
Home > Romance > Corrupted > Page 13
Corrupted Page 13

by Sapphire Knight

  Bit by bit, I attempt to sit up, holding onto the bed as I fight the dizziness. Christ, what did I miss? Oh no, the kitchen! I have to check out the cabin. I don’t know if we’re secure and if everyone is okay. At least Elaina is here so I know she’s okay.

  Okay, let’s try this again. I rise gradually, until finally I’m standing at my full height. That only took ten minutes to accomplish.

  I arrive at the bathroom mirror and I have to admit, I’m not impressed. There is still quite a bit of dried blood on my face and my hair looks disgusting. I can’t look like this, call me vain, but I pride myself on always looking my best. I can’t believe she saw me looking so terrible.

  I flip on the shower and strip the rest of my clothes. It appears Elaina was nice enough to undo all of my buttons and to remove my shoes for me. That’s fortunate, because at this moment I don’t know if I can bend over without falling or puking. I can’t get over the fact that I didn’t protect her. What kind of man am I, to not be able to keep her safe?

  Stepping into the steam, and under the hot spray, I grit my teeth to keep from yelling at the pain on my head when the water hits it. My appearance will obviously have to wait, there is no way I can run my fingers through my hair with soap to wash whatever’s going on back there. I’m going to look for a small mirror once I catch my bearings a little better and see what hurts so badly.

  Clambering out of the large shower, I’m unamused at how ungraceful every action of mine seems to be. I feel like I’m an inexperienced toddler, banging around everywhere. I don’t know if I’ll even be able to get my clothes on successfully.

  Leaning over the sink to brush my teeth, I catch a brief glimpse at a pile of clothes on the floor and do a double take. They are covered in blood. Not soaked, but it looks as if blood was smeared all over them. Surely that can’t all be from me? If so, that would explain why I was so dizzy on waking up and especially after showering.

  I didn’t see any injuries on my lovely girl, though a lot of her was covered up in my t-shirt. I love that she steals my clothes to wear. I told Elaina to cut them all up or do whatever she wants to anything. I only care about a few suits, but even then I can always replace them.

  Leaving the bathroom, I’m met with a sleepy Elaina sitting on the end of the bed. Her blonde hair is a complete mess, as if she fell asleep with it wet, and she looks absolutely adorable in her rumpled shirt. She rubs her eyes tiredly, not realizing I’m watching her.

  “Princess, are you okay?” I rasp, standing in the doorway.

  She gasps, head shooting up to look at me eagerly. “Me? Are you nuts? How are you feeling? I can’t believe you took a shower already! You need to rest.” She’s rambling and I smirk. I adore the fact that she cares enough to chastise me and want to take care of me.

  “Why is my pillow case black and not the others?” I ask, puzzled.

  “Oh, well, because of your head of course. I didn’t want it to stain the light one with blood, so I changed it before the guys laid you down.”

  “Who laid me down? What exactly did I miss and what happened to my head?”

  “Alexei and Spartak are the ones who laid you down with the doctor guy who works for you.”

  “Okay and what happened to my head? Why does it hurt so badly? The last thing I remember was a sharp pain, but it didn’t feel like I was struck with something. I remember seeing you yell and that’s about it.”

  Elaina’s pretty blue eyes tear up and she stands, walking toward me timidly. “You were stabbed.” She chokes brokenly, irises so full of sadness and fear. A tear trickles down her face and she glances away. “You lost a lot of blood and passed out. The doc sewed your head up and put cream on it.”

  “I see. So what happened? Who did it and are my men holding them?” Reaching out, I grab onto her hand, squeezing it to bring her some comfort. She seems so distraught. I know it was probably scary, but we’re both okay.

  Glancing up at me, more tears rain down over her cheeks.

  “Princess, please. We are both alright. Stop crying and tell me, baby,” I murmur.

  “O-kay,” she says brokenly. “K-k-ken-dall got in and sta-stabbed you with a big knife. You’re lucky you’re so tall compared to her or she could have seriously injured you. She was going to do it again, I swear. I saw her try to-to do it. I saw her rear back with the knife, aiming for your back, so I had to shoot her. I’m so sorry, Vik-Viktor. I promise I had to or Kendall would have hurt you more.” She sobs and my insides mash together seeing her so torn.

  Standing up straighter, I pull her to my chest, wrapping my arms around her tightly and whispering, “It’s okay, lovely, you did the right thing.”

  Rearing back, Elaina glares at me, incredulous. “The right thing? I killed someone! You can’t just wash that off, Viktor! Trust me, I tried. I scrubbed so hard I bled in some places and yet it didn’t help with the demons screaming at me inside.”

  She pulls away from me and perches on the edge of the bed.

  “I can’t believe I killed Kendall. I thought you were fucking dying. You wouldn’t wake up and there was blood everywhere. You wouldn’t open your eyes and I just wanted to kill her all over again for taking you away from me.”

  She buries her face in her palms and weeps. I’m lost. I’ve never felt remorse for a kill before. I’ve always just taken care of the job. I clean up messes and take care of the bad things my father or brother never wanted to touch.

  I step close to her. “Then why, Princess? Why on earth would you do such a thing if you are to feel so guilty afterwards?”

  Glancing up at me through her fingers. “Why, Viktor?” She stands abruptly, putting her hands to her sides, face swollen from her weeping. “Because I love you. I would kill a hundred people to protect you, even if it makes me a completely horrible person. If it comes down to you or someone else, I will always kill for you.” She sniffles and wipes her face, looking at the ground, obviously ashamed for admitting that she would kill again.

  Placing my hand on her cheek, I tip her head to meet my eyes. “I love you, so much. Vee oo moy dooSHAA (you have my soul),” I whisper and bend to delicately touch my lips to hers. The kiss evolves from sweet to possessive where I own her mouth. Elaina submits, grasping my sides and returning the kiss with pure love.

  Leisurely I pull away, resting my forehead on hers. My heart sings inside knowing that finally she loves me as well. I lightly run my pointer finger over her bottom lip. I wish I could make love to her right now, but I can’t. I’m so wobbly and I have to take care of the pressing issues.

  She mumbles sadly, “I killed someone.”

  “Elaina, I’m so sorry this is upsetting you so much, but to be frank with you, I’ve killed many bad people. You did it to protect me and out of self-defense. I’m positive after she killed me, Kendall would have come after you next. She never would have let us happily be together, or let me be with anyone for that matter,” I say sternly, determined to get her to let some of the guilt go.

  She nods, but I don’t fully believe her. I pray she can move past this and find some peace. I’m not even going to blink twice at it.

  “Come, little love, I need to touch base with my men. I’ve been indisposed for too long.”

  I eventually locate my cell and send a mass text so everyone can meet us in the living room. I’m too worn out to hunt everyone down. Elaina puts more clothes on, as do I with her help and we head out there to speak with everyone.

  “Boss, glad you are doing better, sir.” Alexei greets me as we sit down on one of the comfortable sofas. He sends Elaina a concerned look. I squeeze her hand tightly to help ease her discomfort and show her support.

  “Thank you. Now where is everyone?” I scan the room, missing two of my men that I had sent messages to.

  “Anatoli and Mikahel didn’t make it, sir.” Alexei delivers this news solemnly.

  “Christ!” I snatch up the lamp from the sofa table beside us and throw it hard, shattering it against the wall. Elaina jumps but
my men don’t even glance at it. They are so used to my temper that the little outburst doesn’t affect them.

  “Calm, lovely,” I murmur afterwards and she clasps my other hand tightly. Surprisingly, her touch soothes me and I sit back, cataloging all the thoughts racing around inside my head.

  “Okay, first off, where is Kendall?”

  “Boss, the Missus is in here.” Spartak speaks up and gestures toward Elaina.

  “I am fully aware of who is in this room. I’m the one who called you here, in fact. Elaina is mine. You shall treat her as boss, as you do me. Is that understood?” I say sternly and everyone nods their acceptance, looking at Elaina with a higher form of respect.

  “Now, I’m sorry to hear about our men. I will take care of their families accordingly. That being said, where is Kendall?”

  Spartak glances at Elaina nervously then toward me. “I had a few of the guys put her in the barn. I thought you may return her to her father as a show of good faith.”

  Surprised, I nod, pleased at Spartak. “Yes, that’s very good. I will contact her father and see if there is any way we can talk and reach an agreement. How many of our men were killed here?”

  Alexei leans forward in his seat. “Fifteen. They came in with guns out and ready to shoot. We weren’t ready.”

  “Someone round up the bodies and take them to Minska Funeral Home, while you’re there check on how Sergei is doing. We may have one large funeral for all the families to pay their respects at once since there are so many. Clean this place up and get it secure again.”

  “Sir, I took care of that already. I wasn’t sure how long you were going to be unavailable.”

  “Good work. I’ll call Kendall’s father and get back to you about how we’re going to move forward.” I attempt to stand up but have to sit back down.

  Alexei reaches to help me stand and I swat him away. “I can do it!” I grumble and stand by myself. Slowly, but I do it.

  “Come on, Princess,” I say and hold my hand out for Elaina. She stands and eagerly accepts it again.

  “Are you okay? Do you want anything while we are out here?”

  “No, lovely, just to lie down, my head is bothering me.”

  Alexei steps forward with a tube, handing it to Elaina. “For the boss’s wound. Doc said to apply it to the stitches and try to keep them soft for a few days. He also said not to wash the area, just rinse it for a few days.”

  She nods and eagerly takes the ointment. “Thanks, Alexei.”

  We take our leave and leisurely make our way back to the room. I can’t walk too quickly or I get dizzy. I refuse to have my guys help me to my room when I am still able to do it myself. It doesn’t matter how long it takes us, I’m too stubborn to give in.

  I’m moody and exhausted when we get back to the bedroom. That’s the first time my men have seen me look so unprofessional and I don’t want to make it a habit. I should have had Elaina help me dress in my suit prior, instead of being so stubborn.

  She squeezes my shoulder as I sit on the side of the bed. “You sure you don’t want anything to eat or drink?”

  “Not now, I still feel too nauseous. Perhaps later if my stomach settles some.”

  “You should just get some more rest then. I want you all better and you never get to just relax. You always have something going on or some kind of drama it seems. You must feel like you’re going to explode inside with the copious amount of stress.”

  “I can’t relax just yet, I have to call Kendall’s father, Kristof Cheslokov.”

  “I understand, Viktor. Geez, I feel bad for him having to learn to spell that growing up.”

  I chuckle and dig through my pocket for my personal phone.

  “Da (yes).”

  “Kristof? This is Viktor Masterson.”

  “Mr. Masterson, what can I do for you?”

  “I was hoping to meet to talk peaceful terms.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  “I have something that belongs to you.”

  “Is it well?”

  “No, it has gone bad and perished.”

  “I see. Then perhaps you should bring very good terms with you.”

  “I have an offer I believe you will be pleased with.”

  “Very well.”

  “Three days at the dock?”


  I hang up and plug my phone into the charger.

  “Well, lovely, that went surprisingly well and he took the news fairly easily.”

  “How in the world could he not care that his daughter is dead? I couldn’t even imagine talking about it just now like you did.”

  “Kendall has given him many problems for a number of years now. She was always stirring up trouble with men, she was the type who enjoyed them fighting over her. Kendall even got her sister suspended from her boarding school because she was sending random guys there, saying it was time her sister became a woman. Kristof will probably miss her since it’s his daughter, but I’m sure he is also relieved. He didn’t have to be the one to kill her and now he will get a piece of my stuff like he has always wanted. If anyone has an issue it would be his wife, but if we meet terms then he will handle her.”

  “How do you know so much about Kendall?”

  “Are you being jealous right now?” I smirk and she rolls her eyes at me.

  “No, just wondering, you’re like an encyclopedia on her life choices.”

  “Her father has always wanted me to marry her. He believed I could make Kendall settle down. She’d have money and of course he wanted an in at some of my territory.”

  “Ugh, sounds like that whole family has lost their marbles.”

  “Pretty much.” I make a disgusted face and she smiles. I’m so thrilled to finally see her send me a genuine smile again.

  “I had Kendall watched for a long period of time and had extensive background work completed on her. I’ve never wanted any part of that mess.”

  She yawns and quietly says, “Can we go back to bed? Now that you are okay, I feel drained. I had just fallen asleep when you woke up. After all of the chaos today I would like to just put this gooey stuff on your head, go to bed, then eat something when I wake up.”

  “Yes of course, Elaina, whatever makes you happy, though I’m not looking forward to you touching my head. It burns horribly.”

  “Dmitry left you a few Vicodin tablets in case you were too uncomfortable. I can get them for you, if you would like.”

  “No thank you, I will deal with it and just take a few Tylenol. I want to be alert not loopy just in case anything else pops off.”

  “You believe something else will happen?” Elaina utters, worried.

  “Princess, I think we will be perfectly fine, it’s just a precaution.”

  “Okay sounds good,” she rushes to the bathroom and brings me two pills along with a glass of water.

  “Thank you lovely. You’re going to end up spoiling me, you know.”

  She skims over my face, looking at me compassionately, “you deserve it Viktor. Not only because of what happened, but also because of before. For months you have taken care of me, watching out, offering if I ever needed anything, I was blind. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize how wonderful you are.”

  “You think I’m wonderful, huh?”

  “Really, that’s all you heard?” She giggles and I pull her down onto the bed with me.

  “I want to make love to you so badly,” I rasp.

  “I know, but you need to get better first. Please just rest. We have plenty of time to make up for lost time in the future.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  She cuddles into me and I wrap my arm around her, holding her warm body securely next to mine.

  Tipping her face up and meeting my eyes, she says quietly, almost bashfully, “I love you Viktor.”

  “Ah, baby, I love you too.” I respond happily and Elaina gives me a chaste kiss on the mouth.

  God, I can’t wait to make love to her
, to fuck her, to marry her, all of it. I love her more now than I ever have before. I can’t believe she finally gave in and admitted to me that she loves me back. Hmm, I wonder if she will even want to marry me.

  We have to discuss this work thing also if I’m not able to reach terms with Kristof. I swear if anyone tries to hurt her again, I won’t hesitate, I will kill them in a moment’s notice. Elaina deserves so much; I hope I can give it to her, while running the Bratva. I wonder what she thinks of it all.

  “Princess, how do you feel about my life with it being so involved with the Bratva? Can you live with it?” I pry and get no response. “Princess?” I question louder.

  “Hmmm?” she mumbles sleepily.

  “Never mind, Elaina, get some rest, god knows you have worked for it.”

  “Love you, Vik.”

  “Love you, too.”

  No one’s ever called me Vik before and I think I like it. My stomach clenches firmly with excitement each time she says it and I just want to squeeze her tight.

  I hope she’s lucky enough to sleep without her horrible dreams haunting her. I won’t hold my breath though. Every night Elaina screams in her sleep; I shake her gently, hold her and do what I can to comfort her. There are even nights when she cries out and claws at her skin.

  I don’t believe she’s aware of it as she never acts like any of it happened in the morning. Some days she looks so exhausted. In the past when she appeared tired and worn out, I always believed it was from her working late hours and partying. However, now I see the real reason is that she has this monster coming after her in the dark.

  I wish I could go back and torture that scum, Tollfree, all over again for her. I would hurt him in many other excruciating ways. I know it’s him Elaina dreams about. I know he still haunts her even long after he’s dead.

  Now she has this truck load of guilt dogging her as well. I can only imagine what horrific things she will dream of now. My poor love. I will continue to love her and hold her tight. I will do everything I can to protect her, even if it is only from her dreams. It’s my job now to make sure she’s okay.


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