
Home > Romance > Corrupted > Page 11
Corrupted Page 11

by Sapphire Knight

  “Ugh! Fine! Yes, I was sneaking, damn it. You told me about the safe rooms and that’s all I can think about now! Technically that makes it your fault. I wasn’t expecting Rambo here to be waiting in the shadows and cause me to stroke out in the middle of the living room!”

  Alexei just shakes his head and Viktor gives a low chuckle. “Printsyessa, really? All this because you’re a curious kitten? Come on and I’ll show you, so we can put this nonsense behind us and go to sleep.”

  I pout, bastard just called me a freaking kitten in front of Alexei. Obviously I am too tired to be dealing with these two if all I can think of is throwing a lamp at them.

  “Nope, I’m over it. I’ll just wait until tomorrow. Good night, gentlemen!” I grumble and stomp down the hallway.

  Stupid comfortable bed. I huff as I fluff my pillow and straighten the blanket over me up to my chin. They have it freezing in here with the air conditioning running non-stop.

  I mumble to myself, griping about men as I quickly fall into a deep sleep, not even feeling Viktor crawl into bed and pull me close.

  Chapter 9

  Three days later…

  For the third day now, I’m awoken by the smell of bacon in the air. I never would have thought Viktor could cook like a boss. His grandmother surely taught him well. I think he knows that I was doubtful of his capabilities, so now he’s going to the extreme and making me food every chance he gets. It’s sweet really; helps make up for me getting annoyed by Alexei being a permanent fixture in the living room. I know he’s just here for my safety, but it feels a little extreme at this point.

  It’s the third day I’ve been holed up in this cabin. It’s not some vacation either. None of the guys will even let me go outside. I really would enjoy just walking down to the lake and taking a nice long dip.

  This sweet little place is nestled right between a lake and a mountain. I still haven’t found out where we are exactly. Every time I ask, I get the same reply, “We’re in the mountains.” If they say it one more time, I swear I will scream.

  The door kicks open and Viktor approaches, complete with a tray full of my breakfast and a sweet smile.

  “Wow, you didn’t have to bring it. I could have come and sat at the table.”

  “I know but I didn’t want to wake you, I was just going to leave it if you were still sleeping.”

  “Puhlease, you are going to spoil me and fatten me up. I’ve done nothing but sleep late and eat for the past few days.”

  “There is nothing wrong with that. You work hard all the time. I’ve told you many times before that I’ll take care of you. You’re a princess and deserve to be treated as such.”

  “That’s kind of you, Viktor, but we’ve discussed this. I can’t just do nothing. I have to work and stay busy.”

  “Then discover what your passion is and do that instead.”

  “I have to figure out what it is first and even then, I won’t just roll over and let you take care of me without pitching in.”

  “Christ, woman, why do you have to be so stubborn. I know you are independent and can take care of yourself. I’m the man, damn it. Let me do my job and give you what makes you happy.”

  “Fine, you want to make me happy? Then take me swimming in that beautiful, giant lake I can see from the back window.”

  Viktor rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw. “You know I can’t do that.”

  “See, then it’s settled. You can’t give me a simple thing to make me happy, so don’t expect me to change everything just because we slept together.”

  His eyes widen in anger and he throws the tray against the wall, scattering the food and dishes all over the wood and white carpet. “You are infuriating sometimes! Stubbornness will get you nowhere but killed!” He’s growling as he storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  That jerk didn’t even give me a chance to reply.

  Tossing the thick comforter and soft sheet aside, I hastily climb out of bed and head for the bathroom. I better not go out there right now, or God knows I will throw something back at him. I know throwing stuff is not the way to a healthy relationship, but I have to keep him on his toes. Relationship. Hmmm, I guess that’s what this is after all. It’s been a little while now since we first met, since we started being more intimate and we seem to be getting closer. Oh and there’s the part where I was there when he killed someone.

  I turn the water to scalding hot; I need a good scrubbing and it’s been a little while since I scrubbed off my past. Now is a great time to do it too, since I’m angry. I don’t know if scouring one’s self is really the way to go about this, but it’s something I’ve always done and it seems to help me cope.

  Climbing under the hot water I grit my teeth at the high temperature and influx of steam surrounding me. I scrub as fast as I can stopping only to wash my hair. I thoroughly rinse my hair and body off and then get back out. My skin burns bright red. It coats me in a false sense of comfort, as it is pain I feel and not creepy crawlies.

  Even after so many years I still catch myself feeling finger tips running over me, sickly, unwanted. I’m not that girl anymore. He can’t touch me anymore and I have to get it through my head. After witnessing Viktor pull that trigger, I really should trust him that Brent won’t get me again.

  Enough of this shit, it’s too early to pour over these thoughts and feelings right now. I’ll save it for later to worry about. I have a bone to pick with a spoiled Bratva king, I don’t have time to be wasting in the shower or on my bullshit past.

  I pull on a pair of comfy sweat pant material shorts, one of Viktor’s plain undershirts and a pair of ankle socks. Might as well, all I’ve been doing is lounging around. I took some scissors to a few of Viktor’s things and made them little person approved. He towers over my short self, but I refuse to not wear clean clothes the entire time I’m here.

  Viktor’s clothes are very formal and boring, but when he puts them on, he looks edible. I never thought I could be so attracted to a man in a suit, but he wears it with finesse. It’s not just me who notices him, everyone does.

  Thank goodness I was able to bring my giant purse with me. It holds my basic necessities like deodorant, mascara, an extra razor, mace in case someone makes me really angry, those types of things.

  I dig through it until I find what I’m looking for at the very bottom. I put on a swipe of deodorant and a spritz of my body spray, I’m good to go. I should learn to keep a spare bra in here as well.

  Maybe I’ll get lucky and there will be bacon left. With Alexei and Viktor though, it usually goes really quickly. Perhaps I should bring my mace and try it out on Alexei? That could be entertaining and possibly open up the opportunity for me to swim. Definitely an option to consider and I chuckle as I make my way down the hallway.

  Arriving in the kitchen, I’m met with Viktor on his phone at the dining table and Alexei MIA. Thank God, some alone time without the puppy, Alexei, following us around. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good protector, can be nice sometimes, it’s just weird constantly having him sitting here up my butt when I’m so used to being alone at my apartment all the time. It was hard enough getting accustomed to Spartak following me around constantly, and that was nowhere near as serious as this is. I do think I would be happier and more accepting if it was Spartak in here constantly though. I should ask Viktor to switch them when I’m done being mad at him.

  Glancing around, I notice the squeaky clean kitchen. What the hell! I can’t believe he cleaned this kitchen so fast and there’s no food. He’s been stuffing me full of it and now that I’m actually hungry, it’s gone! Definitely not helping his chances, I’m even crankier now. I’m going to turn into a hungry plus angry person; they call it a hangry person. Yep, I’m hangry all right.

  Perching against the fridge I glare at Viktor with my arms crossed. This is his fault for treating me like a spoiled princess. Before, I wouldn’t think twice about there not being breakfast. I’d just go ahead and make my own.

nbsp; In fact, that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll show him that I am perfectly capable of making my own and I’ve never needed to rely on a man before. Slamming each cabinet as I go, I search for everything I need to make myself a yummy breakfast.

  After a few moments Viktor mumbles to the caller that he needs to get back to him and hangs up. I giggle inside because obviously my antics are working to distract him. That’s what the ass gets for throwing food around. You don’t mess with a woman’s bacon, it’s just wrong.

  I start whistling an Andy Griffith tune cheerfully to add to his punishment as I whisk some eggs. I can’t stand whistling, so hopefully he has the same pet peeve and it drives him a little crazy. Geez, I guess we are in a real relationship. I always read about couples annoying their partners and I’m definitely trying to get on his nerves.

  “zabiVAATS, moy lyooBOF (Enough, my love)” he says pleasantly and it pisses me off that he sounds so freaking delicious when he speaks Russian.

  I wish he would say more things in Russian to me. He could have called me an angry bird for all I know, but I don’t care. His language is beautiful and it makes me want to climb him like a tree.

  I bang the pans around in the cabinet causing him to wince. “Elaina,” he chastises and I smirk.

  Alexei comes tumbling in through the back door, breathing erratically. “Boss! The alarm was tripped, get in the safe room. Hurry!”

  “Nonsense! I’m not going to hide away.”

  “Please, sir, take Miss Elaina and go. We need to see who is coming and I want you two safe.”

  “I don’t like this one bit, but I’ll go because I want her secure.” Viktor jumps up, rushing toward me. Alexei nods at him and shoves me toward Viktor.

  “Hey, asshole! I can walk myself, don’t touch me,” I yell angrily, snatching my arm away from him.

  Viktor puts his arm around my back and brings me close to his chest, kissing the top of my head and corralling me to the tall pantry cabinet.

  “We’re getting snacks?” He shakes his head, moving a few cracker boxes around. Suddenly the pantry shelves suck backwards and a doorway appears. “Holy shit, that’s so cool!” I chortle excitedly and he pulls me in with him.

  It’s dark just long enough to creep me out, then a dim light magically turns on. Confused, I glance around until I see the light switch next to Viktor. “I feel like we are in a spy movie right now. Why are you being so quiet, you’re making me freaking nervous.”

  The safe room we’re in is a box about four feet by four feet with plain concrete walls, plush carpet, vents and bottled water. We are already really close, and with Viktor’s size the room instantly feels smaller. Definitely not Panic Room level like I was expecting. I really hope I don’t have to go to the bathroom. That would be a whole new level of embarrassment in front of him.

  “Relax, Princess, I’m just thinking. When I have a lot running through my mind, I tend to get quiet.”

  “Well, you’re quiet all the time, so you must have too much air up there.” I gesture to his head and he smirks back at me.

  “Christ, you’re feisty when you get wound up. Are you always going to be like this? Even when we are old and grey? Will you be whistling and throwing items at me?”

  I smile widely. “Last time I checked, you were throwing food at me, and who says we will be together when you’re a rotten old man?”

  He laughs softly, stepping in front of me. I look up, meeting his gorgeous hazel eyes that shine with amusement. He’s so close I can smell his rich, clean scent enveloping me in warmth that gives my stomach happy flutters.

  He leans in a little more and I gulp, he’s so close I can feel his body heat. “Umm, what are you doing?” I question, tapping my fingers nervously on the sides of my thighs.

  “Oh, Elaina, I’m settling this little temper tantrum you’ve been throwing all morning.”

  “We can’t talk about this right now. Alexei was just in the kitchen and I really don’t feel like having your guards jump in when it’s convenient.”

  “Don’t worry, they can’t hear us. The room’s completely soundproof to the kitchen. We are handling this now. I’m amused with your banging around the kitchen, but not with the sarcastic attitude. I won’t tolerate others speaking to me like that.” He places his hands on each side of my body against the wall, leaning in and effectively trapping me in front of him.

  “I don’t care what you will or will not tolerate, that’s your problem, not mine. And just what exactly are you planning on doing to handle this?”

  Viktor comes even closer, so his mouth is next to my ear. His warm, sweet breath brushes over me as he whispers, “I’m planning on fucking you so hard, that’s how I’ll handle you.”

  I draw in a quick breath. Viktor rarely swears and when he does it stands out even more so. His words make my pussy contract and I clasp my legs together tightly, imagining him fucking me savagely.

  I’ve turned into quite the wanton hussy since he first had me. He’s been ‘breaking me in’—his words—ever since we arrived at the cabin. Frankly, I can’t seem to get enough of it. He has my body responding to him as if it’s his own.

  “Hard fucking, huh? I wasn’t aware you knew how to do that,” I mutter in return, taunting him. He has fucked me very hard, but I’m going to poke the bear as much as possible in this sense, I know I will be the one benefitting from it. That’s one thing about Vik, he’s very satisfying.

  Viktor lets loose a ferocious growl and drops to his haunches, ripping my shorts down my legs. Standing stock still, I watch him.

  He rises up, hurriedly stripping his belt off and unbuttoning his pants.

  “I should spank you for that mouth. I won’t though, only because you know how to suck my cock so well. Shall I make you suck my cock until I cum all over that pretty face of yours?”

  Reaching into his pants he frees his swollen member, pumping and squeezing it a few times until pre-cum gathers at the tip.

  I roll my eyes, still playing the part to wind him up further; this is going to feel so good. “I’m not sucking your dick, you’re lucky if I ever suck it again,” I retort stubbornly.

  His eyes widen in disbelief and he huffs. Moving close to me again, he grasps onto each thigh, effectively picking me up against the cold concrete wall. He lines his thick cock up to my little hole and pushes in wildly.

  “Ahhh, Viktor!” I let loose a scream as he pumps into me roughly.

  My back scrapes against the ridges in the concrete and I rip my nails down his shoulder blades. He wants it rough; I can give it back to him as well. He knows exactly what I need and I know just how to push him to get it.

  “Good girl, I’m going to fuck this pussy so hard, every time I touch it afterwards it’ll ache. You’ll learn not to push me, Princess, or you’ll deal with the consequences.” He forces the words between gritted teeth and I squeeze my pussy as tight as I can around him. He glares at me, then slams his eyes closed as he pushes into me harshly, grinding himself against my clit.

  I moan quietly as he brings his nose against mine, his lips lightly brushing over mine as he murmurs, “And if you want a diamond on that finger, then you will suck my cock and love every minute of it.” Drawing my lip into his mouth he sucks and gently bites down.

  It takes a few moments for his words to register, my eyes flashing to his in surprise. “Vik?” I start to question, but I’m cut off by him thrusting his tongue into my mouth, taking me for a rollercoaster ride with his earth shattering kiss.

  He pulls back from my mouth leisurely, and pumps into my cunt with passion. “Shhh, Princess,” he murmurs, grasping my ass cheeks tightly to keep his rhythm. He squeezes them forcefully making me moan louder and I swear I feel his dick throb inside me.

  “You feel so good, please don’t stop, I promise I’ll suck your cock,” I gasp between thrusts.

  “I know that, love, and I’m going to fuck this little ass sometime too. I will own every single part of you, as you own me. Bawg, ya lyooBOF vee (G
od, I love you).”

  “Oh, keep talking like that, shit, I’m going to come.”

  “Good, Elaina, you come all over my big cock and I’ll fill you up with my own cum. I want to watch it drip out of your cunt when I’m finished.”

  I call out loudly, climaxing at his words. My pussy squeezes him over and over and with each compression Viktor breaths out heavily.

  “Please come, come in me, please,” I beg and feel his cock start to pump his seed into me. He leans his forehead on my shoulder and breaths heavily while he shoots his cum deep.

  I start to relax my body after a minute, sliding down so my feet are resting on the carpet once more. Viktor pulls back and I smile sweetly at him. He clenches his jaw then drops to his knees, pushing my legs apart.

  Glancing down, confused, I see him studying my cum-covered pussy with pure lust. I feel it drip and try to clench my legs closed but he holds them steady. Meeting my irises, he quickly goes back to watching my pussy.

  When I least expect it, he leans in, feasting on my cunt. He sucks and licks at the combined juices like a starved man. Shoving my hand into his wild hair I yank forcefully, attempting to hold on while I’m on this amazing ride known as his mouth.

  “Holy shit, Viktor! My God, you’re going to kill me!”

  He thrusts two fingers into me deeply, curving them towards my belly. I bear down with the feeling of having to pee. “No, stop! I feel like I’m going to pee my pants!” I plead but he ignores me, sucking strongly on my clit.

  Out of nowhere a mind-numbing orgasm hits me. I swear rockets and fireworks explode in the sky when it happens. I grasp onto him tight, attempting not to fall as I ride out the amazingly strong orgasm.

  When the feelings finally subside and I feel as if I can once again open my eyes without a blinding light being there, I gasp, “What in the ever loving fuck was that?” I grasp my chest dramatically. “I’ve never in my life felt something like that!”


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