Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition Page 7

by Ariadne Wayne

  He leaned over and kissed me. “I’ll go get you some breakfast if you want or do you want to leave it to later?”

  “I’m feeling a bit queasy, I might have something a bit later,” I replied.

  Scott stroked my face with the palm of his hand. “Call me if you need anything,” he said.

  “I will. I think I just need a bit more sleep,” I said.

  By lunchtime I felt much better and went downstairs to eat, I was ravenous by then and ate like I was trying to catch up.

  “Are you alright Alisha?” Mom asked.

  “I’m fine Mom, just feeling a little fluey or something. I’m OK now.”

  Kathy moved over behind my Mom and stood there, her hand on Mom’s shoulder.

  “I think your mothers just a bit concerned Alisha, you’re not pregnant are you?”

  The noise coming from my throat was caused by me choking on the mouthful of food I had been trying to consume. Scott looked at me sideways as I struggled to breathe again.

  “No, I’m not pregnant just not feeling well,” I managed to get out.

  She smiled down at my Mom and just for a second I thought I saw something and shook my head to get rid of the image that had just been conjured up in my brain.

  Scott patted me on the back as I was still coughing from the piece of food that had gone down the wrong way. “Thanks babe,” I said.

  “It’s alright Alisha, they’re just eager to have grandbabies. I hear that’s what happens when you get old,” he said with a completely straight face.

  I burst out laughing and so did they. “You’re not too old I can’t cuff your ear,” said Kathy with a laugh.

  “Bring it on,” he said, “I bet you couldn’t even reach my ears.”

  She laughed and then my Mom did and it was music to my ears. After yesterday it was so good to see her happy and not worried about anything.

  Later that afternoon Scott got a call from the police. “Turns out this guy Robert was not only using your Mom as a punching bag but he was a thief. They found some of her things at his place and your laptop.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “He burgled my place?”

  Scott nodded and took me in his arms. “I’m still glad you decided to move in with me Alisha, what that guy could have done to you doesn’t bear thinking about.”

  “After everything that happened I did take self-defence lessons but it still scares the crap out of me thinking about what was happening to Mom. I just wish she could find a nice guy to settle down with.”

  “Well I’m taken so you can’t suggest me,” he said with a grin.

  In the evening we snuggled up on the couch with a blanket over us to ward off the cold. The temperature had dropped outside dramatically and although Scott had lit the fire there was still a chill in the air.

  His arm around me, we watched some soppy movie on TV and I had to concentrate really hard on the film as he caressed my breast under the blanket and pinched the nipple. I was so incredibly aroused and it was as if there was a direct line from my nipple to my pussy as it ached for him to touch it too.

  The end of the movie was sad and made me cry which was weird. Normally it took real life things to make me cry not a bunch of actors and I put it down to being tired. Though blaming that might have had something to do with the fact that if I didn’t have Scott’s cock inside me soon I might just literally explode. Well, maybe not.

  “You have to find a way to cover us leaving the room,” he whispered into my ear.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because I’m so hard thinking about your pussy, that both our moms are going to notice.”

  I looked under the blanket and sniggered. He was right. Standing up I turned to him. “Scott, can you bring the blanket up when you come to bed? I think we might need it in this cold.”

  Then I watched as he said goodnight to his Mom and wrapped the blanket around him to bring it to bed. By the time I got to the top of the stairs I was laughing so hard he slapped me on the ass. “Watch out missy, there might be a punishment for being cheeky.”

  “Bring it on,” I said.

  He chased me into the bedroom and pounced as soon as the door was closed, pinning me to the bed. His cock was hard against my leg and I pushed my hips back against him wanting more.

  There was no foreplay, we didn’t need it. I pulled my jeans and underwear off and climbed up on the bed on my hands and knees waiting for him.

  Scott didn’t disappoint, he never did. He was so hard inside me, pulling me up to an almost sitting position, his hands on my tits and rocking me on his lap.

  I pulled my shirt over my head and took off my bra so he could touch me. My nipples were so sensitive I came while he was still inside me and he groaned feeling my pussy pull at him.

  When he came we sat for a moment, not wanting to be separated and he ran his hands from my breasts to my belly. “Alisha?”

  “Yes baby?”

  “Are you sure there’s no way you could be pregnant?” he asked.

  I pulled myself off him, flopping on my back on the bed and put my hands to my stomach. “Only baby going on in there is the food baby I’ve been working on.”

  He laughed. “I just worry about you.”

  “I know and I love you for it, we all have off days though. Look at all those celebrities the magazines report as being pregnant. Some of them would have had 50 children by now.”

  Scott lay down beside me and stroked my body, his thumb resting on a nipple and making my pussy twitch again.

  “I want to give you everything,” he said, “Everything that makes you happy. A home, children, whatever it takes.”

  “Right now you make me happy,” I said, “that’s all I need.”

  Perhaps I shouldn’t have written the possibility off so easily.

  When I woke up and looked at the clock it was 11pm and I was thirsty. Pulling my bathrobe around me I tiptoed down the hallway so as not to disturb anyone and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

  On the couch in the living room was my mom sitting with Scott’s mom. Scott’s mom had her arms around my mom and was kissing her, tongue and all. I stood and watched for a second, not really believing what I was seeing before going back upstairs. Stopping on the way back to the bedroom at the bathroom I laughed at the thought of drinking from the tap for the first time since I was a child.

  Scott stirred when I got back into bed and I lay and looked at the ceiling for a while. “You OK baby?” he said, his voice slurred with sleep.

  “I think I’m in shock,” I said, “Go back to sleep, it’s nothing important.”

  At that he sat up. “Are you alright Alisha? If you’re feeling unwell again we can go somewhere to check it out.”

  “Shhhh,” I said, “don’t make too much noise. I’m fine; I just saw something that I never thought I’d see and I need some time to adjust.”

  “What are you talking about? Did you hit your head again?”

  “No, your mom is downstairs making out with my mom.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Go and look for yourself, just be quiet and don’t disturb them.”

  When he came back he shrugged. “They’re not in the living room, looks like they went to bed. You must have been seeing things.”

  “Your mom had her tongue in my mom’s mouth Scott, I wasn’t seeing things.”

  He laughed. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “Well if they hooked up would that make you my sister?”

  I laughed. “Don’t even joke about that. Screw it; you know if it makes them happy it’s cool it was just a shock to see them like that. I thought I picked up something earlier between them but wrote it off to feeling ill.”

  “You never said anything,” he said with a laugh.

  “No, because I thought I was imagining it. They’re probably in bed together.” I shuddered. Who wants to think about their parents having sex?

  Scott leaned over and kissed me. �
�Let’s get back to sleep, who knows what Santa’s going to bring you in the morning.”

  “I already got everything I wanted this year,” I said.

  He smile and kissed me again and I was lost, head over heels for this man. He was my life now.

  Chapter 16

  The next day was a bit weird, neither of our mothers said anything and Scott and I decided that if they wanted us to know they would tell us so we left it.

  Mom gave me a pendant that had been my grandmother’s. She’d managed to keep it hidden for all of these years. “I was saving it for when you were really grown up,” she said. I guess that was a compliment.

  Kathy gave us a waffle maker and told us she liked waffles for breakfast. “So this is for you rather than us Mom,” Scott said with a laugh.

  “I wanted to give you a joint gift,” she said laughing, “one that could be put to practical use.”

  “Sure,” he said.

  I had bought Scott a new watch and he loved it, he’d eyed it up one day when we were out shopping and I had been saving since before our breakup for it. He kissed me and handed me a set of keys.

  “What’s this for?” I asked.

  “Your new car,” he said, “It’s at home under the building in the park next to mine.”

  I screeched and leapt at him, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him. “You can show me your appreciation later,” he murmured and kissed me again.

  We ate until none of us could walk and I went for a nap, waking when Scott joined me. Sliding his hand down the front of my panties he rubbed my clit and I came on his hand.

  “Turn onto your side baby,” he said.

  My clothes removed he started kissing me down my back before getting to my ass and parting my cheeks to finger my asshole. His finger pushed into me and his hand slid around me to rub my clit again.

  I bucked my hips, the stimulation of both front and back driving me crazy and I cried out, my whole body shaking at the treatment it was receiving.

  Having grabbed the lube he pushed his cock into my ass, we hadn’t done this what felt like a long time and I realised how much I missed it. I pushed back against him, feeling him go deeper into me. Every nerve in my body was on fire and I came again when he came.

  “Merry Christmas Alisha,” he said, his arms around me.

  “Merry Christmas my love,” I said and kissed him.

  The next couple of months were up and down. We fought like crazy at times and I have to admit I was much bitchier than usual. The make-up sex was great though.

  Our mothers took their relationship to the next level and my mom left town to live with Scott’s mom. It was all a bit surreal but they were happy so we didn’t really give a crap and at least I knew she was well away from Robert.

  We were mostly happy even when we weren’t and I loved Scott more every day if that were possible.

  Then came the night we were in bed, we’d just had sex, it had been rough and Scott was covering me in kisses and teasing me about my food baby again. He didn’t really care and neither did I but he’d kiss my stomach and say how proud he was it was growing. I didn’t really have much of a belly but I had filled out and was a bit curvier which I loved, it felt pretty hot.

  I just assumed it was settling into domesticity that did it and I was blissfully happy. It was when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom that Scott noticed.

  “Baby, there’s blood coming from between your legs.”

  He was right. “But I’m on the injection, it stops all that.”

  In the bathroom it got worse and a sudden sharp cramp hit me. “Scott,” I screamed.

  He was one step ahead of me, entering the room with my nightgown in my hand and grabbed a towel to put between my legs. Carrying me to the car we went to the emergency room where the doctor examined me.

  “How far along are you Miss Jackson?” asked the Doctor.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  He felt my stomach. “I think we need to do an ultrasound, to rule out anything but it would appear that you are miscarrying. It does appear that the bleeding has stopped though which is a good sign.”

  I looked at Scott. “How can I be pregnant? My injection is all up to date.”

  The doctor interrupted. “There is a small chance of failure with any contraception, it may only be a fraction of a percentage but it exists.”

  “Fucking typical,” I said.

  Scott started laughing. I glared at him. “Sorry baby, you’ve been so chilled for so long it is funny to hear you back to your normal self.”

  “Oh fuck off,” I said.

  That made him laugh even harder. The doctor looked at us as if we were nuts and went to get a portable ultrasound machine.

  I sighed and Scott squeezed my hand. “It’s not the worst thing in the world Alisha, you have had periods of time where you’ve not been you and we both know it.”

  “I know Scott, I’m just tired and grumpy and I don’t really know how to feel about all of this.”

  The gel was applied to my stomach and the doctor soon found what he was looking for. I lay back and closed my eyes, the sound of my baby’s heartbeat filling the cubicle.

  “Alisha,” said Scott and I looked up at him. His face had the oddest expression, like a mix of awe and excitement. He was looking at the monitor so I looked over and saw the baby. The little legs looked like they were kicking like crazy.

  “From the measurements, I would say you are at about 20 weeks gestation,” said the doctor.

  “What the fuck,” I said, “That’s halfway through. Why haven’t I noticed before?”

  “To be fair Lish you didn’t really have any obvious symptoms, just a couple of days where you felt a bit ill. You have mood swings anyway so I would never have noticed.” I slapped him for that one.

  “The bleeding may be nothing,” said the doctor, “and it’s stopped which is good. It could be serious but it is normal and does happen sometimes. It can be as simple as being triggered by sexual activity. The heartbeat is good and strong and I would recommend going home and getting a good night’s sleep before finding an OB/GYN tomorrow.”


  “Yes Miss Jackson?” he said.

  “Can you tell what it is, I mean what sex?” I said.

  “It doesn’t matter Alisha,” said Scott.

  “I know, I just want to know,” I replied.

  “Just one moment,” said the doctor. It took a few more minutes and then he smiled. “Miss Jackson, it would appear you’re having a girl. Please just be aware that this is not a definite confirmation of that because appearances can be deceptive on an ultrasound.”

  “I understand, thank you,” I said.

  We were halfway home when Scott realised I hadn’t said a word since then. “Are you alright Alisha?” he asked.

  “I can’t believe all the times we joked about it and I never went to check,” I said, “I feel so guilty, what if I’d done something to hurt her?”

  “You didn’t Alisha, we didn’t. She’ll be fine, we just need to make sure you get plenty of rest and don’t overdo it.”

  It was bliss to crawl back into bed when we got home and I hugged the pillow. “This is so weird,” I said and burst into tears.

  “Hey,” said Scott, pulling me into his arms and holding me close. “It’s alright baby, I’m right here and we’ll do this together. He wiped my tears and kissed me and I clung onto him.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

  “What for?”

  “For not checking into it sooner, for assuming that everything was fine. I knew I’d gained weight and I was so emotional. I’m such a dick.”

  Scott laughed. “But you’re my dick,” he said.

  That made me laugh and I got back out of bed to put a clean nightgown on while Scott stripped off. I looked at him, lying in the bed. Something had changed now; he wasn’t only the man I loved anymore. His child was growing in me and it made my heart swell with love for him.
  Chapter 17

  Two weeks later Scott left for a business trip to London. It was a conference and the plan had been for me to go but I was still taking it easy for fear of anything else happening. It was probably overkill but we decided I would give up work now to rest and prepare so I would be at home alone.

  Mary and the other girls at work were so excited at the news; she even asked if I wanted to help find my replacement as I wouldn’t be returning for some time after the birth if at all. I just told her to find someone Scott wouldn’t want to fuck.

  The mothers were over the moon, they were crazy in love and now they had their grandchild on the way but they were a couple of hundred miles away and I told them to stay there. No point in disrupting their lives for the sake of a week.

  We’d started working on the nursery, renovating the spare room too. It wasn’t going to be too fussy as we were going to look for a new place when he got back. We were going to buy a real house with a backyard where our daughter could play.

  Our daughter, that still made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I thought about her. I couldn’t wait to meet her. The doctor told us that I would start to feel her move at any time and I was excited about that. There had been no further incidents and after a short pause we had resumed our sex life albeit subdued.

  The week he was away was the longest of my life. I got regular text messages and emails, he checked up on me quite often.

  I was lying in bed when I got the sudden impulse to call him. It was 10pm for me so about 3am where he was but I figured he wouldn’t care. I just wanted to hear his voice

  Wherever he was it was noisy, I assumed it was a club or something as all I could hear in the background was music. “Baby,” he said when he answered.

  “I miss you,” I said.

  “That makes two of us, a couple more days and I’ll be on my way home.”

  Then I heard her in the background, that unmistakeable whiny voice I never wanted to hear again. “Scott, come on. We’re going back to the motel for a quiet drink.”

  I exploded. “Why the fuck is Anna there?”


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