Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition Page 4

by Ariadne Wayne

  ‘Couldn’t you call him from home?’

  ‘I don’t have a phone at home, could never afford it. Mainly because of my cheapskate ex-boss not paying me enough.’

  He grinned and reached across me to get the phone from beside the bed. Dialling the number I was nervous, I knew Craig would be pissed with me.

  When I told him it was me on the phone he freaked out. ‘Where the fuck have you been Alisha? The address you had on our records was old, and no one knew where you were. I have had to hire someone new so if you want your job back you had better be prepared to work for it.’

  I snorted. ‘I don’t want my job back and I’d imagine the work would be done on my back. No thanks.’

  ‘Ungrateful bitch, all the times I covered for you.’

  ‘As if you didn’t get your pound of flesh Craig. I’ve got a much better job and a much better boss. He fucks like no one’s business and I actually enjoy sucking his cock. Seeya!’

  Scott dissolved into laughter in the bed beside me.

  ‘Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you,’ he said.

  ‘Even that phone call made me feel dirty,’ I said, pouting.

  ‘Awww poor baby,’ he said, still laughing and kissed me.

  He kissed his way down my body, teasing me with his tongue again and making me cum for him. He made love to me so slowly and tenderly I wanted to cry, no one had ever shown me this much kindness and it was clear he wanted me to be happy too.

  I fell asleep wrapped in his arms not wanting to point out that he’d not done what he said he was going to. I could still walk. Just.

  Chapter 7

  In the morning we went by my house so I could get some clean clothes. I could tell he wasn’t impressed by the building I lived in, it was old and grotty compared to his but it was all I could afford.

  We were going to a clinic nearby, they did that sort of screening all the time and we opted to have the results emailed to each other which I thought was kind of cool. I got one of those injections in my arm too so there would be no babies as that was the last thing I wanted to happen now.

  I hated needles but I wasn’t going to tell Scott that, I wanted to show him that if we were going to fuck then I would take some responsibility too.

  When we got into the car we drove to the shopping mall all the way over the other side of town. ‘What are we doing here?’ I asked.

  ‘There are a few things I think we need,’ he replied.

  I had no idea what he was talking about but he wanted to go shopping and it was his money. The first stop was a mobile phone store which he’d clearly been before as the salesperson greeted him by name.

  ‘Hi David, I’d like a mobile phone for my girlfriend. What do you recommend?’

  What the fuck? I shot him a confused look and he just grinned back at me.

  David showed us some phones and Scott told me to choose one. I had no idea what was what and none of it meant anything for me but in the end I got one which apparently had all the bells and whistles and he signed the contract to pay for it.

  ‘I can’t take this,’ I whispered frantically.

  ‘Relax. Just think of it as another of my toys. This way you can get your personal email to your phone and not on your work computer and we can text each other.’

  I growled at him and he laughed. ‘Take it out on me later. Come on, let’s go look around the shops.’

  Anything I showed interest in he wanted to buy, I told him to behave.

  ‘Maybe I want to spoil my girl before I take her home to fuck her senseless again.’

  I rolled my eyes; there was no argument for that so I let him buy me some clothes for work and a laptop as he told me I needed to be on the internet so we could talk to each other when we were apart.

  ‘You know I’m not making any home movies with this.’ I said to him.

  He laughed. ‘Sometimes I have to go out of town or overseas on business. As we import things from all over the place there’s a bit of travel every so often. I just want to know that when I’m away I can see your face and hear your voice and know you’re alright.’

  There he was being sweet again. My stomach did flips when he did that and it drove me crazy. As much as that man who had been so bossy in his office had driven me wild with desire so did the soft, gentle man before me. All I knew was that I really liked being with him.

  When we got back to his apartment he set the computer and the phone up and showed me how to use the internet through the phone. I kissed him and he fondled my tits so I figured that was enough to make him happy.

  Kneeling before him I sucked his cock again, I couldn’t get enough of him and he loved what I did to him as much as I loved what he did to me. This was just awesome.

  Going to work on Monday morning sucked, it was like coming back to earth when you’ve spent time floating on the air and the day went really slowly.

  At lunchtime my phone buzzed, it was a text from Scott in the next room.

  Come into the office I need you to suck my cock it read.

  Mary was sitting at her desk and would wonder why I’d randomly gone into his office. So I texted back.

  Can’t, Mary is here. I miss your cock, give it a tug for me

  The phone went again.

  That made it harder, come here and suck it

  Standing up from my desk I walked towards his door. Mary didn’t look up which surprised me and I slipped through, looking the door behind me.

  ‘You took your time,’ he said, a cheeky grin across his face.

  ‘Some of us have a reputation to uphold,’ I replied.

  ‘Some of us are just asking to be spanked for being disobedient,’ he said.

  I crawled under his desk where his pants were already open. Looking up at him I pointed at his already erect cock.

  ‘Aren’t you glad Mary didn’t come in here instead of me?’

  He laughed. ‘Yes, it would have taken a lot more to convince her to suck it.’

  I licked the tip and rolled my tongue around the way he liked it. ‘Oh baby, I love you sucking my cock. I was trying to concentrate on a conference call and all I could think about was that damn tongue of yours.’

  Running my tongue up and down his length he leaned back and moaned. Gently squeezing his balls I took his cock in my mouth and moved up and down his length. It didn’t take long for him to cum and I swallowed every drop, licking him to make sure the tip was clean.

  ‘Come back to my place again tonight?’ he asked.

  ‘I’d like that; do you want to pick me up from the bus stop?’

  ‘Fuck it, I’ll take you home after work. If anyone says anything, then tough shit.’ He looked so serious that all I could do was giggle.

  ‘Whatever boss, your call. Just tell me where and when and I’ll be waiting.’

  He grinned. ‘That’s better. Now go do the work your paid for, there’ll be plenty that you’re not paid for tonight.’

  I laughed. ‘It’s payment enough that you fuck me the way you do. I’ll take that over extra money.’

  ‘I’ll hold you to that.’

  Chapter 8

  I hadn’t noticed the photo on the wall until that night. Thinking back I must have walked past it a bunch of times before I realised it was a picture of Scott with a really good looking blond woman.

  ‘Who’s this?’ I asked.

  ‘I forgot I had that there. I’ll take it down,’ he said, pulling it off the wall.

  ‘Who is she?’ I asked again.

  ‘That is Anna, my former fiancée. The photo was taken when we were still together obviously. She cheated on me with my best friend and then left me for him.’

  ‘What a fucking bitch,’ I said and he looked at me and laughed.

  ‘You are completely right,’ he said, ‘It took me a long time to get over her, well more the betrayal by her and Jack. It was a shitty time and led to me being celibate for three years.’

  He walked to the kitchen and dropped the photo in the gar
bage bin before returning to me and sliding his arms around my waist. ‘Then I met you and broke my drought.’

  I smiled. ‘I wouldn’t do that to you Scott, even if we’re just fuckbuddies or whatever we are now. I’ve never been the type of girl to have more than one guy on the go at once and I’m not about to start.’

  ‘I knew you were different Alisha, in more ways than one. Now come to bed, you have that lovely pussy to be eaten and I’m hungry.’

  He growled at me and I laughed. This is what I loved the most, the ease between us even when we weren’t fucking. Maybe this was what love was like. I didn’t even know what love was but whatever it was I liked it and so did he.

  This was how I spent my time now; when neither of us were working I was with Scott. I loved his cock as much as he loved my pussy and we had a great time together. If anyone suspected in the office they never said a word but we were discreet and I didn’t get any special favours out of it.

  Scott knew how to push all my buttons, he’d send me dirty texts and emails while I was trying to concentrate at work and he knew I’d come running when he sent for me. I couldn’t help it; we were obsessed with each other.

  When he asked me to go away with him for the weekend I jumped at the chance. I’d never really travelled far and the town he was going to was two hundred miles away. I was less enthused when I found out it was to see his mother until he told me he had a fantasy about fucking me in his childhood bedroom.

  The thought of making him happy and fulfilling that fantasy made me horny so I said yes. He wanted to go on Friday night but when he realised I’d not been there we decided to go the following morning so I could see the scenery.

  Travelling there was lovely, the sun was shining and he was right about how different it was to the city. The air was sweet and I could smell the grass, it tickled my nose and made me sneeze but it was wonderful.

  Scott’s mom was lovely too, she fussed over us and it was clear she adored her son. It made me nervous because I found myself wondering what she thought of me when it shouldn’t really matter.

  ‘How do you like working for Scott?’ she asked.

  ‘It’s alright,’ I shrugged. She winked at me.

  ‘Only alright?’ he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  ‘Well you know nothing to write home about. The work is OK and I don’t get paid nearly enough.’

  She laughed and he looked bemused.

  ‘I hope my boy is taking good care of you Alisha, I raised him to be respectful.’

  All I could think at that moment was that day in his office, my naked body in the mirrored window and us fucking watching the people in the city go by.

  ‘He is taking very good care of me Mrs Peters,’ I said and Scott grinned.

  ‘Please love, call me Kathy.’

  After lunch we went up to Scott’s bedroom and he shut the door behind us while I looked around at the remnants of his childhood. ‘Sit on my face,’ he said.

  ‘It’s the middle of the day in your mother’s house, we can’t do that.’

  ‘We can and we will baby, she won’t come up here.’

  I looked at him. ‘I’ve just met your mother, what will she think of me if she walks in?’

  He laughed. ‘She’s not stupid Alisha. We’d hear her well before that.’

  Scott moved towards the bed and lay down. ‘Get over here Alisha; otherwise I’ll have to spank you.’

  I sighed. ‘You keep saying that and never do it.’

  Bending over to take off my underwear he saw the opportunity and slapped my bare ass. Pulling me back towards the bed he slid his hand between my legs and I felt fingers slip inside.

  ‘This is what I want Alisha. Now. Oh baby you are always so damn wet.’

  I pulled away and turned towards him. ‘That’s because I’m always thinking of you and that damn cock of yours.’

  He grinned and I climbed on the bed, positioning myself over his face.

  Reaching up he grasped my buttocks and pulled me down hard, his tongue doing that crazy thing to my clit. Seriously, if I could find a way to sell his technique I would, I’d make a fortune. Squeezing my butt checks only made me even more crazy and I squirmed, rubbing my cunt all over his face.

  When I came he groaned and pulled me down hard to lick me out before letting me up.

  ‘I can never get enough of you Alisha,’ he murmured. So I kissed him and tasted the sweet, salty taste of myself on his lips.

  ‘We should go back downstairs but you should know I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight you’ll be seeing stars.’

  I laughed. ‘Promises, promises.’

  Pulling me over to him he slapped my ass again and my pussy began to throb. ‘I am so horny right now,’ I said.

  He bent me over the bed, standing behind me and stroked my ass with his hand before slapping it again. I groaned and heard him breathing harder behind me. Slapping the other ass cheek nearly made me cum again and he slid his cock into me as deep as he could.

  ‘Now you can cum again baby,’ he said and thrust hard. I clawed the bed as he pounded me over and over again and I would have done anything he wanted. We were past the condom wearing stage and I loved the feel of his cock, pulsing inside me and the feel of his cum flowing into me.

  When we finally went downstairs we found his mother baking for afternoon tea and she looked up at Scott when we entered the room.

  ‘I’ve run out of milk, can you just run down to the store to get some so I can finish my baking?’

  ‘Sure mom, want anything else while I’m here?’

  ‘No just the milk will do.’

  He turned to me. ‘Now you be good while I leave you with my mother, don’t tell her any of my secrets.’

  I laughed. ‘But I was going to tell her every single one.’

  A kiss goodbye and he was out the door. I made my way to the kitchen table and sat down. Kathy brought over some coffee mugs and I was surprised to see her take a carton of milk from the fridge and bring it to the table.

  She saw the look on my face and laughed.

  ‘I have plenty of milk, I always keep some frozen though Scott seems to have forgotten that. I just wanted to have a bit of time with the girl he’s so enamoured with.’

  My face went red; I could feel it and she smiled at me.

  ‘We haven’t known each other long but from watching you together you’re clearly both very happy and that makes me happy. After that awful woman he was engaged to it’s so nice to see him with someone down to earth and dare I say it, normal.’

  I grinned. ‘It’s early days but Scott makes me very happy. I don’t really know a lot about Anna except for a photo I saw of her in his apartment. He threw it in the bin.’

  ‘That’s where it belongs, believe me. She was so far up herself Alisha, she wanted Scott to be something he isn’t and then cheated on him with his best friend. When they broke up it devastated him. It was all about money for her but I get the feeling you two are genuinely happy.’

  ‘I don’t know where this is going,’ I said, ‘but I can tell you I wouldn’t cheat on Scott I’m not like that.’ I couldn’t tell her that I was going nowhere for the time being because of his mad oral sex skills.

  She nodded. ‘I like you Alisha, watching my son with you has been the greatest thing I could ever wish for and I hope there’s a lot more of it.’

  By the time Scott came back we were laughing like old friends and he soon realised she’d lied to get him out of the house. ‘I hope you weren’t interrogating Alisha mom, I don’t want her scared away.’

  ‘Your mother couldn’t scare me away, she’s awesome,’ I said, ‘if we were to break up tomorrow I’d still love her.’

  She smiled. ‘I need to go and turn down the bed in one of the guest bedrooms and air the room out before you two go to sleep tonight.’

  Scott’s jaw dropped. ‘You don’t mind us sleeping together in the guest bedroom?’

  ‘Of course not, I just objected to Anna sleeping in my
house.’ She turned to me. ‘I made her sleep in the guest room and Scott sleep in his old room with me in the middle, it drove her nuts.’

  I laughed and Scott kissed his mother on the cheek. ‘Just when I thought I knew everything about you, mother.’

  ‘Despite appearances I remember what it was like to be young and in love. Your father and I would have been in so much trouble if my parents found out half the things we did.’

  Then she turned and went up the stairs leaving Scott open mouthed behind her. I walked to him and slipped my arms around him. ‘Your mother is really lovely, I’m so glad I came here,’ I said.

  He hugged me back. ‘I’m glad you’re here too, and I’m glad you have her approval though I would have kept seeing you even if I didn’t.’

  ‘She does not like Anna,’ I said.

  ‘I know she doesn’t and I should have listened to her because she tried to warn me.’

  After dinner I told them I was tired and wanted to get some sleep but what I really wanted was to give Scott some time with his mother. I stripped and climbed into bed, it was so soft and comfortable getting to sleep wasn’t hard.

  ‘Have you forgotten what I said I was going to do?’ came the voice in my ear. I woke to his hand between my legs, stroking my pussy.

  ‘No, I was resting to build up my stamina,’ I whispered. His fingers worked me, making me wet for him again and he pushed me onto my stomach. I thought he was going to push his cock into my cunt or even my ass but instead the palm of his hand came down on my butt cheek.

  ‘It made you so hot before Alisha, and that’s how I want you. Hot and wet and aching for my cock.’

  ‘I want your cock,’ I groaned.

  ‘That ass of yours is nice and pink now,’ he said between strokes. Every smack hurt but my pussy was aching and I wanted more. I heard the vibrator before I felt it, he’d bought along my little friend who had hardly any use anymore. We might have used it a couple of times but it lived in the drawer beside his bed now.

  Pushing it into me, the vibration went through me while he continued to paddle me with his hand. If he wanted to torture me this was the way to do it. As much as I wanted him to stop and just fuck me, I wanted him to keep going.


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