Coming Up Daffy

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Coming Up Daffy Page 5

by Sandra Sookoo

  “You’re not daffy. You’re…” He narrowed his eyes while searching his brain for the appropriate words. “You’re refreshingly unique.”

  “Yeah, like a platypus.”

  “Uh, I guess so.” He didn’t know much about that type of animal, but if she said it, it must be true.

  “Did you know the platypus is an egg-laying, otter-footed mammal? It also has a duck-bill and a beaver-tail plus it’s venomous — well, the males are. They’re native to Australia and New Zealand. I think they’d make excellent pets.”

  Mark stared at her, and again his jaw hung slightly slack. “Good to know.” Okay, now he could see where the daffy part came in, yet it still didn’t bother him. Everyone had a hobby. Maybe topic jumping was hers. “You’re not dating anyone at the moment.” He suspected she wasn’t, but he couldn’t help wanting the details.

  “Nope. My last boyfriend dumped me six months ago by text message.” She reeled in her line and then awkwardly tried another cast. This time she went out eight feet.

  “Are you sad about that?”

  “Not really. Frank wasn’t into me as much as he was into the easy access of getting busy between the sheets.”

  His gut ached as if he’d just been punched. “You slept with him?” Goodness, his grandma would slap him silly if she’d heard his breach in manners. He couldn’t help it. Alice didn’t seem like the type of girl to fall into the sack with a guy for the recreation of it.

  “I did. It seemed a natural progression at the time.” The glance she shot him brimmed with light annoyance. “It’s not a crime, you know.”

  Heat crept up the back of Mark’s neck. “I didn’t mean to hint that I thought it was bad. I was just surprised.” An awkward silence sprang between them. Alice didn’t look at him again, which made the whole conversation more difficult. “How long did your, uh, relationship last?”

  “Three months. We were more like a friends-with-benefits couple. He was into sports. I had my flower business. But, what attracted me to him was his ability to prepare for the future. The guy had a nice 401K, a savings account, and a plan. He knew where he was going, and it seemed secure. He was a good fit or so I thought.” She shrugged. “The thing that broke us up was Frank’s commute to Francesville every Friday night.”

  “He didn’t think you were worth the drive?”

  “I guess not. If there wasn’t the promise of weekend sex, I doubt he’d have made the drive for as long as he did.”

  Mark’s heart ached for her. No one should have to feel as if they were throwaway material or expendable if gas prices rose. “I’m sorry.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. There wasn’t anything real beneath the hormones, now that I think about it. Of course, meeting a guy in a bar doesn’t speak highly of character, does it?” Finally, she turned her head and met his gaze. “In case you were wondering, my Dad didn’t care much for Frank. I’d never heard more banging around in the garage than when I dated him.”

  “Your dad was probably worried about you.” Mark imagined it was tough for a member of the older generation to wrap his or her brain around how things worked in today’s world, especially if Alice’s dad didn’t think she’d be provided for — materially or mentally. “I don’t know that I’d be a fan of jumping into the sack right away, but if I did, you can bet I wouldn’t call things off for gas money.”

  Good grief, what would she think when — or if — he let on that he was a virgin? Yeah, he could talk a good game and he could play around with the best of his male friends, but not many of them knew his sexual situation. It hadn’t mattered to the handful of women he’d dated over the years, since none of those relationships had ever progressed far enough for the issue to come up. He’d kissed a couple, made out with a few, but that was all. Thank heavens for small miracles. To him, sharing sex seemed too special to toss it out like used tissues. Apparently, in this day and age, it was too much to expect by the time he finally found the “right” woman, she wouldn’t have fooled around either.

  I’m just not comfortable in the fast lane.

  “Well, that makes you unique, too. Good for you.” Her smile came back then she returned her attention to the lake.

  “Thanks.” Too many parental and grandparental lectures about proper behavior of “fine young men” bounced through his head as he tried to digest Alice’s story. In the end, they left him with a feeling of inadequacy. What if he was too old-fashioned for today’s dating pool — for her? Maybe I’m better off being single. What kind of woman would want a backward, bait-selling, farm-living, grandma-bullied guy?

  “Hey.” Alice laid a hand on his arm. The electric touch snapped him out of the doldrums. “Why don’t we talk about fishing? I’d like it if you taught me how to get this casting thing right.” Compassion pooled in her blue eyes. “It would be awesome if I could catch my first fish today.”

  He nodded. At least he’d be able to teach her that. Besides, it was too early in the relationship — if that’s what this was — to worry about things that may or may not happen down the road. Right now, he was only looking for compatibility and potential.

  “The thing about fishing is you can’t think about it too hard. It’s meant to be a relaxing hobby.” Mark reeled in his line. The hook was naked. Either a crafty fish had taken the bait when his mind had been otherwise occupied, or the worm had wriggled free. “Fishing’s a good opportunity to let your mind wander.”

  Alice’s snort of laughter made him smile. “Like I have a problem with that.” She reeled in her line. Her poor worm was impaled and a little waterlogged but still good.

  “I think I can overlook that tendency.” He moved behind her. “Okay, you need to relax your wrist.” Once he positioned her in front of him, he took her right hand. “You’re too tense, and you’re holding the rod too high. Get a better grip.”

  “Like this?” She readjusted her hold.

  “Yeah. Now, all the strength from casting will come from your shoulder, but the last second flick of the wrist is what will propel the weight where it needs to go.” Still holding her hand, he walked her through the motions a few times. “When you feel comfortable with it, try a few on your own. Don’t worry about stopping the line. I’ll teach you that later.”

  “Show me again.” She took a step closer to him. Her backside brushed against his front. “I need you to help me one more time.”

  “Uh-huh.” Mark’s concentration faltered. He didn’t care about fishing or how to grip a fishing rod or even how to do a perfect cast. Alice filled his senses.

  Her floral scent teased his nose. The breeze blew soft strands of her hair. The ends tickled his neck. Since he held her in a loose embrace, the heat from her body seeped into his while he couldn’t help but notice how her curves felt against him. What would her skin feel like? How would she react if he turned her around and kissed her?

  Mark moved his left hand to her stomach and oh so gently pressed her backward. Warm sensation coursed through his body. He stifled a groan. Holy cow, she felt so good. She’s so short, so petite, I’ll bet I can toss her over my shoulder without breaking a sweat. Alice dropped her arm. Something akin to a sigh escaped her, and Mark completely agreed. He wrapped his right arm around her, fully tucking her into an embrace. This time he bent his head and buried his nose into her hair. Wow, I could get used to this. On the heels of that thought, he sent up a quick prayer that a potential relationship with her would work out.

  She smelled like a mixture of peaches and flowers. I think I’m in big trouble. Having her so close, thinking halfway intimate thoughts about her had things tightening behind his fly. Yup, I’m in big, big trouble.

  Clearing his throat, he released her and stepped away. “Well, we can always work on your casting skills later.”

  Obviously, if he was going to make fishing lessons a side business, getting this close to clients was not on the agenda.

  Chapter Five

  Alice regretted the loss of his warmth. The gentle lap of the wa
ter mirrored the excited beat of her heart. She’d enjoyed having his arms around her, so much so that she’d dropped her fishing rod in her anticipation of seeing where the embrace might lead. Already things with Mark felt very different than anything she’d experienced with that loser, Frank. In Mark’s arms, it seemed he’d be interested in her for more than the bedroom. She turned and sought his gaze, holding it. “Why did you pull away? You’re good at giving hugs.” Plus, had it been her imagination when he’d sniffed her hair? A guy didn’t do that unless he’d been assaulted by warm fuzzies for a girl, right?

  Thank goodness I washed it this morning!

  A red stain crept up Mark’s neck. It made him seem vulnerable and gave off an “aw-shucks” attitude she found sexier than the most blatant overture. “I should be teaching you how to fish and not… and not…” While he floundered with an explanation, he gestured between them with a hand then finally let them drop to his sides. “Well, we should try casting again.”

  “I think we should try the hugging thing again.” She couldn’t believe her “take charge” attitude. It simply wasn’t her, and usually she let the guys make the first move, but there was something about Mark she liked and wanted to experience again. She’d felt safe in his arms, and the difference in their heights had given her a sense of being delicate and feminine instead of dorky and dirty.

  “Uh, let’s stick to fishing. Hugging is a little too dangerous.” He pivoted, moving to gather their abandoned fishing rods. Then he retreated to where he’d left the tackle box and bait, presumably to restart the whole process.

  Too dangerous for who — him or her? Alice sighed. When the small pebbles beneath her feet shifted, she stumbled back a step. Why was he uncomfortable? Doris from the salon had hinted Mark had dated around so he had experience with women. Her stomach clenched. Did it mean he didn’t like her in a romantic way? Was she not cool enough or sophisticated enough for him? Did she make him uneasy?

  As he pulled a worm from its container, she allowed her mind to wander. What would a kiss from him feel like? Did he know his way around a woman’s mouth or was he one of those sloppy, slobbering kissers? And would she feel the same electricity that had flooded her from just the accidental cuddle? In her mind’s eye, she saw them both enjoying a string of fleeting, soft kisses, followed by him holding her tighter against him before he deepened the embrace. Flutters tickled her stomach and she sighed again, this time from the sheer romance of it all. He was so handsome and tall.

  A grin curved her lips while she stared at him. His hazel eyes in the sunlight alternated between green and brown, depending how the cloud cover moved. What would they look like while intense emotion gripped him? And the dark shadow of stubble clinging to his jaw sent gentle waves of heat through her insides. Had he forgotten to shave this morning? Man, her fingers itched to feel those prickly hairs. Her gaze moved higher. She liked how his black curls danced over his head when caught by the wind. Did he always wear that ball cap, and for that matter, was that the only hat he owned? Why wouldn’t he ever let those curls free?

  She became so wrapped up in imagining the crinkles at the corners of his eyes, and what a kiss would feel like, that when the pebbles shifted again beneath her feet, she took another stumbling step backward. A piece of a broken oar caught her heel and Alice lost her balance. She windmilled her arms but the force of falling was too great. Gravity caught hold and pulled. She fell, with a surprised squeak of, “Mark!” and then landed in the lake.

  Thankfully, she didn’t go all the way under since the water level wasn’t deep so close to shore. Even still, icy water drenched her clothes, completely soaking through her jeans and t-shirt. By the time she’d scrambled to her feet, the breeze that had been so playful and teasing before now seemed bent on making her a living ice pop.

  Why did this have to happen to me… in front of him?

  “Are you okay?” Mark ran to the water’s edge and offered a hand. “What happened?”

  Hmm, how to answer that question? Even the heat of embarrassment couldn’t cut through the chill her wet clothes imparted. “I guess I tripped over something.” No way would she tell him she’d been daydreaming about him and fell in.

  “I’m glad you’re not hurt. At least you don’t look like it.” He ushered her away from the water then he skimmed his hands down her arms, her ribcage, and legs so quickly, she had no time to protest or question his motive. The impromptu examination warmed her from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes. By the time he finished, he held her gaze and his roiled with wry humor. “Sorry. I wanted to check for broken bones.”

  “Thanks. I’m fine.” A shiver wracked her shoulders. “Just cold.” Was the pat-down necessary? After all, she had climbed out of the water under her own steam. But, Mark seemed nothing except earnest and that sent another wave of warm fuzzies through her body.

  “Right.” Mark’s attention jogged to her chest and stuck there.

  She glanced down at herself. A wave of mortification swept over her as she realized the dunk into the lake had rendered her pale yellow t-shirt nearly transparent. Ordinarily, this would have been okay since only her bra would show, but the water combined with the breeze had also led to a rather shocking display. Those two chill bumps were the focus of Mark’s attention. “Sweet fancy Moses.” Alice crossed her arms over her chest to cover the embarrassing situation.

  “Sorry.” Mark shook his head. “Why don’t you take this?” He shimmied out of his windbreaker and handed it to her. “Didn’t you bring a sweater with you?”

  “Yes, but I left it in the truck.” She turned around while putting on the jacket, only facing him once she’d gotten the garment zipped. At least the jacket covered her upper body. She wished she’d thought to bring a change of clothes, since cold, wet jeans weren’t exactly the most comfortable thing. “What can I say? Just another reason I deserve the daffy nickname.”

  “Not daffy.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Charming and funny, actually.”

  Alice smiled. “You’re teasing me.” She turned up the collar of his windbreaker and breathed in his scent. Hints of citrus and sage wafted into her nose and teased her brain with snatches of daydreaming fantasies. Oh no. I’m not going down that road again. Instead, she forced the thoughts to the back of her mind and looked into Mark’s face, so close with such sensual, manly lips. She stifled a sigh. “Uh oh.”

  “What?” Concern leaped into his expression. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. I promise, I’m fine.” Or I will be if I can stop thinking about a kiss. Now that he’d taken off his windbreaker, she finally had the opportunity to see his bare arms thanks to his navy polo-style shirt. And he had some nice biceps as well as strong-looking forearms. “Wow. You’re pretty toned. What does a bait guy do to stay in shape?” She rolled her eyes. What am I, a pre-teen? Why don’t I just tack on like, OMG, for good measure?

  Mark didn’t appear to notice her anxiety. “I play softball on the Francesville team. We’re due to start practicing soon. First game is sometime mid-May.” He held up an arm and flexed his bicep, grinning when she murmured appreciation. “You should come watch sometime. It’s a traveling team so there are only a few games in Francesville throughout the summer.”

  “Sounds fun.” The last time she’d played softball had been in high school gym where the only way she’d ever advanced to first base was being hit with the ball.

  “It is and keeps me pretty busy when I’m not at the bait shop.” He returned to where he’d dropped his fishing rod. “Also, starting Memorial Day weekend, I work a couple nights a week at the go-kart track in Tyler. Now that’s where the real fun is.”

  “Gotcha.” Her stomach tightened as she joined him. “Sure seems like you keep busy.” Really busy, in fact. Of course, he was a bachelor who didn’t let himself slide into a serious dating scene. Would he have time to fit her in if their relationship morphed into something substantial? Doris’s words echoed around her brain, and her words slipped
out before she could recall them. “Must be nice not to have to work long hours or worry about rent and overhead.” She nudged her fishing rod with a toe. “I can’t remember the last time I had the luxury of goofing off. Just coming out with you meant I had to make my assistant work today.”

  “What does that mean?” Mark frowned. “I have a job.”

  “Yeah, whenever you feel like it. Otherwise, your grandmother runs the place while the rest of us have actual bills to pay.” Why did his lifestyle suddenly bother her so much? “If we don’t work, we don’t earn money.”

  “I earn money.”

  “Right. How much can you possibly pull down from bait and tackle, Mark? Be honest, if you had to support yourself on just that, you wouldn’t be able to do it.” Sweet fancy Moses, her accusatory tone sounded over-the-top cranky even to her ears. Why does this bother me so much? Am I comparing him to Frank?

  “That’s true, but since I’ve always lived on the farm, it’s never been an issue. It’s just not something I’ve put much thought into.” He narrowed his eyes. His body tensed and the hand holding the handle of his fishing rod clenched so tight his knuckles turned white. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I don’t know.” She shoved her hands into the windbreaker pockets. Inside one was a bunch of loose pebbles or pellets. Animal feed maybe? She didn’t want to find out. “Look.” Alice raised her gaze to his, startled to see hurt and annoyance in his expression. “Maybe I’m aggravated because it doesn’t seem like you’ve ever had to struggle for anything. You’ve always been given stuff: your house, your livelihood, your lifestyle. I haven’t.”


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