
Home > Romance > Corrupted > Page 16
Corrupted Page 16

by Sapphire Knight

  “You will enjoy it soft, I promise.”

  Frustrated, I argue, “I love it when my pussy is sore all week long. I don’t know if that’s wrong of me, but each little twinge or pain I get, I remember you being there. I get these reminders all day of how well you loved me, of how much you wanted me.”

  He pushes into me slow and deep. I cry out quietly, enjoying the feeling of being completely filled.

  “I always want you, Elaina, never doubt that. I love you and this body. Now shhh, I’m making love to you.” I bite my lip at his stern reprimand.

  Sweetly, he kisses up and down my neck, murmuring in Russian, pausing only for little bites. He feels incredible. I’m just impatient and get so eager when we’re like this.

  Viktor’s hands run tenderly over my body as I hold onto his neck. “I’ll make sure you still feel me, love.” He growls and pumps into me fully over and over. The water splashes in between us causing pleasurable little sensations all over my clit and anus, highlighting his movements.

  I clutch him, my nails biting into his skin. All I can manage is to gasp, “God do I feel you”

  “You feel me now, Princess?” He murmurs, repeating me.

  “Yessss.” I moan loudly as he drives in to the hilt, gritting his teeth as he tries to prolong our pleasure.

  Right when I start to feel my orgasm coming on I jerk him to me tighter and ravish his mouth with a crazy kiss. He grasps my hair tight, slowing me to control the kiss.

  “Thank God you are mine,” he whispers as my pussy clamps down on his large cock, milking him for everything he has.

  He wraps me in a hug, burying his head in my neck and releasing his seed. My pussy spasms greedily, pulling each drop of it as far inside me as possible.


  Chapter 14

  Two Weeks later

  “Please explain this to me more. What do you mean we have to go to the house? We just got our things moved here to the cabin. We finally get everything calmed down and settled; now you want to change it up? What aren’t you telling me here, Viktor?” Elaina asks. Her hand is propped on her hip and I groan inside. I know this isn’t going to go over well.

  When explaining things to Elaina, I may have left out everything with Kristof’s daughter. I should have told her all about the trade but it didn’t seem important at the time. We’ve had such a wonderful time together while moving into the cabin. We did change a few things around, but not too much.

  Kristof ended up needing another week after his wife threatened to call the police. I guess his daughter—the one everybody is going so mad over—was supposedly betrothed to a member of some other Russian family. It’s caused a big uproar on the wife’s side of the family. I don’t know the whole story and frankly I don’t care.

  I do know his extra week worked to my advantage with my princess, but it’s also going to hurt me for not telling her sooner. She’s probably going to go ballistic, so I need to figure out the right way to tell her how I traded a girl’s life for a warehouse. However I spin it, she’s going to have my balls.

  Ever since I made love to her that day in the lake, she’s pretty much ruled the roost. Elaina says we eat at a certain time or we have a certain color curtains, I’ve learned to step back and just nod my head. I want her happy and if these little things make her happy then that’s the least I can do.

  This however, I will probably be cast out to the barn for.


  “Well, I didn’t tell you absolutely everything that happened at the meeting with Kristof.”

  “I assumed you left some out, but what’s so important that we have to move to another house for?”

  “We have a guest coming to stay with us.”

  “Oh, cool is it someone from Russia? Or maybe your grandmother?”

  “No, it’s Kristof’s younger daughter.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Her sister almost killed us!” she screeches, making me wince. “Why does she need to stay here? They don’t have somewhere else for her to go?”

  “It’s not so simple.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When did I turn into a pansy?

  “So make it simple,” she hisses.

  “I kind of own her and she’s coming because her father traded her.” I swear I hear her growl when she hears my answer.

  “You can’t own another human being, Viktor. This isn’t the eighteen hundreds or anything. Things don’t work that way!”

  “Yes, lovely, when you are in this lifestyle, they do work that way. Don’t act so blind to my dealings, Elaina, you know what my family is, what I am.”

  “I can’t do this, Viktor. I know all about you, but trading people? I have to draw a line somewhere. I just can’t live with that. Does her mother know? My God, how could you do this?”

  She sends me a heartbroken look and it makes me sick to my stomach. I walk to her to comfort her, but she backs away, and I bite my tongue to keep from getting angry. She shouldn’t pull away from me, she has no reason to, and I’m not some atrocity she should fear.

  “Please calm down, my love,” I say quietly and reach for her again. Elaina turns away from me, disappointed, and I choke up as tears try to fill my eyes. It’s the worst feeling; to have the person you adore and love the most be disappointed in you.

  I can’t possibly lose her, not now that I finally have her after all this time. I have to make her believe it’s not my fault. Christ, I’m such a fool for making that deal. I should have known she wouldn’t be able to handle that. The only way I can handle it, is knowing nothing bad will ever happen to the poor girl.

  “Let me explain this further.” I lean against the wall and place my head in my hands. I have to clarify this so I can dig my way out of this mess with her. “Kristof wanted to expand his territory and he is willing to do practically anything. The warehouse I have in a certain location has been being scoped by the Troopers and possibly the Feds so I needed to get out of it anyway. Kristof is a slime ball so this will kill two birds with one stone. As for his daughter—” She makes a noise and my eyes shoot to her just in time to see a tear trickle down the side of her face. “Love, please,” I plead but she shakes her head so I continue. “On the way there to make the deal I was speaking with Alexei. I remembered that Nikoli was crazy about this girl. He was so over the moon with her that he stormed the club and tried to attack me for what happened between you and Kendall. I know that if I’m enemies with Kristof, then Tate will never let Nikoli and this girl be together; and it will be all because of me.” I glance at her beautiful face again to see her watching me with curiosity, and I’m thankful her tears have dried up.

  “So I told Alexei about it and he said he would talk to Niko and see what he could find out. When Kristof told me he would do anything, I knew if it wasn’t to me, then he would eventually sell his daughter off to someone else. This way she will be kept safe, and have the things she will need. Kristof will have a reason to back off from myself and my family, and Nikoli gets a chance to have the woman he wants.”

  “So you will just give her to him? Just like that? What if she hates him?”

  “Well, that’s why we are going to the bigger house so I can see how she really feels around him. I’m not just going to throw her at him if she hates him. I would never do that to a woman.”

  “Okay,” Elaina says quietly.

  “Okay? Princess?”

  “Yes, Viktor. Okay, she can come and stay. I’ll forgive you for this. Just…don’t trade people, Viktor, it’s not something I can handle.”

  “Ah, thank you so much, my love!” I pull her to me finally and hold her tight. I breath in the sweet scent of her shampoo and relish the warmth from her body. I thank the stars for bringing her to me and allowing me to keep her.

  “But if she tries to hurt us, I’ll kill her too.”

  I try to refrain from chuckling, but can’t help it. She’s gone from protester to protector in a matter of minutes.

  “Okay, but I’
ll kill her instead. You can’t go through that load of grief again. I can take care of it.”

  I can’t bear the thought of Elaina hurting inside from some ignorant person making a stupid decision. I don’t know if she could even handle killing someone else, unless it were life or death situation. Elaina is the warm to my cool; it gives us a nice, even balance.

  “I have an idea, can I make a suggestion?”

  “Of course, you are always welcome to.”

  “Okay, what if you bring them both here? There’s practically another house in the barn. You could have them stay there to test things. Both would have everything they need, and you would be here to make sure she doesn’t run off. It’s a win-win for all of us. Have you spoken to Nikoli about any of it?”

  “No, I haven’t. Alexei is supposed to be handling that end of it and I was going to see how she felt once she came. I think your idea is really good, but what about my guards? Where would they sleep and eat?”

  “You always tell me that expanding is not a problem. Why not get a few small campers or something. Plus they’re portable if you ever need them somewhere else and they have AC/Heat/Stove/bed, that kind of thing. Plus you have that big shop out there if you need more room.”

  I lean down and pepper kisses all over her face, causing her to giggle. “You, lovely, are a genius! I never would have thought of all of that. I think it sounds perfect. I’ll send a few men out and see what they can come up with.”

  “Awesome! And now I don’t have to pack up our gorgeous cabin. Thank you, baby Jesus!”

  “Elaina, you finally said it,” I reply happily.

  “What are you talking about?” she inquires quizzically.

  “You called the cabin ‘ours’.” I smile wolfishly and she rolls her eyes.

  “Oh my gawd, you’re so silly about somethings. I have embraced that this is our home, happy?”

  “Yes, I am, one hundred percent. I love you so much,” I mumble against her mouth and she closes her eyes.

  “I love you, Vik, with everything that I am,” she answers and I kiss her tenderly.

  Pulling back leisurely, she gets a panicked look on her features. “When is she coming?”

  “Today, that’s why I’ve been rushing you.”

  “Crap!” She jumps up and runs around.

  “What? Why are you freaking out?”

  “Because, Viktor! We aren’t ready!”

  “Of course we’re ready. There’s nothing to prepare for, she’s just a girl coming to stay.”

  “Shit! Men never understand this kind of thing! Tell whoever does the cleaning around here to get to washing the sheets for her bed!”

  “My love, you’ve been the one zipping around cleaning stuff.”

  “Oh. Right.” She scrunches up her nose, “Well then, I need to go clear out that barn and get it situated.”

  “Why don’t I call the housekeeper who visits weekly? I’m sure she would enjoy the extra work time. Mishka will probably be up here again when she hears of another female staying.”

  “I can’t wait, I love that mean old woman.” She smiles fondly then gets that determined look on her face again, “Yes, the maid is a good idea. I’ll go get started and you call her.” She bolts right out the back door like a woman on a mission and I can’t help but think about how amazing, and a little crazy, she is.

  As soon as she leaves I slip my hand into my pocket. The box I pull out keeps feeling like it’s burning a hole there. Flipping the lid open eagerly, I’m just glancing down at it when the screen door crashes open. I slam the lid closed, hiding the box behind my back.

  Elaina peeks her head around and looks at me suspiciously. “What were you doing?”

  “Nothing, I was just getting ready to make that call,” I reply as nonchalantly as possible, my heart beating a million miles per minute.

  She nods slowly. “Right, well, I was just going to ask you to ask your men to pick up some more sweet tea. We need tea if we are having company.”

  “We usually drink vodka.” I shrug as I shove the box in my pocket as if it’s my phone.

  “Please get some tea.”

  “You got it, lovely.”

  “Thank you,” Elaina croons, blowing me a kiss. She runs off to finish doing welcoming stuff and I breathe normally again.

  I think she just gave me a miniature stroke by coming back early. Let’s try this again.

  I pull out the nondescript white box and flip it open. A stunning three carat, Princess cut diamond, shines brightly back at me. The plain Platinum band accents the nearly flawless diamond even more. Pulling it out carefully, I flip it over to read the inscription. Engraved in beautiful lettering is ‘Прекрасная принцесса’ (Lovely Princess). This ring was made just for her and it deserves to have her name in it always.

  Elaina seems to favor more simplistic things. I have to come up with a good way to ask her. I don’t want to be over the top and scare her, but I want her to remember it. I think I’ll ask her tonight. She’ll be so distracted with the company coming, she won’t even realize what is happening until it occurs.

  It’s only been a month since we’ve been official, but I can’t hold off any longer. It seems like I’ve wanted her for ages. We can have a long engagement if she would like, but this needs to happen sooner rather than later.


  I’m busy cleaning up the barn and trying to make it as presentable as possible when the maid comes in to relieve me. She thanked me graciously like I was the one who called her, so no telling what Viktor told her. He gives me way too much credit for things. I just give my input or complain about something and he acts like I hung the moon.

  When I first met him I never could have imagined this would be my life, or that I could love him so much. I was so incredibly blind to not see what was waiting very patiently right in front of me. I could kick myself for holding out on him for so long.

  I still have some setbacks with my touching issue. I’ve tried to let him know what triggers things and he has backed off a remarkable amount. He still shows me a huge amount of love and affection, he’s just more aware of how he does it. I’m so lucky to have found someone so understanding of it all.

  I used to think Emily was a little nutty with how she always acted with Tate, but I get it now. Emily’s growing with Tate and I’m so proud of the woman she has become given all the stuff she has dealt with. Having a baby on the way has made her grow up so much and it seems like it’s really good for her.

  Now, onto seeing about Nikoli and this new chick coming to stay. Viktor calls it a visit, but I seriously doubt it will be short. I’m pretty wary about having someone from that family around here, and especially around Viktor. He doesn’t believe I would kill her, but he doesn’t realize how much Kendall changed me. I would never cause harm to anyone for pleasure, but best believe I would shoot this one in a heartbeat if it came down to it.

  I hit up the shower to scrub this grime off and find something appropriate to wear.

  I throw on some jeans, t-shirt and combat boots. Nothing fancy, I want to be prepared if this new girl gets wild and crazy. She’s lucky I don’t have a gun or I’d tuck it in my pants to look really bad ass.

  I wonder if Viktor is aware what exactly he’s getting into with me. I’m probably going to drive him to drink more than a normal Russian drinks vodka, and that’s a lot.

  Chatter comes from the living room so I silently make my way to see what’s going on. Peeking around the corner ninja-like, I’m met with a gorgeous blond giant, also known as Nikoli, and a small sprite of a girl. She’s dressed in skinny jeans, a plain tank top, flip flops and has short, brown hair in a pixie cut.

  She comes up to Niko’s chest—granted the man is like six foot four or something crazy—but I think this chick may be shorter than me and I’m short. They main thing that stands out though, is she is the exact opposite of Kendall.

  We lock eyes and stare at each other for a few moments. She doesn’t seem scared no
r overly brave. I wish Vik would have told me her damn name.

  Nikoli turns, catching a glimpse of me for the first time and beams a bright smile at me. He’s freaking beautiful in a completely different way than Viktor.

  “Elaina!” He gestures for me to come to him, holding his arms wide open. Of course he would be happy to see me, he loves my sister dearly and I look exactly like Emily. Well, besides the eye color. I don’t think I’ve ever met a man so protective over females who don’t belong to him.

  Making my way leisurely into the living room and attempting to keep my features blank, I step to Viktor’s side. I feel a large, warm hand grab onto mine and it’s like instant relief. I have real live proof that he’s right beside me and he’s okay. Nothing like the last time will happen. I’ll make sure of it.

  His breath tickles my neck as he leans close enough to whisper, “Relax, lovely. Everything is going to be okay. You appear as if you’ve swallowed something sour. Please show them your sweet smile and be happy. I love you.”

  I briefly check him over then nod. “I love you, too,” I murmur quietly. Inhaling a deep breath and attempting to look friendlier, I bend in to give Nikoli a brief hug. “Hi, Niko.”

  “Hi, little sister!”

  “Geez, I’m not the little one! It’s Emily, she’s so stubborn sometimes. I’m going to look it up on our birth certificates; just so I can rub it in her face that I know I’m for sure older than her.”

  He chuckles and pulls the female in front of him slightly bringing her much closer to me. He nods to her proudly then introduces her, “This pixie girl is Sabrina.” He grasps her shoulders, dwarfing her like a football player would. “Sabrina, this is Em’s sister, Elaina. I told you about them all, yes?”

  “Da, blondie,” she answers half in Russian and I cock a brow. I’m not amused, she better bust out with the English.

  Snotty attitude firmly in place, I prop my hand on my hip. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m sorry, Niko likes to speak to me in Russian and it’s become habit to just automatically answer him that way.” Her voice is small and pleasant. She speaks kindly and it makes me feel like a tool for being bitchy, but her family doesn’t like the man I love. It should be expected that I act wary around her.


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