loose a blood-curdling scream, making chills crawl up my spine. She covers her face with her hands, ducking behind me.

  I scan the area but notice nothing amiss at first. I look to the driver’s seat because Sergei should have the door open for us, only I don’t see him. I diligently look over everything again.

  Elaina whimpers softly behind me and I reach back, squeezing her hand, attempting to comfort her. The bright light glints off the Mercedes and for the first time I notice the front of the vehicle. Sergei is laid out on the hood, throat slit, covered in dark blood.

  I walk toward him, noticing something on the windshield. The club door bangs as it slams closed. I jump a little, ready to protect Elaina with my life if necessary. Twisting, I find Alexei, looking at me, perplexed.

  “Shit! Boss?” He moves to do an area search.

  “No. Stay with Elaina.” I growl at him and remove my gun, screwing on my silencer. I’m going to kill any of them that I find still here. They have nerve, coming at me, the king of the Bratva. I will feed each one to the fish if necessary. Whoever did this deserves to hurt. They will pay; I will make sure of it.

  I carefully walk around the car and scan the surroundings but I find no one. I return to the front of the vehicle, and move closer to check on Sergei. He is very much dead and across the windshield in his blood, is smeared WAR.

  It’s sloppy, so I know they were in a hurry to get out of here, as they should have been. This club is crawling with my men. I can’t believe there wasn’t any other guards back here with him.

  Just when things start to look up with Elaina, I am faced with this. I can’t let her get hurt in any of this nonsense. I pull my phone out and call Spartak.


  “Spar, bring the car around back quickly!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  I hang up, watching our surroundings the best I can. I make my way back to Elaina. I keep her behind me against the club wall just in case someone comes at us, I can protect her better this way.

  “Poor, poor Sergei!” She sniffles, grasping onto the back of my suit jacket with one hand.

  “I know. We need to call his family. I will make sure they are taken care of, it’s the least I can do.”

  “He has a family?” she enquires gloomily. “God! This is all my fault.” She starts to sob.

  “No, lovely, this is some demented little girl stirring the pot to something she has no idea about. You did nothing wrong and I can assure you, this will be handled.”

  I can’t believe this is happening. I have to call Tate and get everything prepared just in case this really is war. If so, none of us are safe.

  “Alexei, put Sergei in the trunk for now and transport him to the warehouse until we can arrange a proper burial for him. Get the car cleaned up and trade it in for a new one.” I’m not a big enough bastard to make him continue to drive the same car around. It’s bad enough he’s stuck cleaning it up.

  “Okay, Boss.” He glowers at the car, furious, upset that his workmate was murdered.

  “I apologize, I know he was your friend.”

  “He was a good man, Boss.”

  “I know. You both are,” I answer solemnly as Spartak arrives with the other car.

  Elaina and I climb in, hastily shutting the door and Spartak drives off immediately.

  “Duck down, Elaina.” I push her head down as we exit the alleyway.

  You can never be too careful. I want her safe and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone is waiting for us to leave. Spar shoots me a wary look in the rearview mirror.

  “Spartak, take us to my house, then go back with one of the guys to sweep Elaina’s car. Use caution, I wouldn’t doubt it if they did something to it.”

  Elaina gasps and turns to me, surprised, “My car! I can’t lose my vehicle, Viktor!”

  “You won’t lose it, Elaina, that’s why Spartak will check on it. He can even drive it elsewhere if you would like.” Nodding somberly, she leans on me, worried.

  I tap his shoulder lightly, murmuring quietly, “Pick her car up and park it in my garage.”

  “No problem, sir.” Agreeing, he faces forward and I clutch Elaina tightly to my chest.

  What on earth am I getting this beautiful creature into? I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure she doesn’t witness that sort of thing again. She has had enough negativity in her life. I don’t need to add to it.

  The car ride is eerily silent. It feels like we drive for forever. I busy myself by concentrating on what needs to be done. I’m sure Elaina’s playing that scene repeatedly in her head while Spartak gives his full attention to our surroundings. He’s on high alert because you never know who or what could be coming next when you’re in a war.


  Chapter 7

  I open the garage with my cell phone app and we pull in. After the club incident, I can’t help but glance all around, scanning everything for a potential threat. I want every corner and bush checked; I’m paranoid and it makes me even more irritated. I’ve gone through a mini war before with my uncle, years back. Many people died pretty gruesome deaths.

  Leaning closer to Spartak I say sternly, “I will rearm the system. You take the guard room.” I can’t help my tone, I’m tense and angry. I need to release this pent up energy before I shoot someone.

  “Thank you, sir,” he replies, unfazed, and heads inside first to do a sweep.

  My home is very secure but we take every precaution when something like this pops off. You can never be too careful. I’m fortunate to have good men on my side, even if I am hard to work for sometimes.

  I mumble quietly, “Come, lovely,” and grasp Elaina’s hand.

  Swiftly, I lead her down the plain hallway toward my office. There are no pictures or little decorations, just light grey walls and dark hardwood floors. It’s simple and tidy, just the way I prefer.

  Undoing my shirt buttons and cuff links the best I can with one hand, I prepare. There’s only one thing I can think of right now to get me to calm down, and that’s Elaina. The only decision I want to have to make right now is whether to feast on her cunt or spank it.

  “Your office?” she inquires curiously and I smirk.

  “Yes, Princess.” I growl, focused and eager, removing my jacket and shirt.

  Her eyes widen and she takes a step backward. “But, I—”

Interrupting her, I reach out and bring her close to me, taking her mouth with mine. Her hands land on my chest and I pull her tight against my body. I know she has to feel my hard cock resting against her tummy. Now’s not the time to move sluggishly. I needed her twenty minutes ago, and I need her even more so now.

  I walk backwards, pulling her along. Eventually I bump into my desk and stop, perching on the edge. Releasing her mouth, I loosen my belt buckle and unbutton my pants.

  Elaina leans back, lips red and glistening, her eyes lit up with fire. “What do you want, Viktor?” she asks me boldly and my cock strains against my boxers.

  Leaning up slightly, I push them off my hips so they pool at my feet. She licks her lips and I weave my hands through her smooth, Cinderella-like locks. I push her down easily until she rests on her knees, staring up at me with her bright blue, curious irises.

  I grin at her as if she’s my prey. “Kiss it,” I purr and she gulps, staring at my dick, intimidated.

  Releasing her hair, I tip her chin up and press my thumb between her soft lips. She sucks automatically so I pull her chin closer. She leisurely releases my finger, coated in her sugary lip gloss. I bring it to my own mouth, copying her and sucking the sweetness off.

  Elaina gasps slightly, nose flaring and leans in, taking my throbbing member into her mouth. “Yes, like that,” I mutter huskily, pleased.

  I curl my toes inside my shoes, attempting to stop the craving to grab her hair roughly and thrust until she chokes on my cock. I can just imagine her shocked expression and the tears that would float down her cheeks afterwards. Mmmmmm.

  I know I have to be vigilant with her needs and not give her too much time to think. If she thinks, bad memories will creep in, and I want to steal every negative thought away from her. I snatch her up swiftly by her chin. She squeaks as she stands, surprise clouding her features.

  I huff, “It was perfect, love,” and turn her hastily so she’s now perched on the desk, with me standing instead.

  Her skirt hikes up, offering the perfect little glimpse of her white panties. Taking two fingers I slide them over.

  “Viktor!” She gasps against my mouth when I check how wet she is.

  Rubbing softly in circles, I prime her pussy, coating it in wetness. Her body trembles with need each time I apply pressure to her clit. Gazing into her eyes, I stop, pulling my hand back slightly to spank her plump little pussy lips three times.

  “Huhhh!” Elaina mewls, crinkling her eyes in pleasurable pain, and I grin.

  I dip my finger in her nectar, covering her clit in it. Once it’s nice and saturated, I pull my hand back, spanking her pussy two more times, then grind my palm back and forth into her clit, relentlessly at the end. She leans forward suddenly, resting her head on my chest as she cries out. Her cunt soaks my fingers in her cum.

  I draw back, thoroughly turned on, pumping my dick with her juices a few times. Her cheeks flush as she stares at me hungrily.

  Gripping her hip in one hand, I line myself up and shove my cock forcefully in her tight pussy.

  “Oh shit!” Elaina moans loudly, spurring me on and I thrust in deeper.

  “Just lean back, love, and let me take that cunt like I want to.”

  She relaxes her body, lying down and I shove her shirt up so her breasts are free. I don’t want sweet right now, I want to fuck. Hard.

  Placing my large hand in the middle of Elaina’s chest, I hold her down securely on the hefty cherry desk. Her breasts sway with each hard pump. Her nipples are stiff and begging for my touch.

  “Oh my!” she mewls loudly.

  I’m sure Spartak can hear each little noise from her, but I don’t mind. Pulling her fingers back to my mouth, I suck strongly on each digit making her pussy pulse snugly over and over. Each time she clenches, my cock screams with want.

  I pound into her savagely, moving my hips in an up and down motion, trying to reach her perfect place, her sweet spot. With each up motion I shake the desk and make the wood creak. Her mouth gapes as she watches me suck and release each of her fingers.

  Snarling, I attempt to hold myself back. She just feels too good and I want her so badly. Her body sings when I touch it. It’s like her skin is waiting to be pressed against mine and when it finally happens we both ignite.

  “If your pussy doesn’t behave, I’m going to end up finishing a lot quicker than I want to,” I tell her. As soon as the words leave my lips she calls out my name, her chest heaving as she regains the breath stolen by the strong orgasm.

  Thoroughly spent, she stares at me in a daze as I grip her breast and spill myself deep inside her.

  “Perfection,” I utter, replete.

  Elaina blinks as if coming out of a daze and moves to get up.

  “Stay.” I shove her back down and she huffs as she shoots me an irritated look. She doesn’t like it when I boss her around.

  I gently pull myself out of her, shivering at the aftershock zing of sensations. I grin and quickly make my way to the bathroom that’s connected to my office and get a warm, wet wash cloth. It’s my cum dripping out of her, so the least I can do is clean it up for her.

  “What are you doing, Viktor?”

  “I’m cleaning you. Would you prefer to take a bath?”

  “No, thank you, but I can do that.”

  “Nonsense, Princess,” I grumble and start wiping her skin softly with the white fluffy towel.

  She scrambles away slightly “No, please stop.” She covers her breasts.

  “What’s going on? I was absent not even two minutes. What changed between then and now?” I gesture to the bathroom, confused.

  “I just like a little privacy. I would like to do that on my own. You’re watching me and cleaning me.”

  “Yes, I want to take care of you. Why is this a problem? Of course I’m watching you, you’re stunning.”

  “Please. The watching and touching,” Elaina replies softly, bowing her head.

  I let loose a growl, getting exceptionally angry. “The touching!” I yell, “Fuck!” Throwing the towel down beside her I storm a few steps away. “That thing will never touch you again! You want to know why?” I step closer, clenching my fists. I feel as if I could rip apart my office right now. “You know why? I’ll tell you why! Because I watched that pathetic thing, sink to the bottom of the lake after I burned his tiny penis off with a fucking blow torch! So don’t you cringe from me! I am NOTHING like him! I have waited, months for you! Months! I will never harm you.” I rip my hands through my hair, pulling harshly, and I cringe, angry, defeated.

  I rush back to the bathroom for a large towel, thrust it at her and turn away. Not because I am upset with her, but because I am so irate at the thought of someone causing her any type of harm. I will make it my life’s mission to keep her safe. To an extent I already have been protecting her. But now, now she is mine. I have had every piece of her and I don’t intend to ever give that up to anyone else. If I need to have five men on her at all times to make sure nothing ever happens to her, I will. I will flatten whomever crosses her in life if I need to.

  She will learn that she is stronger now. She not only has me beside her, but behind her as well. I will always come for her when needed and she needs to realize that no one will ever hurt her as long as I have breath.

  Hearing sniffling, I turn to quickly glance at her. She has a tear tumbling down her cheek and it makes my gut clench. “Lovely, please talk to me, please tell me what I can do to fix it?” I say softly, gently.

  She looks at me with heartbreak in her eyes, “That’s just it, Viktor. You can’t fix it. I’ll always be broken.”

  “No, Elaina, you are strong, you know why?”

  She bites her bottom lip and shakes her head.

  “You, my love, are strong, because not only did you survive, but you escaped. Instead of staying and succumbing to that life, you worked and left as soon as possible. You, Princess, you are an inspiration. I am proud to have you.” I say this genuinely, staring at her in awe, fu
ll of love and respect. How can she not know how wonderful she is?

  She sits silent, processing everything I said and I leave to my bedroom. She really does need some privacy to pull herself together. I know she will, she’s stubborn and that stubbornness has kept her strong over the years.


  I’m standing in the middle of my bedroom in my boxer briefs after my shower when Spartak calls me through the intercom system.

  “Mr. Masterson?”

  “It’s okay, Spartak, I’m alone.”

  “Right, well, boss, we had an issue come up.”

  “Go on.”

  “We found a note and some pictures of you with Kendall at lunch on Miss Elaina’s car and a mini starter bomb was wired.”

  “Spartak, what did I tell you about calling her by her first name?”

  “I apologize, sir, but she told me to go by first names.”

  “If that’s what she wants then. Everyone was okay handling her car?”

  “Yes, we just loaded it on a trailer to take it to the old warehouse out of the way.”

  “Good idea. Hold on to the note and pictures, I want to see if they are like the one Elaina had on her phone.”

  “Yes, Boss. Sir, umm I think you two should head to the cabin. This is looking like it could turn serious.”

  “I’ll get Elaina. Tell the housekeeper to pack what we need.”

  “Of course, sir.”



  I step out of Viktor’s enormous office shower and grab a fluffy white towel. People often don’t put much thought into towels, but geez what a difference it makes. My towels at home feel like rough carpet compared to these.

  I’m so grateful he gave me some privacy and a little time to cool down. Twenty minutes can have a huge impact when you’re on the verge of a meltdown. I was awash with too many emotions all at once, I felt as if I was drowning trying to express how I was feeling.

  I’m interrupted mid-drying and mid-thought, by an agitated Viktor. Christ, this man needs to drink a vodka-seven and take a breather.


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